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[matches/MCTX3420.git] / testing / MCTXWeb / public_html / help.html
2 <html>
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4     <title>MCTX3420 Web Interface</title>
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29           <span id="title">Exploding Cans</span>
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56             <div class="title">Navigation menu</div>
57             <div id="sidebar-menu" class="nav-menu">
58               <ul>
59                 <li><a href="index.html"><span>Home</span></a></li>
60                 <li><a href="control.html"><span>Experiment control</span></a></li>
61                 <li><a href="graph.html"><span>Experiment graphs</span></a></li>
62                 <li><a href="values.html"><span>Experiment data (live)</span></a></li>
63                 <li><a href="data.html"><span>Experiment data</span></a></li>
64                 <li><a href="pintest.html"><span>Pin debugging</span></a></li>
65                 <li class="last"><a href="help.html"><span>Help</span></a></li>
66               </ul>
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68           </div>
69           <div class="widget justify">
70             <div class="title">Tutorials</div>
71             <p class="justify">For general information on using the MCTX project web interface (i.e. this webpage!) see the <b>'Tutorials'</b> section.
72               This will guide you through setting up, running and analysing an experiment with basic tutorials and explanation of the possible options.</p>
73           </div>
74           <div class="widget justify">
75             <div class="title">Experiment Hardware</div>
76             <p class="justify">For detailed technical information about the experiment hardware, including system diagrams, datasheets and run-downs of the components,
77               see the <b>'Hardware'</b> section.</p>
78           </div>
79           <div class="widget justify">
80             <div class="title">Experiment Software</div>
81             <p class="justify">For detailed technical information about the experiment software, including explanations of its structure, functions and so on, see the
82               <b>'Software'</b> section. Actual code can be accessed on the project's GitHub: <a href="">MCTX3420</a>.</p>
83           </div>
84           <div class="widget justify">
85             <div class="title">Contact</div>
86             <p class="justify">If you would like more information about the project or require additional assistance, please contact:</p>
87             <p><b>Adrian Keating</b></p>
88             <p><b>Adam Wittek</b></p>
89           </div>
90         </div>
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93         <div id="main">
94           <div class="widget">
95             <div class="title">Getting Started</div>
96             <p class="justify">Welcome to the MCTX3420 project documentation! On this page, you will find help on how to use the project software,
97               as well as information about the various hardware components.</p>
98             <p class="justify">For a basic introduction to using the experiment, see <b>'Tutorials'</b>.
99               <a href="" target="_blank">System overview</a> provides a general overview of the experiment's hardware, while
100               <a href="" target="_blank">Using the web interface</a> provides a tutorial on using the the project software.
101               For detailed information about the experiment hardware, see the <b>'Hardware'</b> section. For detailed information about the project software,
102               see the <b>'Software'</b> section.</p>
103             <div class="sub-title">Tutorials</div>
104             <ul>
105               <li><a href="" target="_blank">System overview</a></li>
106               <li><a href="" target="_blank">Using the web interface</a></li>
107               <li><a href="" target="_blank">Running an experiment</a></li>
108               <li><a href="" target="_blank">Viewing previous experiments</a></li>
109               <li><a href="" target="_blank">Data processing</a></li>
110               <li><a href="" target="_blank">System safety</a></li>
111             </ul>
112             <div class="sub-title">Hardware</div>
113             <ul>
114               <li><a href="" target="_blank">System overview</a></li>
115               <li><a href="" target="_blank">Electronics</a></li>
116               <li><a href="" target="_blank">BeagleBone</a></li>
117               <li><a href="" target="_blank">Pneumatics</a></li>
118               <li><a href="" target="_blank">Sensors</a></li>
119               <li><a href="" target="_blank">Mounting</a></li>
120               <li><a href="" target="_blank">Case</a></li>
121             </ul>
122             <div class="sub-title">Software</div>
123             <ul>
124               <li><a href="" target="_blank">Software overview</a></li>
125               <li><a href="" target="_blank">Browser interface</a></li>
126               <li><a href="" target="_blank">Server API</a></li>
127               <li><a href="" target="_blank">Server code</a>
128                 <ul>
129                   <li><a href="" target="_blank">Data handling</a></li>
130                   <li><a href=";-Actuators" target="_blank">Sensors and actuators</a></li>
131                   <li><a href="" target="_blank">Pin access</a></li>
132                   <li><a href="" target="_blank">Image processing</a></li>
133                 </ul>
134               </li>
135               <li><a href="" target="_blank">Terminology</a></li>
136             </ul>
137           </div>
139           <div class="widget">
140             <div class="title">Project Wiki</div>
141             <p>All of the project's help documentation is stored in its <a href="" target="_blank">GitHub wiki.</a> This git repository also
142               stores all of the software code for the project; to access the project code files, visit <a href="" target="_blank">this link</a>.</p>
143             <p>The following is a list of pages on the GitHub wiki (all of which can be accessed via the categories above):<p>
144             <ul>
145               <li><a href="" target="_blank">Getting Started: Data Processing</a></li>
146               <li><a href="" target="_blank">Getting Started: Run an Experiment</a></li>
147               <li><a href="" target="_blank">Getting Started: View Old Experiments</a></li>
148               <li><a href="" target="_blank">Getting Started: Web Interface</a></li>
149               <li><a href="" target="_blank">Hardware: BeagleBone</a></li>
150               <li><a href="" target="_blank">Hardware: Case</a></li>
151               <li><a href="" target="_blank">Hardware: Electronics</a></li>
152               <li><a href="" target="_blank">Hardware: Mounting</a></li>
153               <li><a href="" target="_blank">Hardware: Pneumatics</a></li>
154               <li><a href="" target="_blank">Hardware: Sensors</a></li>
155               <li><a href="" target="_blank">Home</a>
156               <li><a href="" target="_blank">Software: Browser Interface</a></li>
157               <li><a href="" target="_blank">Software: Data Handling</a></li>
158               <li><a href="" target="_blank">Software: Image Processing</a></li>
159               <li><a href="" target="_blank">Software: Overview</a></li>
160               <li><a href="" target="_blank">Software: Pin Access</a></li>
161               <li><a href=";-Actuators" target="_blank">Software: Sensors &amp; Actuators</a></li>
162               <li><a href="" target="_blank">Software: Server API</a></li>
163               <li><a href="" target="_blank">Software: Server Code</a></li>
164               <li><a href="" target="_blank">Software: Terminology</a></li>
165               <li><a href="" target="_blank">System Overview</a></li>
166               <li><a href="" target="_blank">System Safety</a></li>
167             </ul>
168           </div>
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