hash_pw); if (trim($password) == ""){ $errors[] = lang("ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_PASSWORD"); } else if($entered_pass != $loggedInUser->hash_pw) { //No match $errors[] = lang("ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_INVALID"); } if($email != $loggedInUser->email) { if(trim($email) == "") { $errors[] = lang("ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_EMAIL"); } else if(!isValidEmail($email)) { $errors[] = lang("ACCOUNT_INVALID_EMAIL"); } else if(emailExists($email)) { $errors[] = lang("ACCOUNT_EMAIL_IN_USE", array($email)); } //End data validation if(count($errors) == 0) { $loggedInUser->updateEmail($email); $successes[] = lang("ACCOUNT_EMAIL_UPDATED"); } } if ($password_new != "" OR $password_confirm != "") { if(trim($password_new) == "") { $errors[] = lang("ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_NEW_PASSWORD"); } else if(trim($password_confirm) == "") { $errors[] = lang("ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_CONFIRM_PASSWORD"); } else if(minMaxRange(8,50,$password_new)) { $errors[] = lang("ACCOUNT_NEW_PASSWORD_LENGTH",array(8,50)); } else if($password_new != $password_confirm) { $errors[] = lang("ACCOUNT_PASS_MISMATCH"); } //End data validation if(count($errors) == 0) { //Also prevent updating if someone attempts to update with the same password $entered_pass_new = generateHash($password_new,$loggedInUser->hash_pw); if($entered_pass_new == $loggedInUser->hash_pw) { //Don't update, this fool is trying to update with the same password ¬¬ $errors[] = lang("ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_NOTHING_TO_UPDATE"); } else { //This function will create the new hash and update the hash_pw property. $loggedInUser->updatePassword($password_new); $successes[] = lang("ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_UPDATED"); } } } if(count($errors) == 0 AND count($successes) == 0){ $errors[] = lang("NOTHING_TO_UPDATE"); } } require_once("models/header.php"); echo "


User Settings

"; include("left-nav.php"); echo "
"; echo resultBlock($errors,$successes); echo "

"; ?>