5 # @purpose AVR Butterfly Datalogger control for Total Current Spectroscopy Measurements
6 # The AVR responds to a limited number of RS232 commands to read ADC channels and set the DAC
7 # This script can be used to control the DAC and monitor initial energy & sample current over RS232
18 # TODO: Insert variables for calibration purposes here.
20 "ADC_Counts" : [2**10,2**10,2**10,2**10,2**10,2**10,2**10], # Maxed counts on ADC channels (10 bits = 2**10 = 1024)
21 "DAC_Counts" : 2**12, # Maxed counts on DAC channel (12 bits = 2**12 = 4096)
23 # Calibration data for DAC and ADC
25 "ADC" : [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None],
27 # Data used for rough calibration if above data is not present
28 "Vref" : 3.3, # The output of the voltage regulator (Vref = Vcc) relative to signal ground
29 "ADC_Rin" : [None, None, None, None, 15000, 1100, 1100, 1100],
30 "ADC_Rvar" : [None, None, None, None, 1000, 5000, 10000, 50000],
34 # TODO: Adjust aqcuisition parameters here
35 aquire = { "DAC_Sweep" : "0.0 + 50.0*int(step)", # DAC Sweep value (t is in STEPS, not seconds!)
36 "ADC_Averages" : 2000,
37 #"ADC_Vi" : 5, # ADC channel to read back Vi (set by DAC) through
38 #"ADC_Is" : 4, # ADC channel to read back Is through
39 #"ADC_Ie" : 4, # ADC channel to read back Ie through
40 "DAC_Settle" : 0.0, # Time in seconds to wait for DAC to stabilise
41 #"response_wait" : 0.2, # Time to wait in seconds between sending data and reading back
46 #Setup the serial connection parameters
48 port="/dev/ttyUSB1", # Modify as needed (note: in linux need to run `sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyUSBX' to set permissions)
50 # Do not change the values below here (unless AVR butterfly is reprogrammed to use different values)
60 parameters = odict.odict([
61 ("Accelerating Voltage" , None),
62 ("Focus Voltage" , None),
63 ("Deflection Voltage" , None),
64 ("Venault Voltage" , None),
65 ("Initial Voltage" , None),
66 ("Heating Current" , None),
67 ("Heating Voltage" , None),
68 ("Chamber Pressure" , None),
71 ("610B Scale" , None),
73 ("602 0.1 Battery" , None),
74 ("602 0.03 Battery" , None),
75 ("602 0.01 Battery" , None),
76 ("602 0.003 Battery" , None),
77 ("602 0.001 Battery" , None),
78 ("ADC Regulator" , None),
80 ("Sample Angle", None),
84 ("Parameters last checked", None)
88 return str(datetime.datetime.now()).split(" ")[1].split(".")[0].replace(":","")
91 return str(datetime.datetime.now()).split(" ")[0]
93 # Used for when I press Control-C to stop things
94 def set_exit_handler(func):
98 win32api.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(func, True)
100 version = ".".join(map(str, sys.version_info[:2]))
101 raise Exception("pywin32 not installed for Python " + version)
104 signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, func)
105 signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, func)
107 def killed_handler(signal, frame):
109 sys.stdout.write("\n# Reason for killing program? ")
110 reason = sys.stdin.readline().strip("\r\n ")
111 for out in aquire["open_files"]:
112 sys.stdout.write("# Closing file " + str(out) + "\n")
113 out.write("# Recieved KILL signal.\n# Reason: " + str(reason) + "\n")
119 for out in aquire["open_files"]:
120 out.write("# Program exits.\n")
124 result = open(a, b,0)
126 result.write("# File opened at " + str(datetime.datetime.now()) + "\n")
127 aquire["open_files"].append(result)
130 def log_close(afile):
131 if (afile in aquire["open_files"]):
132 afile.write("# File closed at " + str(datetime.datetime.now()) + "\n")
133 aquire["open_files"].remove(afile)
140 #atexit.register(cleanup)
141 set_exit_handler(killed_handler)
143 aquire["start_date"] = getDate()
150 # print("Waiting for \"# hello\" from device...")
151 # while (ser.readline().strip("\r\n") != "# hello"):
153 #while (ser.readline().strip("\r\n ") != "#"):
157 ser.write("a "+str(aquire["ADC_Averages"]) + "\r\n")
158 print(ser.readline().strip("\r\n"))
159 print(ser.readline().strip("\r\n"))
160 print(ser.readline().strip("\r\n"))
162 #print("Writing config information to config.dat...")
163 #output = log_open("config.dat", "w", 1)
165 #output.write("# Initialise " + str(datetime.datetime.now()) + "\n")
167 #for field in calibrate:
168 # output.write("# calibrate["+str(field)+"] = "+str(calibrate[field]) + "\n")
170 #for field in aquire:
171 # output.write("# aquire["+str(field)+"] = "+str(aquire[field]) + "\n")
173 #output.write("# Ready " + str(datetime.datetime.now()) + "\n# EOF\n")
180 # I haven't ever used calibrated results, and yet this code is still here, why???
181 #if (loadCalibration_DAC() == False):
182 # if (calibrateDAC() == False):
184 #if (loadCalibration_ADC(aquire["ADC_Is"]) == False):
185 # if (calibrateADC_usingDAC(aquire["ADC_Is"], False) == False):
186 # if (calibrateADC(aquire["ADC_Is"]) == False):
189 #if (loadCalibration_ADC(aquire["ADC_Vi"]) == False):
190 # if (calibrateADC_usingDAC(aquire["ADC_Vi"], True) == False):
191 # if (calibrateADC(aquire["ADC_Vi"]) == False):
195 # Make directory for today, backup calibration files
196 os.system("mkdir -p " + getDate())
197 #os.system("cp *.dat " + getDate() +"/")
206 # TODO: Modify data to record here
209 os.system("mkdir -p " + getDate())
210 record_data([4, 5, 0], getDate()+"/"+str(getTime())+".dat", None, 4000)
216 input_file = log_open(getDate()+"/checklist", "r")
220 if (input_file != None):
221 for line in input_file:
225 item = k[0].strip("# \r\n")
226 value = k[1].strip("# \r\n")
228 if (item in parameters):
229 parameters[item] = value
231 print("Checklist found. Overwrite? [Y/n]")
232 response = sys.stdin.readline().strip(" \r\n")
233 if (response == "" or response == "y" or response == "Y"):
234 input_file = log_open(getDate()+"/checklist.old", "w")
235 for item in parameters:
236 input_file.write("# " + str(item) + " = " + str(parameters[item]) + "\n")
237 input_file.write("\n")
238 log_close(input_file)
241 if (input_file == None):
242 for item in parameters:
243 if item == "Parameters last checked":
245 sys.stdout.write("\""+str(item)+"\" = " + str(parameters[item]) + " New value?: ")
246 response = sys.stdin.readline().strip("\r\n ")
248 parameters[item] = response
249 sys.stdout.write("\n")
250 parameters["Parameters last checked"] = str(datetime.datetime.now())
253 checklist = log_open(getDate()+"/checklist", "w")
254 for item in parameters:
255 checklist.write("# "+str(item) + " = " + str(parameters[item]) + "\n")
256 #output_file.write("# "+str(item) + " = " + str(parameters[item]) + "\n")
260 def record_data(ADC_channels, output, pollTime = None, dac_max = None):
263 output = [log_open(output, "w"), sys.stdout]
265 output = [sys.stdout]
269 out.write("# aquire["+str(field)+"] = "+str(aquire[field]) + "\n")
272 out.write("# Parameters:\n")
274 for field in parameters:
276 out.write("# "+str(field)+" = " + str(parameters[field]) + "\n")
279 start_time = time.time()
283 out.write("# Experiment " + str(datetime.datetime.now()) + "\n")
284 out.write("# Polling for " + str(pollTime) + "s.\n")
286 out.write("# Data:\n")
287 out.write("# time\tDAC")
288 for channel in ADC_channels:
289 out.write("\tADC"+str(channel))
293 dacValue = int(eval(aquire["DAC_Sweep"]))
294 if (setDAC(dacValue) == False):
296 while (pollTime == None or time.time() < start_time + pollTime):
297 if (aquire["DAC_Sweep"] != None):
298 nextDacValue = int(eval(aquire["DAC_Sweep"]))
299 if (nextDacValue != dacValue):
300 dacValue = nextDacValue
307 if (dac_max != None and dacValue >= dac_max):
310 measure_start = time.time()
314 for channel in ADC_channels:
315 read = readADC(channel)
318 print("# Abort data collection due to failed ADC read")
319 if out != sys.stdout:
322 raw_adc.append((channel, read[0], read[1]))
324 end_time = time.time()
327 out.write(str((measure_start + (end_time - measure_start)/2.0 - start_time)))
328 out.write("\t"+str(dacValue))
330 out.write("\t" + str(adc[1]) + "\t" + str(adc[2]))
335 if out != sys.stdout:
339 def loadCalibration_ADC(channel):
341 input_file = log_open("calibrateADC"+str(channel)+".dat")
343 print("Couldn't find calibration file for ADC " + str(channel))
346 calibrate["ADC"][channel] = []
348 l = l.split("#")[0].strip("\r\n ")
352 split_line = l.split("\t")
353 calibrate["ADC"][channel].append((float(split_line[0]), float(split_line[1])))
354 log_close(input_file)
356 if (len(calibrate["ADC"][channel]) <= 0):
357 print("Empty calibration file for ADC " + str(channel))
361 def loadCalibration_DAC():
363 input_file = log_open("calibrateDAC.dat")
365 print("Couldn't find calibration file for DAC")
368 calibrate["DAC"] = []
370 #print("Line is: "+str(l))
371 l = l.split("#")[0].strip("\r\n ")
375 split_line = l.split("\t")
376 if (len(split_line) >= 3):
377 calibrate["DAC"].append((int(split_line[0]), float(split_line[1]), float(split_line[2])))
379 calibrate["DAC"].append((int(split_line[0]), float(split_line[1])))
382 log_close(input_file)
384 if (len(calibrate["DAC"]) <= 0):
385 print("Empty calibration file for DAC")
389 def getADC_Voltage(channel, counts):
390 if (calibrate["ADC"][channel] == None or len(calibrate["ADC"][channel]) <= 0):
391 if (calibrate["ADC_Rin"][channel] != None and calibrate["ADC_Rvar"][channel] != None):
392 print("Warning: Using rough calibration for ADC"+str(channel) + " = " + str(counts))
393 ratio = float(calibrate["ADC_Rin"][channel]) / (float(calibrate["ADC_Rin"][channel]) + float(calibrate["ADC_Rvar"][channel]))
394 return ratio * (float(counts) / float(calibrate["ADC_Counts"][channel]) * Vref)
396 print("Error: No calibration for ADC"+str(channel))
399 c = calibrate["ADC"][channel]
401 for i in range(0, len(c)-1):
402 if (c[i][0] <= counts and i + 1 < len(c)):
403 grad = (float(c[i+1][valueIndex]) - float(c[i][valueIndex])) / (float(c[i+1][0]) - float(c[i][0]))
404 value = float(c[i][valueIndex]) + grad * (float(counts) - float(c[i][0]))
408 print("Warning: Extrapolating outside calibration range for DAC = " + str(counts))
410 grad = (float(c[len(c)-1][valueIndex]) - float(c[len(c)-2][valueIndex])) / (float(c[len(c)-1][0]) - float(c[len(c)-2][0]))
411 value = float(c[len(c)-1][valueIndex]) + grad * (float(counts) - float(c[len(c)-1][0]))
413 def readADC(channel):
414 #for i in range(0, aquire["ADC_Averages"]):
415 # ser.write("r "+str(channel)+"\r") # Send command to datalogger
416 #time.sleep(aquire["response_wait"])
417 # response = ser.readline().strip("#\r\n ")
418 # if (response != "r "+str(channel)):
419 # print("Received wierd response reading ADC ("+response+")")
421 #time.sleep(aquire["response_wait"])
422 # values.append(int(ser.readline().strip("\r\n ")))
423 # adc_sum += float(values[len(values)-1])
424 ser.write("r "+str(channel)+"\r")
425 response = ser.readline().strip("#\r\n")
426 if (response != "r "+str(channel)):
427 print("Received wierd response reading ADC ("+response+")")
429 return ser.readline().strip("\r\n").split(" ")
431 def getDAC_Voltage(counts, gain = True):
432 if (calibrate["DAC"] == None or len(calibrate["DAC"]) <= 0):
433 if (calibrate["DAC_Gain"] != None):
434 print("Warning: Using rough calibration for DAC = " + str(counts))
435 return float(counts) / float(calibrate["DAC_Counts"]) * float(calibrate["Vref"]) * float(calibrate["DAC_Gain"])
437 print("Error: No calibrate for DAC")
443 if (len(calibrate["DAC"][0]) < 3):
444 print("Error: No data for unamplified DAC")
449 print("Warning: Only one point in calibration data!")
450 return float(c[0][valueIndex])
452 for i in range(0, len(c)-1):
453 if (c[i][0] <= counts and i + 1 < len(c)):
454 grad = (float(c[i+1][valueIndex]) - float(c[i][valueIndex])) / (float(c[i+1][0]) - float(c[i][0]))
455 value = float(c[i][valueIndex]) + grad * (float(counts) - float(c[i][0]))
459 print("Warning: Extrapolating outside calibration range for DAC = " + str(counts))
461 grad = (float(c[len(c)-1][valueIndex]) - float(c[len(c)-2][valueIndex])) / (float(c[len(c)-1][0]) - float(c[len(c)-2][0]))
462 value = float(c[len(c)-1][valueIndex]) + grad * (float(counts) - float(c[len(c)-1][0]))
468 ser.write("d "+str(level)+"\r")
470 response = ser.readline().strip("#\r\n ")
471 if (response != "d "+str(level)):
472 print("Recieved wierd response setting DAC to "+str(level) + " ("+response+")")
474 #time.sleep(aquire["response_wait"])
475 #time.sleep(aquire["DAC_Settle"])
476 #time.sleep(aquire["DAC_Settle"])
477 response = ser.readline().strip("#\r\n ")
478 if (response != "DAC "+str(level)):
479 print("Recieved wierd response setting DAC to "+str(level) + " ("+response+")")
481 #time.sleep(aquire["response_wait"])
482 time.sleep(aquire["DAC_Settle"])
485 def calibrateADC_usingDAC(channel, gain = True):
486 if (calibrate["DAC"] == None):
487 print("ERROR: DAC is not calibrated, can't use to calibrate ADC!")
490 calibrate["ADC"][channel] = []
491 outfile = log_open("calibrateADC"+str(channel)+".dat", "w")
492 outfile.write("# Calibrate ADC " + str(channel) + "\n")
493 outfile.write("# Start " + str(datetime.datetime.now()) + "\n")
495 print("Connect DAC output to ADC " + str(channel) + " and press enter\n")
498 for dac in calibrate["DAC"]:
499 if (setDAC(dac[0]) == False):
502 value = readADC(channel)
505 canadd = (len(calibrate["ADC"][channel]) <= 0)
506 if (canadd == False):
508 for adc in calibrate["ADC"][channel]:
509 if adc[0] == value[0]:
520 #input_value = getDAC_Voltage(dac[0], gain)
521 if (input_value == False):
524 outfile.write(str(value[0]) + "\t" + str(input_value) + "\t" + str(value[1]) + "\n")
525 print(str(value[0]) + "\t" + str(input_value) + "\t" + str(value[1]))
527 calibrate["ADC"][channel].append((value[0], input_value, value[1]))
529 outfile.write("# Stop " + str(datetime.datetime.now()) + "\n# EOF\n")
531 if (setDAC(0) == False):
533 if (len(calibrate["ADC"][channel]) <= 0):
534 print("Error: No calibration points taken for ADC " + str(channel))
538 def calibrateADC(channel):
539 calibrate["ADC"][channel] = []
540 outfile = log_open("calibrateADC"+str(channel)+".dat", "w")
541 outfile.write("# Calibrate ADC " + str(channel) + "\n")
542 outfile.write("# Start " + str(datetime.datetime.now()) + "\n")
544 print("Calibrating ADC...\n")
545 print("Enter measured voltage, empty line stops.\n")
548 read = sys.stdin.readline().strip("\r\n ")
551 input_value = float(read)
552 output_value = readADC(channel)
553 if (output_value == False):
556 calibrate["ADC"][channel].append((output_value[0], input_value))
557 print(str(output_value[0]) + "\t" + str(input_value))
559 calibrate["ADC"][channel].sort(lambda e : e[1], reverse = False)
564 outfile.write("# Stop " + str(datetime.datetime.now()) + "\n# EOF\n")
566 if (len(calibrate["ADC"][channel]) <= 0):
567 print("Error: No calibration points taken for ADC " + str(channel))
573 calibrate["DAC"] = []
575 outfile = log_open("calibrateDAC.dat", "w")
576 outfile.write("# Calibrate DAC\n")
577 outfile.write("# Start " + str(datetime.datetime.now()) + "\n")
579 print("Calibrating DAC...")
580 sys.stdout.write("Number of counts to increment per step: ")
581 read = sys.stdin.readline().strip("\r\n")
584 stepSize = max(1, int(read))
585 sys.stdout.write("\n")
587 outfile.write("# Increment by " + str(stepSize) + "\n")
588 print("Input measured DAC voltage for each level; empty input ends calibration.")
589 print("You may optionally input the DAC voltage before it is amplified too.")
592 while (level < calibrate["DAC_Counts"]):
596 sys.stdout.write(str(level) + " ?")
597 read = sys.stdin.readline().strip("\r\n ")
601 read = read.split(" ")
602 if (len(calibrate["DAC"]) > 0 and len(calibrate["DAC"][len(calibrate["DAC"])-1]) != len(read)):
603 print("Either give one value for EVERY point, or two values for EVERY point. Don't mess around.")
606 calibrate["DAC"].append((level, float(read[0]), float(read[1])))
607 outfile.write(str(level) + "\t" + str(float(read[0])) + "\t" + str(float(read[1])) + "\n")
609 calibrate["DAC"].append((level, float(read[0])))
610 outfile.write(str(level) + "\t" + str(float(read[0])) + "\n")
616 outfile.write("# Stop " + str(datetime.datetime.now()) + "\n# EOF\n")
618 if (len(calibrate["DAC"]) <= 0):
619 print("Error: No calibration points taken for DAC")
623 # Run the main function
624 if __name__ == "__main__":