2012-09-10 Arrive 09:40 The interface program left running on 2012-09-07 had crashed at 08:39 on 2012-09-08 This was due to an error in the "process_digits.py" script, which failed to recognise a '0', and caused the program to hang. I had intended the script to retry if it failed to get a digit, but forgot to remove older code that paused the program and showed the digit to the user. I have now removed the older section of code. Hopefully if the problem occurs again, the "process_digits.py" script will fail. "get_pressure.sh" should then take a new photo and try again. Prepared plots of gun focusing done on 2012-09-07 for Sergey. File names (under each directory in focus, deflection, accel, venault) i-v_curves.png - Show all the I-V curves taken varying that electrode tcs.png - Show the TCS (derivative) of the I-V curves i-v_max.png - Show maximum I for each electrode setting, and V at which it occurs tcs_max.png - Show maximum TCS for each electrode setting tcs_max_position.png - Show position of maximum TCS for each electrode setting In some cases, also plotted the closest to optimum curves, since there are quite a lot. Also plot comparison between curves at 11am and 4pm - NOTE: NOT AT OPTIMUM POTENTIALS And comparison between first curve at optimum potentials on 2012-09-07 and last curve taken before crash on 2012-09-08 "compare_2012-09-07_vs_2012-09-08.png" saved in folder "2012-09-07", symlink in this folder Noted significant difference, not just in maximum value, but in shape of curve... Compare TCS as well. Plan: - Take control measurements of current sample - Evaporate Au at e-8 mbar for 30min - Take more measurements, compare - TURN OFF FILAMENT, turn off turbopump, fill chamber with He gas - Prepare Black Au (on top of shiny Au) at e-2 mbar for 30min - Pump down chamber to e-6 mbar - Take measurements of Black Au - Compare Black to Shiny Au Control Measurements Curves do not resemble curves from 2012-09-07 - slope is far from constant in plateau - Electrode potentials (Va, Vf, Vd) have changed slightly! - Reset to optimum values, try again Va = 126.7V (from 128.8) Vd = 2.50V (from 2.48) Vf = -5.50V (from -5.48) Vv = 23.2V (unchanged) Shape still looks wierd; extra maxima/minima in derivative. Manually adjust. Try: Va - 126.8V Vd = 2.69V Vf = -6.00V Vv = 23.2V Still looks wrong, as good as I am going to get. I hate this experiment.