X-Git-Url: https://git.ucc.asn.au/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=irc%2F%23ipdf.log;h=b8edc2c839201a94f54b9dfc2725c71a799bf54c;hb=116a0843b411477031c6a1a5528ed9c9344b0638;hp=4e3a31717777bff45a704173a39968ca76b1e6b0;hpb=18c80589d855a03be84f36d4ee96d6fa06892404;p=ipdf%2Fdocuments.git diff --git a/irc/#ipdf.log b/irc/#ipdf.log index 4e3a317..b8edc2c 100644 --- a/irc/#ipdf.log +++ b/irc/#ipdf.log @@ -6562,3 +6562,115 @@ 12:08 < matches> (And then I realised the "backup" renderer was actually better) 12:17 < sulix> I've fixed (hopefully) the OpenGL version detection. It should now Fatal() when the driver doesn't have needed extensions. 13:43 < sulix> Excellent: the é has gone through! +--- Day changed Sat Oct 11 2014 +10:02 * sulix -> Perth Games Festival +14:52 < Pommers> Is it good there? +18:22 < matches> The "fix" to OpenGL version detection now means I don't have a valid version of OpenGL. +18:23 < matches> It was working perfectly fine before +18:24 * matches -> s/Fatal/Error/ and hopes it still works anyway +18:25 < matches> Should you be setting the GL minor version to 1 and then failing if it isn't 3 +18:26 < matches> I am confused how this even works +18:26 < matches> My OpenGL version is apparently 3.1 and the if statement apparently checks "IsVersion" 3.2 +18:26 < matches> And then says "We want 3.3" +18:28 < matches> I get no error if I set the minor version attribute to 3 +18:28 < matches> So I take it we required 3.3 functions but were specifying that we only needed 3.1 or something +18:28 < matches> And somehow the 3.3 functions still worked? +18:29 < matches> Anyway, I'm in favour of the "Instead of terminating the program, report an error and then see whether it will crash anyway" approach +18:29 < matches> If it *does* crash, then at least we warned them +18:29 < matches> If it doesn't crash, hey it's running! Everyone wins! +18:43 < matches> Using integer indices for different types of Real seemed like *such* a good idea at the time +18:43 < matches> And then there was the ability to have up to three different types of Real... +18:45 < matches> -std=c++11 -g -Wall -Werror -Wshadow -pedantic -rdynamic -I../contrib/include/SDL2 -I`pwd` -I/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/linux-g++-64 -I. -I/usr/include/qt4/QtCore -I/usr/include/qt4/QtGui -I/usr/include/qt4 -I. -Itests -I. -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_GUI_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB -DREALTYPE=1 -DQUADTREE_DISABLED -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_GUI_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB -DTRANSFORM_OBJECTS_NOT_VIEW -DTRANSFORM_BEZIERS_TO_PATH -DPATHREAL=Gmprat -c -MMD +18:45 < matches> Truly our Makefile is a thing of beauty +18:47 < matches> It's so beautiful that there is now a Python function to invoke it with different arguments +18:57 * matches stabs indentation errors +18:59 < matches> "Unindent does not match any outer indentation level" What the fuck +18:59 < matches> What the hell is an undindent +18:59 < matches> It is pointing at a ':' character +19:00 < matches> Oh +19:00 < matches> It's because I copied it from ipython which magically converts your tabs to spaces +19:00 < matches> And then tried to add things to it indenting with tabs +19:01 < matches> I think it's a conspiracy to make the tabs vs spaces war even worse +19:02 < matches> Now people have no option to compromise +19:02 < matches> Or, in my case, use tabs where we bloody well typed tabs in the first place +19:35 < matches> My clock says it's 3am, that's about how I feel... +19:42 < matches> "Just use MPFR" is looking more and more likely to be the conclusion +19:42 < matches> Wait... +19:42 * matches eats hat +19:43 < matches> Well, GMP rationals applied to path bounds is faster than mpfr with 1024 bits applied directly +19:43 < matches> That's probably not a fair test though +19:56 -!- msh [~matt@evil.ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au] has joined #ipdf +--- Day changed Sun Oct 12 2014 +14:53 < matches> Setting up the performance tests is a real pain if you want to actually include the really slow methods +14:53 < matches> Well, restarting them can be painful +14:54 < matches> Which means if you screw them up... +14:58 < matches> Placing a limit of 30s per frame was perhaps a bit too generous +15:05 < Pommers> THis is why you should use a build server +15:05 < matches> Yeah except that's more effort to set up than it would save +15:05 < matches> We even have one +15:06 < matches> Motsugo could potentially run all these tests +15:06 < matches> But it has to use a CPU renderer and is therefore shit +15:06 < matches> Seeing the results in real time is a huge advantage +15:06 * Pommers really needs to set up a proper Jenkins set up for UCC +15:06 < matches> Oh, I'm not allowed to use my own laptop in the conference +15:07 < matches> So if you want to fix the MinGW build for me... :P +15:07 < matches> I'll see if sulix's magical GL version changes fixed anything later +15:08 < matches> Ah +15:08 < Pommers> I can give it a shot tonight. If you proof read some stuff for me right now +15:08 < matches> I'm querying the FPS once the view has stopped being scaled +15:08 < matches> Ok +15:09 < matches> (I should record performance in the python script I think) +15:09 < Pommers> tonight means after I finish work that is +15:09 < matches> So 3am? +15:09 < Pommers> Nah, like 6.30ish +15:09 < matches> Honestly I'm probably just going to run a video +15:10 < matches> But it'd be nice to say "Here's the binary with which you can reproduce the results" +15:18 < matches> It's probably going to need to run on a Windows 95 presentation PC or something +15:19 < matches> It has geometry shaders so it's probably beyond hope that it would work +15:19 < matches> Hmm, do I need to prepare a response do a "Why didn't you just use " +15:20 < matches> I seem to get that question every time I use C++ for anything +15:20 < matches> Or alternately "Why didn't you use boost" +16:19 < matches> sulix: What black magic should I do if I want to include the debug font in a screenshot... +16:45 * matches resorts to ffmpeg instead +16:45 < matches> With the disadvantage that 1 frame in a screen grap != 1 frame in the demo :( +16:45 < matches> grap +16:45 < matches> grape +16:45 < matches> grab +--- Day changed Tue Oct 14 2014 +00:00 -!- Pommers [bobgeorge33@motsugo.ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au] has quit [Quit: I'll be back] +00:02 -!- bobgeorge33 [~bobgeorge@pommers.org] has joined #ipdf +00:17 -!- bobgeorge33 is now known as Pommers +09:47 -!- Pommers [~bobgeorge@pommers.org] has quit [Quit: This Shouldn't Be Happening] +09:47 -!- Pommers [bobgeorge@pommers.org] has joined #ipdf +13:34 < matches> My presentation is tonight +13:34 < matches> Looks like Tim is back just in time to watch it! +14:50 < sulix> In order to break things at exactly the wrong moment, IPDF has a profiler now. +14:50 < sulix> It dumps the time spent in various functions at the end of each frame. +15:10 < matches> That's pretty awesome +15:11 < matches> Ok, time to test this pdf in adobe reader... +15:11 < matches> And scream if it doesn't work +15:19 * matches screams +15:20 < sulix> Oh dear... +15:20 < sulix> The power of adobe! +15:24 < matches> I bet the videos don't work either +15:26 < sulix> What format are they in? +15:26 < matches> mkv +15:26 < matches> They work +15:26 < matches> I guess it was too much to expect pdflatex to produce a valid pdf +15:35 < Pommers> Latex PDF? Got it working yet? +15:55 < matches> No +15:56 < matches> I have narrowed it down to +15:56 < matches> "Cannot include graphics in slides" +15:56 < matches> Which will make for an amazing presentation +15:58 < matches> Ah +15:58 < matches> Adobe doesn't support including pdfs within pdfs +15:58 < sulix> What!? +15:59 < sulix> Man, I've included pdfs within pdfs in pretty much every assignment I've submitted ever. +15:59 < matches> I don't know +15:59 < matches> That's the first place it shits itself +15:59 * sulix ponders whether or not this may have affected marks. +15:59 < matches> Debugging by repeatedly commentint out bits of TeX and recompiling is not very efficient and/or fun +16:00 < sulix> Worst comes to the worst, take screenshots of all of your slides, I guess... +16:00 < sulix> (Or download a windows binary for evince/etc and put that on the thumb drive) +16:02 < matches> Yeah I'm supposed to be registering now +16:25 < Pommers> matches: Send me the tex source and I'll try