From: C R Onjob Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 17:00:04 +0000 (+0800) Subject: Automatic commit of irc logs X-Git-Url:;h=6f5f55579b969668419ea925e07f6c86442ef582;p=ipdf%2Fdocuments.git Automatic commit of irc logs You are always busy. --- diff --git a/irc/#ipdf.log b/irc/#ipdf.log index e88900a..89f71a4 100644 --- a/irc/#ipdf.log +++ b/irc/#ipdf.log @@ -675,3 +675,121 @@ 22:17 <@matches> He has some books but they are mostly about economics 22:18 <@matches> Would have been nice if he'd written something that says "I have invented floating point" but I guess not 22:18 <@matches> That's only really of historical interest but it'd be nice +--- Day changed Tue Apr 22 2014 +01:17 <@matches> Urgh looking at the git diff +01:17 <@matches> I really have not accomplished much +01:30 <@matches> Oooh, motsugo finally got to a number of intervals where long double is better than double +11:56 < sulix> So it turns out that I've broken the open-source GL drivers. +11:56 < sulix> They don't support one of the features ("primitive restart") we need when in compatibility mode. +11:56 < sulix> So I guess now I've got to rewrite everything to use OpenGL 3. +14:47 <@matches> ? +14:48 <@matches> I should probably look more carefully at what the OpenGL stuff is doing nowdays +14:49 <@matches> Downgrading to OpenGL 3 sounds drastic +14:50 <@matches> Wait 3 is the OK one, 4 is the new one +14:50 <@matches> 1 is the ancient one +14:52 <@matches> I see pointer arithmetic... +14:53 <@matches> banana would be furious +14:53 <@matches> should be using std::super_ptr_unsegfaultable_arith +14:53 <@matches> (I am not a fan of the smart pointers) +14:55 <@matches> *indexData = 0xFFFFFFFF; // Primitive restart. +14:55 <@matches> I do not know what is going on here :S +14:58 <@matches> Ahh I get it now +14:58 <@matches> Reading commit messages turns out to be useful +15:04 <@matches> git blame for view.cpp reveals that I still own the opening braces on some things +15:05 <@matches> That's about it :P +15:06 <@matches> I'm going to keep looking at rounding errors and maybe have a better thing than calculating pi +15:06 <@matches> As a bench mark +15:07 <@matches> I might look at Paranoia +15:07 <@matches> Although it was originally in BASIC +15:07 <@matches> And ~7000 lines +15:07 <@matches> With almost no whitespace characters +15:07 <@matches> And totally no indents +15:08 <@matches> I sometimes get the feeling people used to be smarter than we are now... +15:08 <@matches> Then I remember that those people are ultimately responsible for the tools we use now +15:15 < sulix> Speaking of tools we use now, I think I've just got the debug font code to not only randomly corrupt a varible, but also cause valgrind to crash. +15:18 < sulix> Okay, we need to fix that makefile at some point. +15:38 <@matches> make clean? +15:41 <@matches> It's not actually swapping out main.cpp +15:41 <@matches> It just doesn't have main.o in the link objects and has main in the $(BIN) target and the testers in the tests/% target +15:42 <@matches> I guess that is swapping out main but MAIN is not being changed +15:42 <@matches> derp +15:45 <@matches> I think I fixed it? +15:45 < sulix> Ah. Well, you've got a merge conflict to look forward to. +15:45 <@matches> Not if I just NEVER COMMIT IT +15:46 <@matches> I'm going to call your fix being right and mine being a horrible hack +15:46 <@matches> Ok I pullsd some changes to graphics stuff, is that it or is there more? +15:46 < sulix> I haven't fixed it, I've just gone and bu(gg|ff)ered up the font stuff. +15:47 <@matches> So it's not meant to render unless something changes? But the debug font stuff is changing so it needs to keep rendering? +15:48 <@matches> I see a lot of "Flushing Debug Font arrays" +15:48 < sulix> The debug font stuff is separate from the whole view system. +15:48 <@matches> That makes sense +15:48 < sulix> It's just trying to fill up a buffer of quads with individual characters in it and then draws them when the buffer gets full. +15:49 < sulix> One more step on the path of getting rid of all of the OpenGL 1.1 stuff. +15:50 <@matches> Haha +15:50 <@matches> git stash seems to think I modified graphicsbuffer.h and screen.h +15:51 <@matches> git diff seems to think everything is identical +15:51 <@matches> I'm just going to git reset the things I didn't actually change... +15:52 < sulix> I do that far too often. +15:52 <@matches> Oh there is a comment "//test" for testing the Makefile +15:53 <@matches> And a comment "This isn't the Screen class?" where you copy/pasted the screen class description for the GraphicsBuffer class +15:53 <@matches> I don't think they need to be preserved +15:54 < sulix> Yeah, I should have got rid of that screen class bit by now. +15:55 <@matches> Have a 2 line commit +15:55 < sulix> The best kind. +15:55 <@matches> I really need to cut back on the new line creep +15:56 <@matches> It's like I can't add a line by itself without putting in extra whitespace +15:57 <@matches> Uh oh we've ran out of coffee here +15:58 <@matches> I'm slightly scared by how much the graphics code has increased since I last actually understood how it worked... +15:59 <@matches> Can you change those *vertexData to *(vertexData++) or is that considered even uglier +16:03 < sulix> I thought of that, but given how much pointer arithmetic debugging I was going to do, I wanted it to be really obvious when the pointer was being incremented. +16:03 < sulix> The plan is to have a nice AppendFloat() function or similar that will do this eventually. +16:05 < sulix> Hmm: "Buffer usage warning: Analysis of buffer object 2 (bound to GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB) usage indicates that the GPU is the primary producer and consumer of data for this buffer object. The usage hint supplied with this buffer object, GL_STATIC_DRAW, is inconsistent with this usage pattern. Try using GL_STREAM_COPY_ARB, GL_STATIC_COPY_ARB or GL_DYNAMIC_COPY_ARB instead. +16:06 < sulix> Thanks nVidia. +16:06 < sulix> Now if only we were using OpenGL 4.4 which got rid of buffer usage hints entirely. +16:29 <@matches> Also I think you forgot the naming scheme :P +16:30 <@matches> vertex_data +16:31 <@matches> I will go back to pretending to be doing a literature review +16:32 <@matches> Instead I will probably plot some graphs +16:48 <@matches> So +16:48 <@matches> If you look up "Handbook of Floating Point Arithmetic" on google (which lots of things like to reference these days) +16:48 <@matches> You can download the entire thing +16:48 <@matches> I was prepared to pay like $20 for it on amazon +16:49 <@matches> Oh amazon doesn't sell actual books anymore though does it? +16:49 <@matches> No they do have it +16:50 <@matches> For $100... +16:50 <@matches> I think I'll just stick with my free pdf thanks +16:55 <@matches> "Handbook" being 579 pages... +17:04 <@matches> I think if a textbook is citing blog posts we can probably get away with it +17:05 <@matches> Oh my god I love this textbook +17:05 < sulix> I was watching a conference talk last night when the presenter just said: "this technique is described on this guys blog. Here's a link." +17:05 <@matches> "Table 1.1 gives the results obtained by compiling Program 1.1 and running on a Pentium4, using the GNU Compiler Collection and the Linux system" +17:06 <@matches> [Complete C code for Program 1.1 follows] +17:06 <@matches> None of this "Pseudo code" crap +17:07 < sulix> Clearly we should get an extra 10% for every line of pointer arithmetic in our theses. +17:07 <@matches> There' +17:07 <@matches> s a problem here +17:07 <@matches> How do I not make the entire literature review just paraphrased from this one text book +17:08 <@matches> Mr Gullible and the Chaotic Bank Society! +17:08 <@matches> It has stories! +17:08 <@matches> Parents should read this textbook to their children +17:09 < sulix> I'm pretty certain I know someone with a data structures and algorithms picture book... +17:09 <@matches> That reminds me of a children's book I wrote about multithreading +17:10 <@matches> I should probably scan it one day +17:10 < sulix> Did it begin "Once upa timeon... +17:10 <@matches> I think it did actually +17:10 <@matches> Once upon a time there was a process who had a lot of work to do... +17:11 <@matches> "I should probably scan it one day" - Why not TODAY! +17:11 * matches goes searching +17:16 <@matches> It is no where to be found +17:16 <@matches> I distinctly remember going to throw it out and deciding not to, but not where it actually went +17:27 <@matches> So maybe compiling a bunch of HFPA's examples using our Real type is a good way to make benchmarks +17:27 <@matches> I don't know +17:27 <@matches> My part of the project seems to move further and further away from the document formats thing +17:27 <@matches> Maybe I'll try and compile the GPU Paranoia +17:28 <@matches> Hah +17:34 <@matches> It seems like whatever Mathematica does is what we should do +17:35 <@matches> I wonder if wolfram is open about how Mathematica actually works +17:35 <@matches> I don't think they are +17:35 <@matches> The CQM lecturer for physics found a bug in Mathematica's number representation once that she showed us +17:35 <@matches> Apparently she reported it years ago and it's still there +17:36 <@matches> This segued nicely into why we should learn fortran