Phil's pyGame Utilities Documentation


tileedit | leveledit | tganew | levelfancy

algo | ani | engine | fonts | high | html | layout | text | timer | vid

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

GUI Ref.
theme | style | widget | surface | const

container | app | table | document | area

form | group

basic | button | input | keysym | slider | select | misc

menus | dialog

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

tutorial on how to load, display, and use Sprites

Here are the various functions I used for the player and enemy logic. - After creating a Sprite, I set the clayer to 0 so that more than one player / enemy is created. - the Sprite must be added to the sprites list - instead of using class methods, I prefer to use set functions for the various methods -- loop and hit. - Enemies are removed when they go off screen.
  23:def player_new(g,t,value):
  24:    g.clayer[t.ty][t.tx] = 0
  25:    s = tilevid.Sprite(g.images['player'],t.rect)
  26:    g.sprites.append(s)
  27:    s.loop = player_loop
  29:def player_loop(g,s):
  30:    s.rect.x += SPEED
  32:    keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
  33:    dx,dy = 0,0
  34:    if keys[K_UP]: dy-=1
  35:    if keys[K_DOWN]: dy+=1
  36:    if keys[K_LEFT]: dx-=1
  37:    if keys[K_RIGHT]: dx+=1
  38:    s.rect.x += dx*5
  39:    s.rect.y += dy*5
  40:    s.rect.clamp_ip(g.view)
  42:def enemy_new(g,t,value):
  43:    g.clayer[t.ty][t.tx] = 0
  44:    s = tilevid.Sprite(g.images['enemy'],t.rect)
  45:    g.sprites.append(s)
  46:    s.loop = enemy_loop
  48:def enemy_loop(g,s):
  49:    if s.rect.right < g.view.left:
  50:        g.sprites.remove(s)
Here I initialize the image data. The columns are (name,file_name,shape)
  54:idata = [
  55:    ('player','player.tga',(4,4,24,24)),
  56:    ('enemy','enemy.tga',(4,4,24,24)),
  57:    ('shot','shot.tga',(1,2,6,4)),
  58:    ]
Here I initialize the code data. The columns are (function, config).
  62:cdata = {
  63:    1:(player_new,None),
  64:    2:(enemy_new,None),
  65:    3:(enemy_new,None),
  66:    4:(enemy_new,None),
  67:    }
In init(), loading in the sprite images.
  81:    g.load_images(idata)
In init(), running the codes for the initial screen.
  86:    g.run_codes(cdata,(0,0,25,17))
In run(), each frame I make sure to run the codes that are on the far right of the screen.
 109:        g.run_codes(cdata,(g.view.right/TW,0,1,17))

all content (c) 2006 Phil Hassey - Phil's pyGame Utilities