Arrive 11:05am - Look at results of Au on Si started on 2012-09-27 - Curve has developed the "double peak" in slope ! - Check chamber properties! - On 2012-09-27 # Chamber Pressure = 0.0 # Deflection Voltage = -0.59 # Venault Voltage = 10.35 # Accelerating Voltage = 264 # Focus Voltage = 8.17 # Heating Current = 1.149 # Heating Voltage (across filament) = 1.176 # Heating Voltage (across power supply) = 1.503 - Today (2012-10-03) # Chamber Pressure = 1.14e-08 # Deflection Voltage = -0.605 # Venault Voltage = 10.34 # Accelerating Voltage = 264 # Focus Voltage = 8.18 # Heating Current = 1.149 # Heating Voltage (across filament) = 1.181 # Heating Voltage (across power supply) = 1.561 - Little change in gun properties => Sample has changed over time - Make movie showing change in curves