X-Git-Url: https://git.ucc.asn.au/?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=sidebyside;f=irc%2F%23ipdf.log;h=fc04a1c991784c67d52e6690737cc266485d6e31;hb=42c0de0e3a6adf6c97fdb517364dea5f456cf8c3;hp=d53e1f5027574b9f64c28e324267388ccded53b0;hpb=0239f185ec00a1a8d2f0c26a9e7b8554bc3094fa;p=ipdf%2Fdocuments.git diff --git a/irc/#ipdf.log b/irc/#ipdf.log index d53e1f5..fc04a1c 100644 --- a/irc/#ipdf.log +++ b/irc/#ipdf.log @@ -20,3 +20,89 @@ 10:59 <@matches> And all he did was write "hello world" 10:59 <@matches> >:( 19:10 <@matches> Testing +19:25 <@matches> So the IRC commits should have a different author +19:25 <@matches> So that I don't get a ridiculous number of daily IRC commits +19:26 <@matches> I could rebase the first three of them but I think that might break things +19:45 <@matches> Ok, and now it will only commit when there is more than one new line, so we won't get one every day when no one says anything +19:54 <@matches> Alright, and in theory +19:54 <@matches> If I spam this some more +19:54 <@matches> There will be a commit soonish +19:56 <@matches> Any second... +19:56 <@matches> Yes +19:56 <@matches> Now that is sorted out I can attain maximum productivity +19:56 <@matches> (Sorry) +--- Log closed Mon Mar 24 01:12:25 2014 +--- Log opened Mon Mar 24 08:40:12 2014 +08:40 -!- matches [matches@motsugo.ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au] has joined #ipdf +08:40 -!- Irssi: #ipdf: Total of 2 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 1 normal] +08:40 -!- Irssi: Join to #ipdf was synced in 3 secs +13:26 -!- Netsplit arctic.uniirc.com <-> mussel.ucc.au.uniirc.com quits: @sulix +13:27 < matches> Uh oh +13:29 -!- Netsplit over, joins: @sulix +13:31 -!- Netsplit mantis.ucc.au.uniirc.com <-> arctic.uniirc.com quits: @sulix +13:32 -!- Netsplit over, joins: @sulix +13:40 -!- Netsplit mantis.ucc.au.uniirc.com <-> arctic.uniirc.com quits: @sulix +13:40 -!- Netsplit over, joins: @sulix +16:19 < matches> Well that will make a nice automatic commit +--- Day changed Tue Mar 25 2014 +21:33 < matches> So, I am pretty much free all day tomorrow +21:33 < matches> Also Thursday +21:34 <@sulix> I'm pretty busy Thursday, but I'm free all tomorrow so long as I can get some maths done at some point. +21:34 -!- mode/#ipdf [+o matches] by sulix +21:35 <@matches> I'm supervising a test from 2-3pm but that's it +21:35 <@matches> So, I will try and get to UWA as early as I can +21:35 <@matches> It might be a good idea to have some kind of start on a code base +21:35 <@matches> Even though we're supposed to be focusing on a literature review, I don't really like not having any code done yet +21:36 <@sulix> Yeah. I agree. +21:36 <@sulix> Code + fixing git stuff + preparing for this "talk" on Friday. +--- Day changed Wed Mar 26 2014 +11:32 <@matches> I am in the super secret room +11:36 <@sulix> Okay, I'll head in shortly. Had a small "parents fell for a scam email and entered passwords on dodgy websites" crisis here this morning. +11:37 <@matches> Oh dear +11:42 <@matches> The phone is ringing :O +11:43 <@matches> Phew, it stopped +22:42 <@matches> I think I have a way to do tests in the Makefile without using cmake +22:42 <@matches> You can alter a variable for a target +23:20 <@matches> Well, that ended badly +23:21 <@matches> With me erasing my own Makefile using make +23:21 <@matches> :P +23:24 <@sulix> Better than erasing the source code, I guess. +23:34 <@matches> This is why we have git +--- Day changed Thu Mar 27 2014 +00:15 <@sulix> Crazy templated loading and saving! +00:15 <@sulix> And now for bed! +00:30 <@matches> Well +00:30 <@matches> It doesn't break the test +01:22 <@matches> We now have an arbitrary precision float +01:22 <@matches> Where in this case arbitrary precision means I have no idea what the precision is but it is very bad +01:35 <@matches> Ok I think I made a half precision float +01:35 <@matches> They are quite bad +01:36 <@matches> Um, I can probably make a graph of it being terrible as my contribution for Friday +01:36 <@matches> Assuming I've done it right +--- Day changed Wed Apr 02 2014 +09:41 <@matches> Dammit codejam is coming up again +09:41 <@matches> There goes productivity +09:42 <@matches> If you are not busy this afternoon we should do work +09:42 <@matches> On the project I mean +09:45 <@matches> Although it is tempting to just practice codejam problems for the next week +12:44 <@matches> If I work on the project it will help when the inevitable "64 bits is not enough" problem comes up! +12:45 <@matches> Maybe +--- Day changed Sun Apr 06 2014 +13:40 <@matches> I get the feeling my part of the project could just be "typedef Real to something from boost" +14:15 <@matches> I suppose I could talk about FPU and hardware +--- Day changed Mon Apr 07 2014 +21:42 <@matches> I had a horrible horrible thought... implement a FPU in VHDL and then somehow run all our floating point operations on it :P +21:42 <@matches> (This is not a good idea at all but it might be fun) +21:42 <@matches> You know, for some definition of fun +21:44 <@matches> So my lit review will probably be 1) We need higher precision documents because science (Pixels or Perish) 2) This is how FP works in hardware 3) This is how you can get higher precision in software +21:45 <@matches> Oh, and 4) Document formats and rendering them (PDF/PostScript etc) +21:46 <@matches> That is starting to sound suitably ridiculously broad? +21:46 <@matches> Can always cut things out I guess +21:47 <@matches> To reflect what we actually end up doing +22:05 <@sulix> From what Tim was saying, I don't think "too broad" is a possibility. +22:05 <@sulix> We could be talking about Aztec history and it'd probably not be "too broad." +22:05 <@sulix> I do need to remember to read "Pixels of Perish," though. +22:19 <@matches> I'll have a look into VHDL stuff, there seem to be compilers and simulators for linux +22:20 <@matches> For a minute I was afraid I'd have to use the UWA EE VHDL environment +22:20 <@matches> Which is like, running a Java program in a Windows XP VM +22:20 <@matches> I heard you liked simulations of hardware so I simulated some hardware in your simulated hardware