Layers: IPC / Client management Compositor / Window Manager Renderer / Window Contents Renderers Window Management > "WM_CreateWindow(Parent, Class, Name)" Window Drawing > "WD_Fill" > "WD_Blit" > "WD_LockSurface" > "WD_UnlockSurface" Decorations > ".InitWindow" > ".Render" + "WM_SetBorder" Compositing > Dirty rectangling, use 2DCmd to selectively blit > Request kernel/server buffers if possible Clients own windows Windows are composed of multiple regions that conform to several types (see below) - Re-draw is handled by using these regions Server-side rendering primitives: # Apply to regions, rendered in fixed order, each has an ID > Auto-scaling bitmaps - Control backed by an image with three five regions per axis Edge Fixed, Fill, Center Fixed, Fill, Edge Fixed - Definition is via two pixel counts (edge width, fill width), rest is derived - Command to switch backing image to another already provided > Tiling bitmaps + filled rects > Text (single line) > Canvas (Takes drawing commands, draws to internal buffer) > Shared buffer (of an unspecified pixel format) === Config options === - Root App - Display device (- = stdout) - Keyboard device (- = stdin) - Mouse device - Pipe suffix, port number, etc. - Key bindings