Acess2 Binary File Loader Specification --------------------------------------- Binary file loaders are defined by creating a \a tBinaryType variable that is registered with the kernel. \a tBinaryType contains seven fields. -# \a Next This field is used internally by the kernel and should be set to NULL when the definition is initialise and not changed by the driver. -# \a Ident This field tells the kernel how to recognise this file format. If the first 32-bits of the file (ANDed with the \a Mask field) match this value, the file will be passed to this loader. -# \a Mask Determines what bits in the first 32-bits of the file matter for the identifcation. -# \a Name This is a C string that uniquely identifies this binary format. -# \a Load This field is a pointer to a function that takes a VFS Handle of the source exectuable file as an argument and returns a \a tBinary pointer that defines the location and attributes of the exectable's segments. (See \a tBinary for more information)