MDIFrameDemo Example ==================== This project demonstrates the use of the CMDIFrame class to display a MDI frame window. MDI (Multiple Document Interface) frames allow different types of view windows to be displayed simultaneously. The more common SDI (Single Document Interface) frames only display a single view. In this project we have the following different types of MDI children available: - A simple view window which displays some text - A window which will be initally displayed as maximised - A window displaying rectangles drawn on the device context - A RichText view window - A ListView view window - A Treeview view window Classes titled CMDIChildXXXX are inherited from CMDIChildr. Classes titled CViewXXXX are the various view windows inherited from CWnd. Features demonstrated in this example ===================================== * Use of CMDIFrame and CMDIChild classes to implement a MDI frame * Enabling/Disabling various frame features in OnCreate, namely: - show/hide toolbar and menu status in the status bar. - show/hide indicators in the status bar. - Use/don't use a rebar in the frame. - Use/don't use themes. - Use/don't use a toolbar in the frame. * Setting the MDI Frame's toolbar. * Setting the view window for the CMDIChid. * Setting the seperate menu for the CMDIChild. * Reponding to the MDI specific commands in CMDIFrame::OnCommand * Using several different types of MDI children - Each MDI child type has a different menu and icon - Each MDI child type has a differnet view window * Handling a MDI child's OnClose to provide an opportunity to save data before the MDI child's window is closed.