Phil's pyGame Utilities Documentation


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tutorial on how to add Sprite collision hit handlers, custom painting

In player_new() I add the shoot handler.
  28:    s.shoot = player_shoot
In player_loop(), I check for the spacebar. The spacebar triggers a shot every 8 frames.
  48:    if keys[K_SPACE] and g.frame%8==0:
  49:        shot_new(g,s,None)
The player_shoot() handler, as well as the shot Sprite functions. The shot group has its agroup set to 'enemy' so it can hit 'enemy' Sprites.
  55:def player_shoot(g,s):
  56:    shot_new(g,s,None)
  58:def shot_new(g,t,value):
  59:    s = tilevid.Sprite(g.images['shot'],(t.rect.right,t.rect.centery-2))
  60:    g.sprites.append(s)
  61:    s.agroups = g.string2groups('enemy')
  62:    s.hit = shot_hit
  63:    s.loop = shot_loop
  65:def shot_loop(g,s):
  66:    s.rect.x += 8
  67:    if s.rect.left > g.view.right:
  68:        g.sprites.remove(s)
In enemy_new(), I've added a lot more detail. - A move function to handle the type of movement the enemy will do. - A record of the origin and entering frame of the enemy (useful for the move functions.) - Set up the groups and agroups and a hit handler for the enemy.
  86:    s.move = value['move']
  87:    s.origin = pygame.Rect(s.rect)
  88:    s.frame = g.frame
  89:    s.groups = g.string2groups('enemy')
  90:    s.agroups = g.string2groups('player')
  91:    s.hit = enemy_hit
When an enemy is hit, the game quits.
  96:def enemy_hit(g,s,a):
  97:    g.quit = 1
In enemy_loop() we call the move handler.
 103:    s.move(g,s)
The enemy movement handlers.
 110:def enemy_move_line(g,s):
 111:    s.rect.x -= 3
 113:def enemy_move_sine(g,s):
 114:    s.rect.x -= 2
 115:    s.rect.y = s.origin.y + 65*math.sin((g.frame-s.frame)/10.0)
 117:def enemy_move_circle(g,s):
 118:    s.origin.x -= 1
 119:    s.rect.y = s.origin.y + 50*math.sin((g.frame-s.frame)/10.0)
 120:    s.rect.x = s.origin.x + 50*math.cos((g.frame-s.frame)/10.0)
The codes data has been updated to include information about the appropriate movement handlers for enemies.
 151:cdata = {
 152:    1:(player_new,None),
 153:    2:(enemy_new,{'move':enemy_move_line}),
 154:    3:(enemy_new,{'move':enemy_move_sine}),
 155:    4:(enemy_new,{'move':enemy_move_circle}),
 156:    }
In init(), set the g.view size so that all the handlers will work properly. (The player_loop one depends on view having the correct size.)
 171:    g.view.w,g.view.h = SW,SH
In init() I no longer have tga_load_level load the background layer, as we will generate our own multi-layered starfield.
 181:    g.tga_load_level('level.tga')
In run(), adding a pause variable to the game.
 195:    g.pause = 0
In run(), initializing the stars.
 202:    stars = []
 203:    NS = 256
 204:    for n in range(0,NS):
 205:        stars.append([random.randrange(0,SW),random.randrange(0,SH),random.randrange(2,8)])
In run(), in the event loop, checking for F10 for full screen, RETURN for pause.
 214:            if e.type is KEYDOWN and e.key == K_F10:
 215:                #g.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SW,SH),FULLSCREEN|HWSURFACE|DOUBLEBUF)
 216:                pygame.display.toggle_fullscreen()
 218:            if e.type is KEYDOWN and e.key == K_RETURN:
 219:                g.pause ^= 1
In run(), handles pause, and also renders the star field before the foreground is painted.
 225:        if not g.pause:
 226:            g.view.x += SPEED
 227:            g.run_codes(cdata,(g.view.right/TW,0,1,17))
 229:            g.loop()
 231:            g.screen.fill((0,0,0))
 232:            n = 0
 233:            for n in range(0,NS):
 234:                x,y,s = stars[n]
 235:                if ((g.frame*s)%8) < s:
 236:                    x -= 1
 237:                if x < 0: x += SW
 238:                stars[n][0] = x
 239:                g.screen.set_at((x,y),(255,255,255))
 241:            g.paint(g.screen)
 242:            img = g.font.render('%05d'%g.player.score,1,(0,0,0))
 243:            g.screen.blit(img,(0+1,SH-img.get_height()+1))
 244:            img = g.font.render('%05d'%g.player.score,1,(255,255,255))
 245:            g.screen.blit(img,(0,SH-img.get_height()))
 246:            pygame.display.flip()
 248:            g.frame += 1

all content (c) 2006 Phil Hassey - Phil's pyGame Utilities