X-Git-Url: https://git.ucc.asn.au/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=irc%2Flog;h=3faa7f5447287bad954407f92beb97b0b71d40ad;hb=f54777b1c07919d18292491b2d2ccdbbc54a588d;hp=7f4264fff0e1ea2aef3fbcbf1608ced9a94214fe;hpb=30ac3b06c92aace69ac4847d93db3dbf7b93df38;p=matches%2FMCTX3420.git diff --git a/irc/log b/irc/log index 7f4264f..3faa7f5 100644 --- a/irc/log +++ b/irc/log @@ -6358,3 +6358,147 @@ 17:57 -!- Callum [~chatzilla@106-68-161-33.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox 24.0/20130910160258]"] 22:04 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev 23:31 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has left #mctxuwa_softdev [] +--- Day changed Sun Oct 27 2013 +07:59 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +08:46 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +15:08 < sam_moore> Blergh, what are we going to put in the "Results" part of this report? +15:09 < sam_moore> "We plugged it all in and it didn't explode" ? +15:13 < sam_moore> Also it looks like gliffy only lets you export one svg on the trial account +15:14 < sam_moore> And if the image isn't exactly A4 size, pdf is terrible +15:14 < sam_moore> So the remainder of my figures will be png +15:20 < sam_moore> Do we need to find references for all these things that we worked out and/or already knew ourselves... +15:20 < jtanx> haha +15:21 < sam_moore> I feel like referencing git commits +15:21 < jtanx> Yeah I was going to do that +15:21 < sam_moore> We should do that +15:21 < jtanx> results +15:21 < jtanx> it seems to work +15:21 < sam_moore> ... +15:21 < sam_moore> I put in a "Customer Satisfaction" section under results +15:22 < jtanx> :P +15:22 < sam_moore> It says "No matter what we did, the customer was not satisfied" +15:22 < sam_moore> Next year they'll probably be told the beaglebone is stupid and start doing it all on an arduino +15:22 < jtanx> mm probably +15:22 < sam_moore> And then get told that it needs a user management system... +15:23 < jtanx> hahahaha +15:23 < sam_moore> I'm having trouble with what level of assumptions I should make about the reader's knowledge +15:23 < sam_moore> Do they know what a thread is? +15:24 < sam_moore> Do they know what "high level" and "low level" mean +15:24 < jtanx> Thats... what I was having difficulty with too +15:24 < sam_moore> Do they know what a kernel is? +15:24 < jtanx> how far back do you have to explain terminology +15:24 < sam_moore> Or context switching... +15:24 < sam_moore> Argh +15:24 < jtanx> write a treatise on multithreaded computing +15:24 < sam_moore> :S +15:24 < sam_moore> This is rather simple multithreaded stuff really +15:26 < sam_moore> I think we need a "terminology" section +15:27 < jtanx> THat would be good +15:30 < jtanx> oh yeah +15:30 < jtanx> we should be able to use commas again +15:30 < jtanx> for that actuator step thing +15:30 < jtanx> because it decodes the string first +15:31 < jtanx> not sure if that will introduce any security issues though +15:32 < sam_moore> Who cares, ship it +15:33 < sam_moore> But I don't think so? +15:33 < jtanx> :P +15:33 < jtanx> maybe +15:33 < jtanx> I dunno +15:33 < sam_moore> sscanf can at most read to the end of the string +15:34 < jtanx> since it decodes %hh to the hex value +15:34 < jtanx> I mean if you give it a url encoded string +15:34 < jtanx> with %01 +15:34 < jtanx> it would change that to the character 0x01 +15:34 < jtanx> which is like some control code +15:34 < sam_moore> Hmm +15:34 < jtanx> we could limit it so anything less than 0x20 is a space +15:34 < sam_moore> Just do that then +15:35 < jtanx> but it's probably important to url decode strings +15:35 < jtanx> what if someone had a , in their password +15:35 < jtanx> or weird characters +15:35 < sam_moore> God dammit +15:35 < sam_moore> call isprint() ? +15:35 < jtanx> nah I mean +15:36 < jtanx> it should be fine if we convert anything < 0x20 to a space +15:36 < jtanx> but it's better that we're url decoding stuff +15:36 < sam_moore> Ok +15:36 < jtanx> because if we didn't, the password string would be like %2d instead of - +15:36 < jtanx> for example +15:36 < sam_moore> Yeah, that would suck +15:37 < sam_moore> Do you think Rowan and/or James will write their parts of the report? +15:37 < jtanx> Maybe, I dunno +15:38 < jtanx> Rowan was trying to copy the wiki, which was written mostly by Justin? +15:38 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +15:38 < sam_moore> Yeah, that's not really cool +15:38 < jtanx> :/ +15:38 < sam_moore> I don't think there's much that can be just put into the report from the wiki anyway +15:38 < sam_moore> It's too informal +15:38 < sam_moore> And has a lot of "TODO: Fill this in" pages +15:38 < jtanx> Yeah, they're counted separately anyway +15:39 < jtanx> as in, there's a specific mark for wiki pages +15:39 < sam_moore> Oh dear +15:39 < jtanx> (or equivalent documentation afaik) +15:39 < sam_moore> Every area there's a mark for is just another area they can deduct marks for not liking +15:39 < jtanx> Yeah, I'm not liking it very much +15:40 < sam_moore> Are we supposed to talk about the other subsystems or focus on our own? +15:40 < jtanx> I'm hoping to focus on our own really +15:40 < jtanx> but I guess there would be overlap +15:48 < jtanx> did you see the microscope stuff that callum did +16:00 < sam_moore> I glanced at it +16:00 < sam_moore> It's in the main directory not sensors/ +16:01 < sam_moore> Does it work? +16:01 < jtanx> well from the test pictures it looks quite good +16:01 < jtanx> not sure how well it will work with the real thing +16:02 < sam_moore> Hahaha +16:02 < sam_moore> If it works with what we were given, good enough +16:02 < jtanx> Yep +16:03 < sam_moore> We seem to end up having to actually implement all of sensors things +16:03 < sam_moore> I guess I will add the calibration in at some point before Tuesday +16:04 < jtanx> :/ +16:04 < sam_moore> It shouldn't be that hard, I've done it before +16:04 < sam_moore> Convert raw value to nearest two indexes in an array +16:04 < sam_moore> Interpolate between those two indexes +16:05 < sam_moore> I think for the Microphone there's 1024 points because he tested it with a 10 bit ADC somehow +16:05 < sam_moore> For other things... +16:05 < sam_moore> There are 10 points +16:05 < jtanx> 1024 points +16:05 < jtanx> wait what +16:06 < sam_moore> 1 point per ADC value +16:06 < sam_moore> As in, I was sent a lookup table of ADC value -> dB level +16:06 < jtanx> oh right +16:06 < jtanx> yeah +16:06 < jtanx> he was testing it on an arduino +16:06 < jtanx> was the arduino calibrated properly +16:07 < sam_moore> Lalala not listening... +16:07 < jtanx> :P +16:07 < sam_moore> Oh, it loks like I only have 20 points anyway +16:09 < sam_moore> This calibration does assume that electronics uses exactly the same voltage divider that sensors guy used +16:09 < jtanx> it's probably close enough +16:09 < sam_moore> Well maybe +16:09 < sam_moore> Just trusting the data sheet is probably close enough +16:10 < sam_moore> I'm not sure I see the point in calibrating a device if you don't actually use the final setup to calibrate it... +16:10 < jtanx> Yeah, true +16:22 < sam_moore> Is the use of '*' in pointer names a "standard"... I always thought it was... how you made a variable a pointer +16:22 < jtanx> Oh yeah that +16:31 < sam_moore> God dammit I have no motivation left to do anything +16:32 < jtanx> urgh +16:32 -!- jtanx changed the topic of #mctxuwa_softdev to: :( +16:34 < sam_moore> Should I put your part of the report into tex? +16:34 < jtanx> Yeah, I guess +16:34 < sam_moore> I think if I put your part and Justin's part combined with my hopelessly incomplete part... +16:34 < sam_moore> we will actually have too many pages +16:34 < jtanx> :/ +16:34 < jtanx> was there a hard limit? +16:35 < jtanx> I probably need to cut down my section, too much rambling +16:36 < sam_moore> I think it's fine +16:37 < jtanx> I dunno +16:37 < jtanx> I have the feeling I'm not following the guidelines correctly on what I'm supposed to talk about +16:37 < sam_moore> We can't win either way +16:37 < jtanx> Yeah, like where am I meant to find the references for half the stuff I did +16:38 < sam_moore> Surely James Trevelyn would have got a few papers out of his Telelabs thing? +16:39 < sam_moore> I'll leave it for now +16:39 < jtanx> Okay +16:41 < sam_moore> My section will be great when I actually include all those figures I refer to... +19:33 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +21:26 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +23:24 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["it has been segmented"]