X-Git-Url: https://git.ucc.asn.au/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=irc%2Flog;h=d3c81eeba52afe4fe4f60387a3cf9345c4182a16;hb=93fb7f6632c677036f96d63baf36870628a0d34b;hp=02eb82b73ef89710b93ea72295265a0d19979854;hpb=1e60cb281378944c9d1bd2ce315561a105a84d65;p=matches%2FMCTX3420.git diff --git a/irc/log b/irc/log index 02eb82b..d3c81ee 100644 --- a/irc/log +++ b/irc/log @@ -4944,3 +4944,290 @@ 22:41 -!- Irssi: #mctxuwa_softdev: Total of 2 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 2 normal] 22:41 -!- Irssi: Join to #mctxuwa_softdev was synced in 2 secs 22:41 -!- You're now known as sam_moore +--- Day changed Sun Oct 13 2013 +08:30 -!- jtanx [~asfa@220-253-133-241.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +10:18 < jtanx> yeah, about the django stuff, I'm not sure if we should do that now +10:18 < jtanx> two options I considered: +10:19 < jtanx> if you kept the 'bind' module, but added a method to authenticate against the django database, that could work, but it's a lot of effort +10:19 < jtanx> - there's two ways - one is to manually do it via interaction with the sqlite database and parsing the user string etc etc +10:20 < jtanx> the other way is to call the python function from c +10:20 < jtanx> I explored the 'call python from c' option and it does work, but it's quite cumbersome +10:20 < jtanx> I didn't bother exploring the 'manual interaction with sqlite' because that would be even more cumbersome +10:21 < jtanx> The other way, which I got working quite easily +10:21 < jtanx> is to protect one of the modules with nginx +10:21 < jtanx> say /api/control now becomes an 'internal' only module +10:21 < jtanx> so it's not usually accessible from outside +10:22 < jtanx> with django, say you got the address /databases/control +10:23 < jtanx> it can send back a request with header 'X-Accel-Redirect' to /api/control +10:23 < jtanx> Because it was sent by django, which is an internal application, it works +10:23 < jtanx> such that /databases/control looks like /api/control to the user +10:24 < jtanx> the problem with this setup is that then your api becomes entirely dependent on django to work +10:24 < jtanx> I guess you could replace 'django' with any other authrorization frontend +10:31 < jtanx> let's just stick with what we've got +10:36 < jtanx> hahahaha and that x-accel-redirect just crashed my server after I held down f5 +10:36 -!- MctxBot [~twang@220-253-133-241.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Connection reset by peer] +10:39 -!- MctxBot [~twang@220-253-133-241.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +19:19 < jtanx> I think I'll try to get in early tomorrow to work on whatever needs to be done +19:56 < jtanx> For the actuators, do you really want it to crash (Fatal) if the user supplies a step say of 0,1,40000,2? +21:19 < jtanx> working on the graphs now +23:29 < jtanx> ookay +23:29 < jtanx> too tired to check, but I refactored it and I think it still works +23:30 < jtanx> I'll just leave it in my fork for now +23:30 -!- jtanx [~asfa@220-253-133-241.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["bye"] +--- Day changed Mon Oct 14 2013 +10:03 -!- jtanx [~asfa@220-253-133-241.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +10:03 -!- jtanx [~asfa@220-253-133-241.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox 24.0/20130910160258]"] +19:15 -!- jtanx [~asfa@220-253-133-241.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +19:19 < jtanx> this is stupi +19:19 < jtanx> d +19:19 < jtanx> flot is still the easiest to use +19:20 < jtanx> chart.js can only plot a line chart, so all the data series must share the same x-axis points +19:20 < jtanx> jqplot sucks +19:21 < jtanx> oh well, I'll work on this some other time +19:21 < jtanx> stick with flot for now +19:40 < sam_moore> Re actuators: No, Fatal is probably not the correct response to an invalid user input :P +19:40 < sam_moore> Re just using flot: OK +19:43 < sam_moore> I think we need to do a grep -R "Fatal" and get rid of the ones that don't actually need to be Fatal +19:43 < sam_moore> Which is probably most of them +19:44 < sam_moore> Working on more useful user based control now +19:45 < jtanx> ok +19:46 < jtanx> I wonder if it's possible to selectively colour text in a textarea with javascript +19:47 < sam_moore> Probably? +19:47 < jtanx> I have a feeling that you'd have to surround those ones in

blocks +19:48 < sam_moore> Hmm, but that would make them all on new paragraphs +19:48 < jtanx> fine, s +19:48 < sam_moore> That makes sense +19:48 < jtanx> but you'd probably need to surround highlighted text in some sort of <> block +19:48 < jtanx> so you can style it +19:48 < sam_moore> Makes sense +19:48 < sam_moore> What are you going to colourise? +19:49 < jtanx> say if there's a fatal message +19:49 < jtanx> you colour it red? +19:49 < jtanx> make it blink, 90s style +19:52 < sam_moore> Hahaha +19:52 < sam_moore> Sounds good +19:53 < sam_moore> Colourising the labels for the graph might be useful too +19:53 < sam_moore> (Possibly easier than adding labels to the flot plot?) +19:53 < jtanx> hmm +19:54 < jtanx> what I was thinking of doing was to use nvd3, which generates the graphs using the svg element instead of a canvas +19:54 < jtanx> then you can use something like http://code.google.com/p/canvg/ to render the svg in js to a png file +19:55 < sam_moore> Interesting +19:55 < jtanx> no idea if it will work +19:56 < sam_moore> Do you even have to render it to png? SVG is a good format for graphs +19:56 < jtanx> i mean if you want to save it +19:56 < jtanx> i dunno, most users will go +19:56 < jtanx> what's this svg format +19:56 < sam_moore> That's what I mean; can you save it as an svg? +19:56 < sam_moore> Hahaha +19:56 < jtanx> probably +19:56 < sam_moore> If it were me, I would *want* the svg format +19:56 < sam_moore> You can edit the graph in inkscape +19:57 < sam_moore> Really easily +19:57 < jtanx> yeah +19:57 < jtanx> I'd prefer the svg format too +19:57 < sam_moore> Get SVG working and if you really want, add a radio box to choose the file format +19:57 < jtanx> yep +19:58 < sam_moore> I thought FCGI_LockControl was being called on any user action, but it looks like it's only called in login.c now +19:58 < sam_moore> Is that the change you were talking about earlier? +19:59 < jtanx> nah +19:59 < jtanx> fcgi_lockcontrol should only be called in login.c +19:59 < jtanx> there was this leftover part in control.c +19:59 < sam_moore> Oh, right, nevermind +19:59 < jtanx> that called it too +20:00 < sam_moore> I was thinking of FCGI_HasControl,that's ok +20:00 < jtanx> yeah +20:10 < MctxBot> . +20:12 < sam_moore> ? +20:12 < sam_moore> MctxBot: Have you become sentient yet? +20:12 < jtanx> I was just testing notification on all messages for chatzilla +20:14 < sam_moore> Ok +20:53 < sam_moore> I think the correct way to do this is to store more stuff in the FCGI_Context +20:54 < sam_moore> Like the name of the experiment currently being conducted +20:54 < jtanx> hmm +20:54 < sam_moore> I noticed that control.c avoids storing the actual name of the experiment anywhere +20:54 < sam_moore> But it's late and I'm just going to hack something together +20:55 < jtanx> yeah +20:55 < jtanx> I don't particularly like how 'experiments' were handled in control.c +20:55 < sam_moore> g_control stores the user name of whoever last succeeded in doing an "action=start" +20:55 < sam_moore> I can rework it, but not tonight +20:55 < jtanx> that's fine +21:41 < sam_moore> ==21160== Uninitialised value was created by a stack allocation +21:41 < sam_moore> ==21160== at 0x6A22DBE: __md5_crypt_r (md5-crypt.c:121) +21:41 < sam_moore> :S +21:41 < jtanx> ..... +21:41 < sam_moore> Not causing an error, but still +21:41 < jtanx> what does that even mean +21:42 < sam_moore> It's nice to know that the linux crypt functions that are used for parsing /etc/shadow have uninitialised values +21:42 < jtanx> you sure you're calling it correctly +21:42 < jtanx> ? +21:42 < sam_moore> The full text (brace for impact) +21:42 < sam_moore> ==21160== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) +21:42 < sam_moore> ==21160== at 0x6D75188: ??? (strcpy.S:98) +21:42 < sam_moore> ==21160== by 0x6A230E7: __md5_crypt_r (md5-crypt.c:249) +21:42 < sam_moore> ==21160== by 0x40A5F6: Login_Shadow (login.c:93) +21:42 < sam_moore> ==21160== by 0x40AA7B: Login_Handler (login.c:243) +21:42 < sam_moore> ==21160== by 0x404CE3: FCGI_RequestLoop (fastcgi.c:548) +21:42 < sam_moore> ==21160== by 0x4052AE: main (main.c:143) +21:42 < sam_moore> ==21160== Uninitialised value was created by a stack allocation +21:42 < sam_moore> ==21160== at 0x6A22DBE: __md5_crypt_r (md5-crypt.c:121) +21:42 < sam_moore> if (strcmp(crypt(pass, salt), buffer+passwd_index) == 0) +21:43 < sam_moore> Looks like the correct usage to me +21:43 < sam_moore> I mean, it's *working* +21:43 < jtanx> ~.~ +21:43 < jtanx> well then +21:44 < sam_moore> It's probably someone being lazy with initialising things +21:44 < jtanx> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=760262 +21:44 < sam_moore> GCC under linux usually initialises things to zero +21:44 < jtanx> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?format=multiple&id=699917 +21:44 < sam_moore> But under other things (like Mac OSX) it doesn't; if it's not initialised you can't assume anything +21:45 < jtanx> I thought C standard was any global variables were zeroed +21:45 < jtanx> anything else is undefined +21:45 < sam_moore> Well it's probably not a global variable then +21:45 < sam_moore> But I think you're right +21:45 < sam_moore> I just remember in CITS1210 +21:45 < jtanx> from the bug report - 'This is an annoying, but harmless false positive warning.' +21:46 < sam_moore> We had a bunch of variables that weren't initialised +21:46 < sam_moore> gcc under debian/ubuntu was zeroing them for us +21:46 < sam_moore> So things still worked +21:46 < jtanx> yeah +21:46 < sam_moore> Go to the Mac lab... +21:46 < sam_moore> Everything exploded +21:46 < jtanx> hahahaha +21:46 < jtanx> ah... CITS1210 +21:46 < jtanx> when did you take it? +21:46 < sam_moore> Aaages ago +21:46 < sam_moore> 2009? +21:47 < jtanx> that was long ago +21:47 < sam_moore> Yes +21:47 < jtanx> 2011 for me +21:47 < sam_moore> We got 100% though :) +21:47 < sam_moore> For the second project +21:47 < jtanx> sweet +21:47 < jtanx> I think I got that too +21:47 < jtanx> they docked marks off the first one for some stupid reason +21:47 < sam_moore> (He had an infinite loop in the sample solution, which we found and eliminated in our solution, I think that was the main reason) +21:48 < jtanx> ook +21:48 < sam_moore> (He probably didn't appreciate the #ifdef BE_REALLY_STUPID // Replicate the behaviour *exactly* as requested by the lecturer) +21:48 < jtanx> :P +21:48 < sam_moore> Good fun +21:49 < jtanx> yeah, one of the comments on mine was 'did not exactly match whitespace of output' +21:49 < sam_moore> Haha, it was pretty harsh with the replicating exactly +21:49 < sam_moore> We had a long debate about whether we should replicate the infinite loop or not +21:49 < sam_moore> I think we actually submitted it with "BE_REALLY_STUPID" defined :S +21:50 < jtanx> hahahaha +22:24 < jtanx> now to look into nvd3 +22:36 < sam_moore> I've pushed some progress, I will try and clean it up later this week (it's pretty hacky) +22:36 < jtanx> cool +22:37 < sam_moore> I do like the idea of having svg plots, if it works it will be much nicer than flot +22:37 < jtanx> hopefully +22:37 < jtanx> it doesn't work in ie8 without this compat library +22:37 < sam_moore> Ah +22:37 < jtanx> and with compat it'll probably be slow +22:37 < jtanx> but oh well +22:38 < sam_moore> Fallback to flot if browser is ie8? :P +22:38 < jtanx> yeah +22:38 < jtanx> maybe +22:38 < jtanx> that could work +22:39 < sam_moore> I'm pretty sure it's within our rights to say "You need to use one of these browsers" since it's so easy to install browsers +22:39 < jtanx> true +22:39 < jtanx> ie8 is more an afterthought anyway +22:39 < sam_moore> But I suppose if they have some stupid SOE that only includes ie6... +22:39 < jtanx> if you use ie6 you'd be screwed anyway +22:39 < sam_moore> Haha +22:40 < sam_moore> The first flot page I made didn't work in my phone's browser, but that's probably a JavaScript setTimeout thing +22:40 < jtanx> do browsers even support the canvas element +22:40 < jtanx> *mobile browsers +22:41 < sam_moore> Well it showed the first set of data but didn't update +22:41 < jtanx> oh +22:41 < jtanx> right +22:41 < sam_moore> Don't worry, we don't need to support phone browsers +22:41 < sam_moore> Or at least, until we tell Adrian that we don't support phone browsers, we won't have to support phone browsers :P +22:42 < jtanx> hehehe +23:12 -!- jtanx [~asfa@220-253-133-241.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Connection reset by peer] +23:13 -!- jtanx [~asfa@220-253-133-241.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +23:20 < jtanx> hahaha nvd3 crashed firefox +23:20 < jtanx> let me try again +23:20 < jtanx> if I disconnect, you know why +23:22 < jtanx> well it didn't crash, but it didn't work +23:22 < jtanx> oh well, I'll try again tomorrow +23:22 -!- jtanx [~asfa@220-253-133-241.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["bye"] +--- Day changed Tue Oct 15 2013 +12:08 < sam_moore> http://jayrambhia.com/blog/capture-v4l2/ +12:08 < sam_moore> Might be useful? +12:08 < sam_moore> I suspect the issue with the cameras is related to the colour format +12:08 < sam_moore> MJPEG fails, but YUVU (whatever the hell that is) succeeds +12:09 < sam_moore> Although it is still only giving 320x240 +12:13 < sam_moore> I noticed uvccapture, etc are quite buggy on my own debian laptop +12:13 < sam_moore> I'm hoping that it might actually be a shitty userspace error that we can fix by using the v4l2 API directly +12:13 < sam_moore> Although it's not likely +12:14 < sam_moore> May as well try +12:14 < sam_moore> But uvccapture just likes to hang forever +12:14 < sam_moore> If you give it larger resolutions +18:52 -!- james__ [~chatzilla@CPE-58-160-245-20.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +19:29 -!- james__ [~chatzilla@CPE-58-160-245-20.wa.bigpond.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +21:27 -!- James__ [~chatzilla@CPE-58-160-245-20.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +21:31 < James__> Hey Sam +21:39 < James__> Having Issues uploading to the GUI to git but i have successfully tested it on Firefox, Chrome and IE. I will continue trying to upload but if i can't i will see if i can find you or Jeremy tomorrow +21:57 -!- James__ [~chatzilla@CPE-58-160-245-20.wa.bigpond.net.au] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox 24.0/20130910160258]"] +--- Day changed Wed Oct 16 2013 +13:39 -!- MctxBot [~twang@220-253-133-241.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +13:59 -!- jtanx [~asfa@220-253-133-241.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +13:59 < jtanx> ... +13:59 < jtanx> I brought the bbb home +14:00 < jtanx> booted it off an ubuntu image, and uvccapture can take 800x600 images fine from my webcap +14:00 < jtanx> webcam* +14:00 < jtanx> I don't know if it's because it's a different camera, or because it's a different os +14:34 < jtanx> I just tested with the api/image and I can get 800x600 fine +14:34 < jtanx> too +14:38 < jtanx> I can even do 1600x1200 images just fine +14:38 < jtanx> ................ +14:38 < jtanx> ._. +14:38 < jtanx> I'll be bringing this in tomorrow, see if it works with the cameras that we're going to be using +14:39 < jtanx> Since my 1gb sd card was not big enough to opencv, I've actually flashed the internal memory with ubuntu +14:39 < jtanx> (so I could install opencv) +14:41 < jtanx> wowthat is so stupid +14:42 < jtanx> so either it's the cameras that we bought, or the os +14:42 < jtanx> but it works at 1600x1200 +14:42 < jtanx> (max resolution of my webcam) +14:43 -!- MctxBot [~twang@220-253-133-241.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +15:00 < jtanx> ok, I just tried it with the os we've been running before (on your 32gb sd card), and it also works at 1600x1200 +15:00 < jtanx> so it's an issue with the camera +15:01 < jtanx> (e.g selecting a camera that actually works with the BBB +15:14 -!- jtanx [~asfa@220-253-133-241.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["brb"] +15:16 -!- jtanx [~asfa@220-253-133-241.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +20:10 -!- MctxBot [~twang@220-253-133-241.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +21:41 -!- jtanx_ [~asfa@220-253-133-241.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +21:56 -!- jtanx [~asfa@220-253-133-241.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +23:28 -!- jtanx_ [~asfa@220-253-133-241.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox 24.0/20130910160258]"] +23:28 -!- MctxBot [~twang@220-253-133-241.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +--- Day changed Thu Oct 17 2013 +09:16 -!- jtanx [~asfa@] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +09:17 < jtanx> .... +09:17 < jtanx> I just ran the bBB with ubuntu and used the usb microscope +09:17 < jtanx> and it worked +09:18 < jtanx> and so too does it work on the original os +09:18 < jtanx> wtf +09:33 < jtanx> hahahaa +09:33 < jtanx> it crashed because it ran out of memory +09:33 < jtanx> I tried having both cameras at once +09:33 < jtanx> and switching between them +09:34 < jtanx> but other than that it works +09:34 < jtanx> this is weird +09:44 < jtanx> about 1/5 tries fails at 1600x1200 with 'select timeout' +09:44 < jtanx> probably because it can't buffer that fast or something +09:45 < jtanx> but definitely to run both cameras at once (or at least have them connected), you require an external power source, either for the beaglebone or for the usb hub +09:47 < jtanx> yep +09:47 < jtanx> if you do +09:47 < jtanx> modprobe uvcvideo nodrop=1 +09:47 < jtanx> It will only display part of the image +09:47 < jtanx> probably because it hasn't filled the buffer yet +09:48 < jtanx> but if you load uvcvideo with normal settings +09:48 < jtanx> it either displays the full image, or no image at all +09:48 < jtanx> the problem is, I don't know how you detect this in opencv +10:10 -!- jtanx [~asfa@] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox 24.0/20130910160258]"] +13:47 -!- jtanx [~asfa@220-253-133-241.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +14:55 -!- MctxBot [~twang@220-253-133-241.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout] +17:14 -!- MctxBot [~twang@220-253-133-241.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +17:20 -!- MctxBot [~twang@220-253-133-241.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["leaving"] +17:22 -!- MctxBot [~twang@220-253-133-241.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +22:38 -!- jtanx [~asfa@220-253-133-241.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox 24.0/20130910160258]"]