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(Hons) Physics Project \par - {\bf \Large Thesis} \par - Samuel Moore \\ - School of Physics, University of Western Australia \\ - April 2012 -\end{center} -\section*{Characterisation of Nanostructured Thin Films} -{\bf \emph{Keywords:}} surface plasmons, nanostructures, spectroscopy, metallic-blacks \\ -{\bf \emph{Supervisers:}} W/Prof. James Williams (UWA), Prof. Sergey Samarin (UWA) \\ - - -%\tableofcontents - -\section*{Acknowledgements} -\begin{itemize} - \item Sergey Samarin - \item Jim Williams - \item Paul Guagliardo - \item Nikita Kostylev - \item Workshop (for producing electron gun mount?) - \item Peter Hammond (?) -\end{itemize} - -\section{Introduction} -\begin{itemize} - \item Waffle about motivation for the project - \begin{itemize} - \item Metal-Black films may have application for ... something. - \begin{itemize} - \item Radiometer vanes, IR detectors - \item Number of applications where high absorbance into IR is required - \item These have all been studied before though. - \end{itemize} - \item They are the way of the future. Embrace the future. - \item The electron spectra of metal-blacks have not yet been examined. - \item Remarkable difference between Metal-Black films (bad vacuum) and normal metal films (UHV) - \begin{itemize} - \item No (detailed/satisfactory) explanation (that I can find :P) for difference - \end{itemize} - \item Talk about plasmonic based computing? Moore's law? Applications to thin film solar cells? +\addtolength{\headheight}{2.5pt} +\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{\thechapter~~#1}{}} +\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection~~#1}{}} +\ifthenelse{\boolean{@twoside}} +{ + \rhead[\bfseries \rightmark]{\bfseries \thepage} + \lhead[\bfseries \leftmark]{\bfseries \thepage} + \addtolength{\headwidth}{\marginparsep} + \addtolength{\headwidth}{\marginparwidth} +}{ + \lhead{\bfseries \leftmark} + \rhead{\bfseries \thepage} +} +\cfoot{} + +%--------------------------------------------------------- +%--------------------------------------------------------- +\begin{document} - \end{itemize} - \item Specific aims of project - \begin{enumerate} - \item Surface density of states / band structure of Black-Au films using TCS (The main aim) - \item Identification of plasmonic effects in Black-Au films (?) (If they even exist!) - \begin{itemize} - \item Identify plasmonic effects in Au and Ag films with Ellipsometry (this is fairly simple to do) - \end{itemize} - \item Combination of Ellipsometry and TCS to characterise thin films (not just Black-Au) - \begin{itemize} - \item Ie: How can one technique be used to support the other? - \end{itemize} - \end{enumerate} - \item Structure of thesis -\end{itemize} +\include{titlepage/Titlepage} % This is who you are -\section{Overview of Theory} -Summarise the literature, refer to past research etc +\newpage -\subsection{Electron structure of surface} -\begin{itemize} - \item Overview of electron spectrum properties - \begin{itemize} - \item Density of states $n(E)$ - \item Energy band structure $E(\vect{k})$ - \end{itemize} - \item Properties of surface region - \begin{itemize} - \item Difference between potential of surface and bulk - \begin{itemize} - \item Change between the two limits in the ``near-surface'' region - \end{itemize} - \item Theoretical models for the potential, 1D vs 3D - \begin{itemize} - \item Simplest case is a step potential. - \item Various improvements on this model, discussed in Komolov's book. - \item It would be interesting to adapt my CQM project to numerically solve for an electron entering the various potentials - \begin{itemize} - \item Only do this when EVERYTHING ELSE is done! Otherwise I will get too involved with it! - \end{itemize} - \end{itemize} - \item Limitations of theoretical models - \end{itemize} - \item Main reference: Komolov "Total Current Spectroscopy" - \item "Solid State Physics" textbooks and "Electron Spectroscopy" textbooks -\end{itemize} +%include{acknowledgments/Acknowledgments} % This is who you thank -\subsection{Plasmonics} -I really think I should actually find plasmonic effects before writing too much about them... -\begin{itemize} - \item Charge density oscillations - \item Surface and bulk plasmons - \item Pines and Bohm - \item Review article from T.W.H Oates et al about using Ellipsometry to characterise plasmonic effects -\end{itemize} +\newpage -\subsection{Metallic-Black Thin Films} -\begin{itemize} - \item How they are made (bad vacuum, in air or a noble gas) - \begin{itemize} - \item If made in air, there are usually tungsten oxides present (from filament). Refer to paper by Pfund. - \end{itemize} - \item Structural difference between Black-Au and ``Shiny'' (need a better term) Au - \begin{itemize} - \item Can include electron microscopy images? - \item An actual photograph of a Black-Au film? Not necessary? - \end{itemize} - \item Pfund (earliest publisher, preparation and general properties) - \item Louis Harris (most research in 50s and 60s) - \begin{itemize} - \item L. Harris mostly did transmission spectroscopy in the far infra red (well beyond the ellipsometer and Ocean Optics spectrometer ranges) - \item The really crappy measurements I did with the Ocean Optics spectrometer seem to agree with these measurements - \begin{itemize} - \item L. Harris' $\lambda$ has a range of 1nm to $100\mu$m; my measurements are only to $1\mu$m - \item Agreement in first $1\mu$m anyway - \item I should probably re-do those measurements with a less crappy setup, if I actually want to use them - \end{itemize} - \item Harris related the optical properties to the structure of the film (condensor strands) via the electronic properties - \end{itemize} - \item Plasmonic effects - Deep R. Panjwani (honours thesis) - \begin{itemize} - \item Not sure if I can use an honours thesis as a reference. - \item Concluded that surface plasmon resonance in Black-Au film on solar cells lead to increase in solar cell efficiency - \item Used simulation that modelled Black-Au film as spherical balls to show E field increased by plasmon resonance - \begin{itemize} - \item Was this model appropriate? Black-Au is more ``smoke'' or ``strand'' like according to other references. Images also do not show ``blob'' like structure. - \end{itemize} - \item Need to read this reference more thoroughly - \end{itemize} -\end{itemize} +%\include{abstract/Abstract} % This is your thesis abstract -\section{Experimental Techniques} +\pagenumbering{roman} +\newpage +%--------------------------------------------------------- +% Do the table of Contents and lists of figures and tables +%--------------------------------------------------------- +\tableofcontents +\markboth{}{} +\newpage -\subsection{Preparation of samples} -\begin{itemize} - \item Black-Au - 1e-2 mbar vacuum - \item ``Shiny'' - 1e-6 / 1e-7 - \item Current of ~3.5A through W wire filament spot welded onto Ta strips in turn spot welded to Mo posts - \item Voltage through filament is ~1 V; quote the power? - \item Filament isotropically coats sample with desired material. - \item Possibly get a curve of Au thickness estimated with Ellipsometry vs exposure time? - \begin{itemize} - \item Probably too much work and too unreliable - \item Maybe do it, but only use 2/3 data points - \item Low priority - \end{itemize} -\end{itemize} +\pagenumbering{arabic} +%--------------------------------------------------------- +%--------------------------------------------------------- +%Include the chapters! -\subsection{Total Current Spectroscopy} -\begin{itemize} - \item Overview of technique - \begin{itemize} - \item Low energy beam of electrons incident on sample - \item Measure slope of resulting I-V curve - \item Relate to density of states and electron band structure (Komolov chapter 3.2) - \end{itemize} - \item Description of apparatus - \begin{itemize} - \item Electron gun and filament - \item Electron gun control box - \item ADC/DAC control box and data processing - \end{itemize} - \item Photographs vs Diagrams - \begin{itemize} - \item Prefer diagrams to photographs - \item Especially for the ADC/DAC control box circuit. Because it looks like a horrible mess. - \end{itemize} -\end{itemize} +\include{chapters/Introduction} -\subsection{Ellipsometry and Transmission Spectroscopy} -\begin{itemize} - \item Overview of techniques - \item Description of apparatus (use VASE manual) - \item Ocean Optics spectrometer? Usable? - \item Application of Ellipsometry to finding plasmonic effects - \begin{itemize} - \item Surface plasmons = E oscillation parallel to surface $\implies$ only $p$ component of light excites plasmons - \end{itemize} -\end{itemize} +\include{chapters/Theory} % This is chapter 1 -\section{Experimental Results and Discussion} -\subsection{TCS Measurements} -\begin{itemize} - \item TCS for Si - \item TCS for Si + Au - \item TCS for Si + Black-Au - \item Affect of preparation pressure on TCS for Si + Black-Au - \item Repeat for Si + Ag and Si + Black-Ag (?) -\end{itemize} +\include{chapters/Techniques} % This is chapter 2 -\subsection{Ellipsometric Measurements} -\begin{itemize} - \item Ellipsometry to estimate thickness of SiO2 layer on Si - \item Estimate thickness of Au/Ag on Si+SiO2 - \item Ellipsometric measurements of Si+Black-Au/Ag - \begin{itemize} - \item Modelling procedures to characterise Black-Au/Ag - \end{itemize} - \item Ellipsometric measurements of Glass+Black-Au/Ag (?) - \item Transmission spectra of Glass+Black-Au/Ag from earlier in year (?) -\end{itemize} +\include{chapters/Results} % etc. -\section{Achievements} -\begin{itemize} - \item Deposition of thin films of Au and Black-Au in vacuum chamber - \item Ellipsometric and spectroscopic measurements on these films - \item Repurpose vacuum chamber for sample preparation and TCS experiments - \item Designed and built electronics for TCS experiments - \begin{itemize} - \item Electron gun control box - \item ADC/DAC box - \end{itemize} - \item Wrote software for data aquisition and data processing -\end{itemize} +\include{chapters/Conclusion} +%\newpage +%--------------------------------------------------------- +\renewcommand{\bibname}{References} +\bibliography{references/refs} +\bibliographystyle{ieeetr} +\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{References} +%--------------------------------------------------------- -\section{Experimental Difficulties / Detailed stuff / Appendix} -\subsection{TCS} -\begin{itemize} - \item Optimise setup of gun - \begin{itemize} - \item Emission current. How much does it vary, why does it vary. - \item Why does Is/Ie curve shift with successive sweeps? Does sweep modify sample's surface? - \item Is sample holder acceptable? Are ceramic washers accumulating charge? - \item How do I tell when the setup is optimised... - ``The setup was optimised by looking for an S curve''. Very scientific. - \item The gun was focused on the phosphor screen... and then I turned it around, changing the distance from the gun to the sample. Brilliant. - \end{itemize} - \item Obtain TCS spectra for Si that compares well with literature - \begin{itemize} - \item How to relate TCS spectrum to $n(E)$ and $E(\vect{k})$ - \end{itemize} - \item Prepare Au films, obtain TCS spectra that compares with literature - \item Obtain TCS spectra of Black-Au films - \item Use results to compare properties of films with results from other methods in the literature - \item Uncertainties - \begin{itemize} - \item Oscilloscope measurements of inputs to ADC channels under controlled conditions - \begin{itemize} - \item Expected values are +/-3mV due to ADC channel, +/-300mV due to 610B, +/-1mV due to 602 - \item 610B and 602 will probably be worse because they are ancient - \item There is about 200mV of noise between the GND of the ADC box and the electron control box. - \item How to reduce ground loops? Not much I can do. Rack is now also grounded to water pipe, but this doesn't seem to make a difference. - \end{itemize} - \item Stupid 50Hz AC noise... how to reduce with filters and/or averaging - \end{itemize} - \item Create circuit diagrams for Electron gun circuit - \item Create circuit diagrams for ADC/DAC box - \begin{itemize} - \item Simulate behaviour of circuit - \item Use of instrumentation amplifier on ADC5 to make off-ground measurements - \item Use of low pass filter on ADC5 - \end{itemize} - \item Include references to all datasheets, etc - \item Vacuum chamber - \begin{itemize} - \item Base pressure with rotary pump? Was 1e-3 after 30 minutes at start of year, but probably introduced leaks since then - \item Lowest pressure achieved with turbo pump is 1.1e-7 mbar as of 25/07. - \item Viton gaskets on some seals. Copper on other. - \item Flanges: - \begin{enumerate} - \item View window (large, view of sample \& sputtering filaments) - \item Rotation manipulator \& sample mount - \item Pump inlet - \item Filament flanges 1 (used earlier in year, not anymore) and 2 - \item Inlet with leak valve (for introducing gases into chamber) - \item Vent valve on turbo pump - \item Electron gun flange - \item View window (small, view of back of electron gun) - \end{enumerate} - \end{itemize} -\end{itemize} +% Appendices +\appendix +\include{appendices/tcs_noise} +\include{appendices/electron_optics} +\include{appendices/electron_gun_circuit} +%\include{appendices/data_aquisition} -\pagebreak -\bibliographystyle{unsrt} -\bibliography{thesis} +%--------------------------------------------------------- \end{document}