--- Log opened Sat Aug 03 15:12:13 2013 15:12 -!- matches [matches@motsugo.ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev 15:12 -!- Irssi: #mctxuwa_softdev: Total of 3 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 3 normal] 15:12 -!- Irssi: Join to #mctxuwa_softdev was synced in 2 secs 15:12 < matches> Good idea with the IRC channel 15:12 < matches> I'm Sam Moore by the way 15:14 < Callum_> Hey. Finally someone else 15:19 < Callum_> Hmm should probably close the app so my phone has enough battery to get me home. 15:21 -!- Callum_ [~androirc@] has quit ["AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )"] 15:45 -!- james__ [~chatzilla@CPE-58-160-245-152.wa.bigpond.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] 15:51 -!- Irssi: #mctxuwa_softdev: Total of 1 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 1 normal] 15:51 -!- matches [matches@motsugo.ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au] has left #mctxuwa_softdev [] --- Log closed Sat Aug 03 15:51:28 2013 --- Log opened Sat Aug 03 15:51:51 2013 15:51 -!- matches [matches@motsugo.ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev 15:51 -!- Irssi: #mctxuwa_softdev: Total of 1 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 1 normal] 15:51 -!- Irssi: Join to #mctxuwa_softdev was synced in 2 secs 15:52 -!- matches changed the topic of #mctxuwa_softdev to: MCTX3420 UWA 15:52 -!- matches changed the topic of #mctxuwa_softdev to: MCTX3420 UWA - Team 4 (Software, Firmware, GUI) 16:40 -!- matches changed the topic of #mctxuwa_softdev to: MCTX3420 UWA - Team 4 (Software and stuff) 16:52 -!- james__ [~chatzilla@CPE-58-160-245-152.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev 16:54 -!- You're now known as sam__ 16:54 < sam__> Yuck 16:54 -!- You're now known as sam_moore 16:55 < sam_moore> That works 16:55 < james__> Yuck? 16:55 < james__> Oh right 16:55 < james__> all the underscores? 16:55 < sam_moore> Yeah 16:55 < james__> its a bit of a pain 17:01 < sam_moore> I think you might be able to comment on changes if you use github 17:01 < sam_moore> I'll see if I can copy the repository there 17:01 < james__> you should be able to 17:01 < sam_moore> It does seem useful 17:01 < james__> its what it waas designed for really 17:01 < sam_moore> Yeah, gitweb is a bit more limited 17:02 < james__> Yeah. Or at least the features aren't as easily accesible as in github 17:10 < sam_moore> I'll clone the repository into github now 17:24 < james__> Need to be logged in but it looks like you can comment 18:13 -!- Callum [~Callum@220-253-137-113.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev 20:38 -!- Callum [~Callum@220-253-137-113.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] 22:01 -!- james__ [~chatzilla@CPE-58-160-245-152.wa.bigpond.net.au] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox 22.0/20130618035212]"] 22:15 -!- Irssi: #mctxuwa_softdev: Total of 1 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 1 normal] --- Day changed Sun Aug 04 2013 10:43 -!- Callum [~Callum@220-253-137-113.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev 10:47 < Callum> morning 10:49 < sam_moore> Hi 10:52 < Callum> What is there we need to get done? i haven't really done anything yet 10:53 < sam_moore> We need to write a progress report on what we need to get done :P 10:53 < Callum> Thats the other thing i wanted to know, is the progress report per person or per group? 10:53 < sam_moore> It's per group, and it only has to be one page 10:54 < Callum> I'v had a quick look through the stuff online and only thing i can see is the example but it looks like its per person in that 10:54 < Callum> ok, that makes things a lot easier then 10:54 < sam_moore> We are meant to have our own technical diaries with handwritten notes 10:54 < Callum> yea saw that as well 10:55 < sam_moore> So, at the meeting we sort of worked out a vague idea of what systems we'll need 10:55 < Callum> yea had a read through the meeting notes 10:56 < Callum> seemed like a solid start 10:56 < sam_moore> Yes, I think I'll do a block diagram about it 10:56 < sam_moore> Since I actually have a raspberry pi I've been playing with it 10:57 < sam_moore> No one's really done that much though, to be fair our group was only completely formed by Friday 10:57 < Callum> Well, I'm the guy that moved into the group :p 10:58 < sam_moore> Is there anything in particular you'd like to work on? 10:59 < Callum> Il have another look through the meeting notes, but i don't really have any experience working with this hardware. Just mainly C + Java, but i pick stuff up pretty quick 10:59 < Callum> well, any hardware other than what we did in embedded 11:02 < sam_moore> We need to learn more about the actual requirements of the system I think, not sure how much we can work out without talking to all the other groups 11:03 < Callum> Yea true. Might have a play around with git sometime soon to get used to it 11:03 < sam_moore> Oh, something I listed in an email was image processing, that will be important 11:05 < sam_moore> Anyway, if you can try and find something that interests you that seems useful and just write a little bit on that, it would be great 11:06 < sam_moore> Learning git would be useful, you can write about that, it doesn't matter if Rowan does it as well since we'll all need to learn more 11:07 < sam_moore> I know enough of git to work on my own projects, but there are a lot of features designed for group work that I've never used 11:37 -!- james__ [~chatzilla@CPE-58-160-245-152.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev 11:42 < Callum> Sam, I think i got a different ssh key from github; So if im going to use this you'll likely need to add it 11:42 < Callum> And hey James 11:43 -!- Callum__ [~chatzilla@220-253-137-113.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev 11:45 -!- Callum [~Callum@220-253-137-113.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [EOF From client] 11:59 -!- james__ [~chatzilla@CPE-58-160-245-152.wa.bigpond.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] 12:09 < sam_moore> Callum__: Ok, send it to me 12:11 < sam_moore> If you have github accounts let me know those as well 12:11 -!- james__ [~chatzilla@CPE-58-160-245-152.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev 12:11 < james__> Hey 12:12 < sam_moore> Hi 12:12 < sam_moore> You guys can't see what's written in the channel whilst you're not in it, right? 12:12 < james__> How are things 12:12 < james__> Nope 12:12 < james__> Its only once you log in that you can read it 12:13 < sam_moore> I'm messing around with git a bit, I've sent an email about the progress report 12:13 < james__> Unless you log it there isn't any way to go back to previous convos 12:13 < sam_moore> I'd like to meet at 2pm on Monday if that's possible 12:13 < james__> sounds good 12:13 < sam_moore> I'm running irssi in screen on a server, so I'll have everything logged 12:13 < sam_moore> I'll look into making the logs available on git 12:14 < Callum__> think anyone would care if i go to G19 without the safety meeting? not like we're actually doing anything. 12:14 < james__> i'm using chatzilla so there is an inbuilt log function 12:15 < james__> Don't know tbh 12:15 < sam_moore> Callum__: No, but just try not do anything unsafe or the rest of us will get the blame :P 12:15 < Callum__> well, we could just meet somewhere else. Not like we need to go there 12:16 < sam_moore> Adrian did say that we could have people visit the lab, but we are responsible for anyone we bring in without the safety course. 12:16 < sam_moore> Ok, what's another good place? 12:16 < james__> No idea 12:16 < james__> The lab is kinda nice and quite/out of the way 12:16 < Callum__> ok well it should be fine. If it's a suitable meeting location than just go with it. 12:17 < sam_moore> I don't think it will be a big deal to go in G19, just don't use any equipment. It is a good place. 12:17 < Callum__> Yea. just making sure it wont be a problem 12:18 < Callum__> Im going to get some lunch. 12:40 < sam_moore> You need to use git@github.com:matchesucc/MCTX3420.git to commit using your ssh key 12:41 < sam_moore> If you give me your username, I think you can use https://github.com/matchesucc/MCTX3420.git 12:41 < sam_moore> You should be able to commit to git.ucc with your ssh key 12:42 < sam_moore> But I think we'll prefer github. It looks like it has more features. I'll use that as the main repository and keep git.ucc up to date in case github explodes. 12:43 < Callum__> username: Callum- 12:45 < sam_moore> Right, before you commit your changes, pull from the server 12:45 < sam_moore> If your repository is "up to date" with the server and you make changes, it is really easy 12:46 < sam_moore> If it isn't and you have changes that contradict something done on the server, we'll have to merge the repositories, and from what I've heard that's usually a pain 12:47 < sam_moore> We'll probably have to deal with it at some point. 12:48 < Callum__> how do you pull from github> 12:51 < sam_moore> Not sure how you do it in the gui, is there a "pull" or "fetch" button 12:52 < Callum__> not that i can see 12:52 < sam_moore> Hang on, I'll start windows and see if I can work out how to do it 12:53 < james__> are you logged in? 12:53 < sam_moore> Yes 12:53 < sam_moore> Cool, you can even edit the files entirely from github 12:54 < Callum__> you can? 12:54 < sam_moore> Well, I can 12:54 < sam_moore> I added Callum- as a collaborator; can you see the repository? 12:55 < Callum__> i could see it before 12:55 < Callum__> wait hang on 12:56 < james__> can you add me aswell? 12:56 < james__> username: firefields 12:57 < Callum__> i can edit it from the browser 12:57 < sam_moore> Done 12:57 < sam_moore> Excellent, that's a start 12:59 < james__> I can comment 13:00 < sam_moore> The browser editor actually looks pretty good 13:01 < sam_moore> Hmm 13:01 < sam_moore> We need to be able to pull from github to our own machines though 13:01 < sam_moore> So we can actually run code 13:02 < sam_moore> I can do it myself using the command line 13:02 < sam_moore> I'll see how to do it using the GUI 13:03 < james__> I am having a look through the documentation now trying to find it 13:07 < sam_moore> I wonder what happens when two people edit a file at the same time 13:07 < james__> Lets edit the readme? 13:08 < sam_moore> Alright. 13:08 < james__> I am currently editing 13:08 < james__> Can you get in? 13:09 < sam_moore> Yes, and it looks the same 13:09 < sam_moore> Make some changes and commit it, then I'll go and we'll see what happens 13:09 < james__> Done 13:09 < sam_moore> It says that you have committed since I started editing 13:10 < sam_moore> Whoops, but I could still overwrite it 13:11 < sam_moore> Ok, at least it gives us a warning, that's nice 13:11 < sam_moore> I think the key to this will be: 1) Try and work on different source files 2) Send lots of spam to IRC when you do stuff 13:11 < james__> Also 13:11 < james__> if you look in history my changes are still there 13:11 < sam_moore> Yeah, that's nice 13:12 < sam_moore> And I think we can go back to them 13:12 < james__> I am reading about this fork and pull method as well. Might work well 13:13 < james__> Essentially you fork the repo. Make changes then request for it to be pulled back into the master repo 13:13 < sam_moore> Yes, that will likely be the best way to go about it. 13:13 < james__> That way all changes can be viewed and then confirmed before going into the master copy 13:15 < james__> https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo 13:15 < james__> and this https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests 13:17 < sam_moore> I think in the long run it will be easier to use the command line when you work on your local machine 13:17 < Callum__> might just end up learning how to do it all from command line anyway 13:17 < sam_moore> All the tutorials seem to give the command line stuff 13:17 < Callum__> yea 13:17 < Callum__> suppose you could use the gui just to look at whats there 13:17 < sam_moore> `git add remote github git@github.com:matchesucc/MCTX3420.git` 13:17 < sam_moore> `git pull github master` 13:17 < sam_moore> Make changes 13:17 < sam_moore> `git add .` 13:18 < sam_moore> `git commit` 13:18 < sam_moore> `git push github master` 13:18 < sam_moore> Well, that's just directly going to the repository without forking it 13:19 < Callum__> is the add thing for staging? 13:19 < sam_moore> Yeah; you have to tell it what changes to stage to the commit 13:19 < Callum__> yea 13:19 < sam_moore> I think there is an option to automatically add all changed files 13:20 < sam_moore> I've always just manually done them, makes it easier to work out what I actually did before writing the commit message 13:20 < james__> Do we want to fork first 13:20 < sam_moore> Probably 13:20 < james__> That way someone can't make a change that is incorrect into the master 13:21 < sam_moore> Yes, this sounds good 13:22 < sam_moore> It won't let me fork it (probably because I'm the "owner") 13:24 < james__> I have forked succesfully 13:25 < james__> maybe branch? 13:25 < sam_moore> No, branches are different 13:25 < james__> Right... 13:25 < james__> well i made a branch for you? :P 13:26 < sam_moore> It doesn't matter if I directly edit the master repository anyway; I'll have to deal with all the pull requests before I do anything mysekf 13:27 < sam_moore> Yeah, we don't want to use branches just yet 13:28 < sam_moore> A fork is for each person working on the code; a branch is for when you want to make changes to something that might break parts of the code that already work 13:28 < sam_moore> For example: You have some really badly written code, but it does what it's meant to do 13:28 < sam_moore> So you make a branch "Improve networking code" or something like that 13:29 < sam_moore> Then you redo it, and only when you're done you merge your branch back into the master, getting rid of all the old code 13:30 < james__> Fair enough. I think i have made a pull request... 13:30 < sam_moore> Cool 13:31 < sam_moore> Now it should be in the main repository 13:32 < james__> yeah. worked 13:32 < sam_moore> I show up as the author of your changes, which is a bit silly 13:33 < Callum__> firefields opened this pull request 15 hours ago 13:33 < Callum__> what 13:34 < sam_moore> Is the clock on your local machine correct? 13:34 < Callum__> yea 13:34 < Callum__> matchesucc merged 1 commit into matchesucc:master from firefields:master 2 minutes ago 13:34 < Callum__> it also says that 13:34 < james__> Right.... Thats weird 13:35 < sam_moore> You guys should also be able to merge the pull requests, since you're collaborators 13:36 < Callum__> alright 13:36 < james__> Yeah. Should be able to 13:36 < sam_moore> So in summary: Fork the repository, make a pull request, go and check that nothing will break horribly, and then you can merge it 13:36 < james__> pretty much 13:36 < sam_moore> Cool 13:36 < sam_moore> We should put this in the progress report 13:37 < Callum__> Yea, detailing how we plan to collaborate the code 13:38 < sam_moore> So, should I put our IRC channel log into git? 13:39 < Callum__> probably a good idea 13:39 < sam_moore> That way people who weren't in the channel can read conversations they missed 13:39 < Callum__> unlikely be that useful but it would be good to have everything archived 13:42 < james__> Its always good to have everything archived 13:47 < Callum__> so noone else getting weird timestamps on github 13:47 < james__> not that i can see 13:48 < sam_moore> No, they all make sense to me 13:48 < Callum__> also my forked repo doesnt have the updated readme 13:48 < Callum__> iv added the upstream and tried fetch upstream and doesnt seem to do anything 13:48 < sam_moore> Try merging after the fetch 13:48 < sam_moore> fetch + merge = pull 13:49 < sam_moore> "Pull request" is a bit confusing, because you're not asking to pull from my repository; you're requesting that I pull from yours 13:49 < Callum__> yea, i got that. how do i do the merge? 13:50 < sam_moore> git merge upstream/master 13:51 < Callum__> yup that worked 13:51 < sam_moore> The GUI seems really terrible, I have no idea how to do this stuff with it 13:52 < sam_moore> I thought it might be easier if people weren't used to the command line, but there aren't that many commands 13:52 < Callum__> yea 13:52 < james__> Its easier to comment etc 13:53 < james__> But some of the functionality is horribly buried 13:53 < sam_moore> Do you get a text editor in the terminal when you want to commit? 13:54 < sam_moore> Oh well, whatever people find easiest 14:09 < Callum__> alright well i just submitted a pull request and accepted it 14:10 < sam_moore> Yep 14:10 < sam_moore> Callum- authored in 15 hours 14:11 < sam_moore> ? 14:11 < Callum__> ahahahahahaah 14:11 < sam_moore> Are you from the future? 14:11 < sam_moore> Does IRC mess with the space time continuum 14:11 < Callum__> it says 15 minutes ago for me, but the rest are 17 hjours ago 14:11 < Callum__> i must be from the future :o 14:12 < sam_moore> Someone's clock is out of skew 14:13 < sam_moore> That is really wierd 14:13 < sam_moore> You merged the pull request... before the file was changed... according to this history 14:14 < sam_moore> Oh! 14:14 < sam_moore> Is it because github is based in the US 14:14 < Callum__> but for you all the times are right apart from mine? 14:14 < Callum__> and for me all the times are wrong but mine 14:15 < sam_moore> Well it's only showing relative times 14:15 < Callum__> or do you get weird results from james as well? 14:15 < sam_moore> James times look reasonable 14:15 < Callum__> hmm. weird 14:15 < sam_moore> But notice how a lot of our stuff is on 3rd August, it's actually the 4th today 14:16 < Callum__> hmm yea 14:17 < sam_moore> I kind of think we should fix this, it's not a major issue but it will certainly be confusing 14:18 < sam_moore> Hey, wierd, the times look sensible in git.ucc 14:18 < sam_moore> http://git.ucc.asn.au/?p=matches/MCTX3420.git;a=summary 14:19 < Callum__> yea agreed 14:19 < Callum__> and that is kinda weird 14:20 < Callum__> i cant seem to find anything in account settings for a timezone 14:21 < Callum__> Anything else we need done by tomorrow? because i have a bunch of other stuff I'd like to get done 14:21 < sam_moore> While you're in account settings, you can set your author name for commits 14:22 < sam_moore> No, there's nothing urgent at this stage 14:22 < sam_moore> It's only the first week, and we only need 1 page 14:22 < sam_moore> We can be like "Here is a page of details on how we got Git to work" if we have to 14:22 < Callum__> Yea just we need to make sure we have enough for 1 page 14:23 < Callum__> hmm, true i suppose. set up IRC + git repo + discussed an outline on what is going to be required 14:24 < Callum__> Tbh he'l likely be happy if we just give him a summary of those meeting minutes 14:25 < Callum__> Anyway i'l divert my attention for now then. If you come across anything interesting or something that can be done il stick around in the channel 14:25 < sam_moore> Ok, thanks 14:26 < sam_moore> The first automatic commit of the irc logs seems to have worked! 14:26 < sam_moore> It also copies everything to git.ucc so we have a backup 14:26 < Callum__> nice 14:27 < sam_moore> The times might be correct as well :P 14:27 < Callum__> was just like "where is it? " then i realise i was looking at my forked repo 14:27 < sam_moore> Oh, just make sure you don't push anything to the git.ucc repo, because it doesn't go the other way 14:27 < sam_moore> Actuall I'll just remove everyone's keys to stop that from happening 14:28 < Callum__> haha, good to be sure. We need to make sure the other 2 have this sorted out. hopefully they rock up to the meeting tomorrow 14:28 < Callum__> oh wow. the logs go all the way back to when you first connected 14:28 < Callum__> haha 14:30 < Callum__> and according to me the logs were commited 15 hours ago 14:32 < sam_moore> Yeah, my logs will be the best to keep because I don't have to quit, so I should get everything 14:33 < Callum__> yea 14:34 < Callum__> Sigh. end of first week. already just written myself a fairly long list of things i need to do, which is by no means comprehensive 14:36 < sam_moore> I think I have a lot of work to do as well, I should do something for another unit 14:36 < sam_moore> See you later 14:36 < Callum__> later 15:32 < sam_moore> Ok, so pretty much anyone can comment on our stuff, and pretty much anyone can submit bug reports 15:32 < sam_moore> I'm going to say that's useful, and we should tell all the other teams about it 15:33 < sam_moore> Also I was supposed to go do something else, whoops 16:30 -!- james__ [~chatzilla@CPE-58-160-245-152.wa.bigpond.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] 18:35 < sam_moore> I changed my username because someone pointed out it sounds like "matches succ" 18:35 < sam_moore> But the old links should redirect 18:35 -!- justin_ [~justin@] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev 18:36 -!- justin_ is now known as justin_kruger 18:37 -!- justin_kruger [~justin@] has quit [EOF From client] 18:37 < sam_moore> Whoops 20:21 < Callum__> whoops? 21:20 < sam_moore> EOF From client 21:32 < sam_moore> I wonder how I can get people's forks to merge into the main repository without them having to issue a pull request 21:34 < sam_moore> Ah, I can't, because basically they have total control over their own fork 21:35 < sam_moore> Everyone just remember to fetch from upstream before you do work and issue a pull request when you are done, and hopefully things will stay relatively in sync. 21:50 -!- Callum__ [~chatzilla@220-253-137-113.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] --- Day changed Mon Aug 05 2013 00:00 -!- Irssi: #mctxuwa_softdev: Total of 1 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 1 normal] 07:51 -!- james__ [~chatzilla@CPE-58-160-245-152.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev 08:13 -!- james__ [~chatzilla@CPE-58-160-245-152.wa.bigpond.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] 10:29 -!- Callum_ [~androirc@] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev 10:33 -!- Callum_ [~androirc@] has quit ["AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )"] 11:01 -!- james__ [~chatzilla@] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev 11:19 -!- Callum [~Callum@] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev 11:19 < Callum> hallo 11:29 < sam_moore> Hi 11:30 < sam_moore> I've spoken to Omid from the electronics team, they are in charge of the "microcontroller" 11:31 < sam_moore> Apparently they think a raspberry pi is a good choice 11:31 < sam_moore> I told him we thought we might need a lower level device to do the ADC/DAC in particular 11:32 < sam_moore> But they seem to think a raspberry pi by itself will work 11:33 < sam_moore> I'm kind of not sure who's responsible for this part, since we have "server hardware" and they have "microcontroller" and the raspberry pi is sort of both 11:33 < sam_moore> But if we agree we want a raspberry pi it probably won't be an issue 11:33 < sam_moore> Also apparently the unit coordinators recommended the raspberry pi as well 11:34 < Callum> Yea he did 11:34 < james__> Well we are using the raspberry pi as a server 11:34 < james__> And we can bootstrap microcontrollers onto it 11:34 < james__> So i guess we are in charge of the pi 11:35 < james__> And the are in charge of the hardware around it 11:35 < james__> *they 11:35 < sam_moore> Seems logical 11:36 < sam_moore> I don't know if you get email notifications; I did a block diagram using the ideas from our first meeting 11:36 < sam_moore> I kind of added some thoughts of my own 11:38 < sam_moore> Hopefully it makes sense 11:41 < sam_moore> If either of you gets time, would you like to start typing some of the progress report? 11:51 -!- Callum [~Callum@] has quit [Ping timeout] 11:51 < james__> Do we have to submit a progress report? Because the guide to mechatronics project work that was on lms said we had to do some things for week 1 but not that 11:52 < sam_moore> I'm pretty sure we do 11:52 < sam_moore> Hang on 11:53 < sam_moore> All teams are expected to report next monday (see the report format in the unit outline/overview). 11:53 < sam_moore> All teams must review their sub-system and provide high level detail of what is required. 11:54 < sam_moore> All team must take an integrated approach. (I assume this means we have to start talking to other teams ASAP) 11:54 < sam_moore> I think the block diagram is a good start for the high level detail 11:54 < sam_moore> Then make some notes about how we're collaborating using git 11:55 < james__> git and irc 11:55 < sam_moore> We should decide whether Rowan or I will be the meeting convener 11:56 < james__> I think you 11:56 < james__> Just because you actually know what is going on 11:56 < sam_moore> Yes, I'm happy to do it and I think I can do a good job 11:56 < sam_moore> I just don't want to try and take over the group or something 11:56 < sam_moore> I have a good idea of what's going on, but we'll still need everyone to contribute 11:57 < sam_moore> I'm not a particular expert in any area, I just sort of know enough to have a general idea of how to approach things 11:57 < james__> Its important that the person who represents us has a firm knowledge base of whats possible and what we plan to do. Ultimately you are the person who best fills those requirements 11:58 < sam_moore> Ok, thanks, if everyone agrees we'll tell Rowan that when we meet 11:58 < sam_moore> And he can still talk to his friends for us, in fact the more of us that can communicate with the other teams the better 11:59 < james__> True 12:00 < james__> there isn't anything that says he can't talk to others 12:00 < sam_moore> Omid said his team was going to rotate the meeting convener, maybe we could try that later on once everyone has a better idea of what we're doing 12:00 < sam_moore> Anyway, I should do some other work, see you at 2pm 12:01 < james__> Yeah might be worth it. Gives everyone a taster 12:01 < james__> okay see you then 14:45 -!- justin_kruger [~justinkru@] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev 15:00 -!- james__ [~chatzilla@] has quit [Ping timeout] 15:34 -!- justin_kruger [~justinkru@] has quit [EOF From client] 18:26 -!- Callum__ [~chatzilla@] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev 20:38 < sam_moore> I'm going to try using the GitHub issues and milestones thing 20:39 < sam_moore> It might help with keeping track of what we need to do and what we've done 20:45 -!- justin_kruger [~justinkru@] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev 20:50 < sam_moore> I think we had some difficulty setting specific goals for this week 20:50 < sam_moore> I can try and put together some longer term goals as a start, if that's helpful 20:51 < sam_moore> Hmm 20:52 < sam_moore> We weren't given a lot of requirements that the guy was asking us about 21:06 < sam_moore> So the most important task seems to be "determine those requirements" 21:07 < sam_moore> Well, we talked about it in the meeting, but I'm going to make GitHub issues for each of the areas so we have a good record 21:32 < Callum__> Sam are you talking to yourself or am i not just seeing the other messages? 21:35 < sam_moore> Yeah, just ranting 21:36 < sam_moore> Well if you read the messages, then I was talking to you :P 21:37 < Callum__> haha just they seemed like they were structured like you were responding to someone 21:39 < sam_moore> I guess that's how I'm used to using IRC, people tend to say stuff broadly directed at anyone even though they won't get an immediate reply 21:39 < sam_moore> Or even if they don't need a reply 21:45 < Callum__> Fair enough 21:51 -!- justin_kruger [~justinkru@] has quit [Ping timeout] --- Day changed Tue Aug 06 2013 00:33 -!- Callum__ [~chatzilla@] has quit [EOF From client]