Backup - Adding AxWin0 to git, just so it's backed up
[tpg/acess2.git] / Usermode / Applications / axwin0_src / heap.c
1 /*\r
2 AcessOS Basic LibC\r
3 Malloc.c - Heap Manager\r
4 */\r
5 \r
6 #include "header.h"\r
7 \r
8 #define MAGIC   0xACE2ACED      //AcessOS1\r
9 #define MAGIC_FREE      (~MAGIC)        //AcessOS1\r
10 #define BLOCK_SIZE      16      //Minimum\r
11 \r
12 //Typedefs\r
13 typedef struct {\r
14         Uint    magic;\r
15         Uint    size;\r
16 }       heap_head;\r
17 typedef struct {\r
18         heap_head       *header;\r
19         Uint    magic;\r
20 }       heap_foot;\r
21 \r
22 //Globals\r
23 void    *heap_start = NULL;\r
24 void    *heap_end;\r
25 Uint    endHeap;\r
26 \r
27 //Prototypes\r
28 void *malloc(Uint bytes);\r
29 void free(void *mem);\r
30 void *realloc(Uint bytes, void *mem);\r
31 void *extendHeap(int bytes);\r
32 \r
33 //Code\r
34 /* Initialise Heap\r
35  */\r
36 void heap_init()\r
37 {\r
38         heap_start = (void*)( (gAxeHdr.loadto + gAxeHdr.length + 0xFFF) & 0xFFFFF000) ;\r
39         heap_end = heap_start;\r
40         extendHeap( gAxeHdr.maxmem );\r
41         endHeap = (Uint)heap_start + gAxeHdr.maxmem;\r
42 }\r
43 \r
44 void *malloc(Uint bytes)\r
45 {\r
46         Uint    bestSize;\r
47         Uint    closestMatch = 0;\r
48         Uint    bestMatchAddr = 0;\r
49         heap_head       *curBlock = heap_start;\r
50         \r
51         if(heap_start == NULL) {\r
52                 heap_init();\r
53                 curBlock = heap_start;\r
54         }\r
55         \r
56         bestSize = ((bytes+sizeof(heap_head)+sizeof(heap_foot))/BLOCK_SIZE+1)*BLOCK_SIZE;       //Round up to block size\r
57         \r
58         while((Uint)curBlock < (Uint)heap_end)\r
59         {\r
60                 if(curBlock->magic == MAGIC_FREE)\r
61                 {\r
62                         //foundFree = 1;\r
63                         if(curBlock->size == bestSize)\r
64                                 break;\r
65                         if(bestSize < curBlock->size && (curBlock->size < closestMatch || closestMatch == 0)) {\r
66                                 closestMatch = curBlock->size;\r
67                                 bestMatchAddr = (Uint)curBlock;\r
68                         }\r
69                 } else if(curBlock->magic != MAGIC) {\r
70                         //Corrupt Heap\r
71                         return NULL;\r
72                 }\r
73                 curBlock = (heap_head*)((Uint)curBlock + curBlock->size);\r
74         }\r
75         \r
76         if((Uint)curBlock < (Uint)heap_start) {\r
77                 //panic("malloc: Heap underrun for some reason\n");\r
78                 return NULL;\r
79         }\r
80         \r
81         //Found a perfect match\r
82         if((Uint)curBlock < (Uint)heap_end) {\r
83                 curBlock->magic = MAGIC;\r
84                 return (void*)((Uint)curBlock + sizeof(heap_head));\r
85         }\r
86         \r
87         //Out of Heap Space\r
88         if(!closestMatch)\r
89         {\r
90                 #if 0\r
91                 curBlock = extendHeap(bestSize);        //Allocate more\r
92                 if(curBlock == NULL) {\r
93                         //panic("malloc: Out of kernel heap memory\n");\r
94                         return NULL;\r
95                 }\r
96                 curBlock->magic = MAGIC;\r
97                 return (void*)((Uint)curBlock + sizeof(heap_head));\r
98                 #else\r
99                 return NULL;\r
100                 #endif\r
101         }\r
102         \r
103         //Split Block?\r
104         if(closestMatch - bestSize > BLOCK_SIZE) {\r
105                 heap_foot       *foot;\r
106                 curBlock = (heap_head*)bestMatchAddr;\r
107                 curBlock->magic = MAGIC;\r
108                 curBlock->size = bestSize;\r
109                 foot = (heap_foot*)(bestMatchAddr + bestSize - sizeof(heap_foot));\r
110                 foot->header = curBlock;\r
111                 foot->magic = MAGIC;\r
112 \r
113                 curBlock = (heap_head*)(bestMatchAddr + bestSize);\r
114                 curBlock->magic = MAGIC_FREE;\r
115                 curBlock->size = closestMatch - bestSize;\r
116                 \r
117                 foot = (heap_foot*)(bestMatchAddr + closestMatch - sizeof(heap_foot));\r
118                 foot->header = curBlock;\r
119                 \r
120                 ((heap_head*)bestMatchAddr)->magic = MAGIC;     //mark as used\r
121                 return (void*)(bestMatchAddr + sizeof(heap_head));\r
122         }\r
123         \r
124         //Don't Split the block\r
125         ((heap_head*)bestMatchAddr)->magic = MAGIC;\r
126         return (void*)(bestMatchAddr+sizeof(heap_head));\r
127 }\r
128 \r
129 /* Free previously allocated memory\r
130  */\r
131 void free(void *mem)\r
132 {\r
133         heap_head       *head = mem;\r
134         \r
135         if(head->magic != MAGIC)        //Valid Heap Address\r
136                 return;\r
137         \r
138         head->magic = MAGIC_FREE;\r
139         \r
140         //Unify Right\r
141         if((Uint)head + head->size < (Uint)heap_end)\r
142         {\r
143                 heap_head       *nextHead = (heap_head*)((Uint)head + head->size);\r
144                 if(nextHead->magic == MAGIC_FREE) {     //Is the next block free\r
145                         head->size += nextHead->size;   //Amalgamate\r
146                         nextHead->magic = 0;    //For Security\r
147                 }\r
148         }\r
149         //Unify Left\r
150         if((Uint)head - sizeof(heap_foot) > (Uint)heap_start)\r
151         {\r
152                 heap_head       *prevHead;\r
153                 heap_foot       *prevFoot = (heap_foot *)((Uint)head - sizeof(heap_foot));\r
154                 if(prevFoot->magic == MAGIC) {\r
155                         prevHead = prevFoot->header;\r
156                         if(prevHead->magic == MAGIC_FREE) {\r
157                                 prevHead->size += head->size;   //Amalgamate\r
158                                 head->magic = 0;        //For Security\r
159                         }\r
160                 }\r
161         }\r
162 }\r
163 \r
164 /* Create a new block at the end of the heap area\r
165  */\r
166 void *extendHeap(int bytes)\r
167 {\r
168         heap_head       *head = heap_end;\r
169         heap_foot       *foot = (heap_foot*)(((Uint)heap_end) + bytes-sizeof(heap_foot));\r
170         \r
171         //Create New Block\r
172         head->magic = MAGIC_FREE;       //Unallocated\r
173         head->size = bytes;\r
174         \r
175         foot->header = head;\r
176         foot->magic = MAGIC;\r
177         \r
178         //Combine with previous block if nessasary\r
179         if(heap_end != heap_start && ((heap_foot*)((Uint)heap_end-sizeof(heap_foot)))->magic == MAGIC) {\r
180                 heap_head       *tmpHead = ((heap_foot*)((Uint)heap_end-sizeof(heap_foot)))->header;\r
181                 if(tmpHead->magic == MAGIC_FREE) {\r
182                         tmpHead->size += bytes;\r
183                         foot->header = tmpHead;\r
184                         head = tmpHead;\r
185                 }\r
186         }\r
187         \r
188         heap_end = (void*) ((Uint)foot+sizeof(heap_foot));\r
189         return head;\r
190 }\r
191 \r
192 /* Reallocate a block of memory\r
193  */\r
194 void *realloc(Uint bytes, void *oldPos)\r
195 {\r
196         void *ret;\r
197         heap_head       *head;\r
198         \r
199         if(oldPos == NULL) {\r
200                 return malloc(bytes);\r
201         }\r
202         \r
203         //Check for free space after block\r
204         head = (heap_head*)((Uint)oldPos-sizeof(heap_head));\r
205         \r
206         //Hack to used free's amagamating algorithym and malloc's splitting\r
207         free(oldPos);\r
208         \r
209         //Allocate new memory\r
210         ret = malloc(bytes);\r
211         if(ret == NULL)\r
212                 return NULL;\r
213         \r
214         //Copy Old Data\r
215         if((Uint)ret != (Uint)oldPos)\r
216         {\r
217                 Uint    *in, *out;\r
218                 Uint    count;\r
219                 count = head->size - sizeof(heap_head) - sizeof(heap_foot);\r
220                 if((Uint)ret < (Uint)out)\r
221                 {\r
222                         out = ret;              in = oldPos;\r
223                         while(count--)  *out++ = *in++;\r
224                 }\r
225                 else\r
226                 {\r
227                         out = ret;              in = oldPos;\r
228                         out += count;   in += count;\r
229                         while(count--)  *--out = *--in;\r
230                 }\r
231         }\r
232         \r
233         //Return\r
234         return ret;\r
235 }\r

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