// See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cubic_function#General_formula_for_roots
// delta = 18abcd - 4 b^3 d + b^2 c^2 - 4ac^3 - 27 a^2 d^2
- /*
Real discriminant = Real(18) * a * b * c * d - Real(4) * (b * b * b) * d
+ (b * b) * (c * c) - Real(4) * a * (c * c * c)
- Real(27) * (a * a) * (d * d);
- */
+ Debug("Trying to solve %fx^3 + %fx^2 + %fx + %f (Discriminant: %f)", a,b,c,d, discriminant);
// discriminant > 0 => 3 distinct, real roots.
// discriminant = 0 => a multiple root (1 or 2 real roots)
// discriminant < 0 => 1 real root, 2 complex conjugate roots
+ Real delta0 = (b*b) - Real(3) * a * c;
+ Real delta1 = Real(2) * (b * b * b) - Real(9) * a * b * c + Real(27) * (a * a) * d;
+ std::vector<Real> roots;
+ Real C = pow((delta1 + Sqrt((delta1 * delta1) - 4 * (delta0 * delta0 * delta0)) ) / Real(2), 1/3);
+ if (false && discriminant < 0)
+ {
+ Real real_root = (Real(-1) / (Real(3) * a)) * (b + C + delta0 / C);
+ roots.push_back(real_root);
+ return roots;
+ }
////HACK: We know any roots we care about will be between 0 and 1, so...
- Debug("Trying to solve %fx^3 + %fx^2 + %fx + %f", a,b,c,d);
Real maxi(100);
Real prevRes(d);
- std::vector<Real> roots;
for(int i = -1; i <= 100; ++i)
Real x(i);
Debug("Clipping Bezier to Rect %s", r.Str().c_str());
// Convert bezier coefficients -> cubic coefficients
- Real xa = x0-x1+x2-x3;
- Real xb = x1 - Real(2)*x2 + Real(3)*x3;
- Real xc = x2 - Real(3)*x3;
- Real xd = x3 - r.x;
+ Real xd = x0 - r.x;
+ Real xc = Real(3)*(x1 - x0);
+ Real xb = Real(3)*(x2 - x1) - xc;
+ Real xa = x3 - x0 - xc - xb;
// Find its roots.
std::vector<Real> x_intersection = SolveCubic(xa, xb, xc, xd);
// And for the other side.
- xd = x3 - r.x - r.w;
+ xd = x0 - r.x - r.w;
std::vector<Real> x_intersection_pt2 = SolveCubic(xa, xb, xc, xd);
x_intersection.insert(x_intersection.end(), x_intersection_pt2.begin(), x_intersection_pt2.end());
// Similarly for y-coordinates.
// Convert bezier coefficients -> cubic coefficients
- Real ya = y0-y1+y2-y3;
- Real yb = y1 - Real(2)*y2 + Real(3)*y3;
- Real yc = y2 - Real(3)*y3;
- Real yd = y3 - r.y;
+ Real yd = y0 - r.y;
+ Real yc = Real(3)*(y1 - y0);
+ Real yb = Real(3)*(y2 - y1) - yc;
+ Real ya = y3 - y0 - yc - yb;
// Find its roots.
std::vector<Real> y_intersection = SolveCubic(ya, yb, yc, yd);
// And for the other side.
- yd = y3 - r.y - r.h;
+ yd = y0 - r.y - r.h;
std::vector<Real> y_intersection_pt2 = SolveCubic(ya, yb, yc, yd);
y_intersection.insert(y_intersection.end(), y_intersection_pt2.begin(), y_intersection_pt2.end());
all_beziers.push_back(this->ReParametrise(t0, t1));
+ else
+ {
+ Debug("Segment removed (point at %f, %f)", ptx, pty);
+ }
t0 = t1;
return all_beziers;
case BEZIER:
- Rect child_node_bounds = TransformFromQuadChild({0,0,1,1}, type);
+ Rect obj_bounds = TransformToQuadChild(m_objects.bounds[object_id], type);
+ if (obj_bounds.x < 0)
+ {
+ obj_bounds.w += obj_bounds.x;
+ obj_bounds.x = 0;
+ }
+ if (obj_bounds.y < 0)
+ {
+ obj_bounds.h += obj_bounds.y;
+ obj_bounds.y = 0;
+ }
+ if (obj_bounds.x + obj_bounds.w > 1)
+ {
+ obj_bounds.w += (1 - (obj_bounds.x + obj_bounds.w));
+ }
+ if (obj_bounds.y + obj_bounds.h > 1)
+ {
+ obj_bounds.h += (1 - (obj_bounds.y + obj_bounds.h));
+ }
+ Rect child_node_bounds = TransformFromQuadChild(obj_bounds, type);
Rect clip_bezier_bounds;
clip_bezier_bounds.x = (child_node_bounds.x - m_objects.bounds[object_id].x) / m_objects.bounds[object_id].w;
clip_bezier_bounds.y = (child_node_bounds.y - m_objects.bounds[object_id].y) / m_objects.bounds[object_id].h;
clip_bezier_bounds.w = child_node_bounds.w / m_objects.bounds[object_id].w;
clip_bezier_bounds.h = child_node_bounds.h / m_objects.bounds[object_id].h;
- std::vector<Bezier> new_curves = m_objects.beziers[m_objects.data_indices[object_id]].ClipToRectangle(clip_bezier_bounds);
+ std::vector<Bezier> new_curves = Bezier(m_objects.beziers[m_objects.data_indices[object_id]], child_node_bounds).ClipToRectangle(clip_bezier_bounds);
for (size_t i = 0; i < new_curves.size(); ++i)
Rect new_bounds = TransformToQuadChild(m_objects.bounds[object_id], type);
- //new_bounds = TransformToQuadChild(new_bounds, type);
- //Bezier new_curve_data = new_curves[i].ToRelative(new_bounds);
- unsigned index = AddBezierData(new_curves[i]);
+ new_bounds = TransformToQuadChild(new_curves[i].SolveBounds(), type);
+ Bezier new_curve_data = new_curves[i].ToRelative(new_bounds);
+ unsigned index = AddBezierData(new_curve_data);