Arrive 9:30am - Curves have changed as before overnight - Maybe the act of evaporating "resets" the curve? - Try turning the sample holder around, wait ~1hour, turn back and see if curve changes - Control, before turning around: 101738.dat - Now we play the waiting game - Turn around at 112621.dat - Curves appear very similar => Conclude that the change in curve is due to the deposition of the Au layers - Try deposition of more Au - This time increase current. Previous depositions are too slow. 4.6A not enough? - Odd, because normally 3.5A is enough to be able to visibly see deposition after ~30min - The Au ball is not on the apex of the Tungsten wire; it is not receiving as much heat - Hopefully increasing the current will not destroy the filament - Curve shifts leftways then slowly shifts back - There are "double peaks" in the slope - Maybe I can focus the gun to get rid of them? - I did this already on 2012-09-27... but they came back! - Try anyway - Succeeded in getting "nice" curve, but current is 1x less! - Use it anyway - OK.... take control curves