X-Git-Url: https://git.ucc.asn.au/?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=inline;f=irc%2Flog;h=219cd256cb423cb9f416da61bb80f3775e20e69c;hb=b131bb6cde598e31ea10cc72b432dc56374536a1;hp=d799f2dec9152253ff08a1048f6923baa6998ed0;hpb=19c48bb0707a0a92aa713e125cbd070295621383;p=matches%2FMCTX3420.git diff --git a/irc/log b/irc/log index d799f2d..219cd25 100644 --- a/irc/log +++ b/irc/log @@ -5530,3 +5530,1347 @@ 15:46 < jtanx> okay 15:50 < jtanx> finally... back to actually coding the control page 22:59 -!- jtanx [~asfa@220-253-133-241.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox 24.0/20130910160258]"] +--- Day changed Sun Oct 20 2013 +15:56 -!- Callum [~Callum@106-68-161-33.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +15:59 < Callum> hey sam, got a link to the dropbox? +16:06 < sam_moore> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/km90dmbdrgin3mg/OimGp0qopv +16:06 < Callum> thanks +16:07 < sam_moore> I think I might be able to hack together a user management system based on UserCake +16:08 < sam_moore> Someone else will have to make it look pretty though +17:25 < Callum> opencv is fucking retarded. +17:25 < Callum> C++ has a bunch of different functions for each individual type of blur +17:25 < Callum> C has one function but you pass it an ID for which type of blur you want to use.. +17:30 < sam_moore> OpenCV used to be in C, but they moved it to C++ +17:30 < sam_moore> But it still supports the C API +17:30 < sam_moore> Through some wierd magic +17:30 < sam_moore> At least, if you run our program in valgrind, it reports a lot of stuff happening with things like "std::string" and "cv::Mat"; ie: C++ namespaces +17:32 < Callum> yea. its a bit of a bitch to code in C...all the documentation is for c++ pretty much +17:32 < Callum> like right now im trying to find out how to simply set all elements to 0.. where in c++ its just Mat::Scalar(0) +17:32 < sam_moore> If you really want you can probably compile in C++, but I'm not sure if it will cause issues elsewhere +17:33 < Callum> il just keep going like this. just a couple of things atm i need to figure out. hopefully thats it +17:33 < sam_moore> Cool +17:34 < sam_moore> The server now supports 3 entirely different authentication methods :S +17:34 < Callum> haha. a little excessive. +17:34 < Callum> hopefully they'll be happy with atleast one of them.. +17:34 < sam_moore> If we modify UserCake we can run our own user management system +17:35 < sam_moore> I need to change it so that instead of users registering themselves it's the admin that adds users manually though +17:35 < sam_moore> Also we'd have to get email working +17:57 < Callum> uuh. so using one of his test images for the microscope, running it through Canny gives a bunch of squiggly lines all over the place +17:57 < Callum> its funny, the part which is actually the edge...has the most black +17:57 < Callum> il try some of his other images and see what it does +20:22 -!- Callum [~Callum@106-68-161-33.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [EOF From client] +20:50 -!- MctxBot_ [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +21:05 -!- MctxBot [~twang@220-253-133-241.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +21:06 -!- Irssi: #mctxuwa_softdev: Total of 2 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 2 normal] +21:08 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +21:10 < jtanx> working on the report the day before... +21:10 < jtanx> what is this madness +22:23 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox 24.0/20130910160258]"] +--- Day changed Mon Oct 21 2013 +07:40 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +08:04 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox 24.0/20130910160258]"] +09:15 -!- jtanx [~asfa@] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +11:00 -!- jtanx [~asfa@] has quit [Ping timeout] +11:03 -!- jtanx_ [~asfa@] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +11:03 -!- jtanx_ is now known as jtanx +11:22 < jtanx> mctxserv[10834]: FATAL: Data_Save (data.c:80) - Error seeking to end of DataFile test/sensor_1 - File too large +11:23 < jtanx> jeremy@pickle:~/git/MCTX3420/server/test$ du -sh * +11:23 < jtanx> 0 actuator_0 +11:23 < jtanx> 2.0G sensor_0 +11:23 < jtanx> 2.1G sensor_1 +11:23 < jtanx> after running overnight +11:23 < jtanx> hahaha +11:36 < sam_moore> The 32G SD card might have been a good thing to buy... +11:36 < sam_moore> Just in case +11:36 < jtanx> I tried removing the line i made to fstab +11:36 < jtanx> still didn't work +11:36 < sam_moore> Damn +11:36 < jtanx> was there anything important on it +11:36 < jtanx> could just flash it with the internal memory +11:37 < sam_moore> I'd be very hesitant to flash it to the internal memory if it doesn't boot +11:37 < sam_moore> There may be something else wrong with it +11:37 < jtanx> I mean +11:37 < jtanx> there's a script +11:37 < jtanx> to copy the internal memory to the sd card +11:37 < sam_moore> Oh, that's cool +11:37 < sam_moore> We can do that +11:37 < jtanx> Okay +11:37 < sam_moore> Since Ubuntu magically solved our image problems, we should use it +11:38 < jtanx> yeah, that was weird +11:38 < jtanx> just as long as there's nothing important on the sd card +11:38 < sam_moore> Probably change the phrasing in the report from "We don't know why this fixed it" to "We fixed it through our 1337 haxor skills" +11:38 < jtanx> >.> +11:39 < jtanx> how did you set up usercake? +11:39 < jtanx> like where's this db-settings.php that it mentions +11:39 < jtanx> oh right +11:39 < jtanx> never mind +11:41 < sam_moore> It comes with an install directory that I removed +11:41 < sam_moore> We should add that because we might want to modify the database structure +11:41 < jtanx> yeah +11:41 < sam_moore> Eg: It's a real pain that user permission levels are in a seperate table to everything else +11:41 < sam_moore> And doesn't make sense... +11:41 < jtanx> normalised database design +11:41 < jtanx> :P +11:42 < sam_moore> We can go with the "strcmp(user, "admin")" for now +11:42 < sam_moore> Did you get the email about LEFT vs RIGHT can? +11:42 < jtanx> yeah +11:42 < sam_moore> I think I should ask +11:42 < jtanx> pneumatics wants left +11:43 < sam_moore> "Are you looking at the box from the FRONT or BACK" +11:43 < jtanx> everyone else thought right +11:43 < jtanx> hahahaah +11:43 < sam_moore> "Also, which side is the FRONT" +11:43 < jtanx> the case team got blasted this morning +11:43 < sam_moore> Uh oh +11:43 < jtanx> apparentl +11:43 < jtanx> y +11:43 < sam_moore> Then again, we all get blasted every week +11:43 < jtanx> true +11:43 < sam_moore> I think we manage to get the least blasting, but still +11:43 < jtanx> oh yeah +11:44 < jtanx> apparently the report IS individual +11:44 < jtanx> per group +11:44 < jtanx> I'm getting confused +11:44 < sam_moore> Haha +11:44 < jtanx> and it's due next monday??? +11:44 < sam_moore> -_- +11:44 < jtanx> confusion over the due date +11:44 < jtanx> adam apparently didn't know, and thought sparkplus would send out the date +11:44 < jtanx> i don't know what sparkplus has got to do with this though +11:45 < sam_moore> How long does it have to be? +11:45 < jtanx> I have no idea +11:45 < sam_moore> Sparkplus is for our peer evaluation +11:45 < jtanx> yeah +11:45 < jtanx> but the relation to report due date? +11:45 < sam_moore> Pretty lazy if you ask me, and I don't care that they might read this (frankly I doubt it) to get the students to mark each other +11:46 < jtanx> Yeah +11:46 < jtanx> urgh +11:46 < jtanx> getting 1045 (access denied) from mysql +11:46 < jtanx> pretty sure I've got the pwd right +11:46 < sam_moore> It might be what happens in the Real World (TM), but this is not some company, this is university, my grades should not depend on someone else +11:47 < sam_moore> Try with `mysql` from the command line and check the password? +11:50 < jtanx> herp derp +11:50 < jtanx> no password +11:53 < jtanx> now that I think about it, it's almost exactly like the django idea, except in php +11:53 < sam_moore> Yep +11:53 < jtanx> when you install it, is there any default login? +11:54 < sam_moore> No; you register an account and that account becomes the admin +11:54 < sam_moore> (of course you can also manually update the database) +11:54 < jtanx> okay +11:54 < sam_moore> You could change the install script to do that +11:54 < jtanx> how are usernames and passwords stored in the db? +11:54 < jtanx> crypt? +11:54 < jtanx> (do you specify the algorithm?) +11:55 < sam_moore> passwords are crypted with SHA6 +11:55 < sam_moore> The other stuff is plain text +11:55 < sam_moore> UserCake default is SHA1 or something +11:55 < jtanx> sha6? +11:55 < sam_moore> I changed it to SHA6 +11:55 < jtanx> does it use something called pcks +11:55 < jtanx> pcsk2 +11:55 < jtanx> pcks2* +11:56 < sam_moore> Wait... by SHA6 I mean "SHA-Whatever-you-get-with-$6$-in-the-salt" +11:56 < sam_moore> Which is actually SHA-512 +11:56 < sam_moore> Derp +11:56 < jtanx> hmm +11:57 < sam_moore> I couldn't find any references to security issues with doing it this way, but that doesn't mean there aren't any +11:57 < sam_moore> However there's always going to be some security issues with anything we use +11:57 < jtanx> yeah +11:57 < jtanx> about the stuff in login.c +11:57 < jtanx> you'll definitely want to change tat +11:57 < jtanx> "SELECT password FROM %s WHERE user_name = \"%s\";", +11:58 < jtanx> sql injection right there +11:58 < sam_moore> I know +11:58 < sam_moore> That's why Login_Handler removes all non alpha-numeric characters from the user name +11:58 < jtanx> the password? +11:58 < sam_moore> The password isn't part of the MySQL query +11:58 < sam_moore> Only the user name +11:58 < jtanx> oh right +11:58 < sam_moore> So the password can contain any characters +11:59 < jtanx> yeah +11:59 < jtanx> I know with sqlite you can use placeholders +11:59 < jtanx> then you 'bind' stuff to those placeholders +11:59 < sam_moore> I think you can with MySQL too +11:59 < jtanx> probably +11:59 < sam_moore> Feel free to change it if you want, I figured it was safe if username was already checked for bad characters +12:00 < jtanx> yep +12:03 < jtanx> Pneumatics and electronics wants to test the system this wednesday, starting from 10am +12:03 < sam_moore> That provides a convenient reason to not work on ENSC1001 +12:03 < sam_moore> So I'll be there +12:03 < jtanx> Hahaha +12:08 < jtanx> nneded php5-gd +12:08 < jtanx> these username/password restrictions are attrocious +12:57 < sam_moore> The UserCake ones? +12:57 < jtanx> yeah +12:57 < sam_moore> Also, sorry I'll be late today +12:57 < jtanx> that's ok +12:58 < sam_moore> We're getting there... +12:59 < sam_moore> The question is, do they want a finished project, or do they want a report on an unfinished project +12:59 < jtanx> hahaha +12:59 < sam_moore> Because we'll have to devote a lot of time to the report +12:59 < jtanx> yes +13:00 < sam_moore> We've looked into every layer of software from linux kernel drivers to databases and human computer interaction... +13:01 < jtanx> o.o +13:01 < sam_moore> I think we can conclude that they are all horrible hacks tied together with shoelaces +13:01 < jtanx> about usercake +13:02 < jtanx> is it just +13:02 < jtanx> you have a set of pages +13:02 < jtanx> and they're either accessible or not +13:02 < jtanx> to the user? +13:02 < sam_moore> Yep, and I know you're thinking we could put the API as one of those pages :P +13:02 < jtanx> haha +13:02 < sam_moore> But I think it's better to keep the API seperate from user management +13:02 < jtanx> didn't think that +13:02 < jtanx> but was just trying to understand usercake +13:02 < sam_moore> Fair enough +13:02 < jtanx> but since everything's in php +13:03 < jtanx> we can do some templating +13:03 < jtanx> instead of hacking it together with javascript +13:03 < sam_moore> Sure +13:03 < sam_moore> The main modification I wanted to make was a page that lets the admin upload a list of users and get rid of the registration page (or restrict it somehow) +13:04 < jtanx> yeah +13:04 < jtanx> but some things are better done in php +13:04 < jtanx> like that whole 'load the sidebar in jaascript' is crap +13:04 < jtanx> and the whole 'if not logged in, redirect the user with javascript' too +13:04 < sam_moore> Feel free to add php to the main gui, it is probably a good choice +13:05 < jtanx> okay +13:05 < jtanx> once I figure out how stuff works +13:05 < sam_moore> I'm just not experienced enough with this sort of web development stuff +13:05 < jtanx> I can probably say it's a learing experience for everyone +13:05 < sam_moore> Yes +13:06 < sam_moore> I am pretty happy with how we've done this, even if it doesn't get finished +13:06 < jtanx> Yeah, it's quite ok +13:06 < sam_moore> I think we made good design choices +13:06 < sam_moore> Probably the best one was when you convinced me to use FastCGI instead of writing a custom HTTP server :P +13:07 < sam_moore> Or we'd be well and truly screwed when all the requirements for security and user management came along +13:07 < jtanx> hahaha +13:07 < jtanx> php +13:07 < jtanx> custom webserver +13:07 < jtanx> well +13:07 < jtanx> it might have worked +13:08 < jtanx> call php5-cli with system +13:08 < jtanx> hahaha +13:08 < sam_moore> I could probably do something like that with enough time +13:08 < sam_moore> But it wouldn't really be worth it +13:14 < jtanx> oh right +13:14 < jtanx> you changed usercake to use crypt +13:15 < jtanx> I'll change the password for the sd card image back to what we used before +13:16 < jtanx> username will be ubuntu though +13:18 < sam_moore> ok +13:18 < jtanx> the internal memory still uses temppwd though +13:20 < jtanx> if we use usercake we'd have to use php throughout the stuff anyway +13:20 < jtanx> unless you want it to be publicly visible +--- Log closed Mon Oct 21 14:11:57 2013 +--- Log opened Mon Oct 21 14:40:20 2013 +14:40 -!- sam_moore [matches@motsugo.ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +14:40 -!- Irssi: #mctxuwa_softdev: Total of 2 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 2 normal] +14:40 -!- Irssi: Join to #mctxuwa_softdev was synced in 3 secs +14:43 -!- jtanx [~asfa@] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +--- Log closed Mon Oct 21 14:49:35 2013 +--- Log opened Mon Oct 21 15:08:16 2013 +15:08 -!- sam_moore [matches@motsugo.ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +15:08 -!- Irssi: #mctxuwa_softdev: Total of 1 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 1 normal] +15:08 -!- Irssi: Join to #mctxuwa_softdev was synced in 2 secs +15:17 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +15:22 -!- jtanx_ [~asfa@] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +15:22 -!- jtanx_ is now known as jtanx +15:22 -!- jtanx [~asfa@] has quit [EOF From client] +18:17 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +18:36 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +22:14 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox 24.0/20130910160258]"] +22:57 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +--- Day changed Tue Oct 22 2013 +09:35 < sam_moore> So... looking at our system diagram, we have "mains electricity" going directly into the BeagleBone +09:35 < sam_moore> That should probably be fixed +09:38 < sam_moore> Dammit isn't there an svg version somewhere +10:06 < sam_moore> Oliver said Adrian's goal was to "teach us a lesson" +10:07 < sam_moore> If the goal is to turn us into cynical bastards, I was already a cynical bastard before this unit, so I fail to see the point +10:07 < sam_moore> ... Talking to myself, excellent sign +10:38 -!- jtanx [825ffcb6@ircip4.mibbit.com] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +10:39 < sam_moore> Hi Jeremy +10:40 < sam_moore> Are you OK with the section I listed for you? +10:40 < jtanx> Sure, it seems okay +10:41 < jtanx> This is going to be a busy week +10:42 < sam_moore> I basically told my ENSC1001 team that if I have to choose between failing two units, I will choose to fail ENSC1001 +10:42 < sam_moore> I am now "that guy" +10:43 < jtanx> Urgh :( +10:44 < sam_moore> The requirements for the diary in terms of software are a bit ridiculous +10:44 < sam_moore> In the 21st century +10:44 < sam_moore> You'd think we could use git +10:44 < sam_moore> As opposed to writing down source code in our diary +10:44 < sam_moore> ... writing down code... +10:44 < sam_moore> By hand +10:44 < jtanx> Yeah, the requirements for this whole unit have been quite a stretch\ +10:44 < sam_moore> In a diary +10:44 < sam_moore> What the hell??? +10:44 < jtanx> I asked during the meeting if he wanted a printed copy of the code :P +10:45 < sam_moore> One idea I have had that would have been good +10:45 < sam_moore> Is to always make 2 git commits whenever you work on something +10:45 < sam_moore> One when you start +10:45 < sam_moore> And one when you finish +10:45 < jtanx> good idea +10:46 < sam_moore> So, does he want a printed copy of the code? +10:52 < jtanx> nah +10:58 < sam_moore> Damn, that might have been fun to hand in +10:58 < jtanx> We could do it just for shits +10:58 < jtanx> print out the doxygen manual too +10:58 < sam_moore> Hahaha +10:58 < sam_moore> The doxygen manual is probably bigger than the printed source code +10:59 < jtanx> Get a quote from uniprint +10:59 < jtanx> print and bind it +10:59 < sam_moore> Sure +10:59 < sam_moore> It won't help though +10:59 < jtanx> yeah +10:59 < sam_moore> The response to anything that looks like it was a large amount of work +10:59 < sam_moore> is "you overcomplicated it!" +10:59 < jtanx> ~.~ +11:02 < jtanx> okay, i'm leaving uni +11:02 -!- jtanx [825ffcb6@ircip4.mibbit.com] has quit ["http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"] +11:31 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +11:37 < jtanx> well, I guess now's a good time than any to learn LaTeX +11:39 < sam_moore> Haha +11:39 < sam_moore> You don't have to learn LaTeX +11:39 < sam_moore> It's just, for a 30 page report +11:39 < sam_moore> If I am the one collating it +11:39 < sam_moore> I want to use LaTeX +11:39 < sam_moore> Hang on, I'll submit something in a minute, I got sidetracked looking at flow chart applications +11:41 < jtanx> that's ok +11:41 < jtanx> I've always wanted to learn latex anyway +11:43 < sam_moore> If you're good at programming you can pick up latex pretty easily +11:43 < jtanx> yeah, it doesn't look to bad +11:43 < sam_moore> The scary bit is all the preamble stuff +11:43 < sam_moore> Which you just copy/paste from examples unless you actually want to change something majorly +11:43 < jtanx> haha +11:43 < sam_moore> The rest is just like any markup language, except a bit more verbose +11:44 < sam_moore> I have a nice template structure from my thesis we can use +11:44 < jtanx> Cool +11:57 < sam_moore> https://github.com/szmoore/MCTX3420/tree/report/reports/final +11:58 < sam_moore> Essentially every chapter gets a single .tex file in the chapters directory +11:58 < sam_moore> report.tex determines the formatting and stuff, so the chapter.tex files don't have to have anything other than content +11:58 < jtanx> Okay +11:59 < sam_moore> I'm not sure if it builds under windows easily +11:59 < jtanx> well +11:59 < jtanx> one of the reasons why i hesitated to use latex was because it's something like a few gb to isntall +12:00 < jtanx> it should build under windows fine +12:00 < sam_moore> Ah +12:00 < sam_moore> I think it's worth it +12:00 < jtanx> I have no disk space to install it on my laptop +12:00 < sam_moore> For something of this scale... using a standard word processor... +12:00 < sam_moore> Haha +12:00 < jtanx> but it's installed on my server +12:00 < sam_moore> Just worry about the content, I can make it compile either way +12:00 < jtanx> yeah +12:01 < sam_moore> Also, do you know any good flow chart stuff? Other than omnigraffle which is OSX only +12:01 < jtanx> ms visio +12:01 < jtanx> defacto standard +12:02 < jtanx> never particularly liked it though +12:03 < jtanx> it's free of msdnaa, but of course you need a windows computer... +12:03 < sam_moore> Yeah, that will ruin my productivity +12:04 < sam_moore> I do have windows, but rebooting is not fun, installing windows equivelants of all the software I use under linux is not fun, wine is probably broken, and running my windows operating system off the hard disk as a VM can be done, but gives temperamental results +12:07 < jtanx> hahaha +12:15 < sam_moore> Hmm, I have LibreOffice draw +12:15 < sam_moore> Maybe that doesn't suck +12:16 < jtanx> I hate using Libre/Open* +12:16 < jtanx> never formats properly +12:17 < sam_moore> Yeah... just trying to join two shapes together nicely is taking more than 3 seconds, screw that +12:17 < jtanx> hahaha +12:17 < sam_moore> I'll try this "Dia" thing +12:18 < sam_moore> Oh dear +12:18 < sam_moore> There's "Dia" +12:18 < sam_moore> And "Diagramly" +12:20 < jtanx> what about graphviz +12:28 < sam_moore> giffly looks good +12:28 < jtanx> Any particular name for our server software? +12:28 < sam_moore> Oh god, it needs a name +12:28 < jtanx> I've just been referring to it as 'Server API' +12:28 < sam_moore> Yeah :S +12:29 < sam_moore> I have a friend who didn't name their software and had to give a report on it and the only thing anyone commented on was its lack of name +12:29 < sam_moore> So the next time... +12:30 < jtanx> >.> +12:30 < sam_moore> He said "This part of the software is 'sabertooth' and this part is 'timberwolf'" +12:30 < sam_moore> And they liked it +12:30 < jtanx> Hahaha +12:30 < jtanx> what +12:31 < sam_moore> ... +12:31 < sam_moore> What's the greek god of disaster? +12:31 < sam_moore> Or exploding pressurised vessels +12:32 < sam_moore> Demeter, goddess of failure... +12:33 < sam_moore> Just stick with Server API for now +12:35 < sam_moore> I think I'll use gliffy even though it requires me to sell my soul to whatever company owns it +12:35 < sam_moore> Can't be worse than facebook +12:35 < jtanx> ._. +12:35 < jtanx> fair enough +12:36 < sam_moore> For a "vector graphics" editor, "dia" just looks horrible +12:36 < sam_moore> The lines don't alias properly at all +12:36 < jtanx> does it generate svg output +12:37 < sam_moore> gliffy does and I'm not looking back :P +12:37 < jtanx> hahaha +12:42 < sam_moore> gliffy is really nice +12:42 < jtanx> which flow chart are you doing +12:42 < sam_moore> At the moment, the sensors thread +12:43 < jtanx> Okay +12:43 < jtanx> ahh +12:43 < jtanx> gliffy would have been handy for uml crap I had to do +12:46 < sam_moore> If you want to start with flow charts, try and do one for how ajax goes from the client and then data comes back through the labyrinth of FastCGI calls :P +12:47 < sam_moore> I have a feeling they will consider flow charts to be "documentation" and not "report" though :S +12:47 < jtanx> We can put it in the report +12:47 < jtanx> then write about it +12:47 < sam_moore> Haha +12:47 < sam_moore> I actually have some results from experiments which they keep going on about in the marking key +12:48 < sam_moore> I'm not sure what we can do for the results of tests from the GUI +12:48 < jtanx> yeah +12:48 < sam_moore> At one point I had a graph in flot that was plotting the time it took to update the graph in flot +12:48 < sam_moore> But I never saved it +12:48 < jtanx> o.O +12:49 < sam_moore> Something that might be nice is a cachegrind profile +12:49 < sam_moore> Whenever I do a report on software I try and profile it somehow +12:49 < sam_moore> Anyway... the focus has shifted from "make the system work" to "write a report" +12:49 < jtanx> Yeah +12:50 < sam_moore> So we're pretty much just going to leave the system in an almost finished state, but since it would take someone a few weeks to learn it, they'll just start again... +12:50 < sam_moore> and fail in all the same ways next year :( +12:50 < jtanx> Hahahaha, of course +13:48 < sam_moore> This flow chart stuff is really annoying +13:48 < sam_moore> How much detail needs to be included +13:48 < sam_moore> Argh +13:48 < jtanx> I just made one in visio +13:48 < jtanx> high level crap +13:49 < jtanx> but still annoying to make +13:49 < jtanx> I was hoping to make the flow chart +13:49 < jtanx> then comment on that +13:49 < jtanx> in the text +13:49 < sam_moore> Ok +13:50 < jtanx> Do you think something like this is ok?http://i.imgur.com/acNVXME.png +13:52 < sam_moore> That looks good +13:52 < sam_moore> It's completely inconsistent with what my sensor flow chart looks like visually though +13:52 < jtanx> :S +13:53 < sam_moore> Should we try make them all look the same, or not bother? +13:53 < jtanx> Hmm +13:53 < sam_moore> I'm not sure if this works; can you access it like this: https://www.gliffy.com/go/html5/5007621?app=1b5094b0-6042-11e2-bcfd-0800200c9a66 +13:53 < jtanx> I have to login +13:54 < jtanx> presumably your login +13:54 < sam_moore> Yeah, ok, I'll just put it under figures +13:55 < sam_moore> https://github.com/szmoore/MCTX3420/blob/report/reports/final/figures/sensor_thread.png +13:57 < jtanx> Nice +14:00 < sam_moore> Whatever, don't worry about consistency, just make the charts +14:00 < jtanx> If we get time, maybe then +14:24 < sam_moore> We don't have time, I just spent 6 hours making one diagram :S +14:24 < sam_moore> Ok, only 4.5 hours so far, but still +14:24 < jtanx> :S +14:24 < jtanx> I've spent what, 30 mins deciding how to write this one paragraph +14:25 < jtanx> This is ridiculous +14:25 < sam_moore> Were you there when Oliver said that Adrian's goal with this unit was to punish us? +14:25 < jtanx> Hahaha +14:25 < jtanx> Nah I wasn't there +14:26 < sam_moore> The whole point is apparently to make us realise that we need a project manager +14:26 < sam_moore> Something that I'm pretty sure I could work out for myself thankyou very much +14:26 < jtanx> >.o +14:29 < sam_moore> I've pushed some sort of report layout thing +14:32 < sam_moore> It looks like most of the marks are on the "Approach" section +14:32 < sam_moore> Which reminds me, I need to finish adding up my hours... +14:33 < sam_moore> For cost calculation we could go "We have an average of X lines per day. According to James Trevelyn, the metric is 15 lines per day. Assuming this means 8 hours full time work at $150 an hour... we need this much money." +14:34 < jtanx> Yeah +16:09 < sam_moore> Ok, I'm starting to get the hang of this +16:09 < sam_moore> If I just don't sleep for the next week +16:09 < sam_moore> We'll be fine +16:09 < jtanx> :S +16:10 < sam_moore> Dammit are we still testing this system on Wednesday? +16:10 < jtanx> I think so +16:10 < jtanx> I'm trying to push out as much of this as possible today, but I'm not getting that far... +16:10 < sam_moore> Ok, it should be fine, we just need some minor changes +16:10 < sam_moore> Like... actually putting all the sensors/actuators in the software... +16:10 < sam_moore> All the logic to control them is there though +16:10 < jtanx> Yeah, maybe... +16:11 < sam_moore> Don't worry about shit like the microphone in the graph page; the data can be recorded and downloaded, that's good enough for it +16:11 < jtanx> Yep +16:12 < jtanx> I don't particularly see the use of the microphone anyway +16:12 < sam_moore> I don't know either +16:13 < sam_moore> I realised that doing something like PID control with the current sensor/actuator logic would be a pain... +16:13 < jtanx> Will we need pid control? +16:14 < sam_moore> I don't think so +16:14 < jtanx> I hope not +16:14 < sam_moore> Well... not if the pressure regulator is good +16:14 < jtanx> Here's to hoping +16:14 < jtanx> (and if electronics gets their PWM-to-analogue thing going) +16:15 < sam_moore> At least it's sort of possible to make PID control work, if you can identify the sensor somehow in Actuator_Loop and then just look at (sensor->current_data.value)/(sensor->points_read) +16:15 < sam_moore> (Because I was lazy and reused current_data to store the sum of the points read before averaging, rather than the actual most recent point) +16:16 < sam_moore> ergh, we'll fix that if it needs fixing anyway +16:23 < sam_moore> Actually, if the goal is just to plot pressure vs strain, we don't care exactly what the pressure regulator is *supposed* to be... we just blindly increase it and then plot the strain vs an actual pressure sensor instead +16:24 < jtanx> That's true +16:26 < sam_moore> I wonder how harsh they will be on the "you must have designed the system completely before you implement it" +16:26 < sam_moore> Do we have to determine what every line of code is going to be before we write them? +16:27 < jtanx> Well there's no way that can be the case +16:28 < jtanx> If that were the case i think we'd still be stuck trying to write the basics +16:28 < sam_moore> At a high level our design is still exactly what is on that block diagram from ages ago +16:28 < sam_moore> At a lower level... it's been through a few changes +16:53 < sam_moore> ... I'm at 13 pages, but a lot of them are blank +16:55 < jtanx> Ideally it should be ~5 pages/person since there's 6 people... +16:55 < jtanx> How it actually turns out, well... +16:57 < sam_moore> Well +16:57 < sam_moore> One flow chart == 1 page... +16:57 < sam_moore> I'm pretty sure I need to make at least 3 flow charts... +16:57 < jtanx> Hahaha +16:58 < sam_moore> Hmmm, could we hand in 29 pages of flow chart and 1 page of text... +16:58 < sam_moore> The "teamwork" process could be a fun flowchart to make +16:58 < sam_moore> Put lots of skull and crossbones on it +16:58 < jtanx> :P +16:59 < sam_moore> I'm pretty sure if you just count the figures I wanted to include that would make more than 5 pages +16:59 < sam_moore> Perhaps this is achievable then +17:00 < sam_moore> At least, getting 30 pages is achievable, not sure about meeting the marking criteria +17:00 < jtanx> Yeah +17:09 < jtanx> I'm at about 2 pages, and I've barely even started on explaining anything +17:09 < jtanx> just reasoning why we chose what we chose +17:28 < jtanx> "So Adrian just made an LMS announcement and the report is now due on Friday Week 13 (5pm), which is slightly more reasonable." +17:28 < jtanx> (Justin just emailed) +17:56 < sam_moore> I wonder if James' refreshing new GUI will be ready to show off by Tuesday +17:56 < jtanx> Hehe +17:57 < jtanx> Hopefully +17:58 < sam_moore> LMS has two reports... +17:58 < sam_moore> "Individual Report" and "Final Report" +17:58 < jtanx> really +17:58 < jtanx> why +17:59 < sam_moore> Maybe the individual report is for the peer assessment mark? +17:59 < jtanx> ah +17:59 < jtanx> the marks on lms are depressing me +18:00 < sam_moore> The progress report marks? +18:00 < sam_moore> They are pretty depressing +18:00 < jtanx> the quiz marks and soldering lab +18:00 < sam_moore> Oh those +18:00 < sam_moore> They are even more depressing +18:01 < sam_moore> Wait, this maths doesn't make sense +18:01 < sam_moore> The meetings are worth 52/1010 +18:01 < sam_moore> The tutorials are worth 808 +18:01 < sam_moore> The soldering video is 100 +18:01 < jtanx> it's lms being screwy +18:01 < sam_moore> And our final report is worth 23? +18:02 < jtanx> the quiz marks and tutorial is marked outof 100% +18:02 < jtanx> I don't know what the others are marked out of +18:02 < jtanx> (well tutes out of 4) +18:11 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +19:16 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +20:20 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +20:22 -!- jtanx_ [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +20:22 -!- jtanx_ is now known as jtanx +21:14 < sam_moore> I just did a test that I probably should have done ages ago, but it confirms my assertion that C is much better (at least in terms of performance) for multithreaded stuff than python +21:14 < jtanx> well yeah +21:14 < jtanx> but then how much performance do you require +21:14 < sam_moore> All the performance +21:15 < jtanx> :P +21:15 < sam_moore> At the fastest possible sampling rate, python is up around 0.01s in terms of the standard deviation of the distribution you get +21:15 < sam_moore> So that's pretty bad +21:18 < sam_moore> That's on a multicore processor actually +21:18 < sam_moore> I guess I could repeat the test on the actual beaglebone, but I think the graph proves the point +21:20 < sam_moore> ... Anyway, they said they wanted results of tests and things... so that's a test we can put in if we need to. +21:21 < jtanx> Yeah +21:24 < jtanx> https://github.com/niklasvh/html2canvas +21:25 < jtanx> oh that's cool +21:41 < sam_moore> Your section of the report is really good +21:41 < jtanx> Really? +21:41 < jtanx> I thought it was really wishy washy +21:41 < sam_moore> Well it justifies the design choice pretty well +21:42 < jtanx> Thanks +21:42 < sam_moore> At one point people were seriously discussing using things other than HTTP +21:43 < jtanx> What could we have used +21:43 < jtanx> designed our own protocol? +21:43 < sam_moore> Yeah, which would have sucked, that's what I had to explain +21:44 < jtanx> Yeah +21:44 < sam_moore> It was something along the lines of "why do we need to do all this complicated web stuff, can't we just have one device talking to another device over some kind of serial cable" +21:44 < jtanx> I could imagine the heartache involved in trying to use some custom protocol +21:44 < jtanx> hahaha +21:44 < sam_moore> In the first place... you then have to build two custom devices as well as write a custom protocol... +21:46 < jtanx> Yeah +21:46 < sam_moore> We did need a raspberry pi or beaglebone, whether or not using an arduino as well for low level stuff would be better I'm not sure +21:47 < jtanx> Hmm +21:47 < sam_moore> I don't think it would have been worth the effort needed to get the RPi/BBB to talk to the arduino +21:47 < jtanx> An arduino may have been better for all the gpio/adc stuff I guess +21:47 < jtanx> but yeah +21:47 < jtanx> the communication between the device and the arduino +21:48 < sam_moore> Well you'd have a request coming in via HTTP, and then that would have to be sent over USB to the arduino to do the appropriate hardware control +21:48 < sam_moore> Which would probably make it difficult to make the sensors/actuators independent of the client +21:49 < jtanx> Well, there's also the option of i2c +21:49 < jtanx> but yes +21:49 < jtanx> an extra layer of communication +21:49 < jtanx> :/ +21:49 < sam_moore> Either way, you have to store the data somehow... and you don't want it to be dependent on the client request... +21:50 < sam_moore> The more I think about it, the less I like it... +21:51 < sam_moore> So I'm glad we went with the BeagleBone even though it's gpio/adc/pwm control is terrible +21:51 < jtanx> Hahaha +21:51 < jtanx> love/hate relationship with the bbb +21:52 < sam_moore> You'd need to have interrupt handlers and some kind of synchronisation going on +21:52 < sam_moore> You still need mutexes and conditionals with threads, but it's a lot easier +21:53 < sam_moore> ... and we'd still need the multithreaded stuff anyway, because we'd still have sensors on the actual RPi/BBB to deal with +21:53 < sam_moore> Yep, it would have been worse +21:53 < jtanx> Yeah +21:54 < sam_moore> We should definitely note this in the report somewhere +21:55 < jtanx> Yeah +21:55 < jtanx> Help justify why we agreed to the bbb +21:55 < sam_moore> Well we did sort of agree to it because of that +21:55 < sam_moore> It was partly "Hmm, we only have to write code for one device" +21:56 < sam_moore> And partly because electronics wanted it to avoid having to build the extra hardware +21:56 < sam_moore> And partly because if electronics wanted it then we wouldn't have to write our own BOM and order things :P +21:56 < jtanx> :P +22:18 < jtanx> MySQL Database BLARGH +22:18 < jtanx> hehe +22:21 < sam_moore> Do my thread flow charts make sense? +22:22 < sam_moore> It's hard to know objectively +22:22 < sam_moore> But I suspect looking at them for too long may cause the brain to shut down +22:24 < sam_moore> Dammit, I can't remember if tomorrow is supposed to be some important assessment thing for ENSC1001 or not +22:24 < jtanx> o.o +22:24 < jtanx> I'm still trying to familiarise myself with the meaning of all the flow chart symbols +22:24 < jtanx> but it seems okay +22:24 < jtanx> don't you have to give a presentation or something for ensc1001 +22:25 < sam_moore> Yeah, but it's alright, that's next week +22:25 < sam_moore> All the things are due next week +22:26 < sam_moore> That's all that matters to me right now, because I want to sleep +22:26 < jtanx> :S +22:26 < sam_moore> Next Tuesday I will hate myself for sleeping this Tuesday +22:26 < sam_moore> But Sam from next Tuesday is a jerk anyway +22:26 < sam_moore> I never liked that guy +22:26 < jtanx> Hey, sleep is important +22:27 < jtanx> One thing about the flow charts, doesn't fatal just call exit(), so no deinitialisation happens +22:27 < sam_moore> Um, sort of +22:27 < sam_moore> But when the program exits, Cleanup gets called +22:27 < sam_moore> Which calls the deinitialisation functions +22:27 < jtanx> When did that get enabled +22:28 < sam_moore> Cleanup has been there for ages +22:28 < sam_moore> It's just been empty most of the time +22:28 < jtanx> Ah +22:28 < sam_moore> Although, I'm not sure if calling exit() is the best way to do it when you have multiple threads +22:28 < jtanx> Meh +22:28 < jtanx> when you have a fatal situation +22:29 < sam_moore> Software isn't going to help? +22:29 < jtanx> no +22:29 < sam_moore> I was planning on having exit called with different error codes +22:29 < jtanx> but what can you do with that +22:30 < sam_moore> You can restart the server using run.sh +22:30 < jtanx> but with the different error codes? +22:30 < sam_moore> Or you can start a quick and dirty program that will make sure everything's deinitialised +22:30 < jtanx> Ah +22:30 < jtanx> I guess that could work +22:30 < sam_moore> One error code for "really bad thing happened, we're going to die" +22:30 < sam_moore> And one for "Something dumb happened, restart the server" +22:31 < jtanx> About the graphs changing colours +22:31 < jtanx> is it okay to just add a legend +22:31 < sam_moore> It is OK to do whatever is the minimal work for the maximum reward +22:31 < jtanx> hahaha +22:31 < jtanx> well +22:32 < jtanx> it was really easy to add the legend +22:32 < sam_moore> Good, problem solved +22:32 < jtanx> :P +22:33 < jtanx> For the actuators +22:33 < jtanx> did you remove that fatal call +22:33 < jtanx> when the value was not safe? +22:33 < sam_moore> I think I did +22:33 < jtanx> Okay +22:33 < sam_moore> It reports an error and doesn't set the actuator +22:33 < sam_moore> And in theory it cancels the remaining steps +22:33 < jtanx> That's good +22:33 < sam_moore> Meaning the actuator just stays at the last safe value +22:35 < sam_moore> Ah, it doesn't cancel the steps, but that can be easily changed +22:35 < sam_moore> But currently it would just continually report the error until all the steps were finished +22:36 < jtanx> either way's fine +22:37 < jtanx> what's the default sample rate +22:38 < sam_moore> It used to be 1s +22:38 < jtanx> it's just that overnight it's generating about 2G of data +22:38 < jtanx> which doesn't sound like 1s +22:39 < sam_moore> Then it most likely isn't anymore +22:39 < sam_moore> Nope, it's now 1e-4 seconds +22:39 < sam_moore> Changed for the microphone test +22:39 < jtanx> ahh +22:40 < sam_moore> Should probably make the starting sample rate an argument to Sensor_Add +22:40 < jtanx> I was wondering why it was consuming 30% cpu on idle +22:40 < jtanx> ls +22:40 < sam_moore> Ergh, if the microphone is running with everything else, it will generate a lot of data +22:41 < jtanx> Yeah +22:41 < sam_moore> Fortunately I added averaging +22:41 < sam_moore> And apparently they just want an average from the microphone +22:41 < sam_moore> Or a "level" +22:41 < sam_moore> Or something +22:41 < jtanx> oO +22:42 < sam_moore> We'll just have the microphone sample at 1e-6 and have 1e6 averages per point +22:42 < sam_moore> (ie: 1 point gets recorded every second) +22:46 < sam_moore> Hmm, or you could make the microphone's ReadFn only succeed if the last pressure reading is higher than a certain value +22:46 < sam_moore> But that's getting complicated +22:49 < sam_moore> Good night anyway +22:52 < jtanx> Okay +22:53 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox 24.0/20130910160258]"] +23:01 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +23:55 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +--- Day changed Wed Oct 23 2013 +19:30 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +23:01 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox 24.0/20130910160258]"] +--- Day changed Thu Oct 24 2013 +07:42 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +10:21 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +14:16 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +14:36 -!- Rowan [~Rowan@106-68-210-88.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +14:47 < jtanx> Hey +15:45 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Connection reset by peer] +15:47 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +17:27 -!- Rowan [~Rowan@106-68-210-88.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [EOF From client] +17:51 < jtanx> huh +17:51 < jtanx> it was surprisingly easy to add post support +17:56 < sam_moore> That's cool +17:56 < jtanx> you just fgets from stdin instead +17:56 < jtanx> it's in the same format too +17:56 < sam_moore> Excellent +17:57 < jtanx> we probably do have to unescape html strings though +17:57 < jtanx> like if someone had a comma in their password +17:57 < sam_moore> If we had a progress report we could put "potential gaping security leak plugged" +17:57 < jtanx> Hahaha +17:57 < jtanx> but it still allows the get request version +17:57 < sam_moore> Oh well +17:57 < jtanx> but then that's your own fault +17:57 < sam_moore> Yep +17:59 < sam_moore> Doesn't look like the IRC channel will get a mention in the "communication" section of the report :( +17:59 < sam_moore> Oh no wait, it does +17:59 < sam_moore> Good +17:59 < sam_moore> ... That "overall schedule"... +17:59 < jtanx> Haha +17:59 < sam_moore> I started it, and quickly realised it was a waste of time +18:01 < sam_moore> Also, need to hate on the beaglebone less +18:01 < sam_moore> Otherwise they might try and do something stupid like replace it next year +18:01 < jtanx> That would be stupid +18:01 < sam_moore> Yeah, it was a pain, but probably still one of the best things to use +18:02 < sam_moore> RPi with dedicated ADC/DAC modules would probably have been best +18:02 < sam_moore> Distributed system of arduinos.... noooo +18:02 < jtanx> Yeah +18:02 < jtanx> RPi with ADC/DAC would have been cool +18:02 < jtanx> but only because there's more support for the RPi +18:02 < sam_moore> Yes +19:19 < jtanx> hmm +19:20 < jtanx> maybe I should enable POST only for the login module? +19:20 < jtanx> Right now, if POST and GET data is received, the GET data is discarded in place of the POST data +19:28 < jtanx> Yeah, okay I only enabled it for login +22:38 < jtanx> Hahahahaha +22:39 < jtanx> I passed our code through ohloh - https://www.ohloh.net/p/MCTX3420 +22:39 < jtanx> Apparently it's work 3 years of effort, and is valued at $150k +22:49 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox 24.0/20130910160258]"] +--- Day changed Fri Oct 25 2013 +08:48 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +09:50 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +09:56 < sam_moore> Um... we didn't make our first commit in 200 +09:56 < sam_moore> * 2000 +09:56 < sam_moore> 10 developers??? +09:57 < sam_moore> There are 6 of us +09:57 < sam_moore> And some people contributed about 2 lines of source code... +09:57 < sam_moore> Mostly written in JavaScript +09:57 < sam_moore> Really? +09:57 < sam_moore> Is that counting the jQuery UI guff? +09:58 < sam_moore> That's annoying, because the C part of the project is like 50% comment lines +09:58 < sam_moore> And it says "low number of comments" based on the JavaScript :S +09:59 < sam_moore> Still... this is really cool +10:00 < jtanx> hahaha +10:00 < jtanx> the 2000 commit was because we made commits on the bbb +10:00 < sam_moore> ok... +10:00 < jtanx> but it lacks an rtc +10:00 < sam_moore> Where do we get the extra 4 developers from? +10:00 < sam_moore> "Debian" is one +10:00 < jtanx> and for some reason the time didn't get updated +10:01 < jtanx> umm +10:01 < jtanx> hmm +10:01 < jtanx> Ubuntu user? +10:01 < sam_moore> Oh, "Callum" and "Callum-" are treated seperately -_- +10:01 < jtanx> oh +10:01 < sam_moore> That's still only 8 +10:02 < jtanx> the results are a bit skewed +10:02 < jtanx> because a lot of the javascript is just from other libraries +10:02 < jtanx> well at least i think so +10:04 < sam_moore> Yeah +10:05 < sam_moore> Is it easy to just pass a subset of the code through? +10:08 < jtanx> Yep - you have to set what's ignored +10:08 < jtanx> I've just set it to ignore all *.min.js files (essentially all external js files) +10:08 < jtanx> But it won't get updated for a while +10:09 < jtanx> I've got to go for ~ 2 hrs +10:10 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox 24.0/20130910160258]"] +10:12 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +12:46 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +13:42 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +20:44 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +21:20 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox 24.0/20130910160258]"] +21:36 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +23:39 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +--- Day changed Sat Oct 26 2013 +08:43 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +09:22 -!- justin_kruger [~justinkru@CPE-60-230-240-161.lnse1.wel.bigpond.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +09:23 -!- justin_kruger [~justinkru@CPE-60-230-240-161.lnse1.wel.bigpond.net.au] has quit [EOF From client] +09:27 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +09:38 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +13:42 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +15:00 -!- Callum [~Callum@106-68-161-33.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +15:10 < Callum> just finished the code to get the edge. atm it just returns the position on their object. was thinking we'd just use the timestamp and go this was the additional width at this time, additional width at time +1, so rate of change is 2*difference etc +15:11 < Callum> also pushing 3 images to testing (actually i should go abck and push original too) but to show it blurred, after canny and with the found edge imposed over it (without w.e values i had set at the time..) +15:15 < jtanx> Nice +15:16 < Callum> ok merged +15:17 < Callum> i might need some help merging this into the server code too +15:18 < Callum> just to make sure its all good +15:34 < jtanx> Sure +15:34 < jtanx> I'm really busy right now though with this other crappy project that I have to do +15:35 < jtanx> If not today, then maybe during tomorrow's meeting (if we're having a meeting then?) +15:37 -!- Callum [~Callum@106-68-161-33.dyn.iinet.net.au] has left #mctxuwa_softdev [] +15:38 -!- Callum [~chatzilla@106-68-161-33.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +15:55 -!- Callum [~chatzilla@106-68-161-33.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +16:06 -!- Callum [~chatzilla@106-68-161-33.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +16:07 < Callum> we were meeting tomorrow? also i have an assignment due monday i havent started. was going to try and work through that and work on another project i have due..as well as this +16:07 < Callum> still need to start my writeup for this. +16:40 < Callum> also, if the image is completely black, the read function should return false (havent yet tested this but it should be the case) +16:53 < Callum> also looking at justins diagram, why isnt the microscope not included? +16:54 < Callum> or is it just both under "camera" +17:01 < jtanx> Yeah +17:01 < jtanx> I think it's just under "camera" +17:02 < Callum> ok. +17:02 < jtanx> I dunno, I thought we should try to meet some time next week +17:02 < jtanx> monday's our usual meeting time +17:02 < Callum> you said tomorrow though didnt you? +17:03 < jtanx> Ohh +17:03 < jtanx> sorry +17:03 < jtanx> my bad +17:03 < jtanx> I meant monday +17:03 < Callum> was going to say, my body clock so out of wack its sunday already? +17:03 < Callum> yea. if i can get the assignment done tomorrow il be happy to spend most oif the day trying to finish some of this off +17:03 < jtanx> Haha mine is +17:03 < Callum> to be fair, i normally work saturdays +17:03 < Callum> i took it off to do work. +17:04 < jtanx> :/ +17:04 < Callum> so it should feel like a sunday +17:04 < jtanx> I had this assignment where I thought I had completed it, but when I reread the specs I found out that I missed a large portion of it +17:05 < Callum> ouch +17:05 < Callum> what assignment was this for? +17:05 < jtanx> cits3242 +17:05 < jtanx> some programming unit +17:05 < Callum> figured by the cits. :p +17:05 < jtanx> hehe +17:06 < jtanx> yeah, if it wasn't for that i'd be solely working on this project right now +17:07 < Callum> yea iv kind of been working on 3 or 4 things all at once. and not gotten far in anything. +17:07 < jtanx> yeah, it's always crap when things are due at the same time +17:08 < jtanx> but 3-4 things at once? that's harsh +17:12 < Callum> umm. assignment due tomorrow i havent started. i have anoither group project but we only really have 2 members and wev barely done anything (due friday, meant to have 4/5 members) +17:12 < Callum> physics assignment also due on friday +17:12 < Callum> just trying to figure out how to get it all done +17:13 < Callum> not going to be a fun week. then after this weeks over its major catchup in the 3 units i have exams for +17:13 < Callum> oh and this tute adrian decided to give us...should probably look at that some time too +17:16 < Callum> whats the model for the microscope? cant find anything in dropbox +17:22 < Callum> they are using the microscope only on the non-exploding one im assuming? +17:23 < jtanx> Yeah +17:23 < jtanx> the microscope +17:23 < jtanx> it's a kaiser baas something +17:23 < jtanx> KBA03030 +17:24 < Callum> thanks +17:57 -!- Callum [~chatzilla@106-68-161-33.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox 24.0/20130910160258]"] +22:04 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +23:31 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has left #mctxuwa_softdev [] +--- Day changed Sun Oct 27 2013 +07:59 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +08:46 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +15:08 < sam_moore> Blergh, what are we going to put in the "Results" part of this report? +15:09 < sam_moore> "We plugged it all in and it didn't explode" ? +15:13 < sam_moore> Also it looks like gliffy only lets you export one svg on the trial account +15:14 < sam_moore> And if the image isn't exactly A4 size, pdf is terrible +15:14 < sam_moore> So the remainder of my figures will be png +15:20 < sam_moore> Do we need to find references for all these things that we worked out and/or already knew ourselves... +15:20 < jtanx> haha +15:21 < sam_moore> I feel like referencing git commits +15:21 < jtanx> Yeah I was going to do that +15:21 < sam_moore> We should do that +15:21 < jtanx> results +15:21 < jtanx> it seems to work +15:21 < sam_moore> ... +15:21 < sam_moore> I put in a "Customer Satisfaction" section under results +15:22 < jtanx> :P +15:22 < sam_moore> It says "No matter what we did, the customer was not satisfied" +15:22 < sam_moore> Next year they'll probably be told the beaglebone is stupid and start doing it all on an arduino +15:22 < jtanx> mm probably +15:22 < sam_moore> And then get told that it needs a user management system... +15:23 < jtanx> hahahaha +15:23 < sam_moore> I'm having trouble with what level of assumptions I should make about the reader's knowledge +15:23 < sam_moore> Do they know what a thread is? +15:24 < sam_moore> Do they know what "high level" and "low level" mean +15:24 < jtanx> Thats... what I was having difficulty with too +15:24 < sam_moore> Do they know what a kernel is? +15:24 < jtanx> how far back do you have to explain terminology +15:24 < sam_moore> Or context switching... +15:24 < sam_moore> Argh +15:24 < jtanx> write a treatise on multithreaded computing +15:24 < sam_moore> :S +15:24 < sam_moore> This is rather simple multithreaded stuff really +15:26 < sam_moore> I think we need a "terminology" section +15:27 < jtanx> THat would be good +15:30 < jtanx> oh yeah +15:30 < jtanx> we should be able to use commas again +15:30 < jtanx> for that actuator step thing +15:30 < jtanx> because it decodes the string first +15:31 < jtanx> not sure if that will introduce any security issues though +15:32 < sam_moore> Who cares, ship it +15:33 < sam_moore> But I don't think so? +15:33 < jtanx> :P +15:33 < jtanx> maybe +15:33 < jtanx> I dunno +15:33 < sam_moore> sscanf can at most read to the end of the string +15:34 < jtanx> since it decodes %hh to the hex value +15:34 < jtanx> I mean if you give it a url encoded string +15:34 < jtanx> with %01 +15:34 < jtanx> it would change that to the character 0x01 +15:34 < jtanx> which is like some control code +15:34 < sam_moore> Hmm +15:34 < jtanx> we could limit it so anything less than 0x20 is a space +15:34 < sam_moore> Just do that then +15:35 < jtanx> but it's probably important to url decode strings +15:35 < jtanx> what if someone had a , in their password +15:35 < jtanx> or weird characters +15:35 < sam_moore> God dammit +15:35 < sam_moore> call isprint() ? +15:35 < jtanx> nah I mean +15:36 < jtanx> it should be fine if we convert anything < 0x20 to a space +15:36 < jtanx> but it's better that we're url decoding stuff +15:36 < sam_moore> Ok +15:36 < jtanx> because if we didn't, the password string would be like %2d instead of - +15:36 < jtanx> for example +15:36 < sam_moore> Yeah, that would suck +15:37 < sam_moore> Do you think Rowan and/or James will write their parts of the report? +15:37 < jtanx> Maybe, I dunno +15:38 < jtanx> Rowan was trying to copy the wiki, which was written mostly by Justin? +15:38 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +15:38 < sam_moore> Yeah, that's not really cool +15:38 < jtanx> :/ +15:38 < sam_moore> I don't think there's much that can be just put into the report from the wiki anyway +15:38 < sam_moore> It's too informal +15:38 < sam_moore> And has a lot of "TODO: Fill this in" pages +15:38 < jtanx> Yeah, they're counted separately anyway +15:39 < jtanx> as in, there's a specific mark for wiki pages +15:39 < sam_moore> Oh dear +15:39 < jtanx> (or equivalent documentation afaik) +15:39 < sam_moore> Every area there's a mark for is just another area they can deduct marks for not liking +15:39 < jtanx> Yeah, I'm not liking it very much +15:40 < sam_moore> Are we supposed to talk about the other subsystems or focus on our own? +15:40 < jtanx> I'm hoping to focus on our own really +15:40 < jtanx> but I guess there would be overlap +15:48 < jtanx> did you see the microscope stuff that callum did +16:00 < sam_moore> I glanced at it +16:00 < sam_moore> It's in the main directory not sensors/ +16:01 < sam_moore> Does it work? +16:01 < jtanx> well from the test pictures it looks quite good +16:01 < jtanx> not sure how well it will work with the real thing +16:02 < sam_moore> Hahaha +16:02 < sam_moore> If it works with what we were given, good enough +16:02 < jtanx> Yep +16:03 < sam_moore> We seem to end up having to actually implement all of sensors things +16:03 < sam_moore> I guess I will add the calibration in at some point before Tuesday +16:04 < jtanx> :/ +16:04 < sam_moore> It shouldn't be that hard, I've done it before +16:04 < sam_moore> Convert raw value to nearest two indexes in an array +16:04 < sam_moore> Interpolate between those two indexes +16:05 < sam_moore> I think for the Microphone there's 1024 points because he tested it with a 10 bit ADC somehow +16:05 < sam_moore> For other things... +16:05 < sam_moore> There are 10 points +16:05 < jtanx> 1024 points +16:05 < jtanx> wait what +16:06 < sam_moore> 1 point per ADC value +16:06 < sam_moore> As in, I was sent a lookup table of ADC value -> dB level +16:06 < jtanx> oh right +16:06 < jtanx> yeah +16:06 < jtanx> he was testing it on an arduino +16:06 < jtanx> was the arduino calibrated properly +16:07 < sam_moore> Lalala not listening... +16:07 < jtanx> :P +16:07 < sam_moore> Oh, it loks like I only have 20 points anyway +16:09 < sam_moore> This calibration does assume that electronics uses exactly the same voltage divider that sensors guy used +16:09 < jtanx> it's probably close enough +16:09 < sam_moore> Well maybe +16:09 < sam_moore> Just trusting the data sheet is probably close enough +16:10 < sam_moore> I'm not sure I see the point in calibrating a device if you don't actually use the final setup to calibrate it... +16:10 < jtanx> Yeah, true +16:22 < sam_moore> Is the use of '*' in pointer names a "standard"... I always thought it was... how you made a variable a pointer +16:22 < jtanx> Oh yeah that +16:31 < sam_moore> God dammit I have no motivation left to do anything +16:32 < jtanx> urgh +16:32 -!- jtanx changed the topic of #mctxuwa_softdev to: :( +16:34 < sam_moore> Should I put your part of the report into tex? +16:34 < jtanx> Yeah, I guess +16:34 < sam_moore> I think if I put your part and Justin's part combined with my hopelessly incomplete part... +16:34 < sam_moore> we will actually have too many pages +16:34 < jtanx> :/ +16:34 < jtanx> was there a hard limit? +16:35 < jtanx> I probably need to cut down my section, too much rambling +16:36 < sam_moore> I think it's fine +16:37 < jtanx> I dunno +16:37 < jtanx> I have the feeling I'm not following the guidelines correctly on what I'm supposed to talk about +16:37 < sam_moore> We can't win either way +16:37 < jtanx> Yeah, like where am I meant to find the references for half the stuff I did +16:38 < sam_moore> Surely James Trevelyn would have got a few papers out of his Telelabs thing? +16:39 < sam_moore> I'll leave it for now +16:39 < jtanx> Okay +16:41 < sam_moore> My section will be great when I actually include all those figures I refer to... +19:33 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +21:26 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +23:24 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["it has been segmented"] +--- Day changed Mon Oct 28 2013 +08:20 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +09:10 -!- jtanx_ [6a445d5d@ircip1.mibbit.com] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +09:13 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +09:13 -!- jtanx_ is now known as jtanx +09:17 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +10:04 -!- jtanx [6a445d5d@ircip1.mibbit.com] has quit ["http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"] +13:02 -!- jtanx [~asfa@] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +13:02 < jtanx> damn, forgot to connect back my server +13:21 -!- jtanx [~asfa@] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox 24.0/20130910160258]"] +14:17 -!- jtanx [~asfa@] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +15:38 -!- jtanx [~asfa@] has quit [Ping timeout] +17:07 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +17:36 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +18:35 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +19:33 < sam_moore> Are we demonstrating James' GUI tomorrow? +19:45 < jtanx> I have no idea +19:45 < jtanx> given that it doesn't work with our api, probably not? +19:46 < jtanx> I can change the colour scheme to make it look similar... +19:58 < sam_moore> No, don't worry +19:58 < sam_moore> This is why we have git +19:59 < jtanx> :/ +19:59 < sam_moore> Hang on, does it work with any of the API? +19:59 < sam_moore> The API hasn't changed *that* much +20:00 < jtanx> I don't know +20:00 < sam_moore> The sensors API has not changed for months +20:00 < jtanx> it has some of the javascript that got copied over +20:00 < sam_moore> Except that "name" was added as an optional thing +20:00 < jtanx> but the javascript's probably out of date +20:00 < jtanx> his version is missing links to some pages also, last time I checked +20:03 < sam_moore> Stick with the working GUI +20:03 < sam_moore> Everyone knew about the testing on Wednesday morning and that GUI was the one that the people who actually showed up got working +20:03 < sam_moore> I guess we could try the totally untested up until now GUI tomorrow morning at 8am +20:04 < jtanx> This is... going to be awkward for the report +20:04 < sam_moore> At some point between when the case team builds their box and the cans are connected to their amazing mounts +20:06 < sam_moore> We'll put in a paragraph about how we have a "testing" GUI +20:06 < jtanx> ._. +20:07 < sam_moore> Which was designed purely from a point of view of allowing us to test the server and the experiment hardware +20:07 < sam_moore> And thus is sorely lacking in Human Computer Interaction Industry Standards (is that a thing) +20:07 < jtanx> Yep +20:07 < jtanx> haha +20:08 < sam_moore> I feel like tomorrow will be a waste of time +20:09 < jtanx> unfortunately yeah +20:09 < sam_moore> But I suppose if anyone needs to demonstrate that their thing actually does something it will be us, since our work is effectively invisible +20:09 < sam_moore> ... Not unlike the case +20:09 < jtanx> if that case doesn't turn up... +20:09 < sam_moore> You don't really expect the case to turn up do you? +20:09 < sam_moore> Although, maybe it will +20:10 < jtanx> Well, one can only hope... +20:10 < sam_moore> I think it could be fun to take bets on what the case would actually be if it turned up +20:10 < jtanx> oh boy, your email is hilarious +20:11 < sam_moore> I bet they just take the case that's currently in G19, put it on top of the system, and call it a day +20:11 < jtanx> :P +20:11 < sam_moore> Yeah, I know Alex +20:12 -!- Callum [~chatzilla@106-69-68-94.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +20:13 < jtanx> oh, you merged usercake into the main repo too +20:13 < sam_moore> Hi Callum +20:13 < Callum> hey +20:13 < jtanx> hey +20:13 < sam_moore> jtanx: Didn't we want to do that? +20:13 < sam_moore> Eventually at least +20:13 < jtanx> yeah +20:13 < sam_moore> It needs setting up on the beaglebone, I'm not going to worry about it +20:14 < jtanx> I skinned it yesterday +20:14 < sam_moore> I think we can just enable /etc/shadow authentication to demonstrate +20:14 < jtanx> yeah +20:14 < jtanx> the changes I made are still on the 'users' branch +20:14 < jtanx> but it's not finished yet +20:15 < sam_moore> We'll note stuff like this in "Recommendations" or "Work for the future" or something +20:15 < jtanx> Yeah +20:15 < jtanx> Working with usercake... +20:15 < jtanx> it was absolute spaghetti code +20:16 < sam_moore> Haha +20:16 < sam_moore> It made sense to me +20:16 < sam_moore> Sort of +20:16 < jtanx> It makes sense +20:16 < jtanx> but it's just... ugh +20:16 < sam_moore> Pretty much everything is in funcs.php +20:16 < jtanx> Yeah +20:16 < sam_moore> They have an entire class that represents a new user +20:16 < sam_moore> But when you search for users it returns a map/dictionary +20:16 < jtanx> What I found so stupid +20:17 < jtanx> is that when you create a user +20:17 < jtanx> it doesn't return the id +20:17 < jtanx> so you have to search the db to find the id of the user you just made +20:17 < sam_moore> Hahaha +20:18 < sam_moore> Callum: If you want to test the dilatometer, just hard code it as camera 0 and we won't bother plugging the other camera in tomorrow +20:18 < jtanx> The quality from the other camera was really shit anyway +20:18 < sam_moore> Or I guess if we really want to we can recompile the program with it hard coded +20:18 < jtanx> sounds like a plan +20:18 < Callum> ok +20:19 < sam_moore> It only has to work for as long as Adrian wants to see it +20:19 < jtanx> I wouldn't be surprised if adrian didn't bother to turn up, and sent adam instead though +20:19 < Callum> probably be the case +20:19 < Callum> :p +20:19 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +20:19 < jtanx> it's baack +20:24 < jtanx> wow +20:24 < jtanx> usercake ships with html that's broken +20:27 < sam_moore> I did not notice that +20:28 < sam_moore> Well, you get what you pay for +20:29 < jtanx> :P +20:37 < jtanx> wat +20:37 < jtanx> //Don't update, this fool is trying to update with the same password ¬¬ +20:37 < jtanx> from usercake +21:13 < Callum> jaime did we end up finding a way to convert stuff from IplImage to Mat in open cv? +21:13 < Callum> cant find a way...or a way to just capture straight to mat in C +21:13 < Callum> which is fucked...Mat is meant to replace IplImage. +21:13 < jtanx> Try check interferometer.c +21:13 < jtanx> I think it does the conversion +21:14 < sam_moore> Callum: I think I solved it at some point making interferometer.c +21:14 < sam_moore> You can't capture straight to cvMat +21:14 < sam_moore> It is retarted, yes +21:15 < Callum> ah found it. thanks +21:16 < Callum> also, i dont think you ever released IplImage sam :p +21:17 < sam_moore> Meh +21:17 < sam_moore> IplImage * img = cvQueryFrame(g_capture); +21:17 < sam_moore> Whoops +21:17 < Callum> what? +21:17 < sam_moore> Accidental copy/paste +21:18 < sam_moore> Well I was going to copy/paste the image conversion code but you found it +21:18 < sam_moore> For completeness anyway +21:18 < sam_moore> CvMat stub; +21:18 < sam_moore> CvMat * background = cvGetMat(img, &stub, 0, 0); +21:18 < sam_moore> And I still don't know what the stub is for... +21:20 < Callum> ahaha +21:22 < jtanx> stubs +21:22 < jtanx> ahh +21:24 < jtanx> okay +21:24 < jtanx> updated usercake +21:24 < jtanx> hopefully it still works +21:25 < sam_moore> ... +21:26 < sam_moore> I bet we get a segmentation fault or something +21:26 < jtanx> :3 +21:26 < sam_moore> What did you update it to do anyway? +21:27 < jtanx> make it look like the rest of our gui +21:27 < sam_moore> Oh, nice +21:27 < jtanx> only allow admins to login +21:27 < jtanx> to that part +21:27 < jtanx> but users can still change their password +21:27 < sam_moore> Excellent +21:27 -!- callum__ [~chatzilla@106-69-68-94.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +21:27 < jtanx> oO +21:27 < sam_moore> Woah, doppleganger +21:27 < callum__> getting this weird compiler error: /usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/crt1.o(.debug_info): relocation 20 has invalid symbol index 19 +21:27 < sam_moore> Uuuuuhh +21:28 < jtanx> try make clean? +21:28 < jtanx> make +21:28 < callum__> yea logged onto laptop to copy/pasta +21:28 < callum__> :p +21:28 < callum__> still doing it. not sure if its something i did..coz i changed a bunch of stuff +21:29 < sam_moore> make absolutely sure everything's cleaned +21:29 < sam_moore> Including the sensors and actuators sub directories +21:29 < sam_moore> I can't remember if I made make clean recursively do those +21:30 < Callum> didnt help +21:31 < jtanx> hmm +21:31 < jtanx> apparently +21:31 < jtanx> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5528958/make-file-problem +21:31 < jtanx> it's because more than one file is linking against the crt +21:31 < jtanx> why is that +21:31 < jtanx> when you added your module +21:32 < jtanx> did you modify the makefile and add microscope.o or something +21:32 < jtanx> or did you do something different +21:32 < Callum> i havent added it to the makefile yet tbh +21:32 < Callum> just been compiling it myself +21:32 < jtanx> oh right +21:32 < jtanx> well that is weird +21:33 < Callum> yup. +21:33 < jtanx> so what files are you compiling (and how)> +21:33 < sam_moore> Can you push it to git? +21:33 < Callum> alright +21:34 < sam_moore> Use a new branch if you don't want to overwrite a working version (although it's git... you can always go back a few commits) +21:34 < jtanx> you might have to update your git repo first +21:34 < sam_moore> Good point +21:34 < jtanx> i've just made some changes +21:34 < sam_moore> Callum: Make a new branch +21:34 < sam_moore> Easier that way, in case there are changes that need merging +21:34 < sam_moore> It's `git checkout -b branch_name` +21:34 < sam_moore> Make changes, commit +21:35 < sam_moore> Then go `git push branch_name` +21:38 < Callum> done +21:39 < callum__> https://github.com/Callum-/MCTX3420/tree/dilatometer/server/sensors +21:40 < jtanx> Off topic, but:https://github.com/szmoore/MCTX3420/watchers +21:40 < jtanx> who's skinnybabulu +21:40 < callum__> ahahaha +21:40 < callum__> wtf kind of name is that +21:40 < sam_moore> callm__: Careful +21:41 < sam_moore> They are watching us +21:41 < sam_moore> (seriously, these logs all go into github :P) +21:41 < Callum> assuming whoeever it is reads the logs. +21:41 < sam_moore> With a name like skinnybabulu, you never know what they're capable of +21:42 < jtanx> ~.~ +21:42 < Callum> ok. i'll watch my back then. +21:42 < sam_moore> Actually, doesn't IRC support a mode for listening in on a channel without being listed in the names? +21:42 < sam_moore> Not that you need that when you can look at all the logs +21:42 < jtanx> I don't know +21:42 < jtanx> I don't think so +21:43 < sam_moore> It might be Kieran? +21:43 < Callum> possibly +21:43 < jtanx> it's probably one of the others +21:43 < jtanx> yeah +21:43 < sam_moore> Or maybe it's... dun dun dun... Adrian! +21:43 < jtanx> oO +21:44 < jtanx> what were you using to compile your code +21:44 < Callum> does it compile for you? +21:44 < jtanx> as in, by calling make? +21:44 < Callum> nah i was compiling it using gcc +21:45 < jtanx> oh +21:45 < jtanx> what was your compile command +21:46 < Callum> gcc dilatometer.c -o dila + all the libs/flags from Makefile +21:46 < jtanx> Okay +21:46 < jtanx> gcc microscope.c -std=gnu99 -Wall -pedantic -g -I/usr/include/opencv -I/usr/include/opencv2/highgui -L/usr/lib -lfcgi -lssl -lcrypto -lpthread -lm -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_core -lopencv_ml -lopencv_imgproc -lldap -lcrypt -o microscope +21:46 < jtanx> that worked +21:46 < sam_moore> jtanx: I think he's moved it to sensors/dilatometer.* +21:47 < jtanx> oh right +21:47 < sam_moore> Which is compiling for me +21:47 < Callum> odd. +21:47 < sam_moore> Hint: Edit the Makefile to have dilatometer.o as an object +21:47 < sam_moore> Then you can just type `make dilatometer.o` without all the flags +21:47 < sam_moore> Oh wait, but I commented out some of the flags +21:47 < sam_moore> Whatever, you can uncomment them +21:48 < jtanx> I can reproduce the issue +21:48 < sam_moore> How? +21:48 < jtanx> gcc dilatometer.c -std=gnu99 -Wall -pedantic -g -I/usr/include/opencv -I/usr/include/opencv2/highgui -L/usr/lib -lfcgi -lssl -lcrypto -lpthread -lm -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_core -lopencv_ml -lopencv_imgproc -lldap -lcrypt -o dilatometer -I.. +21:48 < sam_moore> Oh +21:48 < sam_moore> Make sure the library flags are last in the gcc line +21:49 < sam_moore> I'm not sure if it's still a problem, but with Ubuntu 10 or something it was an issue +21:50 < sam_moore> I suggest adding dilatometer.o to the sensors/Makefile +21:50 < sam_moore> Then try running make in the main server directory +21:50 < sam_moore> That seems to work fine for me +21:51 < sam_moore> I'm going to bed, see you tomorrow, hopefully I can wake up early enough +21:51 < Callum> how do i just execute whats in dilatometer then? +21:51 < jtanx> hmm +21:53 < jtanx> ohh right +21:53 < jtanx> I see +21:53 < jtanx> in dilatometer.c you commented out the main function +21:54 < jtanx> so of course you'll get linker errors +21:54 < sam_moore> Yeah, I get that when I try and compile it as a stand alone binary +21:54 < sam_moore> As an object file it works fine +21:54 < jtanx> yeah +21:54 < Callum> ah right. forgot i commented out main.. +21:57 < Callum> ok +21:57 < Callum> well im getting a seg fault now +21:57 < jtanx> use valgrind +22:05 < Callum> just realised i had a CvMat i never used... +22:05 < jtanx> :P +22:05 < Callum> well i did. but i changed it something else but i kept it in global/cleanup +22:06 < Callum> and only then it was used in testing :p +22:06 < jtanx> haha +22:06 < Callum> and i think i know the problem +22:06 < Callum> forgot to convert it to gray with getting image from camera +22:08 < Callum> woo another core dumpo +22:08 < Callum> :D +22:10 < jtanx> ._. +22:17 < Callum> it appears to be in canny.. +22:17 < jtanx> you sure? +22:18 < Callum> well printf before it shows up, but not after +22:18 < Callum> tyring to make any sense out of valgrind +22:19 < jtanx> update your code on github +22:19 < jtanx> and I'll have a look +22:19 < callum__> libv4l2: error setting pixformat: Device or resource busy +22:19 < callum__> HIGHGUI ERROR: libv4l unable to ioctl S_FMT +22:19 < callum__> libv4l2: error setting pixformat: Device or resource busy +22:19 < callum__> libv4l1: error setting pixformat: Device or resource busy +22:19 < callum__> HIGHGUI ERROR: libv4l unable to ioctl VIDIOCSPICT +22:19 < callum__> OpenCV Error: Null pointer (NULL array pointer is passed) in cvGetMat, file /build/buildd/opencv-2.3.1/modules/core/src/array.cpp, line 2382 +22:19 < callum__> terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception' +22:19 < callum__> what(): /build/buildd/opencv-2.3.1/modules/core/src/array.cpp:2382: error: (-27) NULL array pointer is passed in function cvGetMat +22:19 < callum__> that came out horribly +22:21 < Callum> ok its pushed, use dilatometer.c from server +22:21 < Callum> not sensors +22:21 < jtanx> okay +22:26 < jtanx> I can't compile the one in server +22:26 < Callum> really? +22:26 < jtanx> dilatometer.c:222:6: error: conflicting types for ‘Dilatometer_Read’ +22:26 < jtanx> In file included from dilatometer.c:8:0: +22:26 < jtanx> dilatometer.h:13:15: note: previous declaration of ‘Dilatometer_Read’ was here +22:26 < jtanx> dilatometer.c: In function ‘Dilatometer_Read’: +22:26 < jtanx> dilatometer.c:224:43: error: ‘SAMPLES’ undeclared (first use in this function) +22:26 < jtanx> dilatometer.c:224:43: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in +22:26 < jtanx> In file included from dilatometer.c:7:0: +22:26 < Callum> you on the branch? +22:27 < jtanx> jeremy@pickle:~/git/callum/server$ git status +22:27 < jtanx> # On branch dilatometer +22:27 < Callum> ctually +22:27 < Callum> i dont think that .h file is up to date +22:27 < Callum> copy the one from sensors +22:27 < jtanx> okay +22:29 < jtanx> urgh linking errors +22:30 < Callum> really? +22:31 < jtanx> can you copy your compile command +22:31 < callum__> gcc dilatometer.c -o dila -lfcgi -lssl -lcrypto -lpthread -lm -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_core -lopencv_ml -lopencv_imgproc -lldap -lcrypt -std=gnu99 -Wall -pedantic -g -I/usr/include/opencv -I/usr/include/opencv2/highgui -L/usr/lib +22:31 < jtanx> okay that worked +22:33 < Callum> does it seg fault for you? +22:33 < jtanx> yeah +22:33 < jtanx> after I press space +22:33 < Callum> "line 2392" +22:33 < jtanx> twice +22:33 < Callum> somethings going wrong in canny IMO +22:33 < Callum> but it could be because of what im passing it? +22:33 < Callum> well must be. was working before +22:33 < jtanx> wait +22:33 < jtanx> so what's happening +22:34 < jtanx> for me +22:34 < jtanx> is that it's getting to 'hopeful' +22:34 < jtanx> and probably looping to the next request? +22:34 < Callum> wait. so not canny +22:34 < jtanx> yeah +22:34 < jtanx> because if you press space twice +22:35 < jtanx> that means that it's getting past canny +22:35 < jtanx> isn't it? +22:35 < Callum> yea +22:35 < Callum> its showing edges +22:35 < Callum> hmm +22:36 < jtanx> is it meant to run in a loop? +22:37 < Callum> no. its meant to call it twice though. comment out Init and it will call read once +22:38 < Callum> hmm i commented it out and got another error message +22:38 < jtanx> you sure you're not freeing something that's about to be used +22:38 < Callum> i only free stuff in cleanup though +22:38 < Callum> and i only run that at the end +22:39 < Callum> but something in cleanup is chucking its shit with me +22:40 < Callum> "The first thing you need to know about Mat is that you no longer need to manually allocate its memory and release it as soon as you do not need it. While doing this is still a possibility, most of the OpenCV functions will allocate its output data manually." +22:40 < jtanx> hmm +22:41 < jtanx> if( g_capture == NULL) +22:41 < jtanx> this check has to be before the createcameracapture +22:41 < jtanx> otherwise you're creating twice +22:41 < jtanx> if( g_capture == NULL) +22:41 < jtanx> { +22:41 < jtanx> g_capture = cvCreateCameraCapture(0); +22:42 < jtanx> //If cvCreateCameraCapture returns NULL there is an error with the camera +22:42 < jtanx> if (g_capture == NULL) +22:42 < jtanx> { +22:42 < jtanx> result = false; +22:42 < jtanx> } +22:42 < jtanx> } +22:42 < Callum> no, thats testing to see if capture has worked +22:42 < jtanx> that worked for me though +22:42 < jtanx> fixed the issue +22:42 < jtanx> or not +22:42 < jtanx> it lasted longer though +22:42 < Callum> ahaha +22:43 < jtanx> but it's definitely part of the issue +22:44 < Callum> ok i see what yoru saying now +22:45 < jtanx> now the problem's witht he cvreleasemat +22:45 < Callum> yea +22:45 < Callum> dont know why though +22:49 < jtanx> because it's opencv +22:49 < jtanx> oh well +22:49 < jtanx> I'm going to bed +22:49 < Callum> hah good reasoning +22:49 < Callum> alright +22:49 < Callum> what time is the thing tomorrow? 9? +22:49 < jtanx> see you tomorrow, I guess +22:49 < jtanx> yeah but probably going to get there at 8 to set stuff up +22:50 < Callum> that means getting up at 6 though :/ +22:50 < jtanx> :/ +22:50 < jtanx> adrian better be there +22:50 < Callum> also +22:50 < jtanx> okay i'm out, bye +22:51 < Callum> its only RGB release +22:51 < Callum> which is fucking it up +22:51 < Callum> other 2 are fine +22:51 < jtanx> hmm +22:51 < jtanx> comment it out? +22:51 < jtanx> pfft who cares about memory leaks +22:51 < jtanx> :P +22:51 < Callum> haha +22:51 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["bye"] +22:53 < Callum> i know noones there but (with g_srcRGB mat not released) i have definitely 72bytes lost, indirectly 240 bytes and possibly 16Mb +22:54 < Callum> and with all mats not released, same except possible loss of 17Mb +23:16 -!- callum__ [~chatzilla@106-69-68-94.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox 23.0/20130803215302]"] +23:24 -!- Callum [~chatzilla@106-69-68-94.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [EOF From client]