X-Git-Url: https://git.ucc.asn.au/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=manager%2Fmanual.txt;h=8ce39c81b98f0396246a0966cc9253a906acf040;hb=HEAD;hp=e7a15d1751f63c344d49a8a6442c7268ffa62088;hpb=2120cc40abf9e3fd763c84a1e09b61064bb40be6;p=progcomp2012.git diff --git a/manager/manual.txt b/manager/manual.txt deleted file mode 100644 index e7a15d1..0000000 --- a/manager/manual.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,210 +0,0 @@ -NAME - stratego - Interface to manage games of stratego between AI programs and/or human players - -WARNING - This program is still a work in progress. Consider it a Beta version. - -SYNOPSIS - stratego {[-gpirb] [-o output_file ] [-t stall_time] [-m max_turns] {red_player blue_player | -f input_file} | {-h | --help} } - -DESCRIPTION - stratego manages a game of Stratego. It stores the state of the board, and uses a simple protocol to interface with AI programs. - By itself, stratego does not "play" the game. An external AI program must be used. stratego is intended to be used for the testing of - various AI strategies, written in any programming language. It will be used for the UCC Programming Competition 2012. - - Unless the -h (--help) or -f switch is given, both red_player and blue_player must be supplied. - - red_player - Should be either a path to an executable file which will control the Red player, or "human". - If set to "human", stratego will request the user to make moves for the Red player using stdin. - NOTES - 1. There is no plan to support AI programs named "human". Deal with it. - 2. As of writing, human players must use stdin. A graphical interface may be added later. - - blue_player - As red_player, except for controlling the Blue player. - -OPTIONS - -g - By default, graphics are disabled. If the -g switch is present, stratego will draw the game as it is played using OpenGL - -p - By default, even if graphics are disabled, the board state is not printed. If -p is present, the board will be printed to stdout. - If the system supports colour, the characters will be in colour. - If -p and -g are both present you will see both behaviours (overkill)! - -i - By default, stratego will exit if a move which is deemed "illegal" is made. If the -i switch is present, illegal moves will be ignored. - That is, the move will not be made (effectively the player making the illegal move loses a turn). - -r - By default, the identities of all pieces are shown. If the -r switch is present, and graphics are enabled, red pieces will be disguised. - If graphics are disabled, the -r switch has no effect. - -b - As -r, except blue pieces will be disguised. - NOTE: Both -r and -b may be used. - -o - By default, stratego is silent. If the -o switch is present, the result of each move is printed to a file. If output_file is "stdout" - then stdout will be used instead of a text file. - -t - By default, stratego executes moves as fast as they are recieved. If the -t switch is present, a delay of stall_time will be introduced - between each move. - - -m - By default, the game is declared a Draw after 5000 turns have ellapsed. - Use this option to change the maximum number of turns. - To play for an infinite number of turns, supply "inf" as max_number. - - -f - By default, stratego requires red_player and blue_player to enact a game. - If this option is supplied, a file previously produced by using the -o switch is read, and the game reenacted. - All switches function as normal with -f. - NOTE: It is recommended that -g is used with -f. - - -h, --help - If the -h switch is used, this page will be printed and stratego will exit. - - - -GAME RULES - Each player controls up to 40 pieces on the Board. The pieces consist of the following: - - Piece Name Rank Number Abilities - 1 Marshal 1 1 Dies if attacked by Spy - 2 General 2 1 - 3 Colonel 3 2 - 4 Major 4 3 - 5 Captain 5 4 - 6 Lieutenant 6 4 - 7 Sergeant 7 4 - 8 Miner 8 5 Destroys Bombs without being killed - 9 Scout 9 8 May move more through multiple empty squares - s Spy 10 1 If the Spy attacks the Marshal, the Marshal dies - B Bomb NA 6 Immobile. If any piece (except a Miner) encounters an enemy Bomb, both pieces are destroyed - F Flag NA 1 Immobile. If any piece encounters the enemy Flag, the controlling player wins. - - Additional pieces, not controlled by the player: - Piece Name Number Notes - + Obstacle 8 Immobile. Do not belong to either player. Can't be passed through. - # Enemy Piece 0 - 40 Indicates that the position on the board is occupied by an enemy piece. - . Empty NA Indicates that the position on the board is empty. - - Players take turns to move their pieces. RED begins the game. - - Pieces may only move one square horizontally or vertically unless otherwise stated. - Pieces may not move through squares occupied by allied pieces, or Obstacle (+) pieces. - Pieces may move into squares occupied by Enemy Pieces (#), in which case the piece with the lower rank (higher number) is destroyed. - - Each player's pieces are hidden from the other player. When two pieces encounter each other, the ranks will be revealed. - - The objective is to destroy all Enemy Pieces (#) or capture the Enemy Flag (also #). - - -PROTOCOL - In order to interface with stratego, an AI program must satisfy the following protocol. - Each query is followed by a newline, and responses are expected to be followed with a newline. - The queries are recieved through stdin, and responses should be written to stdout. - - 1. SETUP - QUERY: YOUR_COLOUR OPPONENT_ID BOARD_WIDTH BOARD_HEIGHT - - RESPONSE: 4 lines, each of length BOARD_WIDTH, of characters. Each character represents a piece. The characters are shown above. - - 2. TURN - QUERY: START | CONFIRMATION - BOARD_STATE - - On the first turn, "START" is printed to the Red player. - On subsequent turns, the CONFIRMATION of the opponent's last turn is printed (see below). - - BOARD_STATE consists of a BOARD_HEIGHT lines of length BOARD_WIDTH characters, each of which represents a single piece - as described in the GAME_RULES section. Each line ends with the newline character. - - - RESPONSE: X Y DIRECTION [MULTIPLIER=1] | NO_MOVE - X and Y are the coords (starting from 0) of the piece to move - DIRECTION is either UP, DOWN, LEFT or RIGHT - MULTIPLIER is optional and only valid for units of type Scout. Scouts may move through any number of unblocked squares - in one direction. - - The AI program should print "NO_MOVE" if it is unable to determine a move. - This will typically occur when the only pieces belonging to the AI program are Bombs and the Flag. - - CONFIRMATION: X Y DIRECTION [MULTIPLIER=1] OUTCOME | NO_MOVE | QUIT RESULT - OUTCOME may be either OK, ILLEGAL, KILLS or DIES - OK - Move was successful - ILLEGAL - Move was not allowed. If stratego was not started with the -i switch, the game will end. - KILLS ATTACKER_RANK DEFENDER_RANK - The piece moved into an occupied square and killed the defender. - DIES ATTACKER_RANK DEFENDER_RANK - The piece moved into an occupied square and was killed by the defender. - - A confirmation of "NO_MOVE" occurs when the AI program made no move for a legitimate reason. - "NO_MOVE ILLEGAL" is printed if the AI program made no move for an illegitimate reason. - - If both AI programs successively make a "NO_MOVE" response, then the game will end. - The player with the highest piece value will win, or a draw will be declared if the values are equal. - - - 3. END GAME - If the CONFIRMATION line is of the form: - QUIT RESULT - Then the game is about to end. - - If present, RESULT will be a direct copy of the message to stdout described in the EXIT/OUTPUT section below. - - - 4. TIMEOUTS - If a program fails to respond to a query within 2 (two) seconds, the game will end and that AI will be sent the ILLEGAL result. - Human players are not subject to the timeout restriction. - - - -EXIT/OUTPUT - If the game ends due to a player either winning, or making an illegal move, stratego will print one of the following result messages to stdout. - - NAME COLOUR OUTCOME TURN_NUMBER OUTCOME RED_PIECE_VALUE BLUE_PIECE_VALUE - - Where: - NAME is the name of the player on whose turn the game ended, - COLOUR is the colour of that player, - OUTCOME is one of the following: - VICTORY - The indicated player won - DEFEAT - The indicated player lost - SURRENDER - The indicated player surrendered - DRAW - The game ended in a draw because neither player moved - DRAW_DEFAULT - The game ended in a draw because the maximum number of moves was exceeded - ILLEGAL - The indicated player loses due to an Illegal move/response - DEFAULT - The indicated player wins by default due to the other player making an Illegal move/response - BOTH_ILLEGAL - Both players made an Illegal move/response. Usually occurs due to simultaneous setup errors, or bad executable paths. - INTERNAL_ERROR - The game ended, even though it shouldn't have. - - TURN_NUMBER is the number of turns that elapsed before the game ended - - RED_PIECE_VALUE and BLUE_PIECE_VALUE are the summed piece values of the pieces of RED and BLUE respectively. - Bombs and Flags are worth zero, and the ranked pieces (Spys -> Marshal) are worth (11 - rank). - So the Spy is worth 1 point, ... the Marshal is worth 10. - - (The initial piece values can be determined by running with -m 0) - - - stratego will then return exit code 0. - - If an error occurs within stratego itself, an error message will be printed to stderr and return exit code 1. - If possible, stratego will print the message "QUIT" to both AI programs, and they should exit as soon as possible. - - -BUGS - There are no known bugs at this time. However, stratego is still a work in progress. Report a bug to the AUTHOR (see below). - -AUTHORS - Sam Moore (for the UCC Programming Competition 2012) - -NOTES - 0. This program is still a work in progress and subject to changes. - - 1. UCC Programming Competition 2012 Description - http://matches.ucc.asn.au/stratego/ - - 2. UCC Programming Competition 2012 Git repository - git://git.ucc.asn.au/progcomp2012.git - - - 3. IRC Channel - irc://irc.ucc.asn.au #progcomp -