; ; Acess2 x86_64 Port ; [bits 64] [section .text] [global start64] start64: ; Set kernel stack ; Call main jmp $ [global GetRIP] GetRIP: mov rax, [rsp] ret KSTACK_USERSTATE_SIZE equ (4+8+1+5)*4 ; SRegs, GPRegs, CPU, IRET [global Proc_ReturnToUser] [extern Proc_GetCurThread] Proc_ReturnToUser: ; RBP is the handler to use call Proc_GetCurThread ; EAX is the current thread mov rbx, rax mov rax, [rbx+40] ; Get Kernel Stack sub rax, KSTACK_USERSTATE_SIZE ; ; NOTE: This can cause corruption if the signal happens while the user ; has called a kernel operation. ; Good thing this can only be called on a user fault. ; ; Get and alter User SP mov rcx, [rax+KSTACK_USERSTATE_SIZE-3*8] mov rdx, [rbx+60] ; Get Signal Number mov [rcx-8], rdx mov QWORD [rcx-16], User_Syscall_RetAndExit sub rcx, 16 ; Restore Segment Registers mov ax, 0x23 mov ds, ax mov es, ax push 0x23 ; SS push rcx ; RSP push 0x202 ; RFLAGS (IF and Rsvd) push 0x1B ; CS push rbp ; RIP iret [section .usertext] User_Syscall_RetAndExit: mov rdi, rax jmp User_Syscall_Exit User_Syscall_Exit: xor rax, rax ; RDI: Return Value int 0xAC [section .bss] [global gInitialKernelStack] resd 1024*1 ; 1 Page gInitialKernelStack: