#!/usr/bin/python # Deposition for the SECOND sample from process import * import odict import time tcsdir = "../../research/TCS/" imagedir = "au_deposition2/" smooth = [4,5] os.system("mkdir -p " + imagedir.strip("/")) toplot = odict.odict([ ("Si (initial)" , [tcsdir+"2012-09-27/Si/095131.dat", 1]), ("Si (refocused)", [tcsdir+"2012-09-27/Si (focused)/140416.dat", 5]), # For some reason I altered the focus of the gun, not a good idea ("Au (30min 4.0A e-8mbar)", [tcsdir+"2012-09-27/Au on Si/151444.dat", 5]), #("Au +5min", tcsdir+"2012-09-27/151951.dat"), #("Au +1hour", tcsdir+"2012-09-27/161548.dat"), #("Au +2hour", tcsdir+"2012-09-27/171618.dat"), ("Au +8hour", [tcsdir+"2012-09-27/Au on Si/235714.dat", 5]), ("Au (avg over +8hour to +32hour)", [tcsdir+"2012-09-28/average.dat", 1]), ("Au (avg over +32hour to +56hour)", [tcsdir+"2012-09-29/average.dat", 1]), ("Au (avg over +56hour to +80hour)", [tcsdir+"2012-09-30/average.dat", 1]), ("Au (avg over +80hour to +104hour)", [tcsdir+"2012-10-01/average.dat", 1]) ]) # I(E) (normalised) data gnuplot.reset() for f in toplot.items(): d = ShowData(f[1][0], title=f[0], plot=gnuplot.replot, calibrate=True, normalise=True) gnuplot("set term postscript colour") gnuplot("set output \""+imagedir+"normalised_data.eps\"") gnuplot("set title \"Deposition of Au on Si I(E) curves\"") gnuplot("set key top left") gnuplot.replot() time.sleep(1) # TCS (normalised) data gnuplot.reset() gnuplot("set term wxt") gnuplot("set term postscript colour") gnuplot("set output \""+imagedir+"tcs_normalised.eps\"") gnuplot("set title \"Deposition of Au on Si S(E) curves\"") gnuplot("set key top right") for f in toplot.items(): d = ShowTCS(f[1][0], title=f[0], plot=gnuplot.plot, calibrate=True, normalise=True, with_="lp", step=1, smooth=smooth) time.sleep(1) #os.system("cd "+imagedir+"; for i in *.eps; do epstopdf --autorotate=All $i; done; rm *.eps")