This folder represents the files that should be placed under: /etc/nginx To install: * Delete all files under /etc/nginx/sites-enabled * Either: * Copy 'mctxconfig' (under sites-enabled) to /etc/nginx/sites-available/ and create a symlink to that file under /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ * Create a symlink directly from 'mctxconfig' to /etc/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ * Replace /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params and /etc/nginx/mime.types with the provided files (either by copying or symlinking) Note: To get the login functionality working, you need to place a .htpasswd file under /usr/share/nginx/access (create folder if it doesn't exist). To generate the htpasswd file, install the apache2-utils package and use the 'htpasswd' executable.