X-Git-Url: https://git.ucc.asn.au/?p=ipdf%2Fdocuments.git;a=blobdiff_plain;f=irc%2F%23ipdf.log;h=006da521b6f3b4b3eb87c2335e5e261c0e3a3695;hp=1fcd41cc16490fb8cd8d4599436453cc2d8abed2;hb=8321bff20882723b1ee6aecb4c9acb33c8c60aa4;hpb=9d978b63701be8b53c0252d1f199dbebee62b211 diff --git a/irc/#ipdf.log b/irc/#ipdf.log index 1fcd41c..006da52 100644 --- a/irc/#ipdf.log +++ b/irc/#ipdf.log @@ -3776,3 +3776,141 @@ 08:49 < matches> Well I should probably try Gmp rationals and Gmp floats before totally giving up I guess 08:49 < matches> And also those p-adic things 08:50 < matches> I never looked them up +--- Day changed Sun Aug 17 2014 +14:38 < matches> Hey Qt has a lot of stuff in it +14:38 < matches> They have their own iostreams that seem identical to std::iostream +14:39 < matches> It's kind of cool I guess except there are "Qs" everywhere +14:41 < matches> Ok we need a window icon +14:41 < matches> This is vital +15:54 < sulix> I've got SDL2 window icon setting code if you want it: https://github.com/sulix/omnispeak/blob/master/src/icon.c#L555 +16:04 < matches> Cool +16:39 < matches> I'm bringing in spaghetti +16:39 < matches> I mean Qt +16:40 < matches> In theory this means the Debug functions should have a mutex if we want to debug things in the Qt stuff +16:40 < matches> But in practice screw it +16:40 < matches> What could go wrong? +16:41 < matches> (Don't worry, I have a CONTROLPANEL_DISABLED define) +16:42 < matches> This View/Document/Screen thing could probably be tidied up a lot +16:42 < matches> But effort +16:42 < matches> I think I'll just give ControlPanel direct access to document, screen and view +16:42 < matches> Currently everything has to go through view +16:43 < matches> Which would make more sense if some of screen was in view maybe +16:43 < matches> Bah screw design +16:51 < matches> So now we have 4 main classes! +16:51 < matches> 4 x the fun! +17:29 < matches> Bargh Qt needs its own version of make +17:29 < matches> That's stupid +21:09 < matches> So +21:10 < matches> I have a mysterious LMS deadline that suddenly appeared +21:10 < matches> "Progres Report" +21:10 < matches> Description +21:10 < matches> "asadf" +21:10 < matches> Due +21:10 < matches> 19th August, 11:01PM +21:10 < matches> What +21:14 < sulix> Oh dear. +21:15 < matches> I have sent an email +21:15 < matches> I hope that's not the conference abstract +21:15 < matches> I also really hope we're allowed to use our own computer and things in the conference +21:16 < matches> Also I really hope that if I can use my own computer it doesn't decide to shit itself anyway just to spite me +--- Day changed Mon Aug 18 2014 +17:06 < matches> Good news and bad news! +17:07 < matches> The kerning now appears to kern in the right direction +17:07 < matches> But this means "BleedingCowboys.ttf" works +20:30 < sulix> It's a pain to look up clipping of beziers, because there's a separate technique for doing something else called "bézier clipping" +20:40 < matches> Baha +20:41 < matches> I'm basically just procrastinating with Qt +20:41 < matches> I mean +20:41 < matches> Doing *awesome* things with Qt +20:48 < sulix> I am looking with considerable envy at SolveQuadratic(). +20:49 < sulix> SolveCubic() will get very ugly. +20:49 < sulix> Assuming I don't just sample the cubic at 100 points and look for roots. +20:49 < matches> Haha +20:49 < matches> Newton Raphson? +20:50 < sulix> Very tempting. +20:50 < matches> Then you can solve any bezier! +20:50 < matches> Then we can put in Quintics! +20:50 < sulix> Solving cubics exactly is not fun. +20:50 < sulix> Dear god no. +20:50 < matches> Imagine how many loops a quintic could have... +20:51 * sulix cries quietly in the corner. +20:53 < matches> So I'm calling AddText with sane values and nothing is happening :( +20:56 < sulix> With or without quadtree? +20:56 < sulix> With quadtree, everything is broken if you try adding things. +20:56 < sulix> Because they won't be added to a node. +20:57 < matches> No quad trees I think +20:57 < matches> Yeah no quad tree +21:00 < matches> Wait I think we need to rebuild the buffers or something +21:07 < matches> Ah, ForceRenderDirty() +21:14 < matches> I don't think the scale of our text is quite right? +21:14 < sulix> Well, the scale of everything is wrong, but it's entirely possible that the text is _extra wrong_ +21:16 < sulix> In theory, the "scale" input to addText is the "height" of a character. +21:19 < matches> Mmm +21:19 < matches> I'm trying to add text relative to the current view +21:19 < matches> But it isn't consistent +21:19 < matches> When I go to a different view it is definitely not adding it in the same relative place +21:20 < matches> The scale and positions aren't *already* relative are they? +21:22 < sulix> Not to the view... +21:24 < matches> What are they relative to? +21:24 < matches> Anyway instead of fixing that bug I'm adding more +21:25 < sulix> Umm... The bounding box maybe? +21:25 * sulix investigates. +21:26 < sulix> Scale and position should (I think) be normal, document coordinates. +21:26 < matches> Odd +21:26 < matches> Oh well +21:26 < matches> Having Qt is totally worth it by the way +21:27 < matches> Although it is still slightly embarrassing that it has its own SVG parser +21:27 < matches> Ours is better! +21:27 < matches> It has Reals everywhere! +21:27 < matches> Except where it constructs Real from floats... +21:27 < matches> And converts them to floats... +21:28 < sulix> Thesis title should be "Keepin' it real: Staying afloat on the sea of document precision" +21:31 < matches> Bahaha +21:31 < matches> That is brilliant +21:32 < matches> The Qt stuff is never deleting anything +21:32 < matches> I suppose I should fix that at some point +21:33 < matches> So basically it is a state machine and you use the menu to change the state +21:33 < matches> Pressing OK does something depending on the state +21:34 < matches> And there is a single text edit you can type stuff into +21:34 < matches> In theory it can hide/show different widgets depending on the state +21:34 < matches> I feel like I should add a "Generate Thesis Title" widget now... +21:35 < matches> Also I can sort of see the appeal of lambdas for GUI programming now +21:35 < matches> But I have a feeling they would totally break Qt anyway +21:49 < matches> ... +21:49 < matches> Ok sometimes the text gets added upside down... +21:49 * sulix disclaims any and all responsibility for that. +21:51 < matches> Yes! +21:51 < matches> I finally did that thing I was saying I'd do for like 3 weeks +21:51 < matches> Zoom in to floating point limit +21:51 < matches> Add SVG +21:51 < matches> Watch it explode! +21:52 < sulix> Oooh... +21:52 < matches> It is glorious +21:54 < matches> We need to be a bit careful with thread safety in qt +21:55 < matches> Really we should be able to request that the qt thread call UpdateAll itself +21:55 < matches> Rather than calling it directly from the viewer thread +21:55 < matches> But I'm not sure how that's done +21:55 < matches> There's all this stuff about "Cross thread signals" on the internet +21:56 < matches> It seems you can hide/show things but not much else +22:47 < matches> Bah you pushed things! +22:55 * sulix proclaims the new features as excellent and promptly goes to bed. +--- Day changed Tue Aug 19 2014 +18:08 < matches> My conference is in the week starting 13th October +18:08 < matches> Is Tim back then? +18:08 < matches> "your supervisor will be invited to attend and mark your presentation" +18:09 < matches> So if he can't go... I don't get a mark? +18:12 < matches> It sounds suspiciously like they are going to get everyone's supervisors to mark them and then just scale everyone :S +18:13 < matches> Surely at least one other person is going to read the final report... +18:13 < matches> I've heard bad things about the engineering scaling system +18:14 < matches> Your mark becomes inversely proportional to how well your supervisor's students did the previous year or something like that +18:15 < matches> Anyway, two months left to accomplish something! +20:05 < sulix> Worked out why the font bounds were weird. +20:06 < sulix> AddText takes (msg, scale, x, y) not (msg, x, y, scale), so the coordinates were all bunk. +20:09 < sulix> Fonts looks _amazing_ with floating pt errors, too. +20:09 < sulix> http://davidgow.net/stuff/ipdf-i-think-you-mean-comic-fail.png +20:29 < sulix> The Art of Computer Programming briefly mentions the Stern-Brocot tree, btw. +20:29 < sulix> I can't see it being really useful, though. +21:06 < sulix> My difficulty clipping bézier paths may be because it is actually impossible. +21:06 < sulix> I think I've just found a paper saying that it is only possible for béziers which happen to be straight lines. +22:55 < sulix> Never mind, it is possible, it's just very nasty. +23:15 < sulix> Also C++14, because we need more lambdas: https://isocpp.org/blog/2014/08/we-have-cpp14