; AcessOS Microkernel Version ; ; desctab.asm [BITS 32] %if USE_MP MAX_CPUS equ 8 %else MAX_CPUS equ 1 %endif GDT_SIZE equ (1+2*2+1+MAX_CPUS)*8 [section .data] ; GDT [global gGDT] gGDT: ; PL0 - Kernel ; PL3 - User dd 0x00000000, 0x00000000 ; 00 NULL Entry dd 0x0000FFFF, 0x00CF9A00 ; 08 PL0 Code dd 0x0000FFFF, 0x00CF9200 ; 10 PL0 Data dd 0x0000FFFF, 0x00CFFA00 ; 18 PL3 Code dd 0x0000FFFF, 0x00CFF200 ; 20 PL3 Data dd 26*4-1, 0x00408900 ; 28 Double Fault TSS times MAX_CPUS dd 26*4-1, 0x00408900 ; 30+ TSSes [global gGDTPtr] gGDTPtr: dw GDT_SIZE-1 dd gGDT ; IDT ALIGN 8 [global gIDT] gIDT: ; CS = 0x08, Type = 32-bit Interrupt (0xE = 1 110) times 256 dd 0x00080000,0x00000E00 [global gIDTPtr] gIDTPtr: dw 256 * 16 - 1 ; Limit dd gIDT ; Base [section .text] [global Desctab_Install] Desctab_Install: ; Set GDT lgdt [gGDTPtr] mov ax, 0x10 ; PL0 Data mov ss, ax mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov gs, ax mov fs, ax jmp 0x08:.pl0code .pl0code: ; Set up IDT %macro SETISR 1 mov eax, Isr%1 mov WORD [gIDT + %1*8], ax shr eax, 16 mov WORD [gIDT + %1*8+6], ax ; Enable mov ax, WORD [gIDT + %1*8 + 4] or ax, 0x8000 mov WORD [gIDT + %1*8 + 4], ax %endmacro %macro SET_USER 1 or WORD [gIDT + %1*8 + 4], 0x6000 %endmacro %macro SET_TRAP 1 or WORD [gIDT + %1*8 + 4], 0x0100 %endmacro %assign i 0 %rep 32 SETISR i %assign i i+1 %endrep SETISR 0xAC SET_USER 0xAC SET_TRAP 0xAC ; Interruptable %if USE_MP SETISR 0xEE ; 0xEE Timer SETISR 0xEF ; 0xEF Spurious Interrupt %endif ; IRQs %assign i 0xF0 %rep 16 SETISR i %assign i i+1 %endrep ; Load IDT lidt [gIDTPtr] ; Remap PIC push edx ; Save EDX mov dx, 0x20 mov al, 0x11 out dx, al ; Init Command mov dx, 0x21 mov al, 0xF0 out dx, al ; Offset (Start of IDT Range) mov al, 0x04 out dx, al ; IRQ connected to Slave (00000100b) = IRQ2 mov al, 0x01 out dx, al ; Set Mode mov al, 0x00 out dx, al ; Set Mode mov dx, 0xA0 mov al, 0x11 out dx, al ; Init Command mov dx, 0xA1 mov al, 0xF8 out dx, al ; Offset (Start of IDT Range) mov al, 0x02 out dx, al ; IRQ Line connected to master mov al, 0x01 out dx, al ; Set Mode mov dl, 0x00 out dx, al ; Set Mode pop edx ret ; =============== ; = Define ISRs = ; =============== %macro ISR_ERRNO 1 [global Isr%1] Isr%1: ;xchg bx, bx push %1 jmp ErrorCommon %endmacro %macro ISR_NOERR 1 [global Isr%1] Isr%1: ;xchg bx, bx push 0 push %1 jmp ErrorCommon %endmacro %macro DEF_SYSCALL 1 [global Isr%1] Isr%1: push 0 push %1 jmp SyscallCommon %endmacro %macro DEF_IRQ 1 [global Isr%1] Isr%1: push 0 push %1 jmp IRQCommon %endmacro ISR_NOERR 0; 0: Divide By Zero Exception ISR_NOERR 1; 1: Debug Exception ISR_NOERR 2; 2: Non Maskable Interrupt Exception ISR_NOERR 3; 3: Int 3 Exception ISR_NOERR 4; 4: INTO Exception ISR_NOERR 5; 5: Out of Bounds Exception ISR_NOERR 6; 6: Invalid Opcode Exception ISR_NOERR 7; 7: Coprocessor Not Available Exception ISR_ERRNO 8; 8: Double Fault Exception (With Error Code!) ISR_NOERR 9; 9: Coprocessor Segment Overrun Exception ISR_ERRNO 10; 10: Bad TSS Exception (With Error Code!) ISR_ERRNO 11; 11: Segment Not Present Exception (With Error Code!) ISR_ERRNO 12; 12: Stack Fault Exception (With Error Code!) ISR_ERRNO 13; 13: General Protection Fault Exception (With Error Code!) ISR_ERRNO 14; 14: Page Fault Exception (With Error Code!) ISR_NOERR 15; 15: Reserved Exception ISR_NOERR 16; 16: Floating Point Exception ISR_NOERR 17; 17: Alignment Check Exception ISR_NOERR 18; 18: Machine Check Exception ISR_NOERR 19; 19: Reserved ISR_NOERR 20; 20: Reserved ISR_NOERR 21; 21: Reserved ISR_NOERR 22; 22: Reserved ISR_NOERR 23; 23: Reserved ISR_NOERR 24; 24: Reserved ISR_NOERR 25; 25: Reserved ISR_NOERR 26; 26: Reserved ISR_NOERR 27; 27: Reserved ISR_NOERR 28; 28: Reserved ISR_NOERR 29; 29: Reserved ISR_NOERR 30; 30: Reserved ISR_NOERR 31; 31: Reserved DEF_SYSCALL 0xAC ; Acess System Call %if USE_MP [global Isr0xEE] [extern SchedulerBase] ; AP's Timer Interrupt Isr0xEE: push 0 xchg bx, bx ; MAGIC BREAK jmp SchedulerBase ; Spurious Interrupt [global Isr0xEF] Isr0xEF: xchg bx, bx ; MAGIC BREAK iret %endif ; IRQs ; - Timer [global Isr240] [global Isr240.jmp] [extern SchedulerBase] [extern SetAPICTimerCount] Isr240: push 0 ;xchg bx, bx ; MAGIC BREAK Isr240.jmp: %if USE_MP jmp SetAPICTimerCount ; This is reset once the bus speed has been calculated %else jmp SchedulerBase %endif ; - Assignable %assign i 0xF1 %rep 16 DEF_IRQ i %assign i i+1 %endrep ; --------------------- ; Common error handling ; --------------------- [extern ErrorHandler] ErrorCommon: ;xchg bx, bx ; MAGIC BREAK pusha push ds push es push fs push gs mov ax, 0x10 mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov fs, ax mov gs, ax push esp call ErrorHandler add esp, 4 pop gs pop fs pop es pop ds popa add esp, 8 ; Error Code and ID iret ; -------------------------- ; Common System Call Handler ; -------------------------- [extern SyscallHandler] SyscallCommon: pusha push ds push es push fs push gs push esp call SyscallHandler add esp, 4 pop gs pop fs pop es pop ds popa add esp, 8 ; Error Code and ID iret ; ------------ ; IRQ Handling ; ------------ [extern IRQ_Handler] [global IRQCommon] IRQCommon: pusha push ds push es push fs push gs mov ax, 0x10 mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov fs, ax mov gs, ax push esp call IRQ_Handler add esp, 4 pop gs pop fs pop es pop ds popa add esp, 8 ; Error Code and ID iret