2012-09-10 Arrive 09:40 The interface program left running on 2012-09-07 had crashed at 08:39 on 2012-09-08 This was due to an error in the "process_digits.py" script, which failed to recognise a '0', and caused the program to hang. I had intended the script to retry if it failed to get a digit, but forgot to remove older code that paused the program and showed the digit to the user. I have now removed the older section of code. Hopefully if the problem occurs again, the "process_digits.py" script will fail. "get_pressure.sh" should then take a new photo and try again. Prepared plots of gun focusing done on 2012-09-07 for Sergey. File names (under each directory in focus, deflection, accel, venault) i-v_curves.png - Show all the I-V curves taken varying that electrode tcs.png - Show the TCS (derivative) of the I-V curves i-v_max.png - Show maximum I for each electrode setting, and V at which it occurs tcs_max.png - Show maximum TCS for each electrode setting tcs_max_position.png - Show position of maximum TCS for each electrode setting In some cases, also plotted the closest to optimum curves, since there are quite a lot. Also plot comparison between curves at 11am and 4pm - NOTE: NOT AT OPTIMUM POTENTIALS And comparison between first curve at optimum potentials on 2012-09-07 and last curve taken before crash on 2012-09-08 "compare_2012-09-07_vs_2012-09-08.png" saved in folder "2012-09-07", symlink in this folder Noted significant difference, not just in maximum value, but in shape of curve... Compare TCS as well. Talked to Sergey - Parameters aren't necessarily optimum (I know this), best way to optimise is with a cyclical adjustment (I did one cycle only) - Not much I can do to optimise further, due to time dependence of curves, and long time (a day) taken to do a single cycle Plan: - Take control measurements of current sample - Evaporate Au at e-8 mbar for 30min - Take more measurements, compare - TURN OFF FILAMENT, turn off turbopump, fill chamber with He gas - Prepare Black Au (on top of shiny Au) at e-2 mbar for 30min - Pump down chamber to e-6 mbar - Take measurements of Black Au - Compare Black to Shiny Au Control Measurements Curves do not resemble curves from 2012-09-07 - slope is far from constant in plateau - Electrode potentials (Va, Vf, Vd) have changed slightly! - Reset to optimum values, try again Va = 126.7V (from 128.8) Vd = 2.50V (from 2.48) Vf = -5.50V (from -5.48) Vv = 23.2V (unchanged) Shape still looks wierd; extra maxima/minima in derivative. Manually adjust. Try: Va - 126.8V Vd = 2.69V Vf = -6.00V Vv = 23.2V Still looks wrong, as good as I am going to get. I hate this experiment. Record pressure whilst evaporating. Pressure recording stopped several times, so my fix doesn't work properly. Will solve that problem later, it is minor. Make new sweeps. Maxed out ADC; had to adjust scale of 602 from 1e-6 x 0.1 to 1e-6 x 0.3. Increase in current related to sample, or different pressure of chamber (previously noted increase in current during evaporation, as pressure increased)? Note spread of TCS peak is much wider. Try to optimise by adjusting electrodes to maximise I when V = 2V. Current is lower, but spread of peak narrower. Evaporate black Au at 1.8e-1 to 2.1e-8 mbar. Aimed for 30 mins. But filament blew after 15min. Forgot to rotate sample holder before evaporating!!! FUCKING. GENIUS. Evaporated over empty sample holder instead of Shiny Au on Si. Dammit. 1 filament left with Au on it, but haven't formed ball yet. Need to decrease pressure to e-6, form ball, repeat whole thing again. ARGH. Form ball at 4.5A 4e-6mbar. Now increase chamber pressure again. Evaporate 1.8e-1 to 3.0e-8mbar. The Au ball fell off the filament after ~5min. GARGH. Replace all three filaments, since no gold balls left. Recording pressure whilst chamber pumping down. Unfortunately, camera was mis-aligned, so many bad values. "1639.pressure.dat" has good values. Start preparing balls at 1.4e-5 mbar. Lost first ball at 4A. Lost second ball at 4A. Fuck them all. Third ball? Lost it at 3.5A. ARGH. Try again. Preparing balls at 1.0e-5 mbar. First ball formed at 4.1A, 8.78e-6mbar. Second ball formed at 3.5A 5.4e-6 mbar. Lost third ball 3.5A 4.7e-6 mbar. Going home 7:45pm.