X-Git-Url: https://git.ucc.asn.au/?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=inline;f=web%2Fdoc%2Fmanager_manual.txt;h=fc338acf876fbaa2ac2077dbba5dedc7131784a5;hb=refs%2Fheads%2Fnetworking;hp=c93927e4b84788553bf661ec299470deb7335e85;hpb=4dcf57563f5f4503ac70ec87158ae21bb9d2951d;p=progcomp2012.git diff --git a/web/doc/manager_manual.txt b/web/doc/manager_manual.txt index c93927e..fc338ac 100644 --- a/web/doc/manager_manual.txt +++ b/web/doc/manager_manual.txt @@ -1,11 +1,16 @@ NAME stratego - Interface to manage games of stratego between AI programs and/or human players -WARNING - This program is still a work in progress. Consider it a Beta version. + SYNOPSIS - stratego {[-gpirb] [-o output_file ] [-t stall_time] [-T timeout_time] [-m max_turns] {red_player blue_player | -f input_file} | {-h | --help} } + stratego {[-gpirb] [-o output_file ] [-t stall_time] [-T timeout_time] [-m max_turns] [-I image_directory] {red_player blue_player | -f input_file} | {-h | --help} } + +QUICK EXAMPLE - Play against a sample AI, using graphics, hiding the AI's pieces + stratego -g -b @human ../../agents/vixen/vixen.py + +QUICK EXAMPLE - Play two sample AI, using graphics, and a delay of 1 second between moves + stratego -g -t 1 ../../agents/vixen/vixen.py ../../agents/basic_python/basic_python.py DESCRIPTION stratego manages a game of Stratego. It stores the state of the board, and uses a simple protocol to interface with AI programs. @@ -96,6 +101,24 @@ OPTIONS All switches function as normal with -f. NOTE: It is recommended that -g is used with -f. + -I + stratego can output image files in the BMP format, when built with graphics. + If this option is supplied, a directory indicated will be used, and a .bmp image will be saved to the directory after each move. + The images will be numbered from 0.bmp (before the game starts) with increasing integers for each move. + Note that the image number corresponds to the move number, not the turn number. + The move number is odd after RED has moved, and even after BLUE has moved. + + NOTE: The -I switch will automatically enable graphics, even if the -g switch is not supplied. + + -v + If you have ffmpeg on your system, you can use this to quickly create a video. + When this option is supplied, stratego first outputs image files to a temporary directory in BMP format. + After the game is finished, these files are used to create an mp4 movie with the specified name: + + $ ffmpeg -r 10 -b 1024k -i tmp/%d.bmp filename + + The temporary images will then be deleted. + -h, --help If the -h switch is used, this page will be printed and stratego will exit. @@ -140,74 +163,263 @@ GAME RULES PROTOCOL - In order to interface with stratego, an AI program must satisfy the following protocol. - Each query is followed by a newline, and responses are expected to be followed with a newline. - The queries are recieved through stdin, and responses should be written to stdout. - - "QUERY" describes the information sent to a program's stdin stream. - "RESPONSE" describes the form of the information that the program should immediately respond with, to stdout. - "CONFIRMATION" describes more information sent to the program's stdin stream, that the program should NOT respond to. - - 1. SETUP - QUERY: YOUR_COLOUR OPPONENT_ID BOARD_WIDTH BOARD_HEIGHT - - RESPONSE: 4 lines, each of length BOARD_WIDTH, of characters. Each character represents a piece. The characters are shown above. - - RED's pieces are placed at the top of the board, and BLUE's pieces are placed at the bottom. - - An AI program does not have to place all 40 pieces, but must at least place the flag ('F'). - - 2. TURN - QUERY: START | CONFIRMATION - BOARD_STATE + WARNING: This is quite a wordy section. To avoid being scared off, try just copying a sample AI program. They obey the protocol already. - On the first turn, "START" is printed to the Red player. - On subsequent turns, the CONFIRMATION of the opponent's last turn is printed (see below). - - BOARD_STATE consists of a BOARD_HEIGHT lines of length BOARD_WIDTH characters, each of which represents a single piece - as described in the GAME_RULES section. Each line ends with the newline character. - + In order to interface with stratego, an AI program must satisfy the following protocol. + The protocol has been grouped into several sections. It is suggested that you read and implement the below sections in order. - RESPONSE: X Y DIRECTION [MULTIPLIER=1] - X and Y are the coords (starting from 0) of the piece to move - DIRECTION is either UP, DOWN, LEFT or RIGHT - MULTIPLIER is optional and only valid for units of type Scout. Scouts may move through any number of unblocked squares - in one direction. + In the "Synopsis" of each section, a line beginning with the three characters ">> " indicates information sent to the AI. + a line beginning with the three characters "<< " indicates the form of the expected response. + Each line is always terminated with a new line character '\n'. + A vertical bar '|' indicates that the line may have the form shown either to the left, or the right. + Fields in square brackets '[' and ']' are optional. The default value will be shown within the brackets after a '=' character. - CONFIRMATION: X Y DIRECTION [MULTIPLIER=1] OUTCOME | QUIT [RESULT] + Any words preceeded by a '$' character are not to be interpreted literally; in the actual protocol, these words are replaced with information. + The information will not contain any whitespace unless otherwise stated. + The meaning of these words is explained below the "Synopsis" under the "Explanation" subheading for each section of the protocol. - OUTCOME may be either OK, ILLEGAL, KILLS or DIES - OK - Move was successful - ILLEGAL - Move was not allowed. If stratego was not started with the -i switch, the game will end. - KILLS ATTACKER_RANK DEFENDER_RANK - The piece moved into an occupied square and killed the defender. - DIES ATTACKER_RANK DEFENDER_RANK - The piece moved into an occupied square and was killed by the defender. + Words not preceeded by a '$' character should be interpreted literally; + >> START + Means that "START", followed by a new line, is printed to the AI. + + + 1. Setup + --------------------------------------------------- + Description + --------------------------------------------------- + Setup only occurs once; during the setup phase, AI are provided with information about their colour and opponent. + They must then respond with four lines detailing their setup. + + Setup occurs before the first move; your AI should expect to recieve and respond to Setup messages immediately after starting. + Immediately after the setup phase, the AI should expect to recieve messages desribed by the Turn section of the protocol. + --------------------------------------------------- + Synopsis: + --------------------------------------------------- + >> $COLOUR $OPPONENT $WIDTH $HEIGHT + << $ROW1 + << $ROW2 + << $ROW3 + << $ROW4 + --------------------------------------------------- + Explanation: + --------------------------------------------------- + + COLOUR - The colour assigned to the AI. Will be either "RED" or "BLUE" + - Colour is important, because "RED" is always at the top of the board, and "BLUE" at the bottom. + + OPPONENT - Your AI may identify its opponents through this string + + WIDTH - The width of the board. This will always be 10 + HEIGHT - The height of the board. This will always be 10 + + ROW1 - The highest row on the board of the AI's setup. + - For RED, this is the back row, but for BLUE, it is the front row. + ROW2 - The next highest row + ROW3 - The next highest row + ROW4 - The lowest row on the board of the AI's setup + - For RED, this is the front row, but for BLUE, it is the back row. + + Each row, ROW1 -> ROW4, should consist of WIDTH characters. Each character identifies a piece, as shown under "GAME RULES" above. - QUIT will only be sent when the game is about to end. - 3. END GAME - If the CONFIRMATION line is of the form: - QUIT [RESULT] - Then the game is about to end. + An AI program does not have to place all 40 pieces, but must at least place the flag ('F'). + However, note that an AI program with no mobile pieces will immediately lose. + --------------------------------------------------- + Example: + --------------------------------------------------- + >> RED ../../agents/vixen/vixen.py 10 10 + << FB8sB479B8 + << BB31555583 + << 6724898974 + << 967B669999 + + In this example, the AI will be playing as "RED". It's opponent is the "vixen" sample AI. + The board width and height will always be 10. + + The AI responds with a sensible setup for the "RED" player, putting the flag in the back corner. + + 2. Turn + --------------------------------------------------- + Description + --------------------------------------------------- + After the Setup phase, a number of Turns occur, until the game ends. + + Warning: The game may end between turns, in which case a "QUIT" message is sent. + The "QUIT" message will be sent in place of the first line in the synopsis shown below. + Read "3. End Game" below. + --------------------------------------------------- + Synopsis + --------------------------------------------------- + For the AI with colour "RED" only, and only on the very first turn: + >> START + >> $ROW1 + >> $ROW2 + >> $ROW3 + >> $ROW4 + >> $ROW5 + >> $ROW6 + >> $ROW7 + >> $ROW8 + >> $ROW9 + >> $ROW10 + << $X $Y $DIRECTION [$MULTIPLIER=1] + >> $X $Y $DIRECTION [$MULTIPLIER=1] $OUTCOME + + For the AI with colour "RED" on every subsequent turn, and the AI with colour "BLUE" on all turns: + >> $LASTMOVE $OUTCOME + >> $ROW1 + >> $ROW2 + >> $ROW3 + >> $ROW4 + >> $ROW5 + >> $ROW6 + >> $ROW7 + >> $ROW8 + >> $ROW9 + >> $ROW10 + << $X $Y $DIRECTION [$MULTIPLIER=1] + >> $X $Y $DIRECTION [$MULTIPLIER=1] $OUTCOME | QUIT [$RESULT] + --------------------------------------------------- + Explanation: + --------------------------------------------------- + + [Recieved data 1] + + LASTMOVE - The last move made + - That is, the move made by the opponent AI, immediately before this move + - It is a direct copy of the opponent AI's response + - On the very first turn, since no move has been made, "START" is printed to the RED AI + + OUTCOME - The interpretation of the move by the manager program; will be one of the following + - Successful, uneventful move: "OK" + - Illegal move: "ILLEGAL" + - The moved piece attacked and destroyed an opponent piece: "KILLS $ATTACKER_RANK $DEFENDER_RANK" + - ATTACKER_RANK and DEFENDER_RANK are the ranks of the attacking and defending piece respectively + - The moved piece was destroyed by an opponent piece that it attacked: "DIES $ATTACKER_RANK $DEFENDER_RANK" + - ATTACKER_RANK and DEFENDER_RANK are the ranks of the attacking and defending piece respectively + - The moved piece attacked an opponent piece, and both pieces were destroyed: "BOTHDIE $ATTACKER_RANK $DEFENDER_RANK" + - ATTACKER_RANK and DEFENDER_RANK are the ranks of the attacking and defending piece respectively + + ROW1 -> ROW10 - The state of the board will be printed + - Each line represents a row on the board, from the top downwards + - The characters are as desribed above in "GAME RULES" + - Enemy pieces will NOT be revealed, even if they have been involved in combat. They are always shown as '#'. + - It is recommended that AI's rely on the LASTMOVE and OUTCOME results to keep state + - Interpreting these lines is not necessary, or recommended + - They still exist because I say so. GET OVER IT. + + [Sent data] + + X - The x coordinate of the piece to be moved. Ranges from 0 (zero) to 9 (nine) (left to right) + Y - The y coordinate of the piece to be moved. Ranges from 0 (zero) to 9 (nine) (top to bottom) + DIRECTION - The direction to move the piece in. May be either "LEFT", "RIGHT", "UP" or "DOWN" + MULTIPLIER - Scouts may move more than one square. + - To move a scout multiple spaces, print an integer indicating the number of spaces immediately after DIRECTION + + [Recieved data 2] + + The manager program will check the validity of the move, and respond by repeating it back to the AI, followed by OUTCOME. + OUTCOME is as described above. + --------------------------------------------------- + Example: + --------------------------------------------------- + + First turn for RED: + ------------------- + >> START + >> FB8sB479B8 + >> BB31555583 + >> 6724898974 + >> 967B669999 + >> ..++..++.. + >> ..++..++.. + >> ########## + >> ########## + >> ########## + >> ########## + << 0 3 DOWN + >> 0 3 DOWN OK + ------------------- + Continuing from the Setup example, the RED AI is told to start, and then the board is printed. + Note that only RED's pieces are revealed. The obstacles are always in the same place, as shown. + Refer to the "GAME RULES" section for an explanation of each piece character. + + The AI decides to move its scout (9) at (0,3) downwards by one place. + + The manager reports that this move was successful. + + Second Turn for RED: + ------------------- + >> 9 6 UP 3 BOTHDIE 9 9 + >> FB8sB479B8 + >> BB31555583 + >> 6724898974 + >> .67B66999. + >> 9.++..++.. + >> ..++..++.. + >> #########. + >> ########## + >> ########## + >> ########## + << 9 2 DOWN + >> 9 2 DOWN OK + ------------------- + The next message recieved by the RED AI tells it that BLUE has moved its piece at (9,6) up by 3. + This brought the piece into contact with RED's scout (9) at (9,3) + Since BLUE's piece was also a scout (9), both pieces die, indicated by "BOTHDIE" followed by their ranks (9 and 9) + + The board is printed again. Note that RED's first move is reflected + (the scout (9) at (0,4)), and BLUE's last move (both (9,6) and (9,3) are now empty). - If present, RESULT will be a direct copy of the message to stdout described in the EXIT/OUTPUT section below. + The RED AI decides to move its major (4) at (9,2) downwards. This move is OK, because there is now nothing occupying (9,3). + --------------------------------------------------- + WARNING: + --------------------------------------------------- + It is recommended that you ignore the board state lines, except for the first turn. + Remember that an AI may not place all its pieces, so assuming its initial setup is a bad idea. + On subsequent turns, the board state lines provide no information that can't be processed from the move confirmation lines. + --------------------------------------------------- + + 3. End Game + --------------------------------------------------- + Description: + --------------------------------------------------- + A message of "QUIT" at any time signals to an AI that the game is about to end. + This will be sent immediately after an AI makes a move of the form "$X $Y $DIRECTION [$MULTIPLIER=1]" which ends the game + It may also be sent at any time in case of errors + The AI should immediately exit if a QUIT message is recieved. + --------------------------------------------------- + Synopsis: + --------------------------------------------------- + >> QUIT [RESULT] + --------------------------------------------------- + Explanation: + --------------------------------------------------- + RESULT - Usually not present; it may contain debug information if it is. + --------------------------------------------------- - 4. TIMEOUTS + 4. Timeouts + --------------------------------------------------- + Description: + --------------------------------------------------- If a program fails to respond to a query, the game will end and that AI will be sent the ILLEGAL result. Human players are not subject to the timeout restriction. - - Please see the information on the -T switch. + --------------------------------------------------- + Please see the information on the -T switch, and the "End Game" section above. EXIT/OUTPUT - If the game ends due to a player either winning, or making an illegal move, stratego will print one of the following result messages to stdout. + If the game ends due to a player either winning, or making an illegal move, stratego will print one the following result message to stdout. - NAME COLOUR OUTCOME TURN_NUMBER OUTCOME RED_PIECE_VALUE BLUE_PIECE_VALUE + $NAME $COLOUR $OUTCOME $TURN $RED_PIECE_VALUE $BLUE_PIECE_VALUE Where: NAME is the name of the player on whose turn the game ended, + COLOUR is the colour of that player, + OUTCOME is one of the following: VICTORY - The indicated player won DEFEAT - The indicated player lost @@ -216,10 +428,11 @@ EXIT/OUTPUT DRAW_DEFAULT - The game ended in a draw because the maximum number of moves was exceeded ILLEGAL - The indicated player loses due to an Illegal move/response DEFAULT - The indicated player wins by default due to the other player making an Illegal move/response - BOTH_ILLEGAL - Both players made an Illegal move/response. Usually occurs due to simultaneous setup errors, or bad executable paths. - INTERNAL_ERROR - The game ended, even though it shouldn't have. - - TURN_NUMBER is the number of turns that elapsed before the game ended + BOTH_ILLEGAL - Both players made an Illegal move/response. Usually occurs due to simultaneous setup errors. + - May occur due to bad AI path names + INTERNAL_ERROR - The game ended, even though it shouldn't have. + + TURN is the number of turns that elapsed before the game ended RED_PIECE_VALUE and BLUE_PIECE_VALUE are the summed piece values of the pieces of RED and BLUE respectively. Bombs and Flags are worth zero, and the ranked pieces (Spys -> Marshal) are worth (11 - rank). @@ -281,5 +494,5 @@ NOTES irc://irc.ucc.asn.au #progcomp THIS PAGE LAST UPDATED - 2/02/12 by Sam Moore + 3/03/12 by Sam Moore