Hi there, You've reached the source directory of the UCC::ProgComp 2010. For documentation, see the contents of the "doc" directory. The first thing you'll probably want to do is see it work. Try running: ./simulate -v to see the sample agents duke it out. This is a brief overview of the included files and directories: - USINGPYTHON.txt: A guide to writing an agent in Python. - SampleAgents.py : the sample agents. - agents/ : where you put your agent. - arenas/ : arenas define which agents play against which, and some other parameters. - conf.py : has various useful things like the ability to turn on debug support. The rest of the files are probably not useful to you, but just for completeness: - simulate.py : run a simulation. - uccProgComp.py : the guts of the competition. - rpsconst.py : various constants, such as the points table. Ignore anything else. :P