1 ; AcessOS Microkernel Version
12 ; CS = 0x08, Type = 32-bit Interrupt (0xE = 1 110)
13 times 256 dd 0x00080000,0x00000E00
16 dw 256 * 16 - 1 ; Limit
21 [global Desctab_Install]
25 ; - Set an IDT entry to an ISR
28 mov WORD [gIDT + %1*8], ax
30 mov WORD [gIDT + %1*8+6], ax
32 mov ax, WORD [gIDT + %1*8 + 4]
34 mov WORD [gIDT + %1*8 + 4], ax
36 ; Enable user calling of an ISR
38 or WORD [gIDT + %1*8 + 4], 0x6000
40 ; Set an ISR as a trap (leaves interrupts enabled when invoked)
42 or WORD [gIDT + %1*8 + 4], 0x0100
55 SET_TRAP 0xAC ; Interruptable
59 SETISR 0xED ; 0xED Inter-processor HALT
60 SETISR 0xEE ; 0xEE Timer
61 SETISR 0xEF ; 0xEF Spurious Interrupt
78 out dx, al ; Init Command
81 out dx, al ; Offset (Start of IDT Range)
83 out dx, al ; IRQ connected to Slave (00000100b) = IRQ2
91 out dx, al ; Init Command
94 out dx, al ; Offset (Start of IDT Range)
96 out dx, al ; IRQ Line connected to master
100 out dx, al ; Set Mode
141 ISR_NOERR 0; 0: Divide By Zero Exception
142 ISR_NOERR 1; 1: Debug Exception
143 ISR_NOERR 2; 2: Non Maskable Interrupt Exception
144 ISR_NOERR 3; 3: Int 3 Exception
145 ISR_NOERR 4; 4: INTO Exception
146 ISR_NOERR 5; 5: Out of Bounds Exception
147 ISR_NOERR 6; 6: Invalid Opcode Exception
148 ISR_NOERR 7; 7: Coprocessor Not Available Exception
149 ISR_ERRNO 8; 8: Double Fault Exception (With Error Code!)
150 ISR_NOERR 9; 9: Coprocessor Segment Overrun Exception
151 ISR_ERRNO 10; 10: Bad TSS Exception (With Error Code!)
152 ISR_ERRNO 11; 11: Segment Not Present Exception (With Error Code!)
153 ISR_ERRNO 12; 12: Stack Fault Exception (With Error Code!)
154 ISR_ERRNO 13; 13: General Protection Fault Exception (With Error Code!)
155 ISR_ERRNO 14; 14: Page Fault Exception (With Error Code!)
156 ISR_NOERR 15; 15: Reserved Exception
157 ISR_NOERR 16; 16: Floating Point Exception
158 ISR_NOERR 17; 17: Alignment Check Exception
159 ISR_NOERR 18; 18: Machine Check Exception
160 ISR_NOERR 19; 19: Reserved
161 ISR_NOERR 20; 20: Reserved
162 ISR_NOERR 21; 21: Reserved
163 ISR_NOERR 22; 22: Reserved
164 ISR_NOERR 23; 23: Reserved
165 ISR_NOERR 24; 24: Reserved
166 ISR_NOERR 25; 25: Reserved
167 ISR_NOERR 26; 26: Reserved
168 ISR_NOERR 27; 27: Reserved
169 ISR_NOERR 28; 28: Reserved
170 ISR_NOERR 29; 29: Reserved
171 ISR_NOERR 30; 30: Reserved
172 ISR_NOERR 31; 31: Reserved
174 DEF_SYSCALL 0xAC ; Acess System Call
178 ; 0xED - Interprocessor HALT
185 [extern SchedulerBase]
186 ; AP's Timer Interrupt
188 push eax ; Line up with interrupt number
189 mov eax, dr1 ; CPU Number
191 mov eax, [esp+4] ; Load EAX back
196 xchg bx, bx ; MAGIC BREAK
204 [extern SchedulerBase]
205 [extern SetAPICTimerCount]
207 push 0 ; Line up with Argument in errors
209 ;xchg bx, bx ; MAGIC BREAK
212 jmp SetAPICTimerCount ; This is reset once the bus speed has been calculated
223 [extern ReturnFromInterrupt]
224 ; ---------------------
225 ; Common error handling
226 ; ---------------------
227 [extern ErrorHandler]
237 ; and WORD [esp], 0xFEFF
250 jmp ReturnFromInterrupt
252 ; --------------------------
253 ; Common System Call Handler
254 ; --------------------------
255 [extern SyscallHandler]
267 ; Pass changes to TF on to the user
268 ; EFLAGS is stored at ESP[4+8+2+2]
269 ; 4 Segment Registers
271 ; 2 Error Code / Interrupt ID
275 and eax, 0x100 ; 0x100 = Trace Flag
276 and WORD [esp+(4+8+2+2)*4], ~0x100 ; Clear
277 or DWORD [esp+(4+8+2+2)*4], eax ; Set for user
279 jmp ReturnFromInterrupt
286 [global IRQCommon_handled]
287 IRQCommon_handled equ IRQCommon.handled
311 add esp, 8 ; Error Code and ID