X-Git-Url: https://git.ucc.asn.au/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=irc%2Flog;h=92f80c9a1dbd600737003cb76160549b85ce7e0a;hb=ac7555148c78522b9d3baf9d3682660889b999e2;hp=219cd256cb423cb9f416da61bb80f3775e20e69c;hpb=403f26b2bdd8e752e50b63f0a32caf9b31ee2679;p=matches%2FMCTX3420.git diff --git a/irc/log b/irc/log index 219cd25..92f80c9 100644 --- a/irc/log +++ b/irc/log @@ -6874,3 +6874,1369 @@ 22:54 < Callum> and with all mats not released, same except possible loss of 17Mb 23:16 -!- callum__ [~chatzilla@106-69-68-94.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox 23.0/20130803215302]"] 23:24 -!- Callum [~chatzilla@106-69-68-94.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [EOF From client] +--- Day changed Tue Oct 29 2013 +06:38 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +06:48 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox 24.0/20130910160258]"] +12:10 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +12:27 -!- Callum [~Callum@] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +12:31 < Callum> sam have you pushed the stuff we did today? +12:31 < sam_moore> Not yet, sorry +12:32 < sam_moore> It was mostly on the BBB +12:44 < Callum> its ok, just let me know when you do +12:44 < Callum> so i can go back and do what i need to do, il just do something else for now. +12:57 < sam_moore> The dilatometer is pushed now at least +13:00 < Callum> ok. thanks. il keep working on the report anyway. +13:01 < Callum> did you want it by tomorrow or end of tomorrow? +13:02 -!- Callum [~Callum@] has left #mctxuwa_softdev [] +13:05 < jtanx> I guess i should work on this report too +13:09 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["brb"] +13:10 -!- jtanx [~chatzilla@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +13:24 -!- Callum [~Callum@] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +13:25 < Callum> aand im back +13:28 < jtanx> hello +13:59 -!- jtanx [~chatzilla@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["brb"] +14:06 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [EOF From client] +14:32 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +16:49 -!- Callum [~Callum@] has quit [Ping timeout] +16:55 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +18:50 -!- Callum [~chatzilla@106-69-68-94.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +18:52 < Callum> should i make the capture function pass a CvMat or do a bool and pass a CvMat pointer. +18:53 < Callum> actually. looking at out image code...it encodes the IplImage file to CvMat. so the capture file will have to deal in IplImage and then dilatometer will need to convert it to CvMat itself +18:54 < sam_moore> It's up to you +18:54 < sam_moore> I thought it was easier to work with the CvMat, so it might be better to convert to CvMat +18:54 < sam_moore> But if the image code only works with IplImage just do it that way +18:54 < Callum> i think we encoded it so it was compressed? +18:54 < Callum> and encode takes IplImage afaik +18:54 < Callum> and turns it into a CvMat +18:55 < sam_moore> Ok +18:55 < Callum> not sure if we can encode a CvMat outright. in the end the image code ends up in a CvMat file anyway +18:55 < Callum> also whats the FCGI stuff in image for? +18:55 < sam_moore> If the image module sends a CvMat to the user and the dilatometer requires a CvMat +18:56 < sam_moore> The base function should probably return a CvMat +18:56 < sam_moore> Maybe give it some arguments to determine if it's compressed or not +18:56 < sam_moore> The FCGI stuff is all basically how the request gets handled +18:56 < sam_moore> FCGI_Loop gets the request +18:56 < sam_moore> There's a whole bunch of string parsing and login checking and stuff +18:56 < sam_moore> It works out which function to call +18:57 < sam_moore> Then calls say "Image_Handler" or "Sensor_Handler" or whatever +18:57 < sam_moore> That function determines what key/value pairs it needs +18:57 < Callum> also, for capture, 0 is default. -1 is any. +18:57 < sam_moore> So there's a special helper function FCGI_ParseRequest which will take some structs and fill the requested variables after parsing the string +18:58 < sam_moore> Yeah, -1 is any +18:58 < Callum> 1+ is ID of specific camera +18:58 < sam_moore> Ok +18:58 < sam_moore> Again, the Image_Get or whatever it is called should probably take an integer identifying the camera +18:58 < sam_moore> If possible +18:59 < jtanx> hmm +18:59 < jtanx> http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/77170/how-to-bind-v4l2-usb-cameras-to-the-same-device-names-even-after-reboot +18:59 < jtanx> may not work wiht opencv though +18:59 < sam_moore> Callum: Just try and get something that's reasonable written, then it can be adapted or built upon if needed +19:00 < Callum> im just trying to make sense of the fcgi stuff in image handler +19:00 < Callum> also, is there a reason width and height is hardcoded to 800x600? +19:00 < jtanx> defaut value +19:00 < jtanx> user can change it by specifying width and height +19:01 < Callum> ok +19:01 < sam_moore> Callum: FCGI stuff is a bit confusing I guess, but it's a lot nicer than it was before jtanx wrote FCGI_ParseRequest +19:01 < sam_moore> It used to be like a billion calls to "strcmp" and things +19:01 < Callum> should i just copy the capture code from image into its own functrion then? +19:01 < Callum> instead of using my one +19:01 < Callum> ? +19:01 < sam_moore> Just think of it as automatically filling in the variables you need based on their names +19:02 < sam_moore> Callum: You can use either one, I think they both work +19:02 < sam_moore> Don't be afraid of just trying something +19:02 < sam_moore> If it breaks things we always have git +19:03 < jtanx> oh yeah, that was the other thing I should mention +19:03 < jtanx> you can't have two cameras open +19:03 < jtanx> e.g you can'thave cvCreateCameraCapture +19:04 < jtanx> for one camera +19:04 < jtanx> while you have another one open +19:04 < jtanx> otherwise the program crashes- it gets killed because there's not enough usb bandwidth or something +19:04 < sam_moore> A mutex should solve that +19:04 < sam_moore> (I love mutexes) +19:04 < Callum> well we dont ever plan on having 2 cameras at once? +19:04 < Callum> we should note it in report though +19:05 < jtanx> well just saying, because thne you'd haveto explicitly turn off/free the other camera before using the other +19:06 < sam_moore> Use a mutex to make sure you can never have two captures open +19:06 < sam_moore> And yes, we should note it in the report +19:07 < sam_moore> https://github.com/szmoore/MCTX3420/blob/master/server/sensors/strain.c +19:07 < sam_moore> Start at line 102 +19:08 < sam_moore> The way it works is: +19:08 < sam_moore> When you get to mutex_lock +19:08 < sam_moore> If no thread is executing the code between there and the unlock, the thread will execute it all +19:09 < sam_moore> Otherwise it will wait until the thread that is executing gets to the unlock +19:09 < sam_moore> Then execute it +19:09 < sam_moore> So... +19:09 < Callum> ok +19:09 < Callum> sso pretty much lines 102,103 and 122? +19:10 < sam_moore> Yes, in whichever function gets the images, and make sure anything to do with the camera capture is between them +19:10 < sam_moore> ie: create, use, and free it +19:10 < Callum> yep +19:11 < Callum> alright +19:15 < sam_moore> Callum: gliffy is nice if you want to make flow charts for the image related stuff +19:15 < sam_moore> This report is going to be hard to write... +19:15 < Callum> gliffy? +19:15 < Callum> we dont have nearly enough time to write it.. +19:15 < sam_moore> www.gliffy.com +19:15 < jtanx> or you could use ms visio +19:15 < Callum> i planned to be atleast half done by now :/ +19:16 < Callum> i have visio on my PC somewhere. although i couldnt get the stupid thing to register so long passed trial :p +19:16 < jtanx> about the report, where do you want me to place my content +19:16 < sam_moore> Make a flow chart, it'll take at least a page +19:16 < jtanx> as in how should this be laid out +19:16 < jtanx> i think there was a bit of overlap between some of the diagrams +19:17 < Callum> umm +19:17 < Callum> i just tried chucking a CvMat into encode +19:17 < Callum> and it seems to not have given me errors +19:17 < sam_moore> Always good +19:17 < Callum> but make isnt fully compiling because im missing something +19:18 < jtanx> is it the mysql stuff +19:18 < Callum> yup +19:18 < sam_moore> Oh, sorry, I didn't realise +19:18 < sam_moore> It probably won't like to compile on things without mysql anymore :S +19:19 < sam_moore> ... We're getting to the point where we actually need a configure script to generate the Makefile +19:19 < sam_moore> And that's a bit terrifying +19:19 < jtanx> the easy way is to install mysql +19:19 < jtanx> libmysqlclient-dev +19:19 < jtanx> buut not ideal +19:19 < sam_moore> Ok, about the layout of the report +19:20 < Callum> is it the last thing to compile? +19:20 < Callum> i can just assume its all ok. :P +19:20 < sam_moore> Haha +19:21 < sam_moore> Installing mysql is probably the best way to check +19:21 < sam_moore> Alternately you can try comment out all the mysql guff, but that will probably take longer :S +19:22 < jtanx> about Login_Shadow +19:22 < jtanx> just found there's fopen without fclose +19:22 < sam_moore> :O +19:22 < Callum> oh noes! +19:22 < Callum> we all gon fail +19:22 < jtanx> :P +19:22 < sam_moore> Yeah, there are undoubtably going to be problems with it +19:23 < sam_moore> It's not fair to expect everything to get implemented *and* there to be absolutely no problems +19:23 < jtanx> yeah +19:23 < jtanx> that's true +19:23 < sam_moore> We barely have time to test anything +19:23 < sam_moore> It's just "Get it working and stick it in, the thing doesn't segfault, good, move on!" +19:23 < Callum> good plan. +19:23 < sam_moore> I think I broke the pressure regulator with the sanity check by the way +19:24 < jtanx> Well, with what they've been asking us to do, what can you do +19:24 < sam_moore> So good save whoever distracted him when I was demonstrating that and it wasn't working even when I put proper values in... +19:24 < jtanx> Hahaha +19:24 < Callum> :p +19:24 < sam_moore> I was just like "As you can see... when you put bad values in it says bad value" +19:25 < sam_moore> Really hoping that they didn't notice that it was a pretty reasonable value... +19:25 < sam_moore> What I would love to do +19:25 < sam_moore> Is plot overnight memory/cpu usage of both the beaglebone and the computer running the gui +19:26 < sam_moore> I think the JavaScript is the weak point in terms of how much you can actually show in the gui +19:26 < sam_moore> It seems to just shit itself trying to plot the microphone for example +19:26 < sam_moore> Yet you can still download all the data and plot it in something else +19:27 < jtanx> it's probably because it's just consuming too much memory, trying to store that many points +19:27 < jtanx> if at any one point in time you reduce that, it should be fine +19:27 < sam_moore> Yeah... +19:27 < sam_moore> Anyway... report layout +19:28 < sam_moore> Chapter 1 and 2 are mostly Justin's stuff +19:28 < jtanx> Okay +19:28 < Callum> should i change default width/height to 1600x1200? +19:28 < sam_moore> Callum: Sure, why not? +19:28 < sam_moore> Chapter 3 and 4 are "Design implementation" and "Results" +19:28 < Callum> just making sure it wont break anything :P +19:28 < sam_moore> But... +19:29 < sam_moore> I was thinking of just doing "Design implementation" and "Discussion" +19:29 < Callum> the C170 also 1600x1200 right? +19:29 < sam_moore> So... when you write your report, do two bits (if you can) +19:29 < sam_moore> One focusing on what the system is +19:29 < sam_moore> And one focusing on why we made the decisions to make it that way +19:29 < sam_moore> If that makes any sense :S +19:29 < sam_moore> Honestly +19:30 < jtanx> Yeah that makes sense +19:30 < Callum> hmm. if you think it would be better that way. +19:30 < Callum> wouldnt it seem disjointed that way though? +19:30 < jtanx> I should probably cut down some explanation text then +19:30 < sam_moore> Callum: The image processing is a bit more difficult, because we didn't have many choices with it +19:30 < sam_moore> Callum: No, I think it will seem better +19:30 < jtanx> add more 'how it works' +19:30 < sam_moore> Because at the moment it's easy to get distracted +19:30 < sam_moore> When you are explaining how it works +19:30 < Callum> umm. why is num > 1 invalid? +19:30 < jtanx> Camera 0 or 1 +19:31 < jtanx> there can only be two cameras connected +19:31 < sam_moore> Like, I kept getting sidetracked about the design changes we made +19:31 < Callum> -1,0 and 1 all do the same thing if theres only 1 camera connected :p +19:31 < Callum> if tehres 2 cameras one would be 2 +19:31 < Callum> 0 is default +19:31 < sam_moore> But someone who wants to know how it works will just want a section that says "This is how it works" +19:31 < jtanx> nah +19:31 < jtanx> if there's two +19:31 < jtanx> its 0 or 1 +19:31 < sam_moore> Lastly... +19:31 < jtanx> to switch between them +19:31 < sam_moore> We should have a recommendations section +19:31 < Callum> you sure? and yea definitely +19:31 < jtanx> I tested it ont he bbb +19:31 < Callum> more of a "what still needs to be done" but thats the same thing +19:31 < Callum> hmm ok +19:31 < jtanx> that's how I know it works +19:32 < sam_moore> Basically if you have any recommendations on what should and shouldn't be done, make some dot points and a sentence explaining it +19:32 < sam_moore> ... +19:32 < sam_moore> I really don't have time to email everyone all that +19:32 < sam_moore> Justin's stuff is pretty good as it is though, it's just James and possibly Rowan that need to be informed/asked +19:33 < jtanx> yeah justin's was pretty good +19:33 < Callum> wheres testing go? in "what" the system is? +19:34 < sam_moore> I'd put testing in the discussion +19:34 < sam_moore> ie: we have "What" the system is, and "How" it got to be that way +19:34 < Callum> so, design choice for testing>? +19:34 < sam_moore> Yes +19:34 < Callum> i guess that gives me something to populate design choice +19:34 < Callum> considering i dont have much otherwise..' +19:34 < sam_moore> Callum: If you could mention the interferometer that would be great +19:35 < Callum> mention, how much? +19:35 < sam_moore> Well, it is a design choice, mostly by sensors I'll admit +19:35 < sam_moore> But we did have an algorithm for it +19:35 < Callum> just we were told it would be necessary, algorithm was written and provide a couple of testi mages? +19:36 < sam_moore> Yes, explain the algorithm if you feel the need +19:36 < sam_moore> There is an email I sent that explains it... not very clearly :S +19:36 < sam_moore> There are also graphs of how well it performs +19:36 < Callum> well. if i need to buff it up a bit and i have the time il do so +19:36 < sam_moore> I'm sure we have enough content +19:36 < Callum> buuut im doubtful +19:36 < sam_moore> There are tonnes of things to find to write about +19:36 < sam_moore> Alright, no problem +19:36 < sam_moore> Speaking of which +19:37 < Callum> welll. im more worried about my contribution to the report. +19:37 < Callum> need to make it as even as possibl;e +19:38 < jtanx> we're working off the master branch now right? +19:38 < sam_moore> Yes +19:38 < jtanx> (for the report) +19:38 < jtanx> okay +19:39 < sam_moore> Callum: Just try and get 5/6 pages done then +19:39 < Callum> ok. should be possible if i include lots of images :p +19:39 < jtanx> Kinda worried about Rowan... +19:40 < Callum> Yea. +19:40 < sam_moore> I'm not sure what we can get him to write +19:40 < Callum> meeting on monday he kinda rocked up hell late, wondered abotu and left barely saying anything +19:40 < sam_moore> At one stage I thought he'd be doing some GUI design +19:41 < sam_moore> There were lots of opportunities for people less inclined to do coding to help with that +19:42 < sam_moore> Anyway +19:42 < sam_moore> I really need to do something else +19:43 < sam_moore> Hell, I'm going to have a hard time doing my part of the report by Wednesday, let alone editing everything +19:43 < jtanx> :/ +19:44 < Callum> umm. should i clean the image stuff each time or just leave it til the end? (only issue i can see is if the image size changes) +19:52 < Callum> jeremy if i was to call your handler function what do you pass it? +19:52 < Callum> whats context/params from? +19:52 < Callum> because if i wanted to call that from dilatometer? +19:52 < jtanx> okay +19:52 < jtanx> let's just explain a few things first +19:53 < jtanx> Image_Handler is never called by anything else apart from some fastcgi function, and only when a request comes in from a user +19:53 < jtanx> Say a user types in /image?width=800&height=600 +19:53 < jtanx> there's this thing called the fastcgi request loop +19:53 < jtanx> it picks up the request +19:53 < jtanx> It determines that it's after the image module +19:53 < jtanx> so it calls Image_Handler +19:54 < Callum> hmm. thought it was somethign like that. but is there a way to encorporate it into it so i can call it from dilatometer or should i just scrap your code and use my much soimpler image get functino +19:54 < jtanx> well +19:54 < jtanx> it depends on what you want to do +19:54 < jtanx> if you want to return an image to the user, you have to use the framework +19:54 < jtanx> I think you're getting confused over what it should be doing +19:55 < jtanx> So from what I understand +19:55 < Callum> yea hang on +19:55 < jtanx> you have an image get function? +19:55 < jtanx> If you just want to get an image for internal use, you don't use that fastcgi stuff +19:56 < Callum> yea for dilatometer +19:56 < jtanx> the fastcgi stuff is for when you want to return a response to the user +19:56 < Callum> yea i was a little confused on how to separate the get iomage function so its usable by both image.c and dilatometer.c +19:57 < jtanx> hmm +19:57 < Callum> do we need the cv set capture propery width/height stufF? +19:57 < Callum> and brb food +19:57 < sam_moore> Try and think about what image.c and dilatometer.c are currently doing in common +19:57 < sam_moore> Callum: If in doubt, make a function argument +19:57 < sam_moore> Within reason :P +19:57 < Callum> yea, issue i come across is my capture isnt trying to set width/height +19:58 < sam_moore> Does it use a default? +19:58 < jtanx> yea, you need to set capture widh/height +19:58 < jtanx> otherwise it will be some random setting +19:58 < Callum> iv never done it and its been fine? +19:58 < jtanx> but you only need to set it when you initialise it, or if you want to change resolution +19:58 < jtanx> on the beaglebone, default resolution is like 320x240 pixels or something like that +20:20 < jtanx> hmm +20:21 < jtanx> should we have a section on beaglebone setup or something +20:21 < Callum> well we want them to be able to use it +20:21 < jtanx> yeah +20:21 < Callum> but that could go under wiki? +20:21 < Callum> with brief description in report? +20:21 < jtanx> True +20:21 < jtanx> that would probably make more sense +20:32 < sam_moore> 1. ssh to beaglebone 2. run server 3. see wiki for more details 4. By the way, write an /etc/init.d script to stop having to do this +20:32 < sam_moore> Well, 4. can be a recommendation +20:32 < jtanx> well what stuff did we install +20:32 < sam_moore> Oh yeah +20:32 < jtanx> what os did we use and how did we load it +20:32 < sam_moore> We need a section on server setup +20:32 < sam_moore> Le sigh +20:32 < jtanx> Okay +20:32 < jtanx> should that be part of the report or wiki +20:32 < sam_moore> Report I think +20:33 < jtanx> I guess I should look into that +20:33 < sam_moore> Another recommendation... +20:33 < sam_moore> Write a configure script :P +20:33 < jtanx> Haha +20:33 < sam_moore> Make a debian package... +20:33 < jtanx> effooorrrrrt +20:33 < sam_moore> That's why it's a recommendation Jeremy +20:33 < jtanx> :P +20:33 < sam_moore> You recommend that it get done *later* +20:33 < sam_moore> You don't have to actually do it +20:34 < jtanx> I like how our dependencies have ballooned from when we first started +20:34 < sam_moore> Haha +20:34 < sam_moore> It's mostly the user management stuff +20:34 < sam_moore> That pulled in ldap, crypt, mysql... +20:34 < jtanx> Yeah +20:34 < jtanx> at least it's versatile! +20:34 < sam_moore> mysql itself is like 4 link flags +20:34 < sam_moore> opencv was always there though +20:34 < sam_moore> That's like a billion link flags +20:34 < sam_moore> Some we probably don't need... +20:35 < jtanx> I don't understand why `pkg-config --libs opencv` doesn't work +20:35 < sam_moore> Recommend someone work out why it doesn't work... +20:35 < sam_moore> :P +20:35 < jtanx> Hahaha +20:35 < sam_moore> We could just make 30 pages of one line recommendations... +20:35 < sam_moore> I think some recommendations of "Do *not* do this" might be good to +20:36 < jtanx> Yeah +20:36 < sam_moore> ie: I actually looked into RT linux +20:36 < sam_moore> Admittedly I ran it on a laptop +20:36 < jtanx> well +20:36 < sam_moore> Which has other processes +20:36 < sam_moore> But still +20:36 < sam_moore> It's not that much better +20:36 < jtanx> mm +20:36 < sam_moore> So "Do *not* spend 6 months making RT linux work on the BeagleBone" +20:37 < jtanx> I'm still amazed that that code to enable the pins works +20:37 < jtanx> 'enable in a particular order' +20:37 < sam_moore> "Do not ever touch the kernel or pin control code, ever" +20:37 < jtanx> especially that pwm stuff +20:37 < sam_moore> There are still problems with that +20:37 < jtanx> ahahaha +20:37 < sam_moore> You have to reboot to change the period I think +20:37 < jtanx> hmm +20:37 < sam_moore> Don't fix it +20:37 < jtanx> solution: try another pwm +20:37 < sam_moore> We can just note it somewhere +20:38 < jtanx> yep +20:38 < sam_moore> Actually that's a good point +20:38 < sam_moore> Is someone going to write about the pin control saga +20:38 < jtanx> urgh +20:38 < sam_moore> I started it, but you finished it... +20:38 < sam_moore> I thought I solved it, but you seemed to rewrite 90% of the code :P +20:38 < jtanx> :P +20:53 < Callum> ok think iv done everything but the static variable/determining change of width rather than just edge +20:54 < Callum> ..and then to continue the report +20:58 < Callum> is there any way for me to tell if this is the start of a new experiment? +20:58 < Callum> because if it is i need to reset last position dont i? +20:58 < jtanx> Well +20:58 < jtanx> Dilatometer_Init should be called everytime an experiment is started, afaik +20:58 < sam_moore> Yes +20:58 < sam_moore> Sigh, another recommendation +20:58 < Callum> ok +20:58 < Callum> well, is it? +20:59 < sam_moore> Callum: Yeah, it is +20:59 < sam_moore> I was just thinking +20:59 < sam_moore> When an experiment isn't started, because it was sort of hacked in, you can't ask the server what sensors/actuators it has +20:59 < sam_moore> It should just be a matter of having an extra init function +20:59 < sam_moore> a sort of +20:59 < sam_moore> init_init +20:59 < sam_moore> if you will +20:59 < sam_moore> I'm going crazy +21:00 < jtanx> or Dilatometer_Start +21:00 < jtanx> or Dilatometer_Stop +21:00 < sam_moore> Well you can change the names easily +21:00 < jtanx> Dilatometer_init for once off init +21:00 < jtanx> Yeah +21:00 < sam_moore> I don't think that's even necessary +21:00 < sam_moore> Just seperate out the population of that array from the initialisation/uninitialisation of the devices +21:01 < sam_moore> So the array is only populated once, not every time the experiment is started +21:01 < jtanx> yeah +21:05 < Callum> if no edge is found should i return 0? +21:05 < Callum> wait, that would relate to no expansion +21:08 < sam_moore> Return false remember +21:08 < Callum> ah right forgot i was already doing that and it wouldnt actually record the value +21:08 < Callum> :p +21:10 < Callum> also iv added a SCALE to h but just made it 1. if we actually manage to calibrate the thing we can just change that/ +21:13 < Callum> ok. think im done +21:16 < sam_moore> Cool, good work +21:16 < Callum> how do i access the server stuff again? +21:16 < Callum> to make sure it works +21:16 < sam_moore> We can test it tomorrow after/before the strain gauges +21:16 < Callum> or that +21:16 < Callum> also bloody thing pushed to my branch xD +21:16 < sam_moore> Callum: You can also run it on your laptop +21:17 < Callum> yea thats what i meant. iv done ./run.sh +21:17 < sam_moore> Ah +21:17 < Callum> how do i access it from there again? +21:17 < sam_moore> You probably need to setup nginx +21:17 < sam_moore> Install nginx +21:17 < Callum> we set it up before +21:17 < sam_moore> There is a server_configs directory or similar +21:17 < Callum> well jeremy did +21:17 < jtanx> okay +21:17 < jtanx> umm +21:18 < jtanx> is nginx started? +21:18 < jtanx> try +21:18 < jtanx> /etc/init.d/nginx restart +21:18 < jtanx> Once started, run the run.sh script +21:18 < sam_moore> Well +21:18 < Callum> config gile blah blah test failed? +21:18 < sam_moore> You should check that you can get the index to appear at "https://localhost" first +21:18 < Callum> file +21:19 < jtanx> what did you run? +21:20 < Callum> the restart +21:20 < jtanx> hmm +21:20 < sam_moore> Callum: https://github.com/szmoore/MCTX3420/tree/master/server-configs +21:20 < jtanx> okay +21:20 < jtanx> yeah go to that folder +21:20 < jtanx> chmod +x +21:20 < jtanx> the .sh files +21:20 < sam_moore> You need to update all the config files; they have changed a lot +21:21 < jtanx> chmod +x gen_ssl_cert.sh install.sh +21:21 < jtanx> sudo ./install.sh +21:21 < Callum> tbh +21:21 < Callum> this sounds like too much time/effort +21:21 < sam_moore> Well you did ask +21:21 < Callum> when im already low on time +21:21 < jtanx> running that install script shoul install everything +21:30 < jtanx> we need like a glossary of terms +21:31 < jtanx> all this HTTP, JSON, TLS/SSL, FastCGI, FCGI terms... +21:32 < sam_moore> Sure... +21:32 < sam_moore> The entire report will just be a glossary :S +21:32 < jtanx> :/ +21:32 < sam_moore> Thread: Not like the ones in your shirt +21:32 < sam_moore> Thread: Like a process, but not really. Executes a process. +21:33 < sam_moore> Stupid terminology +21:33 < jtanx> Yeah +21:33 < sam_moore> process is a perfectly valid way to say "It does a thing" +21:33 < sam_moore> But if you start referring to threads and processes in the context of computers... +21:33 < sam_moore> Argh +21:33 < jtanx> their eyes shall gloss over as they read this report +21:33 < sam_moore> Haha +21:43 < Callum> just merged my stuff too +21:46 < sam_moore> I wonder if they will hire some random software engineering student to finish this +21:46 < sam_moore> Personally I would quite like to work on it and actually get paid +21:46 < Callum> idno. do they actually intend on using it? +21:46 < jtanx> ._. +21:46 < sam_moore> Callum: I think they do... +21:46 -!- Callum [~chatzilla@106-69-68-94.dyn.iinet.net.au] has left #mctxuwa_softdev [] +21:47 -!- Callum [~chatzilla@106-69-68-94.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +21:47 < jtanx> Yeah, I wouldn't mind working on this if I got paid +21:47 < Callum> ok i just lost connection to channel? +21:47 < jtanx> Looks like it +21:47 < sam_moore> You didn't miss anything +21:48 < Callum> ok. so can we demand our 100K >? +21:48 < sam_moore> Hahaha +21:48 < jtanx> Unfortunately, software developers are often underpaid +21:50 < sam_moore> Meh, I'd work on this for the job experience more than the money +21:50 < sam_moore> Counting as vac work would be nice... +21:50 < jtanx> Yeah, that would be great +21:51 < Callum> heck i wouldnt mind actually learning how this shit works :p +21:51 < sam_moore> Yeah, I know Jeremy and I sort of took ownership of a lot of the code base +21:51 < sam_moore> But in our defence, we actually have a working system +21:52 < sam_moore> For some definition of working +21:52 < jtanx> Hmm +21:53 < jtanx> if I start talking about javascript and ajax +21:53 < jtanx> that really pushes the content out +21:53 < jtanx> actually just trying to explain why we used what we did pushes it out +21:53 < sam_moore> I was going to explain why we used HTTP and threads at the same time +21:54 < sam_moore> It's just a sentence or so though +21:54 < sam_moore> ... +21:54 < sam_moore> Ok, it's a paragraph, whatever +21:54 < sam_moore> I emphasised that the user could basically shut down their machine without stopping the experiment +21:54 < sam_moore> I've found it's pretty hard to get accross the distinction between the GUI and the backend/server to people +21:55 < jtanx> Yeah +21:55 < Callum> some people.. +21:55 < jtanx> I've practically written about the 'communication' between the user and system +22:13 < Callum> sam, will you be putting the design choices before or after the final system stuff in report? +22:17 < sam_moore> After +22:17 < sam_moore> They will want to read the actual implementation details first +22:17 < Callum> hmmok +22:28 < Callum> god its hot in my room.. +22:28 < jtanx> it's pretty cool outside... +22:28 < Callum> hence why i was confused why its hot in my room +22:29 < Callum> could be somewhat due to the fact i justfinished a coffee. :p +22:29 < jtanx> ~.~ +22:29 < Callum> ^^ +22:29 < Callum> but yea. i intend on getting most of this report done tonight +22:29 < Callum> not so much that sam can have it on time, so i can do my other work. :p +22:30 < Callum> geng4402 project is going to kill me. rest of my group is being quite useless +22:30 < Callum> and we're so far behind +22:32 < jtanx> :| +22:34 < Callum> one of them even dropped the unit +22:34 < Callum> groups of 4/5 +22:34 < Callum> we had 4. 2 ppl done nothing all semester +22:34 < Callum> 1 drops out +22:34 < Callum> so we have 3. with 1 person doing practically nothing (hes trying to help now but...he spent all day stuck on shit) +22:40 < Callum> jeremy before you were saying that image handler handles requests from the server right? +22:40 < jtanx> yeah +22:42 < jtanx> okay +22:43 < jtanx> just with Camera_Getimage +22:43 < jtanx> since you open/close the camera capture +22:43 < Callum> yea? +22:43 < jtanx> I think that's slow +22:43 < Callum> umm. well sam said to do that inside the mutex +22:43 < jtanx> and that makes the mutex unnecessary +22:44 < jtanx> it's more like +22:44 < Callum> hmm +22:44 < Callum> true +22:44 < jtanx> if you kept the camera initialised +22:44 < jtanx> check to see which is initialised +22:44 < jtanx> if it is the one we're after, then we're fine +22:44 < jtanx> otherwise release it and enable the other one +22:54 < Callum> mm. should i do the same with the mats in the handler? +22:55 < jtanx> I'm not sure +22:55 < Callum> i'd need to make sure all the parameters are the same (but really only width/height. nothing else should change really) +22:56 < Callum> is it necessary? +22:57 < jtanx> I think the mats should be left +22:57 < jtanx> because I think you do need to free them each time? +22:57 < jtanx> otherwise you'd have a matrix that you haven't freed +22:57 < jtanx> and then you overwrite the pointer anyway +22:57 < Callum> well you can reuse it. +22:57 < jtanx> okay +22:57 < Callum> and besides in documentation it even says you dont need to release CvMats +22:58 < Callum> buut..yea +22:58 < sam_moore> Guys +22:58 < Callum> Sam +22:58 < sam_moore> You probably want to be able to get images from the dilatometer camera for non dilatometer purposes +22:58 < Callum> which you can? +22:58 < sam_moore> Well you could if you just had the (admittedly inefficient) mutex and reinitialise things all the time +22:59 < sam_moore> Not sure if it's easy to do it the way jeremy is discussing +22:59 < sam_moore> Whatever, can't think straight +22:59 < Callum> iv changed it to the way jeremy described it +22:59 < Callum> i think +22:59 < Callum> as long as you pass it 0 +22:59 < Callum> which is what dilatometer is currently passing +23:00 < Callum> it wont reinitialise capture +23:00 < sam_moore> Alright then, we'll see if it works tomorrow +23:02 < jtanx> 12pm was it +23:04 < jtanx> okay, I'm out for today +23:04 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["bye"] +23:06 < Callum> oh shit its that late already? +--- Day changed Wed Oct 30 2013 +00:20 -!- Callum [~chatzilla@106-69-68-94.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox 24.0/20130910160258]"] +08:36 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +10:27 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +11:19 -!- jtanx [~asfa@] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +12:29 -!- jtanx [~asfa@] has quit [Ping timeout] +12:31 -!- jtanx_ [~asfa@] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +12:31 -!- jtanx_ is now known as jtanx +13:23 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +13:33 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +15:52 -!- jtanx [~asfa@] has quit [Ping timeout] +16:55 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +18:57 -!- Rowan [~Rowan@106-68-210-88.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +19:17 -!- Callum [~chatzilla@106-69-4-220.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +19:17 < jtanx> :O +19:17 < Callum> what i miss? +19:17 < jtanx> 4 people on at once +19:17 < jtanx> nothing +19:17 < Callum> haha. ok. +19:17 < jtanx> no discussion as of yet +19:18 < Callum> well. i came on mainly to say i likely won't be at demonstration tomorrow. unless it doesnt start til 12. got a physics thing i should go to at 11 +19:18 < jtanx> ok +19:18 < jtanx> btw +19:18 < jtanx> our beaglebone got fried this afternoon +19:18 < jtanx> poor snoopy +19:18 < Callum> D: how? +19:18 < jtanx> um +19:18 < jtanx> we were testing out the multiplexer +19:19 < jtanx> and for some reason the power supply got cut +19:19 < jtanx> when we powered it back on, it didn't work anymore +19:19 < jtanx> it might have been that current flowed back into the gpio pins or something +19:19 < jtanx> or maybe their power supply is dodgy +19:20 < Callum> hmm +19:20 < Callum> i know, lets plug it into the other one to try! *fries other BBB* +19:20 < Callum> yup its powersupply +19:20 < jtanx> we're down to one beaglebone now, which is the one that electronics ordered in after the first one blew +19:20 < jtanx> and yeah +19:20 < jtanx> not likely that'll be connected +19:20 < jtanx> before they fix their electronics +19:28 < Callum> yea. +19:28 < Callum> well im pretty much done with my part of report i think +19:28 < Callum> just need to edit it +19:28 < jtanx> that's good +19:28 < Callum> also why is oracle making me create an account to install java? .. +19:29 < jtanx> really +19:29 < Callum> atleast it is through the link in the tute assignment +19:29 < jtanx> you probably have a later version installed than that link anyway +19:29 < jtanx> don't install that old crap +19:30 < Callum> java -version aint returning anything. aint recognising java +19:30 < Callum> i dont think iv installed it since i reformatted +19:30 < Callum> ahah +19:30 < jtanx> is this on windows or linux? +19:30 < Callum> windows +19:30 < jtanx> okay, so just go to the java website and install it +19:31 < jtanx> and uncheck that crap to install the ask toolbar +19:31 < jtanx> http://www.java.com/en/download/index.jsp +19:31 < Callum> wait. jre7 is in prog files +19:31 < Callum> il just install it and see if it works +19:31 < jtanx> yeah +19:31 < jtanx> was about to say +19:32 < Callum> so how longs this thing take? +19:33 < jtanx> I dunno +19:33 < jtanx> not too long +19:33 < Callum> aha. dno. did it in my sleep. +19:33 < Callum> :p\ +19:33 < jtanx> you just click some buttons +19:33 < jtanx> it adds stuff to the display +19:34 < Callum> comment providing feedback on experience...fuck those questions +19:54 -!- Callum_ [~chatzilla@106-69-4-220.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +20:04 -!- Callum [~chatzilla@106-69-4-220.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +20:19 -!- Rowan [~Rowan@106-68-210-88.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +20:59 < Callum_> what did you guys say for the feedback? +20:59 < jtanx> I had like two lines +20:59 < jtanx> 'it was interesting' +20:59 < jtanx> :/ +20:59 < Callum_> ahah. was a "good" experience. +21:14 < Callum_> is his example for the transferring an ascii code wrong? :S +21:15 < jtanx> I dunno +21:15 < jtanx> what do you mean +21:15 < jtanx> (I didn't watch the lecture btw) +21:15 < Callum_> i havent either +21:16 < Callum_> but in his notes +21:16 < Callum_> haha +21:16 < jtanx> Okey +21:16 < jtanx> I found it confusing +21:16 < jtanx> like logic 0 is up +21:16 < jtanx> and logic 1 is down +21:16 < jtanx> space vs mark +21:16 < jtanx> then on the next chart it's reversed +21:16 < Callum_> wait logic 0 is up? +21:16 < jtanx> I dunno +21:16 < Callum_> yea. +21:16 < jtanx> I looked at an online example and it was +21:17 < jtanx> I just followed an online diagram +21:17 < jtanx> like the one on this page: +21:17 < jtanx> http://academic.evergreen.edu/projects/biophysics/technotes/electron/serial.htm +21:17 < jtanx> (scroll all the way down) +21:17 < Callum_> thanks +21:19 < Callum_> yea +21:19 < Callum_> his is right +21:19 < Callum_> its just +21:19 < Callum_> you'd think +21:19 < Callum_> he'd mention its active low? +21:19 < jtanx> meh +21:19 < Callum_> oh well +21:34 -!- Rowan [~Rowan@106-68-210-88.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +21:53 -!- Callum [~Callum@106-69-4-220.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +21:55 -!- Callum_ [~chatzilla@106-69-4-220.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +21:55 < Callum> do we need to hand in our diary? +21:56 < jtanx> yep +21:56 < jtanx> not sure how though +21:56 < Callum> when/where? +21:56 < Callum> yea +21:56 < Callum> thats what i wasj ust thinking +21:56 < jtanx> that reminds me +21:56 < jtanx> I need to update it +21:57 < Callum> also it says in something on lms theyd check it during the semester +21:57 < Callum> LOL +21:57 < jtanx> well +21:57 < jtanx> trevelyan looked at it +21:57 < jtanx> once +21:57 < Callum> i havent even seen trevelyan once +21:58 < jtanx> he was at one of the 9am lectures because adam couldn't make it or something +21:58 < Callum> fair enoughj +22:01 -!- Rowan [~Rowan@106-68-210-88.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +22:10 < jtanx> herp derp +22:10 < Callum> what? +22:10 < jtanx> didn't push to git +22:10 < Callum> ahaha +22:10 < jtanx> had the console open waiting for me to type in the password +22:44 -!- jtanx changed the topic of #mctxuwa_softdev to: ^-_-^ +22:44 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["~.~"] +22:52 -!- Callum [~Callum@106-69-4-220.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox 24.0/20130910160258]"] +--- Day changed Thu Oct 31 2013 +00:25 -!- Rowan [~Rowan@106-68-210-88.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +00:28 < Rowan> im not entirly sure what i should be writing about. i never had a specific role ... just sorta butterflied around +00:29 < Rowan> learnt a huge amount although havnt done any work that has been needed or used in any final product. +01:43 -!- Rowan [~Rowan@106-68-210-88.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +07:21 -!- Rowan [~Rowan@106-68-210-88.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +08:03 -!- Rowan [~Rowan@106-68-210-88.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +09:13 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +09:32 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +09:36 < jtanx> I added in some wiki pages last night, about the operating system, required packages and a special mention on pwm control +09:39 -!- Rowan [~Rowan@] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +09:39 < jtanx> hey +09:39 < sam_moore> Hi, have to leave for bus now +09:39 < jtanx> okay +09:40 -!- Rowan [~Rowan@] has quit [EOF From client] +09:41 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +09:58 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox 24.0/20130910160258]"] +12:21 -!- Rowan [~Rowan@106-68-210-88.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +13:21 -!- Rowan [~Rowan@106-68-210-88.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [EOF From client] +16:41 -!- Rowan [~Rowan@106-68-210-88.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +16:42 < Rowan> still not entirely sure what i can be helping with. james says hes done with the gui part. should i just ignore him and start again with it mayself +16:54 -!- Rowan [~Rowan@106-68-210-88.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [EOF From client] +18:21 -!- Rowan [~Rowan@106-68-210-88.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +18:54 < sam_moore> Rowan: James has covered stuff like the design process and library selection etc +18:55 < sam_moore> It would probably be good to discuss how the GUI is actually meant to work, how people are supposed to use it +18:55 < sam_moore> Things like: There is a menu bar to go between different pages +18:55 < sam_moore> List each page and give an overview of what it does +18:55 < sam_moore> I suggest you have a look at github for the MCTXWeb testing GUI as it is the most complete +18:55 < sam_moore> And we were using it this week and showing it to Adrian +18:56 < sam_moore> So, I suggest you read James' section first, then just cover anything you think he's missed +18:57 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +18:58 < sam_moore> jtanx: The report is looking good, I'm going to add your and my sections last +18:58 < jtanx> Okay, that's fine +18:58 < jtanx> Sorry for leaving so abruptly +18:58 < sam_moore> There is a lot of stuff I can potentially write about, so I think the best idea is to just put all the other stuff in and then work around it +18:58 < sam_moore> That's OK +18:58 < sam_moore> Nothing really got done +18:59 < jtanx> Sure +18:59 < sam_moore> I ended up getting a bit pissed off with the other teams :S +18:59 < jtanx> :/ +18:59 < sam_moore> They wanted to test the dilatometer... +18:59 < sam_moore> And the pressure sensors... +18:59 < sam_moore> And the microphones... +18:59 < jtanx> did any of that get tested? +18:59 < sam_moore> And the can wasn't holding pressure... +18:59 < sam_moore> Nope +18:59 < sam_moore> You know how it is +18:59 < sam_moore> They needed to refocus the dilatometer... +18:59 < sam_moore> So then someone says "While they do that, we'll test the pressure sensors" +18:59 < sam_moore> Then everyone gets distracted... +18:59 < jtanx> .... +19:00 < sam_moore> Then that gets delayed somehow... +19:00 < sam_moore> Then the people say "We focused the dilatometer!" +19:00 < sam_moore> And you try and go back to doing that... +19:00 < sam_moore> Then someone says "Are we testing the pressure sensors" +19:00 < jtanx> -.- +19:00 < sam_moore> And you go, "Well, since the dilatometer isn't working, we'll go back to that!" +19:01 < sam_moore> Then someone says "What if you just do this little thing to the dilatometer..." +19:01 < sam_moore> Blergh +19:01 < jtanx> that sounds stupid +19:01 < sam_moore> I think that edge detection was really the wrong way to do that dilatometer algorithm +19:01 < sam_moore> Looking at the images... +19:02 < sam_moore> It'd be far more reliable to just locate the change between dark and light pixels directly +19:02 < sam_moore> But either way +19:02 < jtanx> Yeah, now that I think about it,that'd make more sense +19:02 < jtanx> would reduce cpu usage too +19:02 < sam_moore> There are all these creative ways people kept coming up with +19:02 < sam_moore> That basically boil down to +19:02 < sam_moore> Making a different image +19:02 < sam_moore> And then processing that +19:03 < sam_moore> When really... you should just look at how to process the image you already have +19:03 < jtanx> Yeah +19:03 < sam_moore> Kieran's mathematica image thing looks horrendously complicated to analyse +19:03 < jtanx> Really trying to complicate something that sholdn't be +19:03 < jtanx> Ah... Kieran +19:04 < jtanx> Seems to always come up with overly complicated plans +19:04 < sam_moore> I said "If you can make an algorithm that will take whatever you want to do and spit out a number, we can put it in the software" +19:04 < sam_moore> "If you come up with an algorithm that says "Make an image and then quantify it somehow" it will not work" +19:04 < jtanx> Yeah +19:05 < sam_moore> Unrelated, but about the whole "strain sensors aren't used on the exploding can but get shown in the gui" +19:06 < sam_moore> I say it doesn't matter +19:06 < sam_moore> They don't have to plot those sensors +19:06 < sam_moore> Just put it in the documentation. When you use the exploding can, these sensors are effectively meaningless. +19:06 < jtanx> Yeah +19:06 < jtanx> that's fine too +19:07 < jtanx> future work, if they run out of other things to do +19:07 < sam_moore> Yeah, but even in future work I wouldn't really want to deal with that issue +19:07 < sam_moore> It makes the system less flexible to have to specify the sensors you want to appear in the API +19:07 < jtanx> I guess +19:07 < sam_moore> Perhaps do it in the GUI +19:07 < jtanx> perhaps +19:08 < sam_moore> There's no harm in the server allowing those API requests +19:08 < sam_moore> But you can hide unused things in the GUI +19:08 < sam_moore> Enough of that +19:08 < sam_moore> To the report +19:08 < sam_moore> Currently adding James' stuff, it seems to fit well +19:08 < jtanx> That's good +19:09 < jtanx> do we need more references or something +19:09 < sam_moore> I've largely abandoned the idea of a chapter of what the system is vs a chapter of the design considerations +19:09 < sam_moore> Just discuss things as they come up +19:09 < jtanx> Okay +19:09 < jtanx> fair enough +19:10 < sam_moore> References might be good +19:10 < sam_moore> I suppose for things like the binary search you can reference a wikipedia page on it? +19:10 < sam_moore> Or for things like "What a thread is" +19:10 < jtanx> with software it's a bit hard +19:11 < sam_moore> Yeah, even if you use a known algorithm it still gets dramatically altered based on what you want to do with it +19:11 < jtanx> Yeah +19:11 < sam_moore> Rowan: If you are still here, a glossary of terms is also potentially useful +19:11 < sam_moore> I think we have one in the wiki? +19:11 < jtanx> But realistically, what sort of 'formal' references are there for software +19:11 < sam_moore> Stack overflow? +19:11 < jtanx> the wiki has a glossary, but it could be expanded +19:12 < jtanx> stack overflow as a formal reference? +19:12 < sam_moore> Haha +19:12 < sam_moore> Reference any library we use +19:12 < sam_moore> They aren't formal though +19:12 < jtanx> It'll have to be good enough +19:12 < sam_moore> Look, we didn't use any formal academic references +19:12 < sam_moore> So we can't reference them +19:13 < jtanx> Yeah +19:13 < sam_moore> Computer Science papers would be next to useless on this anyway +19:13 < jtanx> pretty much +19:13 < sam_moore> Unless you can find the original paper on things like binary searches +19:13 < jtanx> ugh +19:13 < sam_moore> Or whoever first coined the term "thread" +19:13 < sam_moore> Digging through papers from the 1970s/80s ... +19:13 < jtanx> pretty sure, binary search is like common knowledge in computing by now +19:13 < sam_moore> It is taught in first year +19:14 < sam_moore> It is probably one of the few things that is taught at UWA that was employed in this project... +19:14 < jtanx> Okay, so lets reference CITS1210 +19:14 < sam_moore> Ahahaha +19:14 < jtanx> I think it was acceptable +19:14 < jtanx> reference material from previous units +19:14 < sam_moore> yes, do that +19:14 < sam_moore> I can reference my honours course on multithreading :P +19:14 < jtanx> yeah +19:14 < jtanx> that's good :P +19:16 < sam_moore> Rowan: I said some stuff earlier, you may need to scroll back to see it if your IRC client doesn't notify you +19:18 < sam_moore> jtanx: Should we make "Read the IRC chatlogs" a recommendation? :P +19:18 < jtanx> Yeah, it would be helpful I guess +19:18 < jtanx> lots of text to scrawl through though +19:18 < jtanx> "Read IRC chatlogs" and "commit history" of git repository +19:18 < sam_moore> If you look though you can find design discussions +19:18 < sam_moore> Even some links to things +19:19 < sam_moore> The git commit history also has some design changes +19:19 < sam_moore> Eg if someone were considering using SQlite... +19:19 < sam_moore> I think I put the performance tests in testing +19:20 < sam_moore> But if they ignored those, there is code that uses SQlite which could be helpful +19:20 < Rowan> yep just finished reading through it .. ill put together some stuff after i shower :\ +19:20 < sam_moore> Ok, thanks +19:20 < jtanx> You'd have to go back to the very first commits to see the sqlite code afaik +19:21 < jtanx> but yeah, since we ran a full blown mysql server on it... +19:23 < Rowan> did you guys learn all this over this sem. or was it by part from databases and cits1210? +19:24 < Rowan> and other units.. +19:24 < sam_moore> I knew very little about databases before this project +19:24 < jtanx> um +19:24 < jtanx> I'd say most of it was from my own learning +19:24 < sam_moore> I know a reasonable amount about pthreads due to a course I did last year which involved much more complicated stuff than this +19:25 < jtanx> databases didn't really help... +19:25 < sam_moore> Well no +19:25 < jtanx> bah that unit was shit +19:25 < sam_moore> I never did Databases +19:25 < Rowan> i though sqlite and cgi stuff was covered in the database unit? +19:25 < jtanx> sqlite yeah, cgi no +19:26 < sam_moore> I've used CGI before, but not that much +19:26 < sam_moore> When I tested it I realised it would be an absolute pain to synchronise everything +19:26 < jtanx> pretty much all of the web stuff for this unit, I learnt during this course +19:26 < sam_moore> I've done low level network programming as a hobby +19:26 < sam_moore> So I was going to write a custom HTTP server +19:26 < sam_moore> But fortunately Jeremy found FastCGI +19:26 < sam_moore> Which I'd never heard of +19:26 < Rowan> yeha +19:26 < sam_moore> So there is a lot of stuff I've learned I would say +19:27 < Rowan> i really gotta learn more of this. i hated this unis cos ive been so pathetically useless ... +19:27 < Rowan> ive learnt heaps aswell +19:27 < Rowan> but no where near enough +19:27 < Rowan> what was your multithreading honours thing you mentioned? +19:28 < sam_moore> That was for Physics +19:29 < sam_moore> Parallel Programming +19:29 < jtanx> you should have used f# :P +19:29 < sam_moore> We didn't cover f# since I suspect it is not great for low level type stuff +19:30 < jtanx> I guess not, but apparently functional code is really good for parallelisation +19:31 < sam_moore> Maybe... +19:31 < sam_moore> Well, OpenMP is much nicer than pthreads in a lot of cases +19:31 < sam_moore> It's really simple to make things parallelised +19:31 < jtanx> have you heard of multithreading without locks +19:31 < sam_moore> But it's terrible for communicating between threads +19:32 < sam_moore> Great for doing something like a for loop where each thread calculates part of an array +19:32 < Rowan> -----> should we have general info about the BBB in the glossary? +19:32 < sam_moore> That might be useful +19:33 < sam_moore> We are probably going to go over the 30 pages +19:33 < jtanx> well +19:33 < jtanx> lsat I heard, weren't sensors at ~50 pages +19:33 < sam_moore> Yeah +19:33 < sam_moore> Write all the things +19:33 < sam_moore> If people are free tomorrow we will have to have a group meeting if we are over 30 pages +19:33 < sam_moore> But... +19:34 < sam_moore> Even though LaTeX uses a large amount of space by default +19:34 < sam_moore> It can also be tweaked... +19:34 < sam_moore> Definitely going with 10 point font +19:34 < jtanx> sounds like a plan +19:36 < sam_moore> jtanx: OpenMP has a lot of implicit locks by the way +19:36 < Rowan> im not able to come in tomorrow though. . . i need to stop doing unit i need to be present for. +19:36 -!- Rowan [~Rowan@106-68-210-88.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [EOF From client] +19:36 < sam_moore> Which is why it's easy to do stuff with +19:36 < jtanx> um +19:36 < jtanx> doesn't rowan have to sign the coversheet +19:36 < sam_moore> Yeahhhh +19:37 < sam_moore> We could get a "digital" signature? +19:37 < jtanx> maybe +19:37 < sam_moore> One of my friends got a digital signature from their honours supervisor... +19:37 < jtanx> hahaha +19:37 < sam_moore> It was a png file containing their signature +19:37 < jtanx> that could work +19:38 < jtanx> there's a digital copy of the cover sheet somewhere +19:38 < jtanx> I figured out why the wiki git repository wasn't cloning properly +19:38 < jtanx> you can't have colons (:) in the filename on windows +19:38 < sam_moore> Ahaha +19:38 < jtanx> :/ +19:39 < sam_moore> Having two people that know linux already is really good for this project by the way... +19:39 < jtanx> Yeah +19:39 < sam_moore> I suspect someone who hadn't used linux before would have serious difficulties... +19:40 < jtanx> ahh yeah that would be a problem +19:41 < sam_moore> Dinner time +19:41 < jtanx> Okay +19:43 < jtanx> aha +19:43 < jtanx> you can push to the wiki repository +20:19 < sam_moore> Hmm +20:20 < sam_moore> Could you push non plain text files to the wiki repository +20:20 < jtanx> yep +20:20 < jtanx> I pushed some images +20:20 < sam_moore> It would be a good way to organise all documentation +20:20 < jtanx> so all the images reside in the wiki repo +20:20 < sam_moore> That's good +20:20 < jtanx> well all of mine +20:20 < jtanx> I should convert all of those imgur links +20:20 < sam_moore> We could have put all the documentation and report cruft in the wiki repo! +20:21 < sam_moore> Oh well, that's good to know for next time I use GitHub for something +20:21 < jtanx> except half the stuff won't show up on my computer, with them fancy colons +20:21 < sam_moore> Haha +20:21 < sam_moore> No problem for me :P +20:21 < sam_moore> Join us... +20:21 < jtanx> bah +20:21 < sam_moore> Any problem can be solved with sufficient use of `apt-get install` +20:22 < jtanx> I don't think it would be a good idea to put all documentation on the project wiki +20:22 < sam_moore> Oh? +20:22 < jtanx> because github doesn't provide the same overview +20:22 < sam_moore> Hmm +20:22 < jtanx> you know how you can see the commit history and stuff for a normal repo +20:22 < sam_moore> Yeah +20:22 < jtanx> it doesn't have the same thing +20:22 < sam_moore> But you can do that for the wiki if you clone it as a normal repo... +20:22 < sam_moore> And... +20:23 < jtanx> yeah +20:23 < sam_moore> You can make post commit hooks for repos... +20:23 < jtanx> but you can't visualise it as easy on github +20:23 < sam_moore> Alright, fair enough +20:23 < jtanx> oh right +20:23 < sam_moore> It might be possible to hack together post commit hooks to have the wiki and an overview of other files in it +20:24 < jtanx> quite possibly yeah +20:24 < jtanx> but that's a hack +20:24 < sam_moore> It might be a better suggestion for GitHub to start adding features for repos that aren't just for coding purposes +20:24 < jtanx> hmm +20:25 < sam_moore> Depending on how good the markup language is, you could probably do a report through GitHub entirely +20:25 < jtanx> quite possibly +20:25 < jtanx> with github you can have your choice of markup language +20:25 < sam_moore> Of course, people's brains tend to shutdown when they have to use anything that isn't WYSIWYG +20:26 < sam_moore> Which may explain why Labview is popular... +20:26 < jtanx> huh +20:26 < jtanx> I just realised +20:26 < jtanx> When you set an image link +20:26 < jtanx> and say it's imgur +20:26 < jtanx> github caches it or something +20:27 < sam_moore> ... Interesting +20:27 < jtanx> so it appears as if it;s coming from github +20:27 < sam_moore> I'd still put the images in the wiki repo +20:27 < jtanx> yeah +20:27 < jtanx> ...just that there are /so many/ images to convert +20:28 < jtanx> right +20:28 < jtanx> time to get out notepad++ +20:28 < sam_moore> I didn't mean you should actually convert all the images... +20:29 < sam_moore> Just in future it's probably better to do it that way +20:29 < sam_moore> Our whole repo should be structured more cleanly +20:30 < sam_moore> Seperate branches probably +20:30 < sam_moore> Store some install scripts in the master branch that will pull from the other branches... +20:31 < jtanx> hmm +20:31 < jtanx> I think I heard that you could have a git repository +20:31 < jtanx> that links others +20:31 < sam_moore> That could also work, branches are nice though +20:31 < jtanx> yeah +20:31 < sam_moore> git pull server +20:31 < sam_moore> or `git pull website +20:31 < sam_moore> etc +20:32 < jtanx> sounds googd +20:44 < jtanx> the pressure signal from the regulator was never used +20:44 < jtanx> right? +20:54 < sam_moore> Nope, but it could be in future work +20:54 < sam_moore> Eg: This afternoon +20:54 < jtanx> haha,okay +20:54 < sam_moore> The pressure regulator was taking a very long time to reach the values specified +20:54 < sam_moore> Although +20:55 < sam_moore> I suspect that might be to do with the fact that Omid had the mains pressure turned down ridiculously low +20:55 < jtanx> hmm +20:55 < sam_moore> Like, the higher the mains pressure, the faster the pressure increases when the regulator is active, so the less time it has to wait +20:56 < sam_moore> I guess it just vents air when it's over pressurized and uses PID +20:56 < jtanx> most likely +20:57 < sam_moore> But yeah, there were a lot of times when the mains pressure was cut completely for some reason and the regulator was struggling to set the pressure :S +20:57 < jtanx> Yeah +20:57 < jtanx> didn't sound healthy +20:57 < sam_moore> Even when it was set to zero it would do it though +20:57 < jtanx> I like how we're so careless with what, $800 equipment +20:58 < sam_moore> Haha +20:58 < sam_moore> Apparently the strain gauge circuit is now behaving fine... +20:58 < sam_moore> the suggestion of testing them was raised... +20:58 < sam_moore> But that was before I got angry and said "I still have to collate our report and it's 5pm!" +20:58 < jtanx> Yep +20:59 < jtanx> A bit too late for that +20:59 < sam_moore> And if we broke the BeagleBone at 5pm on the second last day of semester... +20:59 < sam_moore> So much shitstorm +20:59 < sam_moore> I should have let someone else tell Adrian that snoopy got killed :S +20:59 < sam_moore> He asked me all these questions about why it happened! +20:59 < jtanx> :/ +21:00 < sam_moore> "Electronics designed the circuit, I don't know!" +21:00 < sam_moore> "Don't fingerpoint!" +21:00 < sam_moore> :S +21:00 < jtanx> that was stupid +21:00 < sam_moore> It's fair enough I guess +21:00 < jtanx> I guess +21:00 < sam_moore> We should have stopped the testing as soon as that reset button went wierd +21:01 < jtanx> yeah, well I blame not enough sleep +21:01 < sam_moore> Yeah, 3 hours sleep the night before... +21:01 < sam_moore> s/night/morning/ because technically it was the same day... +21:01 < jtanx> :S +21:02 < sam_moore> James' section is in the report +21:02 < jtanx> Cool +21:03 < sam_moore> 3 pages when put into 10 point font with the figures +21:03 < sam_moore> Justin's is 6 pages with 10 point font though +21:03 < jtanx> Okay +21:04 < sam_moore> The stuff I currently have in my section is 6 pages with 3 pages of figures... but it is referencing figures that aren't included yet :S +21:04 < sam_moore> Oh well, I'm not taking ownership of the report +21:04 < jtanx> urp +21:05 < sam_moore> I've put in exactly what James wrote with no changes +21:05 < sam_moore> Except a spelling mistake I think +21:05 < sam_moore> It's a good overview of the libraries to be fair +21:06 < sam_moore> I really like how "dilatometer" is underlined by the spell checker in the powerpoint slide +21:06 < sam_moore> Shows it's authentically done in power point +21:07 < sam_moore> Rowan's sent me me stuff that has screen shots mostly of the "testing" GUI +21:07 < sam_moore> That's good, because I wanted to put those in +21:07 < jtanx> Which 'testing gui' +21:07 < sam_moore> The one we actually used today +21:08 < sam_moore> Well... some version of it +21:08 < jtanx> Ah, right +21:08 < sam_moore> I'm going to update some of the figures, eg: the graph page doesn't show a graph, which can easily be fixed +21:09 < sam_moore> Annoyingly, all the references and citations are currently giving [?] and ?? +21:09 < sam_moore> Probably because I copied the template from the ENSC1001 report where I screwed up the references somehow +21:13 < sam_moore> ... Actually using the write references file would be good... +21:13 < jtanx> What's that? +21:13 < sam_moore> s/write/right +21:13 < sam_moore> references/refs.bib +21:14 < jtanx> ohh right +21:14 < jtanx> was that vim notation +21:14 < sam_moore> The s/ yeah +21:15 < sam_moore> It's for a regex replace +21:15 < sam_moore> Oddly enough, I tend to use it in IRC more than in actual vim... +21:15 < jtanx> ~.~ +21:15 < sam_moore> #ucc used to have a regex bot that would interpret it +21:15 < sam_moore> And do the replace on the last line you said... +21:15 < sam_moore> Then spit it back out +21:15 < sam_moore> It got abused and then removed +21:15 < jtanx> I can imagine... +21:15 < sam_moore> s/.*/I AM TERRIBLE +21:16 < sam_moore> Sorry, the reason it got abused +21:16 < sam_moore> Was because it was the last line *anyone* said that matched the regex +21:16 < sam_moore> Not just your own +21:16 < jtanx> well, that could have been fixed +21:16 < jtanx> but perl scripts... ugh +21:16 < sam_moore> Probably +21:17 < sam_moore> I think it might have been a python bot, but I'm not sure +21:17 < jtanx> huh +21:17 < jtanx> never heard of a python irc bot +21:17 < sam_moore> I wrote a bash IRC bot... +21:17 < sam_moore> It doesn't actually say anything +21:17 < jtanx> then what does it do? +21:18 < sam_moore> It reads the channel and pipes things to text to speech +21:18 < sam_moore> It is amazing +21:18 < jtanx> uhh +21:18 < jtanx> whyyyyy +21:18 < sam_moore> To use it you have to run irssi in screen and setup log files +21:18 < sam_moore> The script itself periodically parses the log files... +21:19 < sam_moore> Passes them through a regex to get rid of things that don't pronounce well (eg: 21:18 < sam_moore> becomes "sam moore says") +21:19 < sam_moore> Then says them through festival +21:19 < sam_moore> Best thing I ever did +21:20 < jtanx> Riiiiight +21:20 < jtanx> sounds useful.... +21:20 < jtanx> *cough* +21:20 < sam_moore> Well it can be told to only say lines that include a regex +21:20 < sam_moore> The idea being you go "clubroom: You over there, pick up that rubbish" +21:20 < sam_moore> And it plays that over the clubroom speakers... +21:21 < jtanx> that would be creepy +21:21 < sam_moore> I gave it the closest sounding voice to GladOS that I could find +21:22 < sam_moore> Which isn't very close, but it's very disconcerting +21:22 < jtanx> ... +21:29 < sam_moore> References are fixed +21:30 < sam_moore> I always screw up the .bib file +21:32 < sam_moore> I will admit, LaTeX is a very complicated way to produce a document :P +21:32 < sam_moore> But it looks nice +21:33 < jtanx> Yes, it is complicated +21:34 < jtanx> But I'll admit that it does look nice too +21:34 < jtanx> I definitely know it's better for stuff that involves a lot of equations and the like +21:34 < sam_moore> Once you've had to include mathematical equations you start to appreciate it a lot more +21:34 < sam_moore> I quite like it for figures though +21:34 < sam_moore> \includeimage +21:34 < sam_moore> You can change the image or whatever you like +21:34 < sam_moore> Don't have to reimport it +21:34 < jtanx> Yeah, using MS Word with equations is... not fun +21:35 < sam_moore> Don't have to screw around with moving where the image is in the text... +21:35 < sam_moore> If you actually want to have the image somewhere other than just the centre of the page though it could get painful +21:35 < sam_moore> But why would you want that anyway +21:35 < jtanx> It looks nice? +21:36 < sam_moore> Well if you write the document in columns (lots of papers do), centre of page/centre of column is the same +21:36 < sam_moore> It never looks nice to have a figure randomly to the side with the width of the text changing to fit it in... +21:42 < sam_moore> Should I put in Rowan's stuff now or wait until tomorrow morning? +21:42 < sam_moore> He said he wanted to change a lot of it +21:42 < sam_moore> I'll do Callum's next +21:42 < jtanx> Hmm +21:43 < jtanx> Maybe just leave some space for it for now +21:55 < sam_moore> We'll be pushing it... +21:56 < sam_moore> Although we can maybe fit some figures in at the end of chapters +21:56 < jtanx> Appendix? +21:56 < jtanx> Urgh +21:56 < sam_moore> Yeah, appendix everything :P +21:57 < sam_moore> It won't get read, but it's important that the stuff we care about is in the report... +21:57 < jtanx> :/ +21:57 < jtanx> I really wonder just how much they will understand, or care to understand +21:58 < sam_moore> It doesn't matter to me, it's more about personal satisfaction of knowing everything is covered +21:58 < sam_moore> Because I'm not going to remember this project in detail and I'd like to have a good report to be able to look at later :P +21:59 < sam_moore> Or maybe I will remember the project in detail... +21:59 < jtanx> Haha +21:59 < jtanx> Well, I must say this has been the most interesting project that I've been involved in to date +22:00 < sam_moore> It's pretty cool that we covered so many layers of software yeah +22:00 < jtanx> Yeah, that was cool +22:01 < jtanx> I don't really know what to say about the content side of this unit though +22:01 < jtanx> I can't say I learnt that much +22:01 < sam_moore> Well, as a result of the teaching, or the project? +22:02 < jtanx> The teaching, I guess +22:02 < sam_moore> I didn't really learn that much from the tutorials, although it would have been damn helpful if I did this unit *before* my honours project last year +22:02 < jtanx> Well, I felt that a lot of material was covered, but so briefly that I didn't learn much +22:02 < sam_moore> I pretty much made every single rookie mistake he went through in terms of signals/noise/data processing +22:02 < jtanx> :P +22:02 < jtanx> Well, you learn more by making mistakes +22:03 < sam_moore> I was like "There's a fucking capacitor in the system and I don't know why!" +22:03 < sam_moore> Well... now I think I know why at least +22:03 < jtanx> Or so they say +22:03 < jtanx> hahaha +22:03 < sam_moore> I still don't know why having the DAC on a multiple of 50 was causing the ADC input to drop by exactly 100 channels... +22:04 < jtanx> uhhhhh +22:04 < sam_moore> The only explanation is that there was an invisible "if (dac % 50 == 0) adc -= 100;" somewhere... +22:04 < jtanx> Was this for your honours project? +22:04 < sam_moore> Yeah, I don't want to think about that again, too painful... +22:05 < sam_moore> Yes +22:05 < jtanx> Okay +22:05 < sam_moore> Not an issue for us as far as I know +22:05 < jtanx> filtering? +22:05 < sam_moore> It was too regular though +22:06 < sam_moore> It also only happened if the dac was stepping in 25 or something wierd +22:06 < jtanx> Weird... +22:06 < sam_moore> Great success... +22:06 < sam_moore> I just got LaTeX to compile a reference inside the references section +22:07 < jtanx> .... +22:07 < sam_moore> So... normally to do references you go 'pdflatex; bibtex; pdflatex; pdflatex' +22:07 < sam_moore> I have no idea why, you just have to do it +22:07 < sam_moore> But if you put a \cite in the actual refs.bib file, that ends up as an undefined reference. +22:07 < sam_moore> The solution +22:08 < sam_moore> is 'pdflatex; bibtex; pdflatex; pdflatex; bibtex; pdflatex; pdflatex' +22:08 < sam_moore> I do not know why pdflatex needs to be run 5 times... +22:08 < jtanx> wtf +22:08 < jtanx> yeah, like why do you need to run pdflatex twice in a row +22:09 < sam_moore> Well I can try not doing that and see if it breaks it... +22:09 < sam_moore> You need it at least once because bibtex takes your original output and magically links all the references +22:09 < sam_moore> Not sure why twice... +22:10 < sam_moore> Nope, you appear to need it twice :S +22:10 < sam_moore> Do not question the power that is LaTeX +22:11 < jtanx> LaTex seems quite esoteric +22:12 < sam_moore> Apparently when Knuth dies the last version of tex released becomes the final version and any remaining bugs are classified as features... +22:12 < sam_moore> Also the version number becomes \pi +22:13 < jtanx> Hahaha +22:13 < sam_moore> That could be quite a problem if Linus Torvalds had a similar will... +22:18 < sam_moore> I'm sort of being a bit cunning about adding information to people's sections... +22:18 < sam_moore> When they mention a library I add a reference to it +22:18 < sam_moore> And then add a "note" section... +22:18 < sam_moore> :S +22:19 < jtanx> Good enough +22:19 < sam_moore> I wonder if I should add references to filenames... +22:20 < jtanx> as in, 'sensors.c'? +22:20 < sam_moore> eg: Where Callum mentions "image.c" I could link that to the current version of image.c in GitHub? +22:20 < sam_moore> Yeah, that +22:20 < sam_moore> That could be good +22:20 < jtanx> Yeah, that might be good +22:21 < sam_moore> \href command +22:23 < jtanx> Okay, just about made the wiki page for administration stuff +22:29 < sam_moore> Cool +22:29 < sam_moore> I think some of Callum's description is actually not implemented yet :S +22:29 < jtanx> :/ +22:29 < sam_moore> I don't think dilatometer.c currently has a static variable +22:29 < sam_moore> Oh wait, it might have... +22:29 < sam_moore> Not sure +22:29 < sam_moore> Oh well +22:30 < jtanx> the dilatometer code is a bit of a mess right now... +22:30 < sam_moore> I'm just happy it got written +22:30 < jtanx> Yeah +22:31 < sam_moore> Ok, that's it +22:32 < sam_moore> I need to define a latex command to automatically reference files in our github +22:32 < sam_moore> Because having \href{https://github.com/szmoore/MCTX3420/blob/master/server/image.c}{\emph{image.c}} everywhere is *really* painful +22:32 < jtanx> Yeah... +22:33 < jtanx> sort of like a macro +22:33 < jtanx> ? +22:34 < sam_moore> Pretty much +22:34 < sam_moore> \newcommand{\gitref}[2]{\href{https://github.com/szmoore/MCTX3420/blob/master/#1/#2}{\emph{#2}} +22:34 < sam_moore> Should work +22:34 < jtanx> Okay +22:37 < sam_moore> I think this description of the OpenCV stuff would have been more effectively conveyed with a flow chart and some notes... +22:38 < sam_moore> First we call this function, then we call this function passing these arguments... +22:38 < sam_moore> Is really hard to read +22:38 < sam_moore> Probably harder than just reading the source code +22:38 < jtanx> ... assuming the person knows how to read source code +22:39 < sam_moore> I suppose +22:40 < jtanx> I just realised something +22:40 < jtanx> When you do 'force' on starting a new experiment +22:40 < jtanx> I don't think the old files are deleted, just overwritten +22:40 < jtanx> so if for some reason the sensors/actuators change +22:41 < jtanx> there may be old files still present +22:42 < sam_moore> File it as a bug under github +22:42 < sam_moore> ... +22:42 < sam_moore> Actually if we file everything that doesn't work as a bug... +22:42 < sam_moore> Then we can go "Recommendations: See the bugs and open issues on github" +22:42 < jtanx> that would be future work? +22:42 < sam_moore> Yep +22:42 < jtanx> yeah +22:42 < jtanx> good idea +22:43 < sam_moore> We could have been more rigorous with our use of the issues system on github +22:43 < sam_moore> But oh well +22:43 < jtanx> yeah +22:43 < sam_moore> Issue: PWM doesn't work +22:43 < sam_moore> springs to mind +22:44 < sam_moore> Then we could have tracked exactly when/how it was fixed and all our notes... +22:44 < jtanx> it doesn't? +22:44 < jtanx> oh right +22:44 < jtanx> yeah, that would have been handy +22:44 < sam_moore> Nicer than the technical diary +22:52 < sam_moore> Callum refers to himself in the first person a lot in his section +22:52 < sam_moore> Even in a report written by a single author you're still meant to use "We" +22:52 < jtanx> :/ +22:52 < sam_moore> In a report written by multiple authors... +22:53 < sam_moore> Who the hell is "I" ? +22:53 < sam_moore> Unless you say "This section was written by me, " at the start of each section +22:54 < jtanx> Even then, I think "I" is a bit too informal +22:54 < sam_moore> Yes, I will ask him if it's OK to change it tomorrow +22:54 < sam_moore> Haha +22:54 < sam_moore> There's also a bit of implied finger pointing at the sensors team :P +22:54 < jtanx> :p +22:55 < sam_moore> "From the graphs" +22:55 < sam_moore> What graphs... +23:10 < sam_moore> Compiling other people's sections takes longer than I expected :S +23:10 < sam_moore> It's mostly copy/paste +23:10 < sam_moore> But I decided to use monospace wherever a function or variable is referred to inline... +23:11 < jtanx> :S +23:13 < sam_moore> Oh well, sleep is for the weak +23:13 < sam_moore> It's coming together surprisingly well though +23:13 < sam_moore> ... +23:13 < jtanx> We're almost there... +23:13 < sam_moore> I'll get to your bit and have to fit in 100 pages won't I :P +23:13 < jtanx> Hopefully not :S +23:29 < sam_moore> Approaching 27 pages... +23:29 < sam_moore> I think my bit needs some rewriting +23:30 < sam_moore> Oh, right, we have some basically empty chapters +23:30 < sam_moore> ... +23:30 < sam_moore> We don't need that chapter +23:30 < sam_moore> Introduction, Design, Conclusions +23:30 < sam_moore> Good enough +23:31 < sam_moore> I'd have to edit people's work to make it fit in 4 chapters, and as well as being unfair, we also do not have that kind of time left +23:33 < sam_moore> Have you covered everything you want to cover? +23:33 < sam_moore> Either you or Rowan is next +23:33 < sam_moore> To be assimilated +23:34 < sam_moore> Into the master report +23:34 < jtanx> I hope so +23:37 < sam_moore> Right then, here I go +--- Day changed Fri Nov 01 2013 +00:04 < jtanx> Alright, I think that's it for me today +00:05 < jtanx> I'll go through it tomorrow if we need to edit anything... +00:05 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["good luck"] +00:25 < sam_moore> ... 12 pages... :S +00:46 -!- Callum [~Callum@106-69-4-220.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +00:58 -!- Callum [~Callum@106-69-4-220.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox 24.0/20130910160258]"] +03:08 < sam_moore> Oh hi Calum +03:09 < sam_moore> Heh, I suppose people are staying up late fretting about the report since I haven't updated it in a while... +03:09 < sam_moore> Mwuhahaha the power +05:41 -!- Callum [~Callum@106-69-4-220.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +05:43 < Callum> so you've pulled an all nighter too then i take it? +06:13 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +06:50 < Callum> morning jeremy +06:50 < jtanx> morning Callum +07:20 < jtanx> stupid server +07:20 < jtanx> losing time... +07:37 -!- Callum [~Callum@106-69-4-220.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +08:26 < jtanx> just ran a spellcheck +08:26 < jtanx> hopefully haven't broken anything... +08:27 < jtanx> the refs.bib on github is out of date +08:40 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["leaving"] +08:51 -!- Rowan [~Rowan@203-214-144-111.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +09:43 < jtanx> damn +09:43 < jtanx> running out of time to edit this... +09:44 < jtanx> I'll be at uni from 12pm onwards +09:44 < jtanx> I managed to cut it down a small amount, but not nearly enough +09:45 < jtanx> I have a feeling that shrinking some of the images may help to reduce it, or to move some to the (an) appendix like the pinout diagram +09:45 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox 24.0/20130910160258]"] +10:48 -!- Rowan [~Rowan@203-214-144-111.perm.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +11:27 -!- Rowan [~Rowan@] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +12:13 -!- Rowan [~Rowan@] has quit [Ping timeout] +12:18 -!- jtanx [~asfa@] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +12:18 < jtanx> just saw the extension... +12:21 < jtanx> how do you cite a subsection +12:21 < jtanx> No extra software should be required from the client. Detailed reasons for this choice are outlined in Section ?? +12:23 < jtanx> oh, right +12:23 < jtanx> \ref{Alternative Communication} --> \ref{Alternative Communication Technologies} +12:35 -!- Rowan [~Rowan@] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +12:35 < jtanx> There are a few references that are not linking properly +12:37 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +12:39 -!- Rowan [~Rowan@] has quit [EOF From client] +12:48 < sam_moore> Yes, sorry, I screwed up the labels a bit +12:48 < sam_moore> I had them all fixed, and then I decided to name the labels logically (ie: Actually after the section)... +12:48 < sam_moore> So now it's broken again +12:48 < jtanx> Haha +12:49 < jtanx> So I guess we're meeting not today, but on monday? +12:49 < sam_moore> Yeah, sure +12:49 < jtanx> okay +12:49 < jtanx> I'm in g19 right now, but I'll probably go soon then +12:51 < sam_moore> I think the report is pretty good +12:51 < jtanx> Yeah, it looks good +12:51 < sam_moore> It always seems like there are bits missing though +12:51 < jtanx> I'm glad you stuck with LaTeX after all :P +12:51 < sam_moore> Yes... +12:51 < sam_moore> It's all worth it for \gitref +12:51 < jtanx> Hahaha +12:51 < jtanx> the clicky links is cool +12:52 < jtanx> it doesn't list out those links though, does it? +12:52 < jtanx> like a reference +12:52 < sam_moore> Hopefully that makes up for some of the disorganisation +12:52 < sam_moore> No, it doesn't list them as references +12:53 < sam_moore> We could probably make Rowan's figures nicer by redoing them with a "connected" system, but I don't want to edit other people's stuff more than necessary +12:53 < jtanx> Yeah +12:53 < sam_moore> Since it seems like doing that will get me in trouble +12:54 < jtanx> The only thing that irks me a bit is the first-person stuff in the camera section +12:54 < jtanx> But as you said... +12:54 < sam_moore> I'm not sure I got the camera figures right +12:55 < jtanx> time for more proofreading! +12:55 < sam_moore> They were all over the place and underneath each other and not labelled when I downloaded the document +12:55 < jtanx> :S +12:55 < sam_moore> I think I screen shotted the right ones, but even in google docs some of them were underneath each other +12:56 < jtanx> google docs doesn't display them properly I think +12:56 < jtanx> I can upload a pdf version +12:56 < jtanx> ...if I can find the current version +12:58 < sam_moore> It's interesting that the dilatometer wasn't working so well the other day +12:58 < sam_moore> Given that those test images look pretty close to the real image +12:58 < sam_moore> And they seem to show good results +12:58 < jtanx> Yeah, it was a bit disappointing +12:58 < sam_moore> Although I guess that is just one frame +12:59 < sam_moore> I forgot, we need to recommend that the edge detected image can be shown through the API somehow +12:59 < sam_moore> ... +12:59 < sam_moore> I think the best way to do that is just to add the canny edge algorithm to "image.c" and allow Image_Handler to call it if needed +13:00 < sam_moore> Abstract out all the image procesing stuff to "image.c" and then the dilatometer "sensor" will eventually just become a set of wrapper functions :P +13:01 < jtanx> Yeah, i think there needs to be some redesign of that image stuff +13:01 < sam_moore> The way all the other sensors/actuators work is that as much stuff as possible is abstracted out to make it really easy to customise them +13:02 < sam_moore> Eg: If you were manually doing the file system operations for each actuator/sensor... eww +13:02 < sam_moore> Images should be similar +13:02 < jtanx> ummm +13:02 < jtanx> yeah +13:03 < jtanx> not sure if it's useful, but... +13:04 < jtanx> https://drive.google.com/a/student.uwa.edu.au/file/d/0ByHupdgjAZ9XaHF6djdJc0RvLVE/edit?usp=sharing +13:04 < jtanx> callum's stuff in pd +13:04 < jtanx> f +13:31 -!- jtanx [~asfa@] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox 24.0/20130910160258]"] +14:40 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +18:57 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +21:20 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox 24.0/20130910160258]"] +--- Day changed Sat Nov 02 2013 +10:29 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +21:28 -!- jtanx [~asfa@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox 24.0/20130910160258]"] +21:36 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +21:58 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["reboot"] +22:35 -!- MctxBot [~twang@106-68-93-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev