2004-02-09 ========== * Added XMLParse2.py XMLParse2 is a wrapper to feedparser by Mark Pilgrim. This required a slight change to the base API, as feedparser does the downloading for us. According to [TRS], using feedparser and a good caching system will drop our download requirement significantly. * Added extra/feedparser.py Mark Pilgrim's feedparser version 3.0-beta-14 from http://diveintomark.org/projects/feed_parser/ * Added CacheHandler.py CacheHandler and CacheObject are objects for dealing with the caching of blog items. It will allow us to store preparsed blogs in cache/ for retrieval if a new download proves to be unrequired. * planet.css Added underline for date/entry links, because [TRS] did not even realise they were links. I'm sure not underlining links it a big usability faux-par. Added default link style for .item * sidebar.html Changed the text slightly. * XMLWriter.py Added a (feed) link to the sidebar in the sections "feeds". This links to the actual XML feed we are syndicating. * update-planet Modifications to including caching as well as changes to the API used by XMLParse2, this breaks compatibility with XMLParse (the original). * Added Changelog This file. Mentions changed stuff. * Added faq.html This should be self explanatory, really. 2004-02-08 ========== * crontab Turned runtime down to 10 minutes. * feedlist Added more feeds. * XMLParse.py Added Atom support. Bug fixes. * XMLWriter.py Bug fixes. * sidebar.html Changed text. 2004-02-07 ========== * Added footer.html Footer on each page. * Added header.html Header on each page. * Added icon.png The icon that appears in the favicon spot. * Added title.png The title "Planet UCC" * Added ucc.png The UCC "Sun" logo (appears on the right hand side). * Added crontab The crontab used on billy. * Added feedlist The list of feeds we are downloading. * Added planet.css The Planet UCC stylesheet. * Added sidebar.html The text appearing in the sidebar. * Added update-planet The wrapper that puts a whole planet together. * Added XMLParse.py Generic abtract XML Parser (also contains Blog objects. Currently supports RSSv2 and RDF. * Added XMLWriter.py Generic abtract XML Writer. Currently supports XHTML.