.bst files Bibliography style files define the style of a bibliography source list. One specifies a /bibliography style/ in one's /LaTeX/ document with a line \bibliographystyle{/style/} where /style/ is the name of a .bst file (like one of those listed in the tables below) ... /but *without* the/ .bst /extension,/ e.g. the way to specify the author's favourite bibliography style is by \bibliographystyle{uwa} The standard bibliography styles are plain, unsrt, abbrv and alpha. A locally produced bibliography style is: uwa. It is most like abbrv. .bst files on our system The most important .bst files on our system are tabulated below .bst file Style description abbrv.bst <../bibtex/bst/base/abbrv.bst> Like plain.bst, except that entries are more compact because first names, month names and journal names are abbreviated alpha.bst <../bibtex/bst/base/alpha.bst> Like plain.bst, except that entry labels like `Knu66', formed from the author's name and the year of publication, are used. plain.bst <../bibtex/bst/base/plain.bst> This style is formatted more or less as suggested by Mary-Claire van Leunen in /A Handbook for Scholars / (Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1979). Entries are sorted alphabetically and are labelled with numbers. unsrt.bst <../bibtex/bst/base/unsrt.bst> Like plain.bst, except that entries appear in the order of their first citation. uwa.bst <../bibtexuwa/bst/uwa.bst> Like abbrv.bst, but sets off adjacent fields more, by using different fonts or punctuation. editiontype field added. Also uses \bysame (a horizontal line) in place of the author when subsequent references are by the same author(s). Now also has a url field. See the header of uwa.bst <../bibtexuwa/bst/uwa.bst> for a fuller description. uwab.bst <../bibtexuwa/bst/uwab.bst> Same as uwa.bst, but does not use \bysame. Other .bst files on our system .bst file Style description abbrvnat.bst <../bibtex/bst/natbib/abbrvnat.bst> Like plainnat.bst, except that entries are more compact because first names, month names and journal names are abbreviated. Used with the *natbib* /LaTeX/ package. abstract.bst <../bibtex/bst/misc/abstract.bst> Like alpha.bst, except with abstract field. acm.bst <../bibtex/bst/base/acm.bst> Like abbrv.bst, except names come out /Last, initials/, and in small caps. Some dates are parenthesised. For Assoc. for Computing Machinery. agsm.bst <../bibtex/bst/misc/agsm.bst> Like alpha.bst. Used with the *harvard* package. For Australian Government publications. apalike.bst <../bibtex/bst/base/apalike.bst> Like alpha.bst. Used with the *apalike* package. Variant of apa (American Psychology Assoc.) style. amsalpha.bst <../bibtex/bst/ams/amsalpha.bst> Like alpha.bst, except more an /AmS-TeX/ style. authordate1.bst <../bibtex/bst/authordate/authordate1.bst> Citations are of form: (Author, Year). In bibliography there is neither a number label (as for the plain style) nor an alpha label (as for the alpha style). Author's names are typeset in roman. Uppercase letters in article, journal and book titles are left as given in the .bib file. Used in conjunction with the *authordate1-4* /LaTeX/ package. authordate2.bst <../bibtex/bst/authordate/authordate2.bst> Like authordate1.bst, but with /downstyle/ titles, i.e. titles are lowercase except for the first letter, any letter following a colon, and letters protected by { and }. Used in conjunction with the *authordate1-4* /LaTeX/ package. authordate3.bst <../bibtex/bst/authordate/authordate3.bst> Like authordate1.bst, but with author's names in small capitals. Used in conjunction with the *authordate1-4* /LaTeX/ package. authordate4.bst <../bibtex/bst/authordate/authordate4.bst> Like authordate3.bst, but with /downstyle/ titles, i.e. titles are lowercase except for the first letter, any letter following a colon, and letters protected by { and }. Used in conjunction with the *authordate1-4* /LaTeX/ package. amsplain.bst <../bibtex/bst/ams/amsplain.bst> Like plain.bst, except more an /AmS-TeX/ style. chicago.bst <../bibtex/bst/chicago/chicago.bst> Like alpha.bst. Used with the *chicago* package. Variant of newapa (American Psychology Assoc.) style. chicagoa.bst <../bibtex/bst/chicago/chicagoa.bst> Like alpha.bst. Used with the *chicago* package. Variant of newapa (American Psychology Assoc.) style, that has annotation field. dcu.bst <../bibtex/bst/misc/dcu.bst> Like alpha.bst. Used with the *harvard* package. By Design Computing Unit (Sydney University). ieeetr.bst <../bibtex/bst/base/ieeetr.bst> Like plain.bst, with IEEE abbreviations. Article titles are in quotes, commas separate all fields except after booktitles and before notes. gerabbrv.bst <../bibtex/bst/germbib/gerabbrv.bst> Like gerplain.bst, except that entries are more compact because first names, month names and journal names are abbreviated. Used with the *bibgerm* package. geralpha.bst <../bibtex/bst/germbib/geralpha.bst> Like gerplain.bst, except that entry labels like `Knu66', formed from the author's name and the year of publication, are used. Used with the *bibgerm* package. gerapali.bst <../bibtex/bst/germbib/gerapali.bst> Like geralpha.bst. Variant of apa (American Psychology Assoc.) style. Used with the *bibgerm* package. gerplain.bst <../bibtex/bst/germbib/gerplain.bst> A German version of plain.bst. Used with the *bibgerm* package. gerunsrt.bst <../bibtex/bst/germbib/gerunsrt.bst> Like gerplain.bst, except that entries appear in the order of their first citation. Used with the *bibgerm* package. is-abbrv.bst <../bibtex/bst/is-base/is-abbrv.bst> Like abbrv.bst, except ISSN and ISBN fields added. is-alpha.bst <../bibtex/bst/is-base/is-alpha.bst> Like alpha.bst, except ISSN and ISBN fields added. is-plain.bst <../bibtex/bst/is-base/is-plain.bst> Like plain.bst, except ISSN and ISBN fields added. is-unsrt.bst <../bibtex/bst/is-base/is-unsrt.bst> Like unsrt.bst, except ISSN and ISBN fields added. jaumsb.bst <../bibtex/bst/aums/jaumsb.bst> A style most like abbrev.bst used for typesetting bibliographies for the *jaumsb* class (Journal of the Australian Mathematics Society - Series B). kluwer.bst <../bibtex/bst/misc/kluwer.bst> Like alpha.bst. Used with the *harvard* package. Kluwer Academic Publishers style. line.bst <../bibtex/bst/aums/line.bst> A style most like abbrev.bst used for typesetting bibliographies for the *jaumsa* class (Journal of the Australian Mathematics Society - Series A). ltugbib.bst <../bibtex/bst/misc/ltugbib.bst> Unkeyed and with initials following author names, but otherwise like abbrev.bst. Used with the *ltugboat* class. named.bst <../bibtex/bst/misc/named.bst> Similar to alpha.bst, except labels are of form [Author, Year]. Author's names are typeset in roman. Uppercase letters in article, journal and book titles are left as given in the .bib file. Used in conjunction with the *named* /LaTeX/ package. plainnat.bst <../bibtex/bst/natbib/plainnat.bst> Like plain.bst, except that citations appear in [Author, Year] form. Used with the *natbib* /LaTeX/ package. siam.bst <../bibtex/bst/misc/siam.bst> Like abbrv.bst, except names are in small caps, titles are in italics and commas separate all fields except notes. Style of Society of Industrial and Applied Maths. unsrtnat.bst <../bibtex/bst/natbib/unsrtnat.bst> Like plainnat.bst, except that entries appear in the order of their first citation. Used with the *natbib* /LaTeX/ package. HTML 3.2 Checked!