X-Git-Url: https://git.ucc.asn.au/?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=sidebyside;f=irc%2F%23ipdf.log;h=baaec1319ff1cfd0098da60571b0770085e630ee;hb=1edfaa9215598666a82cbd502d1983328e950285;hp=17bb7c7325d14dc1036671f77ce81ec7c007750e;hpb=1599528753c8f0c24c5f00b34ad12628a37314a2;p=ipdf%2Fdocuments.git diff --git a/irc/#ipdf.log b/irc/#ipdf.log index 17bb7c7..baaec13 100644 --- a/irc/#ipdf.log +++ b/irc/#ipdf.log @@ -1023,3 +1023,202 @@ 17:45 <@matches> I think I will make a video of a circle moving towards infinity 17:45 <@matches> This probably won't help the literature view much but it's too tempting to resist 17:46 <@matches> I gave up trying to deal with our document format so I currently just generate vector > and then map that to a bitmap :P +--- Day changed Thu May 08 2014 +10:57 <@matches> So circle was a terrible example +10:57 <@matches> It stays as a circle +10:58 <@matches> Hopefully the first curve I tried wasn't just a bug +12:31 <@matches> I think it was a bug +13:35 <@matches> There are bezier things in ipdf/code/src/tests now +13:57 < sulix> I am very confused. +13:57 < sulix> It generates bitmaps of circles in varying shades of red? +13:58 * sulix decides to actually read the code. +14:03 < sulix> Ah: I see what it's doing now. +14:16 <@matches> Your first comment was pretty accurate :S +14:17 <@matches> I was trying to obtain some amazing animation of a circle that hopelessly collapsed or exploded or something +14:19 < sulix> I'm slightly terrified that it's generating a vector of points. +14:19 < sulix> On the other hand, it looks like the rest of the world is realising what a mistake making OpenGL 3 terrifying was. +14:19 <@matches> Yeah that's a bit lazy +14:19 <@matches> Although, is returning a vector optimisable? +14:20 < sulix> In C++11 it is. +14:20 < sulix> (But not C++98) +14:20 <@matches> C++11 is growing on me +14:20 < sulix> Yeah: I've found the same thing. +14:21 < sulix> I'm a bit scared about what that means, though. +14:21 < sulix> Maybe one day I'll think boost was a good thing, and then I'll truly be lost. +14:21 <@matches> Hahaha +14:21 <@matches> The lambdas remind me of Javascript :S +14:22 < sulix> I think lambdas are one of those things that are good for you in moderation, but poisonous in large quantities. +14:22 <@matches> Probably +14:23 < sulix> I won't be around on Monday, btw, so I'll miss the meeting. +14:23 < sulix> (Also I'm missing out on Codejam, sadly) +14:23 <@matches> No! +14:23 <@matches> (To both of those things) +14:24 <@matches> Oh god that means I need to make double the progress +14:25 < sulix> I spoke to Tim, he said that it might be worth cancelling the meeting altogether. +14:26 <@matches> Haha +14:26 <@matches> I'm not sure if I should take that as a good or bad sign +14:27 <@matches> I'm not going great with the literature review +14:28 < sulix> I rated a bit of it. +14:28 < sulix> (Though there wasn't a submit button, and it took me a few goes to get through the Turing test) +14:28 <@matches> Page 20? +14:28 <@matches> Haha +14:28 <@matches> The turing test defaults to the accepted answer though! +14:28 <@matches> You have to actually change it to get it wrong +14:29 < sulix> Yeah, I thought it was a trick question. +14:29 <@matches> Maybe I'll give Tim a slightly less joke-worthy version of Rate My LitReview when the draft is done +14:29 <@matches> ... when hell has frozen over... +14:29 <@matches> Whichever comes first +14:31 < sulix> You should read James Mickens' USENIX articles: mkdir -p vogl/vogl_build/bin/release64 && cd $_ +14:31 < sulix> cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_X64=On ../../.. +14:31 < sulix> make -j 10 +14:31 < sulix> (Also I should paste the right thing in) +14:31 < sulix> http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/people/mickens/ +14:32 <@matches> Ah yes, I will read those at some point +14:32 * matches downloads the first one, telling himself he will not read it until working on the lit review +14:33 * matches reads it anyway +14:33 * sulix feels guilty about not doing lit review at the moment, too. +14:40 <@matches> Have you heard of /read Computer Graphics by Hearn and Baker? +14:40 <@matches> I have the ancient "In the dawn before OpenGL 1.0" version +14:41 <@matches> There is a section mentioning "GL" +14:41 <@matches> I don't think they use GPU anywhere, they call them "Display Rasterisers" or something +14:42 <@matches> Display Processor +14:43 <@matches> A Display Processing Unit is a Display Processor for a Random Scan (vector) display system +14:43 <@matches> Input devices are interesting too +14:44 <@matches> "Input Dials" +14:44 <@matches> A box of variable resistors basically +14:45 <@matches> Working with computers in the 70s/80s would have been interesting although probably just as horrible as it is today +14:45 <@matches> But at least it would have been less "webby" +14:46 <@matches> Where "How do I centre a div" is a deep philosophical question +14:48 <@matches> I should probably obtain / read a newer edition of this if I want to put it in my lit review? +14:48 <@matches> Although it is referrring to the same papers we had about Bressenheim +15:14 <@matches> Oh my god they mention precision! +--- Log closed Thu May 08 17:04:49 2014 +--- Log opened Thu May 08 18:56:39 2014 +18:56 -!- matches [matches@motsugo.ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au] has joined #ipdf +18:56 -!- Irssi: #ipdf: Total of 2 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 2 normal] +18:56 -!- Irssi: Join to #ipdf was synced in 3 secs +19:55 < matches> Bresenham made a tutorial on rasterisation +19:56 -!- mode/#ipdf [+o matches] by OperServ +19:56 <@matches> Bresenham has a nice tutorial about rasterising +19:56 <@matches> Ties in with the "Since mankind came down from the trees" angle +19:57 <@matches> "Needlepoint or counted cross-stitch, such as that popularised by the image on a box of Whitman Sampler chocolates..." +19:57 <@matches> I'm not sure how to relate the rasterisation stuff to the precision stuff +19:58 <@matches> You have to make a pretty big rounding error to end up in the wrong pixel +19:59 <@matches> Hearn and Baker mention rounding errors as being one reason why you don't want to use floats and then round them when rasterising things +19:59 <@matches> The (bigger) reason being that floating point operations are expensive +20:00 <@matches> They say pixels could move from the line in the DDA algorithm for long lines... I wonder how long they mean... 1e38 pixels? :P +20:02 <@matches> I want to actually make a drawing of things that look different due to rounding errors dammit! +20:03 <@matches> None of this "here is a sentence or two of handwaving" +20:04 <@matches> Maybe rounding errors were a problem on computers with 8 bit floats and terrible resolution displays :P +20:04 <@matches> Except the worse your resolution the less you'd notice rounding errors +20:04 <@matches> Well the more you'd notice them, the less they'd happen? +20:04 <@matches> I don't know +20:05 -!- mode/#ipdf [-o matches] by matches +20:30 < sulix> These were recommended: http://www.amazon.com/Forman-S.-Acton/e/B001IYTXGY/?_encoding=UTF8&tag=mollrock-20&linkCode=ur2&qid=1358713701&camp=1789&sr=8-3&creative=390957 +20:30 < sulix> (By a blog post, which turned out not to be about floating point precision, but does mention it: http://mollyrocket.com/casey/stream_0009.html ) +21:21 < matches> I'll look at them at some point +21:22 -!- mode/#ipdf [+o matches] by OperServ +21:22 <@matches> I'll look at them at some point +21:22 <@matches> I sort of got bogged down explaining how lines are drawn :S +21:22 <@matches> Graphics is complicated dammit +21:22 <@matches> I'll probably get more done if I just write about everything no matter how irrelevant +21:23 <@matches> Sooner or later I'll actually write something important and the rest can be appendicised +21:23 <@matches> Hopefully +21:25 <@matches> Oh dear, I have located some primitive form of blog +21:26 <@matches> Well, it talks about things, so I'll reference it... +21:26 <@matches> "The good-looking textured light-sourced bouncy fun smart and stretchy page" +21:26 <@matches> It's generally best to not go up a directory from the page you are looking at +--- Day changed Sun May 18 2014 +15:47 <@matches> So things are due soonish +15:47 <@matches> :S +20:09 <@matches> Are you alive, because I don't think I'm alive +20:10 -!- Irssi: #ipdf: Total of 2 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 1 normal] +20:11 <@matches> I'm feeling pretty guilty about all that work I didn't do last week... +20:47 * sulix agrees entirely. +22:11 <@matches> I give up +22:11 <@matches> I will just have to face disappointment O'clock tomorrow +22:22 < sulix> I still have to put more work in before I feel I even deserve disappointment, I think... :/ +22:23 < sulix> I made the mistake of deleting the irrelevant bits from my lit review, and now there's almost nothing left! +--- Day changed Mon May 19 2014 +08:03 < sulix> At the risk of causing terror: is your final Lit review due on Friday too? +08:05 * sulix has discovered that his is, and is currently trying to work out how to type in the foetal position. +09:59 <@matches> Yeah it's due on Friday +09:59 <@matches> Today is not off to a good start +10:00 <@matches> I missed an 8am lab but I can't blame the 2 buses I missed because I actually forgot about it +10:00 <@matches> Then I missed the 2 buses +10:00 < sulix> Ouch. +10:00 <@matches> I think missing my tutorial this afternoon is a bad idea but on the other hand... lit review +10:02 < sulix> I'm frantically writing irrelevant stuff now. +10:03 < sulix> I'm a little concerned about my entire section on "Document Formats" basically only referencing some specs and "Pixels or Perish". +10:03 <@matches> That's what I do +10:03 < sulix> Whereas I have like 20 references for graphics papers that are almost totally irrelevant. +10:04 <@matches> I have a reference for shading on a vector display +10:04 <@matches> That's pretty irrelevant +10:04 < sulix> I've started referencing data structures that are "kinda similar I guess" to the Quadtree, as well. :/ +10:05 <@matches> I ham fisted it in with the paper about embedding 3d figures in documents +10:05 <@matches> Like "in the 70s even though people had algorithms for things they still drew the diagrams by hand!" +10:05 < sulix> Peasants! +10:06 <@matches> My section on number representations is pretty shite +10:06 <@matches> I still haven't finished floats +10:06 < sulix> Mine is currently under construction, as it were. +10:06 <@matches> And the whole point is supposed to be that floats are not good enough +10:07 < sulix> I've got a terrible thing about floats, but have started talking about arb. precision floats now. +10:07 <@matches> All I know about the alternatives are that they are basically still floats +10:07 <@matches> But with more bits... +10:07 < sulix> I also have some maths I made up that is maybe wrong. +10:07 <@matches> Will you be here in time for doom O'clock? +10:08 <@matches> *cough* I meant eleven +10:08 < sulix> We can but hope. +10:08 < sulix> I'm sort-of counting on the meeting not happening until 11:20 or so. :/ +10:09 <@matches> I'll show him Rate My Lit Review +10:09 <@matches> That'll distract attention from the lack of Lit Review +10:09 <@matches> I'm also assuming no one is ever going to read these IRC logs +10:09 < sulix> We can but hope. +10:10 < sulix> I'm feeling dirty because I've just referenced the java standard library. +10:10 < sulix> Out damnéd +10:10 < sulix> java.math.BigDecimal. +10:15 <@matches> I was going to reference that at some point +10:16 <@matches> I feel like you've made more progress than I have been +10:17 <@matches> Possibly the decision to sleep last night was a poor one +10:26 < sulix> Having done the opposite: it wasn't. +10:30 <@matches> Argh I just got the icedove reminder for the meeting +10:32 <@matches> So I washed out my Guild (TM) Keep Cup (TM) this morning and now my tea tastes like detergent +16:37 <@matches> We didn't get the random asking about photoshop in here +16:37 <@matches> I feel left out +22:49 <@matches> sjy in #ucc mentioned Knuth's Metafontbook in regards to rendering fonts at infinite precision +22:49 <@matches> Yet another thing to get around to reading :S +22:49 <@matches> Before Friday :S +22:50 <@matches> Wednesday I guess if we meet Tim's deadline for a draft :P +23:08 <@matches> I guess I was meaning to reference the TeX book at *some* point +23:08 <@matches> So many things +23:08 <@matches> Oh dear it's 11pm already +23:08 <@matches> :-( +23:09 <@matches> Ok, so +23:09 <@matches> Metafont seems to basically be symbolic ways to define fonts +23:10 <@matches> Also Beziers +23:10 <@matches> All the beziers +23:10 <@matches> Good +23:11 <@matches> I was on the right track when I said Beziers were really important +23:11 <@matches> Knuth is so detailed +23:12 <@matches> Now I feel guilty about my cartesian line +23:12 <@matches> That I didn't reference Rene Descartes La Geometrie 1637 +23:12 <@matches> I'm a monster +23:15 <@matches> I think instead of thinking of things as either interpreted or dom-y like Hayes does, the best way is to think about "What is in the document (eg: DOM)" and "How it is drawn" and you can either have your format care about both things or just one but obviously the most useful formats allow for both +23:16 <@matches> Actually scratch that +23:16 <@matches> I don't know anymore +23:16 <@matches> It's too philosophical +23:16 * matches goes back to floating point nubers +23:18 <@matches> So I wonder how much of PostScript is a shameless rip off of METAFONT +23:18 <@matches> It's not like you have to give credit when you are trying to sell something +--- Day changed Tue May 20 2014 +09:29 <@matches> So it's quite easy to do a +09:29 <@matches> "fractal" in SVG/Javascript +09:29 <@matches> Where easy does not necessarily mean it isn't horrifying +09:30 <@matches> Aaand there goes all my RAM +21:43 <@matches> Casually slipping in a footnote directing the reader to rabbitgame.net in my lit review... +21:43 <@matches> So my webby documents section is probably my least shitly written, or maybe that's just because it has pointless pretty pictures in it +21:44 <@matches> It is basically +21:44 <@matches> "Here are the w3c standards" +21:44 <@matches> "Here are some pretty pictures made with SVGs, can't you just see the DOM leaching out of them?" +21:44 <@matches> :S +21:45 <@matches> I'm not sure how well I am treading the line between actually reviewing literature and just giving examples of things