/* * Acess2 ARM * - By John Hodge (thePowersGang) * * arch/arm7/proc.S * - Process management assembly */ #include "include/assembly.h" .globl KernelThreadHeader @ SP+12: Argument 1 @ SP+8: Argument Count @ SP+4: Function @ SP+0: Thread Pointer KernelThreadHeader: ldr r0, [sp],#4 @ TODO: Do something with the thread pointer ldr r4, [sp],#4 @ Function @ Get argument ldr r0, [sp],#4 blx r4 ldr r0, =0 bl Threads_Exit b . .globl SwitchTask @ R0: New stack @ R1: Pointer to where to save old stack @ R2: New IP @ R3: Pointer to save old IP @ SP+0: New address space SwitchTask: push {r4-r12,lr} @ Save IP ldr r4, =.return str r4, [r3] @ Save SP str sp, [r1] @ Only update TTBR0 if the task has an explicit address space ldr r1, [sp,#4*10] tst r1, r1 mcrne p15, 0, r1, c2, c0, 0 @ Set TTBR0 to r0 mov r1, #0 mcrne p15, 0, r1, c8, c7, 0 @ Invalidate all (HACK! But it fixes things) @ Restore SP mov sp, r0 bx r2 .return: pop {r4-r12,pc} .extern MM_Clone .extern MM_DumpTables .globl Proc_CloneInt Proc_CloneInt: @ R0: SP Destination @ R1: Mem Destination push {r4-r12,lr} mov r4, r1 @ Save mem destination str sp, [r0] @ Save SP to SP dest bl MM_Clone str r0, [r4] @ Save clone return to Mem Dest ldr r0, =Proc_CloneInt_new pop {r4-r12,pc} Proc_CloneInt_new: mov r0, #0 pop {r4-r12,pc} @ R0: New user SP @ Return: Old user SP .globl Proc_int_SwapUserSP Proc_int_SwapUserSP: cps #31 @ Go to system mode mov r1, sp tst r0, r0 @ Only update if non-zero movne sp, r0 mov r0, r1 cps #19 mov pc, lr .section .usertext, "ax" .globl Proc_int_DropToUser @ R0: User IP @ R1: User SP Proc_int_DropToUser: cps #16 mov sp, r1 mov pc, r0 .section .rodata csProc_CloneInt_NewTaskMessage: .asciz "New task"