From: Sam Moore Date: Sat, 7 Sep 2013 17:00:07 +0000 (+0800) Subject: Automatic commit of irc logs X-Git-Url:;h=d552422dc4181fb797a2210d3d39e19a7417f100;p=matches%2FMCTX3420.git Automatic commit of irc logs --- diff --git a/irc/log b/irc/log index 84d928d..23c63a6 100644 --- a/irc/log +++ b/irc/log @@ -1970,3 +1970,29 @@ 20:04 < jtanx> FCGI_RejectJSON now requires that you give a description explaining why 20:05 < jtanx> when RejectJSOn is called, it's always logged along with the description, so some of the current log messages within the handler functions may be redundant 21:11 -!- jtanx [] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox 23.0.1/20130814063812]"] +--- Day changed Sat Sep 07 2013 +10:30 -!- jtanx [] has joined #mctxuwa_softdev +18:29 < jtanx> hmm +18:29 < jtanx> what if you had two file pointers to the same file +18:29 < jtanx> one read only, one write only +18:29 < jtanx> then if you also kept track of how many points were written to the file +18:29 < jtanx> you don't need to have mutexes anymore +18:30 < jtanx> as long as you write the read/write calls carefully +18:44 < jtanx> ahp, may have spoken too soon +18:44 < jtanx> you'd still need a mutex around the read/write from/to the counter +18:45 < jtanx> I think... +19:07 < jtanx> but it might still be a good idea +21:38 < jtanx> I went the simple route +21:53 < jtanx> what I've got: /api/sensors?id=x&from=y&count=z +21:54 < jtanx> In dump mode: +21:54 < jtanx> If from < 0, then return from start, else from the given index (0-indexed) +21:54 < jtanx> if count < 0, then return all points, else return /at most/ that many points +21:55 < jtanx> in normal mode: +21:55 < jtanx> if from < 0, then return from the end (return the most recent points) +21:55 < jtanx> if count < 0, then return at most the default amount (SENSOR_QUERYBUFSIZ) +21:56 < jtanx> otherwise return /at most/ that many points +21:56 < jtanx> oh ya, if from >= 0 then return from that indicated index +21:57 < jtanx> it's only in my git repository for now because I haven't tested it enough and I'm still not sure how I should go about integrating it with the current code +21:58 < jtanx> (I basically rewrote Sensor_Handler and it has less error checks on the input; not sure if they're necessary or not) +21:59 < jtanx> Since requesting a huge range could impact on sensor readings due to the mutex, it may be better to at least restrict dumps to when the experiment is not 'running' +22:01 -!- jtanx [] has quit ["~ that's it for now! ~"]