From: sjy Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2012 07:34:31 +0000 (+0800) Subject: Initial commit. X-Git-Url:;a=commitdiff_plain;h=f36beed7e8739a9d037fa04c947fffb0c9277fb2 Initial commit. Judge annotation works for High Court cases. Highlighting is broken. --- f36beed7e8739a9d037fa04c947fffb0c9277fb2 diff --git a/austlii.css b/austlii.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..64f5845 --- /dev/null +++ b/austlii.css @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +/* restyle austlii */ +body { + max-width: 40em; + margin: 0 auto; + font-family: Georgia; + padding: 2em; + border-left: 1px #ccc solid; + border-right: 1px #ccc solid; +} + +h1 center {border-bottom: 1px black solid;} + +ol li {text-align: justify;} + + +/* austlii.js special features */ +.citation {font-size: 150%; font-weight: bold;} + +#menu {position: fixed; top: 5em; left: 0; padding: 1em; width: 10em;} +#menu ol {list-style-type: none; padding: 0;} +#menu ol li {text-align: left; margin-bottom: 0.5em;} + +a.judge {font-weight: bold;} diff --git a/austlii.js b/austlii.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e506188 --- /dev/null +++ b/austlii.js @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +/* austlii.js + * Bookmarklet to add annotation tools to AustLII cases. + * Invoke with: + * javascript:var d=document;var s=d.createElement("script");s.src="";s.type="text/javascript";d.getElementsByTagName('head').item(0).appendChild(s); */ + +window.austlii = { + VERSION: '0.1', + load: function(url, cb) { + // Load an arbitrary JavaScript file and fire cb. + var s = document.createElement("script"); + s.src = url; s.type = "text/javascript"; s.onload = cb; + document.getElementsByTagName('head').item(0).appendChild(s); return; + }, + style: function(url) { + // dynamically add a new stylesheet + var s = document.createElement("link"); + s.rel = "stylesheet"; s.type = "text/css"; s.href = url; + document.getElementsByTagName('head').item(0).appendChild(s); return; + }, + main: function() { + austlii.prune("austlii", "jquery"); + if ( != "" || + window.location.pathname.slice(0,10) != "/au/cases/" || + window.location.pathname.slice(-5) != ".html") + console.log("You're not looking at a case on AustLII."); + else + austlii.paintMenu(); + }, + prune: function() { + // Remove all but the newest script tag containing the queries passed in as arguments. + for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { + var $els = $("head script[src*="+arguments[i]+"]"); + var toRemove = $els.slice(0,-1); + if (toRemove.length > 0) { + toRemove.remove(); + console.log("Removed "+toRemove.length+" stale scripts matching '"+arguments[i]+"'..."); + } + } + }, +}; + +austlii.paintMenu = function() { + +""); + + // remove text nodes ([] surrounding "Download", etc) + var textNodes = $("body").contents().filter(function(){return this.nodeType == 3;}).remove(); + // hide other unnecessary menu elements + var $els = $("body").children(); // excludes text nodes + var index = 0; + while ($els[index].tagName != "H1") { + $els[index].style.display = "none"; index++; + } + // add back to top + $("h1").eq(1).wrap(''); + + // highlight case title + $("center i").first().parent().addClass("citation"); + + // find and markup judges + var judgeExp = /([A-Zc, ]+)(( | )C?JJ?\.)/g; + var replacementText = document.body.innerHTML.replace(judgeExp, '$1$2'); + document.body.innerHTML = replacementText; + + // add menu + var $menu = $(''); + // add jumplinks for each judge + var $judges = $('
    '); + $("a.judge").each(function(){ + var $li = $('
  1. ' + $(this).html() + '
  2. '); + $judges.append($li); + }); $menu.append($judges); + // add annotation features + $menu.append($('Highlight')); + $("body").append($menu); + + // enable smooth scrolling on anchors + austlii.load("", function() { + austlii.load("", function() { + $.localScroll({duration: '200'}); + }); + }); + + + $("#trigger-highlight").click(austlii.highlight); + +}; + +austlii.highlight = function(event) { + event.preventDefault(); + var sel = document.getSelection(); + if (sel.type == "Range") { + // add highlight + var range = sel.getRangeAt(0); + var $note = $(''); + range.surroundContents($note[0]); + + console.log(sel); + var $menu = $('
    '); + var $removeLink = $('Remove'); + $note.append($menu); + $menu.append($removeLink); + $$hilite) { + var text = $hilite.text(); + $hilite.after(text).remove(); + })($(this))); + } + else {console.log("You haven't highlighted anything.")} +}; + +console.log("Loaded austlii.js v"+austlii.VERSION+"."); +austlii.load('', austlii.main); diff --git a/jquery.localscroll-1.2.7-min.js b/jquery.localscroll-1.2.7-min.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3f8d64c --- /dev/null +++ b/jquery.localscroll-1.2.7-min.js @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +/** + * jQuery.LocalScroll - Animated scrolling navigation, using anchors. + * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Ariel Flesler - aflesler(at)gmail(dot)com | + * Dual licensed under MIT and GPL. + * Date: 3/11/2009 + * @author Ariel Flesler + * @version 1.2.7 + **/ +;(function($){var l=location.href.replace(/#.*/,'');var g=$.localScroll=function(a){$('body').localScroll(a)};g.defaults={duration:1e3,axis:'y',event:'click',stop:true,target:window,reset:true};g.hash=function(a){if(location.hash){a=$.extend({},g.defaults,a);a.hash=false;if(a.reset){var e=a.duration;delete a.duration;$(,a);a.duration=e}i(0,location,a)}};$.fn.localScroll=function(b){b=$.extend({},g.defaults,b);return b.lazy?this.bind(b.event,function(a){var e=$([,]).filter(d)[0];if(e)i(a,e,b)}):this.find('a,area').filter(d).bind(b.event,function(a){i(a,this,b)}).end().end();function d(){return!!this.href&&!!this.hash&&this.href.replace(this.hash,'')==l&&(!b.filter||$(this).is(b.filter))}};function i(a,e,b){var d=e.hash.slice(1),f=document.getElementById(d)||document.getElementsByName(d)[0];if(!f)return;if(a)a.preventDefault();var h=$(;if(b.lock&&':animated')||b.onBefore&&,a,f,h)===false)return;if(b.stop)h.stop(true);if(b.hash){var'id':'name',k=$(' ').attr(j,d).css({position:'absolute',top:$(window).scrollTop(),left:$(window).scrollLeft()});f[j]='';$('body').prepend(k);location=e.hash;k.remove();f[j]=d}h.scrollTo(f,b).trigger('notify.serialScroll',[f])}})(jQuery); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/jquery.scrollTo-1.4.2-min.js b/jquery.scrollTo-1.4.2-min.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..73a3341 --- /dev/null +++ b/jquery.scrollTo-1.4.2-min.js @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +/** + * jQuery.ScrollTo - Easy element scrolling using jQuery. + * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Ariel Flesler - aflesler(at)gmail(dot)com | + * Dual licensed under MIT and GPL. + * Date: 5/25/2009 + * @author Ariel Flesler + * @version 1.4.2 + * + * + */ +;(function(d){var k=d.scrollTo=function(a,i,e){d(window).scrollTo(a,i,e)};k.defaults={axis:'xy',duration:parseFloat(d.fn.jquery)>=1.3?0:1};k.window=function(a){return d(window)._scrollable()};d.fn._scrollable=function(){return{var a=this,i=!a.nodeName||d.inArray(a.nodeName.toLowerCase(),['iframe','#document','html','body'])!=-1;if(!i)return a;var e=(a.contentWindow||a).document||a.ownerDocument||a;return d.browser.safari||e.compatMode=='BackCompat'?e.body:e.documentElement})};d.fn.scrollTo=function(n,j,b){if(typeof j=='object'){b=j;j=0}if(typeof b=='function')b={onAfter:b};if(n=='max')n=9e9;b=d.extend({},k.defaults,b);j=j||b.speed||b.duration;b.queue=b.queue&&b.axis.length>1;if(b.queue)j/=2;b.offset=p(b.offset);b.over=p(b.over);return this._scrollable().each(function(){var q=this,r=d(q),f=n,s,g={},'html,body');switch(typeof f){case'number':case'string':if(/^([+-]=)?\d+(\.\d+)?(px|%)?$/.test(f)){f=p(f);break}f=d(f,this);case'object':if(||}d.each(b.axis.split(''),function(a,i){var e=i=='x'?'Left':'Top',h=e.toLowerCase(),c='scroll'+e,l=q[c],m=k.max(q,i);if(s){g[c]=s[h]+(u?0:l-r.offset()[h]);if(b.margin){g[c]-=parseInt(f.css('margin'+e))||0;g[c]-=parseInt(f.css('border'+e+'Width'))||0}g[c]+=b.offset[h]||0;if(b.over[h])g[c]+=f[i=='x'?'width':'height']()*b.over[h]}else{var o=f[h];g[c]=o.slice&&o.slice(-1)=='%'?parseFloat(o)/100*m:o}if(/^\d+$/.test(g[c]))g[c]=g[c]<=0?0:Math.min(g[c],m);if(!a&&b.queue){if(l!=g[c])t(b.onAfterFirst);delete g[c]}});t(b.onAfter);function t(a){r.animate(g,j,b.easing,a&&function(){,n,b)})}}).end()};k.max=function(a,i){var e=i=='x'?'Width':'Height',h='scroll'+e;if(!d(a).is('html,body'))return a[h]-d(a)[e.toLowerCase()]();var c='client'+e,l=a.ownerDocument.documentElement,m=a.ownerDocument.body;return Math.max(l[h],m[h])-Math.min(l[c],m[c])};function p(a){return typeof a=='object'?a:{top:a,left:a}}})(jQuery); \ No newline at end of file