Arrive 09:50 Au on Si: - Compare sweeps this morning and last night - System only did 4 sweeps and stopped, because I forgot to replace "for i in range(0, 4)" with "while true" - Can still take sweeps this morning, but don't have the full slowly changing set - FIRST: Fixed dodgy connection on ADC/DAC box. The initial energy appears more stable. DAC = 4000 corresponds to 16.98V. - Previously DAC = 4000 corresponds to 15-16V, varied if I moved the cable. Now it is stable. - Current this morning ~1/3 of current yesterday - Chamber and gun values from 2012-09-12 (yesterday) at 18:28 # Chamber Pressure = 8.55e-08 # Venault Voltage = 10.55 # Accelerating Voltage = 185.3 # Focus Voltage = -20.7 # Deflection Voltage = 6.76 # Initial Voltage = sweep # Heating Current = 1.135 # Heating Voltage (across filament) = 1.165 # Heating Voltage (across power supply) = 1.52 - Electrode values from 2012-09-13 (today) at 10:06 # Chamber Pressure = 6.45e-08 ( - 2.10e-8 ) # Venault Voltage = 10.58 ( + 0.03 ) # Accelerating Voltage = 185.3 ( same ) # Focus Voltage = -20.7 ( same ) # Deflection Voltage = 6.76 ( same ) # Initial Voltage = sweep # Heating Current = 1.135 ( same ) # Heating Voltage (across filament) = 1.155 ( - 0.010 ) # Heating Voltage (across power supply) = 1.498 ( - 0.03 ) - Very little change (except in chamber pressure) - Comparison of plots; generate by running "compare.plt" - Max current decreases over time. Decrease is significant in 2012-09-12 plots, small in 2012-09-13 plots. - 2012-09-13 plots ~1/3 max level - Level of increase moved slightly to left in 2012-09-13 plots. - This is probably because the ground levels of DAC and power supply are closer now. - Width of increase appears the same - Plateau is flatter in 2012-09-13 plots - Take a few more sweeps, then prepare Black Au. - Hopefully will actually get it done this time.