; AcessOS Microkernel Version ; Start.asm [bits 32] KERNEL_BASE equ 0xC0000000 KSTACK_USERSTATE_SIZE equ (4+8+1+5)*4 ; SRegs, GPRegs, CPU, IRET [section .text] %if USE_MP [extern giMP_TimerCount] [extern gpMP_LocalAPIC] [extern Isr240.jmp] [global SetAPICTimerCount] SetAPICTimerCount: pusha push ds push es push fs push gs mov ax, 0x10 mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov fs, ax mov gs, ax mov eax, [gpMP_LocalAPIC] mov ecx, [eax+0x320] test ecx, 0x00010000 jz .setTime mov DWORD [eax+0x380], 0xFFFFFFFF ; Set Initial Count mov DWORD [eax+0x320], 0x000000F0 ; Enable the timer on IVT#0xEF (One Shot) jmp .ret .setTime: ; Get Timer Count mov ecx, 0xFFFFFFFF sub ecx, [eax+0x390] mov DWORD [giMP_TimerCount], ecx ; Disable APIC Timer mov DWORD [eax+0x320], 0x000100EF mov DWORD [eax+0x380], 0 ; Update Timer IRQ to the IRQ code mov eax, SchedulerBase sub eax, Isr240.jmp+5 mov DWORD [Isr240.jmp+1], eax ;xchg bx, bx ; MAGIC BREAK .ret: mov dx, 0x20 mov al, 0x20 out dx, al ; ACK IRQ pop gs pop fs pop es pop ds popa add esp, 4 ; CPU ID ; No Error code / int num iret %endif ; -------------- ; Task Scheduler ; -------------- [extern Proc_Scheduler] [global SchedulerBase] SchedulerBase: pusha push ds push es push fs push gs mov eax, dr0 push eax ; Debug Register 0, Current Thread mov ax, 0x10 mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov fs, ax mov gs, ax %if USE_MP call GetCPUNum mov ebx, eax push eax ; Push as argument %else push 0 %endif call Proc_Scheduler add esp, 4 ; Remove Argument %if USE_MP test ebx, ebx jnz .sendEOI %endif mov al, 0x20 out 0x20, al ; ACK IRQ %if USE_MP jmp .ret .sendEOI: mov eax, DWORD [gpMP_LocalAPIC] mov DWORD [eax+0x0B0], 0 %endif .ret: pop eax ; Debug Register 0, Current Thread mov dr0, eax pop gs pop fs pop es pop ds popa add esp, 4 ; CPU ID ; No Error code / int num iret [extern Proc_Clone] [extern Threads_Exit] [global SpawnTask] SpawnTask: ; Call Proc_Clone with Flags=0 xor eax, eax push eax push eax call Proc_Clone add esp, 8 ; Remove arguments from stack test eax, eax jnz .parent ; In child, so now set up stack frame mov ebx, [esp+4] ; Child Function mov edx, [esp+8] ; Argument ; Child push edx ; Argument call ebx ; Function push eax ; Exit Code push 0 ; Kill this thread call Threads_Exit ; Kill Thread .parent: ret ; void Proc_ReturnToUser(void *Method, Uint Parameter) ; Calls a user fault handler ; [global Proc_ReturnToUser] [extern Proc_GetCurThread] Proc_ReturnToUser: push ebp mov ebp, esp ; [EBP+4]: handler to use ; [EBP+8]: parameter call Proc_GetCurThread ; EAX is the current thread mov ebx, eax mov eax, [ebx+40] ; Get Kernel Stack sub eax, KSTACK_USERSTATE_SIZE ; ; NOTE: This can cause corruption if the signal happens while the user ; has called a kernel operation. ; Good thing this can only be called on a user fault. ; ; Validate user ESP ; - Page Table mov edx, [eax+KSTACK_USERSTATE_SIZE-12] ; User ESP is at top of kstack - 3*4 %if USE_PAE %error PAE Support %else mov ecx, edx shr ecx, 22 test BYTE [0xFC3F0000+ecx*4], 1 jnz .justKillIt %endif ; - Page mov ecx, edx shr ecx, 12 test BYTE [0xFC000000+ecx*4], 1 jnz .justKillIt ; Adjust sub edx, 8 ; - Page Table %if USE_PAE %else mov ecx, edx shr ecx, 22 test BYTE [0xFC3F0000+ecx*4], 1 jnz .justKillIt %endif ; - Page mov ecx, edx shr ecx, 12 test BYTE [0xFC000000+ecx*4], 1 jnz .justKillIt ; Get and alter User SP mov edi, edx mov edx, [ebp+8] ; Get parameter mov [edi+4], edx ; save to user stack mov [edi], DWORD User_Syscall_RetAndExit ; Return Address ; Restore Segment Registers mov ax, 0x23 mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov fs, ax mov gs, ax push 0x23 ; SS push edi ; ESP push 0x202 ; EFLAGS (IP and Rsvd) push 0x1B ; CS mov eax, [ebp+4] ; Method to call push eax ; EIP iret ; Just kill the bleeding thing ; (I know it calls int 0xAC in kernel mode, but meh) .justKillIt: xor eax, eax xor ebx, ebx dec ebx int 0xAC [global GetCPUNum] GetCPUNum: ; TODO: Store in debug registers xor eax, eax str ax sub ax, 0x30 shr ax, 3 ; ax /= 8 ret ; Usermode code exported by the kernel [section .usertext] ; Export a place for the user to jump to to call a syscall ; - Allows the kernel to change the method easily User_Syscall: xchg bx, bx ; MAGIC BREAKPOINT int 0xAC ; A place to return to and exit User_Syscall_RetAndExit: push eax call User_Syscall_Exit User_Syscall_Exit: xor eax, eax mov ebx, [esp+4] int 0xAC