X-Git-Url: https://git.ucc.asn.au/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=irc%2Flog;h=8ebf1b5bc50f58070e58e1fe0bfd2f0c3554678e;hb=refs%2Fheads%2Fmaster;hp=92f80c9a1dbd600737003cb76160549b85ce7e0a;hpb=9b2852c81aab1090d524afa57b1efb953564bfdb;p=matches%2FMCTX3420.git diff --git a/irc/log b/irc/log index 92f80c9..8ebf1b5 100644 --- a/irc/log +++ b/irc/log @@ -8240,3 +8240,203 @@ 21:36 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev 21:58 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["reboot"] 22:35 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +--- Day changed Sun Nov 03 2013 +01:41 -!- Rowan [~Rowan@] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +01:44 -!- Rowan [~Rowan@] has quit [EOF From client] +13:55 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +15:21 -!- Callum [~Callum@106-69-4-220.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +15:21 < jtanx> hello +15:21 < Callum> hey +15:22 < jtanx> how's life +15:22 < Callum> ok +15:22 < Callum> that appendix reference +15:23 < jtanx> yeah? +15:23 < Callum> was because i put the canny edge figures in an appendix +15:23 < jtanx> okay, so would that now be figure 2.17 +15:25 < Callum> technically no, im reffering to 2.17 C-F but without the edge line superimposed onto it +15:25 < jtanx> sure +15:26 < Callum> also is the other thing you were referring to when i said graphs instead of figures? +15:26 < Callum> must of glanced over that in my proof read +15:26 < jtanx> "The results can be seen in figure 2.14. From the graphs (Figure ??) +15:27 < Callum> change graphs to figure +15:27 < jtanx> figure 2.17 again? +15:27 < Callum> no +15:27 < Callum> its referring to 2.14 still +15:27 < jtanx> okay +15:27 < jtanx> seems a bit redundant, with the previous sentence +15:28 < Callum> yea. remove previous sentece and say From figure 2.14 it can be.. +15:28 < jtanx> Sure +15:33 < Callum> also +15:33 < Callum> 2.17A and B are the same thing? +15:33 < Callum> ones meant to be grayscale +15:33 < jtanx> so they are... +15:33 < jtanx> woops +15:44 < jtanx> okay, it should be fixed (in my repo for now) +15:50 < Callum> thanks +15:57 < jtanx> no problem +15:57 -!- Callum [~Callum@106-69-4-220.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Connection reset by peer] +16:05 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["reboot this POS computer"] +16:20 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +17:20 -!- Callum [~Callum@106-69-4-220.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +17:32 < jtanx> Callum: are you sure you want to leave your section in first person? +17:33 < Callum> hmm. has everyone else done 3rd? +17:33 < jtanx> I think the rest of it is in 3rd +17:34 < jtanx> it's up to you though +17:34 < Callum> well the way i understood it was we were writing about what we did, but if the rest is in 3rd then should probably change it to be consistent +17:34 < Callum> we did individually* +17:34 < Callum> probably doesnt matter +17:34 < Callum> better to go with consistency +17:36 < Callum> most of mine is in 3rd anyway ahah. +17:37 < Callum> just change the first person ones to third then. or i can..but il need to learn how to modify this stuff +17:37 < jtanx> you can just modify your original .doc one and I can probably then make the changes +17:37 < jtanx> if you feel more comfortable with that +17:37 < Callum> it would be easier to modify the final one surely +17:38 < jtanx> Okay +17:38 < jtanx> Well the stuff is in Design.tex +17:38 < jtanx> hmm +17:38 < jtanx> I should probably just merge my stuff first +18:07 < Callum> hmm i should probably go through and fix/make sure references to images are right. i originally had 5 edges images, and sam im presuming? removed the one i was using in the progression +18:08 < jtanx> probably +18:08 < Callum> as i split it in two (one set of images shows 1 images progression, other just shows the end for different values) +18:08 < jtanx> he had some issues reading your original images correctly afaik +18:09 < Callum> hmm. il look into it soon +18:23 -!- Callum_ [~Callum@106-69-4-220.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +18:34 -!- Callum [~Callum@106-69-4-220.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +18:37 < Callum_> yea the images arent referenced properly +18:39 < Callum_> also make reference to an image he removed +18:48 < Callum_> can the figure removed be added back and 2.17F be moved to before the current 3? +18:48 < Callum_> or atleast just the second request +18:48 < Callum_> zz. by current 3 i mean the 3 before it +18:48 < jtanx> well, what figure are you referring to that's been removed? +18:48 < Callum_> in my original document +18:48 < Callum_> 2D +18:48 < Callum_> 2C* +18:49 < Callum_> but as 2F is the same original image +18:49 < Callum_> i can just change the values i refer to +18:49 < Callum_> 2.17F +18:49 < Callum_> i must sound pretty confusing right now.. :p +18:49 < jtanx> yes... +18:50 < Callum_> ok. 2.17A,B,F are all from the same original image, C,D,E are from another (which i dont actually show anywhere..oh well) +18:51 < Callum_> in my text i refer to an image which is comment to A,B,F but isnt actually there. but i can change the values i say is used to make it equivalent to F +18:51 < Callum_> TBH i'd probably prefer to have 2 figures, one to show the progression of the images and another to add some more examples. but if thats too hard to do its ok. i can work with wahts there +18:52 < Callum_> progression of 1 image* +18:57 < Callum_> get that? :P +18:59 < jtanx> sort of... +18:59 < jtanx> I don't know +18:59 < jtanx> split figure 2.17 into two +19:00 < jtanx> you're updating the text? +19:02 < Callum_> yea +19:02 < Callum_> i can just leave it as 1 figure, iv switched F and C +19:02 < jtanx> okay +19:08 < Callum_> Also. I think the majority of this should be moved down into the results section +19:08 < Callum_> so its actually next to/after what its referring to +19:12 < Callum_> this automatically numbers stuff yea? so if i want to split a figure all i need to do is copy the format and halve it? +19:12 < jtanx> I'm not sure +19:12 < jtanx> but I'd think so +19:12 < jtanx> so long as you name it appropriately +19:12 < jtanx> do you have latex installed +19:12 < Callum_> yea +19:13 < jtanx> okay +19:15 < Callum_> wait. bi' +19:15 < Callum_> no +19:15 < Callum_> i was saying yea to labelling +19:15 < jtanx> right +19:28 < Callum_> ok well iv fixed the referencing. just left it as 1 figure +21:18 < Callum_> so when are we meeting tomorrow then? +21:18 < jtanx> we have to +21:18 < jtanx> oh right when +21:18 < jtanx> I dunno +21:18 < Callum_> haha +21:51 < jtanx> before 5pm? :P +21:51 < Callum_> sounds good. 4.59 it is :p +21:52 < Callum_> but if we dont set a time il probably end up getting there around 11/12, maybe a bit earlier. depends when i can drag myself out of bad +21:52 < Callum_> bes +21:52 < Callum_> ugh the place you sleep Dx +21:53 < jtanx> haha +21:54 < jtanx> okay, well 11am sounds good I guess +22:03 -!- Callum_ [~Callum@106-69-4-220.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Connection reset by peer] +23:02 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +23:40 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox 24.0/20130910160258]"] +23:46 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +--- Day changed Mon Nov 04 2013 +08:11 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +08:43 < sam_moore> The report looks good (enough) +08:43 < jtanx> :S +08:44 < sam_moore> I hope this is just a matter of showing up and printing it and there aren't any last minute "Edit the entire thing!" issues... +08:44 < jtanx> Yeah, I hope not +08:44 < sam_moore> Maybe I'll show up early and print it and then we can just hand it in once everyone arrives? +08:44 < jtanx> That may work... +08:44 < jtanx> How much does it cost to print it? +08:44 < sam_moore> I don't even know +08:44 < sam_moore> It would have to be in colour +08:45 < sam_moore> So, 50c a page? 50 pages? +08:46 < jtanx> about $4/person +08:46 < sam_moore> Gah there are still mistakes in the glossary +08:46 < sam_moore> I don't even care... +08:47 < jtanx> Rowan never got around to fixing it... unless he plans to fix it when we meet? +08:47 < jtanx> I was looking at the sensors team report... it's like 35MB and ~70 pages long +08:49 < sam_moore> Huh +08:49 < sam_moore> I guess they did do some stuff after all +08:50 < sam_moore> :P +08:50 < jtanx> :P +08:50 < jtanx> just a small font issue again +08:50 < jtanx> implemented –and +08:50 < jtanx> that introduction paragraph +08:50 < sam_moore> Yeah it sucks copy/pasting from openoffice into plain text +08:51 < jtanx> Yeah +08:51 < jtanx> it copied it as an en-dash and not hyphen-minus +08:51 < sam_moore> Fixed +08:51 < jtanx> Cool +08:51 < sam_moore> I'll fix the glossary I guess +08:51 < jtanx> :/ +08:51 < sam_moore> That will be the first thing anyone turns to when they are confused +08:51 < sam_moore> And if it is wrong... +08:52 < jtanx> ... +08:55 < sam_moore> It's never bothered me until now that server/client refers not only to an individual process, but also to the physical machine it runs on +08:56 < sam_moore> I wonder if it's clear what "server" we are talking about in context +08:56 < sam_moore> (This is why I changed the "Server Configuration" to "BeagleBone Configuration" +08:56 < jtanx> Yeah, that might get a bit confusing +08:57 < jtanx> Hmm +08:58 < jtanx> Server used in multiple contexts +09:00 < jtanx> what else has our software on the bbb been referred to? I've just called it 'server program' +09:05 < sam_moore> Yes, it's just always been called server, too late to change that now +09:06 < sam_moore> It *is* a server +09:07 < jtanx> Yeah +09:07 < sam_moore> Ok, I don't need to explain "Operating System" in the glossary +09:07 < sam_moore> I'll stop at "Threads" +09:08 < sam_moore> I added CSS as well +09:08 < jtanx> Ah... forgot about that one +09:09 < sam_moore> That's it +09:09 < sam_moore> No more changes! +09:09 < sam_moore> It's done! +09:09 < sam_moore> I'm putting it on a USB +09:10 < sam_moore> As soon as I get to university I am going straight to the printers +09:59 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox 24.0/20130910160258]"] +10:56 -!- jtanx [~asfa@] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +11:07 -!- jtanx_ [825f77da@ircip1.mibbit.com] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +11:07 < jtanx_> uhh +11:07 < jtanx_> so where are we meeting +11:13 < jtanx_> actually, never mind I've just seen the emails +11:13 -!- jtanx [~asfa@] has quit [Ping timeout] +11:16 -!- jtanx_ [825f77da@ircip1.mibbit.com] has quit ["http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"] +11:17 -!- jtanx_ [~asfa@] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +11:17 -!- jtanx_ is now known as jtanx +11:50 -!- james_ [~chatzilla@] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +11:59 -!- jtanx [~asfa@] has quit [Ping timeout] +13:17 -!- james_ [~chatzilla@] has quit [Ping timeout] +13:28 -!- james_ [~chatzilla@] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +14:02 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +14:11 -!- james_ [~chatzilla@] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox 24.0/20130910160258]"] +14:40 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"] +16:17 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +16:55 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +20:14 -!- Irssi: #mctxuwa_softdev: Total of 2 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 2 normal] +--- Day changed Tue Nov 05 2013 +20:07 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +--- Day changed Wed Nov 06 2013 +11:54 -!- Irssi: #mctxuwa_softdev: Total of 1 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 1 normal] +17:23 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +20:11 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [EOF From client] +--- Day changed Thu Nov 07 2013 +20:01 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +--- Log closed Fri Nov 08 00:28:13 2013