[BITS 32] KERNEL_BASE equ 0xFFFF800000000000 [section .multiboot] mboot: ; Multiboot macros to make a few lines later more readable MULTIBOOT_PAGE_ALIGN equ 1<<0 MULTIBOOT_MEMORY_INFO equ 1<<1 MULTIBOOT_AOUT_KLUDGE equ 1<<16 MULTIBOOT_HEADER_MAGIC equ 0x1BADB002 MULTIBOOT_HEADER_FLAGS equ MULTIBOOT_PAGE_ALIGN | MULTIBOOT_MEMORY_INFO; | MULTIBOOT_AOUT_KLUDGE MULTIBOOT_CHECKSUM equ -(MULTIBOOT_HEADER_MAGIC + MULTIBOOT_HEADER_FLAGS) ; This is the GRUB Multiboot header. A boot signature dd MULTIBOOT_HEADER_MAGIC dd MULTIBOOT_HEADER_FLAGS dd MULTIBOOT_CHECKSUM [extern __load_addr] [extern __bss_start] [extern gKernelEnd] ; a.out kludge dd mboot ; Location of Multiboot Header dd __load_addr ; Load address dd __bss_start - KERNEL_BASE ; End of .data dd gKernelEnd - KERNEL_BASE ; End of .bss (and kernel) dd start - KERNEL_BASE ; Entrypoint [extern start64] [section .text] [global start] start: mov [gMultibootMagic - KERNEL_BASE], eax mov [gMultibootPtr - KERNEL_BASE], ebx ; Check for Long Mode support mov eax, 0x80000000 cpuid cmp eax, 0x80000001 ; Compare the A-register with 0x80000001. mov eax, 0x80000001 cpuid jb .not64bitCapable test edx, 1<<29 jz .not64bitCapable ; Enable PAE mov eax, cr4 or eax, 0x80|0x20 mov cr4, eax ; Load PDP4 mov eax, gInitialPML4 - KERNEL_BASE mov cr3, eax ; Enable long/compatability mode mov ecx, 0xC0000080 rdmsr or ax, 0x100 wrmsr ; Enable paging mov eax, cr0 or eax, 0x80000000 mov cr0, eax ; Load GDT lgdt [gGDTPtr - KERNEL_BASE] jmp 0x08:start64 - KERNEL_BASE .not64bitCapable: mov ah, 0x0F mov edi, 0xB8000 mov esi, csNot64BitCapable - KERNEL_BASE .loop: lodsb test al, al jz .hlt stosw jmp .loop .hlt: jmp .hlt [section .data] [global gGDT] gGDT: dd 0,0 dd 0x00000000, 0x00209A00 ; 0x08: 64-bit Code dd 0x00000000, 0x00009200 ; 0x10: 64-bit Data dd 0x00000000, 0x0020FA00 ; 0x18: 64-bit User Code dd 0x00000000, 0x0000F200 ; 0x20: 64-bit User Data dd 0x00000000, 0x0040FA00 ; 0x38: 32-bit User Code dd 0x00000000, 0x0040F200 ; 0x30: 32-bit User Data times MAX_CPUS dd 0, 0, 0, 0 ; 0x38+16*n: TSS 0 gGDTPtr: dw $-gGDT-1 dd gGDT-KERNEL_BASE dd 0 [global gMultibootPtr] [global gMultibootMagic] gMultibootMagic: dd 0 gMultibootPtr: dd 0 [section .padata] [global gInitialPML4] gInitialPML4: ; Covers 256 TiB (Full 48-bit Virtual Address Space) dd gInitialPDP - KERNEL_BASE + 3, 0 ; Identity Map Low 4Mb times 256-1 dq 0 dd gInitialPDP - KERNEL_BASE + 3, 0 ; Map Low 4Mb to kernel base times 256-1-2 dq 0 dd gInitialPML4 - KERNEL_BASE + 3, 0 ; Fractal Mapping dq 0 gInitialPDP: ; Covers 512 GiB dd gInitialPD - KERNEL_BASE + 3, 0 times 511 dq 0 gInitialPD: ; Covers 1 GiB dd gInitialPT1 - KERNEL_BASE + 3, 0 dd gInitialPT2 - KERNEL_BASE + 3, 0 times 510 dq 0 gInitialPT1: ; Covers 2 MiB %assign i 0 %rep 512 dq i*4096+3 %assign i i+1 %endrep gInitialPT2: ; 2 MiB %assign i 512 %rep 512 dq i*4096+3 %assign i i+1 %endrep [section .rodata] csNot64BitCapable: db "Not 64-bit Capable",0