; AcessOS Microkernel Version ; Start.asm [bits 32] KERNEL_BASE equ 0xC0000000 %define MAX_CPUS 16 [extern __load_addr] [extern __bss_start] [extern gKernelEnd] [section .multiboot] mboot: ; Multiboot macros to make a few lines later more readable MULTIBOOT_PAGE_ALIGN equ 1<<0 MULTIBOOT_MEMORY_INFO equ 1<<1 MULTIBOOT_HEADER_MAGIC equ 0x1BADB002 MULTIBOOT_HEADER_FLAGS equ MULTIBOOT_PAGE_ALIGN | MULTIBOOT_MEMORY_INFO MULTIBOOT_CHECKSUM equ -(MULTIBOOT_HEADER_MAGIC + MULTIBOOT_HEADER_FLAGS) ; This is the GRUB Multiboot header. A boot signature dd MULTIBOOT_HEADER_MAGIC dd MULTIBOOT_HEADER_FLAGS dd MULTIBOOT_CHECKSUM dd mboot; - KERNEL_BASE ;Location of Multiboot Header ; Multiboot 2 Header ;mboot2: ; MULTIBOOT2_HEADER_MAGIC equ 0xE85250D6 ; MULTIBOOT2_HEADER_ARCH equ 0 ; MULTIBOOT2_HEADER_LENGTH equ (mboot2_end-mboot2) ; MULTIBOOT2_CHECKSUM equ -(MULTIBOOT2_HEADER_MAGIC + MULTIBOOT2_HEADER_ARCH + MULTIBOOT2_HEADER_LENGTH) ; ; dd MULTIBOOT2_HEADER_MAGIC ; dd MULTIBOOT2_HEADER_ARCH ; dd MULTIBOOT2_HEADER_LENGTH ; dd MULTIBOOT2_CHECKSUM ; ; MBoot2 Address Header ; dw 2, 0 ; dd 8 + 16 ; dd mboot2 ; Location of Multiboot Header ; dd __load_addr - KERNEL_BASE ; Kernel Load base ; dd __bss_start - KERNEL_BASE ; Kernel Data End ; dd gKernelEnd - KERNEL_BASE ; Kernel BSS End ; ; MBoot2 Entry Point Tag ; dw 3, 0 ; dd 8 + 4 ; dd start - KERNEL_BASE ; ; MBoot2 Module Alignment Tag ; dw 6, 0 ; dd 12 ; ??? ; dd 0 ; Search me, seems it wants padding ; ; Terminator ; dw 0, 0 ; dd 8 ;mboot2_end: [section .text] [extern kmain] [global start] start: ; Just show we're here mov WORD [0xB8000], 0x0741 ; 'A' ; Set up stack mov esp, Kernel_Stack_Top ; Start Paging mov ecx, gaInitPageDir - KERNEL_BASE mov cr3, ecx mov ecx, cr0 or ecx, 0x80010000 ; PG and WP mov cr0, ecx mov WORD [0xB8002], 0x0763 ; 'c' mov WORD [0xB8004], 0x0765 ; 'e' lea ecx, [.higherHalf] jmp ecx .higherHalf: mov WORD [0xB8006], 0x0773 ; 's' mov WORD [0xB8008], 0x0773 ; 's' ; Call the kernel push ebx ; Multiboot Info push eax ; Multiboot Magic Value mov WORD [0xB800A], 0x0732 ; '2' call kmain ; Halt the Machine cli .hlt: hlt jmp .hlt ; ; Multiprocessing AP Startup Code (Must be within 0 - 0x10FFF0) ; %if USE_MP [extern gGDT] [extern gGDTPtr] [extern gIDTPtr] [extern gpMP_LocalAPIC] [extern giMP_TimerCount] [extern gaAPIC_to_CPU] [extern gaCPUs] [extern giNumInitingCPUs] [extern MM_NewKStack] lGDTPtr: ; Local GDT Pointer dw 3*8-1 dd gGDT-KERNEL_BASE [bits 16] [global APWait] APWait: ;xchg bx, bx .hlt: ;hlt jmp .hlt [extern Proc_Reschedule] [global APStartup] APStartup: ;xchg bx, bx ; MAGIC BREAK! ; Load initial GDT mov ax, 0xFFFF mov ds, ax lgdt [DWORD ds:lGDTPtr-KERNEL_BASE-0xFFFF0] ; Enable PMode in CR0 mov eax, cr0 or al, 1 mov cr0, eax ; Jump into PMode jmp 08h:DWORD .ProtectedMode-KERNEL_BASE [bits 32] .ProtectedMode: ; Load segment registers mov ax, 0x10 mov ss, ax mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov fs, ax mov gs, ax ; Start Paging mov eax, gaInitPageDir - KERNEL_BASE mov cr3, eax mov eax, cr0 or eax, 0x80010000 ; PG and WP mov cr0, eax ; Jump to higher half lea eax, [.higherHalf] jmp eax .higherHalf: ; Load True GDT & IDT lgdt [gGDTPtr] lidt [gIDTPtr] mov ebp, [gpMP_LocalAPIC] mov ebx, [ebp+0x20] ; Read ID shr ebx, 24 ;xchg bx, bx ; MAGIC BREAK ; BL is now local APIC ID mov cl, BYTE [gaAPIC_to_CPU+ebx] xor ebx, ebx mov bl, cl ; BL is now the CPU ID mov dr1, ebx ; Save the CPU number to a debug register ; Mark the CPU as up mov BYTE [gaCPUs+ebx*8+1], 1 ; Decrement the remaining CPU count dec DWORD [giNumInitingCPUs] ; Create a stack lea edx, [ebx+1] shl edx, 5+2 ; *32 *4 lea esp, [gInitAPStacks+edx] call MM_NewKStack mov esp, eax ; Set TSS lea ecx, [ebx*8+0x30] ltr cx ;xchg bx, bx ; MAGIC_BREAK ; Enable Local APIC mov DWORD [ebp+0x0F0], 0x000001EF ; Spurious Interrupt Vector (0xEF) mov ecx, DWORD [giMP_TimerCount] mov DWORD [ebp+0x380], ecx ; Set Initial Count mov DWORD [ebp+0x320], 0x000200EE ; Enable timer on IVT#0xEE mov DWORD [ebp+0x330], 0x000100E0 ; ##Enable thermal sensor on IVT#0xE0 mov DWORD [ebp+0x340], 0x000100D0 ; ##Enable performance counters on IVT#0xD0 mov DWORD [ebp+0x350], 0x000100D1 ; ##Enable LINT0 on IVT#0xD1 mov DWORD [ebp+0x360], 0x000100D2 ; ##Enable LINT1 on IVT#0xD2 mov DWORD [ebp+0x370], 0x000100E1 ; ##Enable Error on IVT#0xE1 mov DWORD [ebp+0x0B0], 0 ; Send an EOI (just in case) ; CPU is now marked as initialised .hlt: sti call Proc_Reschedule hlt jmp .hlt %endif [global GetEIP] GetEIP: mov eax, [esp] ret ; int CallWithArgArray(void *Ptr, int NArgs, Uint *Args) ; Call a function passing the array as arguments [global CallWithArgArray] CallWithArgArray: push ebp mov ebp, esp mov ecx, [ebp+12] ; Get NArgs mov edx, [ebp+16] .top: mov eax, [edx+ecx*4-4] push eax loop .top mov eax, [ebp+8] call eax lea esp, [ebp] pop ebp ret [section .initpd] [global gaInitPageDir] [global gaInitPageTable] align 4096 gaInitPageDir: dd gaInitPageTable-KERNEL_BASE+3 ; 0x000 - Low kernel times 0x300-0x000-1 dd 0 dd gaInitPageTable-KERNEL_BASE+3 ; 0xC00 - High kernel times 0x3F0-0x300-1 dd 0 dd gaInitPageDir-KERNEL_BASE+3 ; 0xFC0 - Fractal times 0x400-0x3F0-1 dd 0 align 4096 gaInitPageTable: %assign i 0 %rep 1024 dd i*0x1000+3 %assign i i+1 %endrep [global Kernel_Stack_Top] ALIGN 4096 times 1024 dd 0 Kernel_Stack_Top: gInitAPStacks: times 32*MAX_CPUS dd 0 ; vim: ft=nasm ts=8