#!C:\Python32\python.exe """a magic tool that prettifies your levels for you
usage: levelpretty map.tga in.tga out.tga

a basic example:

map.tga contains "base" tiles drawn in the background and pretty tiles drawn in
the foreground.  it should contain all the knowldge needed to infer how to 
pretty up your level.

in.tga contains a level drawn using all "base" tiles (except where the algorithm
doesn't work -- you can put in fancy tiles to fill in those spaces, the algorithm
will back-wards infer what "base" tile the fancy tile is a substitute for)

out.tga will be generated using the map.tga and the in.tga

(to edit in leveledit and switch between background and foreground press 't')

map.tga bg  map.tga fg
..........  ..........
.xxx......  ..789..... 
.x.x......  ..4.6.....
.xxx......  ..123..... 
..........  .......... 

in.tga      out.tga
..........  ..........
.xxx......  .789......
.x.x.xxx..  .4.6.789..
.xxx.x.x..  .123.4.6..
.....xxx..  .....123..

levelpretty takes a level drawn with "base" tiles and auto-magically (using the knowledge
supplied in map.tga) turns a basic level into a fancy level.  this tool is useful for
rapid development of fancy looking levels that only have a few kinds of base tiles
but those base tiles look better when rendered using lots of fancier tiles.
""" import os,sys from optparse import OptionParser try: import psyco psyco.full() print 'psyco installed' except: print 'psyco not installed' from pgu.tilevid import Tilevid scoring = [ [ 1, 10, 100, 10, 1], [ 10, 1000,10000, 1000, 10], [ 100,10000, 0,10000, 100], [ 10, 1000,10000, 1000, 10], [ 1, 10, 100, 10, 1], ] def get(l,tx,ty): width,height = len(l[0]),len(l) if ty >= 0 and ty < height and tx >= 0 and tx < width: return l[ty][tx] return None def get2(l,tx,ty): width,height = len(l[0]),len(l) if ty >= 0 and ty < height and tx >= 0 and tx < width: return l[ty][tx] return 0 def get3(l,tx,ty): global used, rmap width,height = len(l[0]),len(l) if ty >= 0 and ty < height and tx >= 0 and tx < width: v = l[ty][tx] if v not in used: if v in rmap: return rmap[v] else: return 0 return v return None def diff(a,b): r = 0 for y in xrange(0,5): for x in xrange(0,5): va,vb = a[y][x],b[y][x] if va == vb: r += scoring[y][x] else: r -= scoring[y][x] return r usage = "usage: %prog map.tga in.tga out.tga" parser = OptionParser(usage) (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 3: parser.error("incorrect number of arguments") m_fname,i_fname, o_fname = args m_level = Tilevid() m_level.tga_load_level(m_fname,1) at = m_level.blayer bt = m_level.tlayer i_level = Tilevid() i_level.tga_load_level(i_fname,1) it = i_level.tlayer o_level = Tilevid() o_level.tga_load_level(i_fname,1) ot = o_level.tlayer width,height = m_level.size lookup = {} used = [] rmap = {} for y in xrange(0,height): for x in xrange(0,width): v = get(at,x,y) if v not in used: used.append(v) k = get(bt,x,y) rmap[k] = v #NOTE: optimization k = (get2(bt,x,y),get2(bt,x,y-1),get2(bt,x+1,y),get2(bt,x,y+1),get2(bt,x-1,y)) if k == (0,0,0,0,0): continue #NOTE: optimization k = (get2(at,x,y),get2(at,x,y-1),get2(at,x+1,y),get2(at,x,y+1),get2(at,x-1,y)) if k == (0,0,0,0,0): continue k = (get(at,x,y),get(at,x,y-1),get(at,x+1,y),get(at,x,y+1),get(at,x-1,y)) if k not in lookup: lookup[k] = [] lookup[k].append((x,y)) width,height = i_level.size for y in xrange(0,height): print y for x in xrange(0,width): v = get(it,x,y) if v in used: idata = [[get3(it,tx,ty) for tx in xrange(x-2,x+3)] for ty in xrange(y-2,y+3)] k = (get3(it,x,y),get3(it,x,y-1),get3(it,x+1,y),get3(it,x,y+1),get3(it,x-1,y)) if k in lookup: v,score = 0,-100000 for xx,yy in lookup[k]: adata = [[get(at,tx,ty) for tx in xrange(xx-2,xx+3)] for ty in xrange(yy-2,yy+3)] _v = get(bt,xx,yy) _score = diff(idata,adata) if _score > score: v,score = _v,_score ot[y][x] = v o_level.tga_save_level(o_fname) #save the o_fname