/** * @file nbody.c * @author Sam Moore (20503628) 2012 * @purpose N-Body simulator - Definition of simulation functions; single threaded version */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "nbody.h" RUNSTATE runstate = RUN; /** * @function Body_Print * @purpose Print the body to a file (or stdout) * @param a - Body to print' * @param out - FILE* to print to */ inline void Body_Print(Body * a, FILE * out) { //fprintf(out,"Body %p M=%f X=%f Y=%f Z=%f Fx=%f Fy=%f Fz=%f Vx=%f Vy=%f Vz=%f\n", //(void*)a, a->mass, a->x[0], a->x[1], a->x[2], a->F[0], a->F[1], a->F[2], a->v[0], a->v[1], a->v[2]); fprintf(out, "%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", a->mass, a->x[0], a->x[1], a->x[2], a->v[0], a->v[1], a->v[2], a->F[0], a->F[1], a->F[2]); } /** * @function Body_Force * @purpose Calculates the force on a single Body due to all bodies in a System * @param a - The Body * @param b - The System */ inline void Body_Forces(Body * a, System * s) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < DIMENSIONS; ++i) //Set Force to zero a->F[i] = 0; for (unsigned index = 0; index < s->N; ++index) // Step through all bodies in the System { Body * b = s->body+index; //Current body if (b == a) continue; //Otherwise we would have infinite force Body_Force(a, b); } } /** * @function Body_Force * @purpose Compute force on body a due to body b * @param a - Body a * @param b - Body b */ inline void Body_Force(Body * a, Body * b) { //Calculate distance between a and b distance = 0.0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < DIMENSIONS; ++i) distance += square(b->x[i] - a->x[i]); distance = sqrt(distance); con = G * a->mass * b->mass / square(distance); gd = con / distance; for (unsigned i = 0; i < DIMENSIONS; ++i) //Add force from b to a's net force a->F[i] += gd * (b->x[i] - a->x[i]); } /** * @function Body_Velocity * @purpose Compute velocity of a body * @param a - The Body */ inline void Body_Velocity(Body * a) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < DIMENSIONS; ++i) a->v[i] += a->F[i] / a->mass * DELTA_T; } /** * @function Body_Position * @purpose Compute position of a body * @param a - The Body */ inline void Body_Position(Body * a) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < DIMENSIONS; ++i) a->x[i] += a->v[i] * DELTA_T; } /** * @function System_Compute * @purpose Compute forces and then positions for bodies in System * NOTE: Only used in the single threaded version of the program */ inline void System_Compute(System * s) { System_Forces(s, s); System_Positions(s); } /** * @function System_Forces * @purpose Compute forces on each object in System s1 due to all bodies in System s2 * @param s1, s2 - The two systems * NOTE: In single threaded version, called with s1 == s2 == &universe * In multi threaded version, called with s2 == &universe, but s1 is constructed for each thread * In nested multi-threaded version, s2 is constructed for the nested threads as well */ inline void System_Forces(System * s1, System * s2) { //printf("Compute forces for %p - %d bodies...\n", (void*)s1, s1->N); for (unsigned i = 0; i < s1->N; ++i) { Body_Forces(s1->body+i, s2); Body_Velocity(s1->body+i); } //printf("Compute positions for %p - Done!\n", (void*)s1); } /** * @function System_Positions * @purpose Compute positions of all objects in System * @param s - The system */ inline void System_Positions(System * s) { //printf("Compute positions for %p - %d bodies...\n", (void*)s, s->N); for (unsigned i = 0; i < s->N; ++i) Body_Position(s->body+i); //printf("Compute positions for %p - Done!\n", (void*)s); } /** * @function System_Init * @purpose Initialise a System from an input file * @param s - The System * @param fileName - The input file */ inline void System_Init(System * s, const char *fileName) { char line[LINE_SIZE]; char * token; FILE * file; file = fopen(fileName, "rt"); s->N = atoi(fgets(line, LINE_SIZE, file)); s->body = (Body*) calloc((size_t)s->N, sizeof(Body)); s->steps = 0; //printf("----------------------Initial field-------------------------------\n"); for (unsigned i = 0; i < s->N; ++i) { if (fgets(line, LINE_SIZE, file) != NULL) { Body * a = s->body+i; token = strtok(line, ",; \t"); a->mass = atof(token); for (unsigned j = 0; j < DIMENSIONS; ++j) { token = strtok(NULL, ",; \t"); a->x[j] = atof(token); } for (unsigned j = 0; j < DIMENSIONS; ++j) { token = strtok(NULL, ",; \t"); a->v[j] = atof(token); } // Ignore any additional tokens while (token != NULL) token = strtok(NULL, ",; \t"); //Body_Print(a); } } //printf("--------------------------------------------------------------\n"); fclose(file); } /** * @function Universe_Cleanup * @purpose Cleans up the universe by freeing all memory * Also prints the bodies in the universe to a file specified in "options" if required. */ inline void Universe_Cleanup() { //fprintf(stderr, "Called Universe_Cleanup()\n"); if (options.output != NULL) // An output file was specified... { FILE * save = NULL; if (strcmp("stdout", options.output) == 0) save = stdout; else if (strcmp("stderr", options.output) == 0) save = stderr; else save = fopen(options.output, "w"); if (save == NULL) perror("Couldn't save universe to file."); else { // Print the output in the same format as the initial field file fprintf(save, "%u\n", universe.N); for (unsigned i = 0; i < universe.N; ++i) // Print all bodies to the file { Body_Print(universe.body+i, save); } fclose(save); } } free(universe.body); // Cleanup memory used for bodies } /** * @function DisplayStatistics * @purpose Display useful information about the computations done, * - Total number of steps computed * - Time in seconds elapsed * - Clock cycles executed * - Equivelant time for a single thread to execute same number of clock cycles */ inline void DisplayStatistics() { clock_t end = clock(); struct timeval end_time; if (gettimeofday(&end_time, NULL) != 0) { perror("Couldn't get time of day.\n"); return; } float runtime = (float)(end_time.tv_sec-options.start_time.tv_sec) + (float)(end_time.tv_usec-options.start_time.tv_usec) / 1.0e6; float clock_time = (float)(end - options.start_clock) / (float)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC); printf("%u\t%f\t%u\t%f\n", universe.steps, runtime, (unsigned)(end - options.start_clock), clock_time); } /** * @function ExitCondition * @purpose Helper to check whether the program is supposed to exit * Does not check for user triggered quit * Checks for either a timeout, or computation of the required number of steps * * The reason timeouts are integers is because this function is called a lot in lots of threads * So using floats (and working out microseconds every time) is expensive * */ inline bool ExitCondition(void) { bool result = (runstate != RUN || (options.num_steps >= 0 && universe.steps >= options.num_steps) || (options.timeout >= 0 && ((int)(time(NULL) - options.start_time.tv_sec) >= options.timeout))); //fprintf(stderr,"runstate %d\n timeout %d\n steps %d\n", (int)(runstate != RUN), (int)(options.timeout > 0.00 && ((unsigned)(time(NULL) - options.start_time.tv_sec) >= options.timeout)), (int)(options.num_steps > 0 && universe.steps > options.num_steps)); return result; } /** * @function Split_System * @purpose Helper to divide one system into an array of systems * Each sub system will have N = (s->N / n) bodies in it * @param s - The original system (typically &universe) * @param n - The number of sub systems in the array * * WARNING: It is the caller's responsibility to free() the returned array */ System * Split_System(System * s, unsigned n) { System * result = (System*)(calloc(n, sizeof(System))); if (result == NULL) { perror("Couldn't create array of sub systems"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } unsigned n_per_system = (s->N) / n; unsigned remainder = (s->N) % n; for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i) { result[i].N = n_per_system; if (i == n-1) result[i].N += remainder; result[i].body = (s->body) + (n_per_system * i); result[i].steps = 0; } return result; }