.section .text .globl sub_digits .type sub_digits, @function #ifdef __x86_64__ # Subtract two arrays of 64 bit digits, with carry, modifying the first argument # Address at first argument %rdi is array to add and modify # Address at second %rsi will be added (not modified) # Third argument is counter of number of digits # Result in %rax is the final result in the carry flag # Exploits the fact that inc and dec do not affect the carry flag sub_digits: subq $0, %rax # Reset the carry/borrow flag loop: movq (%rsi), %rax # Temporarily store digit from second array sbbq %rax, (%rdi) # Subtract digits in second and first array, store in first dec %rdx # Decrement counter jz end_loop # We are done # Move to next element in the first array leaq 8(,%rdi,1), %rdi # Move to next element in the second array leaq 8(,%rsi,1), %rsi jmp loop # Repeat end_loop: movq $0, %rax jnc end movq $1, %rax end: ret # We are done #else sub_digits: ret #endif