# File opened at 2012-09-13 10:08:49.175854 # aquire[DAC_Settle] = 0.0 # aquire[open_files] = [] # aquire[DAC_Sweep] = 0.0 + 50.0*int(step) # aquire[ADC_Averages] = 200 # aquire[start_date] = 2012-09-13 # Parameters: # Chamber Pressure = 6.44e-08 # Venault Voltage = 10.58 # Title = Sweep in morning # Comment = Compare with sweeps from 2012-09-12 after 6pm # Accelerating Voltage = 185.3 # Focus Voltage = -20.7 # Deflection Voltage = 6.76 # Initial Voltage = sweep # Heating Current = 1.135 # Heating Voltage (across filament) = 1.155 # Heating Voltage (across power supply) = 1.498 # 602 Zero = +0.02 # 602 Scale = 1e-6 x 0.1 # 602 0.1 Battery = 7.72 # 602 0.03 Battery = 7.70 # 602 0.01 Battery = 7.72 # 602 0.003 Battery = 7.72 # 602 0.001 Battery = 8.22 # ADC Regulator = 3.32 # Sample = Au on Si (125min 3.5A 3-6e-8mbar) # Sample Angle = 135 # Data = time DAC ADC5 ADC5_sigma # Parameters last checked = 2012-09-13 10:06:59.439144 # Experiment 2012-09-13 10:08:49.708828 # Polling for Nones. # Data: # time DAC ADC5 2.52986764908 0 0.0 0.0 3.15729999542 50 0.0 0.0 # Recieved KILL signal. # Reason: Forgot to turn on 602 electrometer # File closed at 2012-09-13 10:08:59.211209