Meeting at 15:00 in G19 Present: Sam Moore, James Rosher, Justin Kruger 1. Server Hardware - Prefer a Raspberry Pi as main server, easy to setup a GUI via a webserver - Raspberry Pi has limited GPIO pins and no ADC pins; interface with lower level device(s), eg: Arduino - Raspberry Pi can handle USB devices directly, eg: Webcams, Arduino, and can take power from a USB hub - Does Raspberry Pi have sufficient processing power and/or storage? - Videos will be rescource intensive - Attach external USB hard drive for storage - Analyse some/most/all data on client machine to save processing power - Need to investigate the processing and storage requirements, and the capabilities of a Raspberry Pi - Mounting of Server Hardware - Need an enclosure to protect this system when the can explodes - Hardware should be easily removable and/or all ports easily accessable - Need to determine exactly what the hardware is and then consult the Mechanical Team. - Power - Determine what we are going to use and then consult Electronics Team 2. Data collection, sensors, remote control - USB cameras may be connected directly to main server - May need a lower level system independent of the main server to collect data from other sensor types - Expect to deal with Analogue, Digital (on/off) and Serial inputs, and both Digital and Analogue outputs - Need to consult with Sensors and Electronics Teams about sensor inputs - Need to consult with Pneumatics and Electronics Teams about control outputs - Need to consult with Electronics team about using USB devices (they are a "connector") 3. Network - Wired vs Wireless network - Wireless - less risk of cable being accidentally unplugged, more risk of loss of signal - Wired - opposite 3. Safety & Security - System needs to cope with loss of network, power, or air - System should not be accessable by unauthorised people - Only one person should access system at a time - Software should be able to change to redundant hardware if a critical system fails - Control mechanical safety mechanisms - eg: Hardware switch must be enabled to allow remote access (decrease likely hood of security compromise while system isn't in use) - Hardware switch must be enabled to allow system to become pressurised - Safety mechanisms that function even when software fails - eg: Electronic release valve, stays open only when power is delivered - Indicator lights controlled by server hardware - Need to consult pretty much every other team about this Stuff to do: - Sam: - Feasability of Raspberry Pi as main server - Be the Meeting Convener - James: - Investigate GUI design and layout - Justin: - Investigate what sort of sensors we can expect to have to interface - Rowan: Finished sometime after 16:00