1 // Win32++ Version 7.3
2 // Released: 30th November 2011
6 // url: https://sourceforge.net/projects/win32-framework
9 // Copyright (c) 2005-2011 David Nash
11 // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to
12 // any person obtaining a copy of this software and
13 // associated documentation files (the "Software"),
14 // to deal in the Software without restriction, including
15 // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify,
16 // merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
17 // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom
18 // the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
19 // following conditions:
21 // The above copyright notice and this permission notice
22 // shall be included in all copies or substantial portions
35 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
38 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
40 // Declaration of the CDocker class
42 #ifndef _WIN32XX_DOCKING_H_
43 #define _WIN32XX_DOCKING_H_
46 #include "wincore.h"
48 #include "toolbar.h"
51 #include "default_resource.h"
55 #define DS_DOCKED_LEFT 0x0001 // Dock the child left
56 #define DS_DOCKED_RIGHT 0x0002 // Dock the child right
57 #define DS_DOCKED_TOP 0x0004 // Dock the child top
58 #define DS_DOCKED_BOTTOM 0x0008 // Dock the child bottom
59 #define DS_NO_DOCKCHILD_LEFT 0x0010 // Prevent a child docking left
60 #define DS_NO_DOCKCHILD_RIGHT 0x0020 // Prevent a child docking right
61 #define DS_NO_DOCKCHILD_TOP 0x0040 // Prevent a child docking at the top
62 #define DS_NO_DOCKCHILD_BOTTOM 0x0080 // Prevent a child docking at the bottom
63 #define DS_NO_RESIZE 0x0100 // Prevent resizing
64 #define DS_NO_CAPTION 0x0200 // Prevent display of caption when docked
65 #define DS_NO_CLOSE 0x0400 // Prevent closing of a docker while docked
66 #define DS_NO_UNDOCK 0x0800 // Prevent undocking and dock closing
67 #define DS_CLIENTEDGE 0x1000 // Has a 3D border when docked
68 #define DS_FIXED_RESIZE 0x2000 // Perfomed a fixed resize instead of a proportional resize on dock children
69 #define DS_DOCKED_CONTAINER 0x4000 // Dock a container within a container
70 #define DS_DOCKED_LEFTMOST 0x10000 // Leftmost outer docking
71 #define DS_DOCKED_RIGHTMOST 0x20000 // Rightmost outer docking
72 #define DS_DOCKED_TOPMOST 0x40000 // Topmost outer docking
73 #define DS_DOCKED_BOTTOMMOST 0x80000 // Bottommost outer docking
75 // Required for Dev-C++
76 #ifndef TME_NONCLIENT
77 #define TME_NONCLIENT 0x00000010
80 #define TME_LEAVE 0x000000002
83 #define WM_NCMOUSELEAVE 0x000002A2
88 // Class declarations
89 class CDockContainer;
92 typedef Shared_Ptr<CDocker> DockPtr;
94 struct ContainerInfo
98 CDockContainer* pContainer;
101 ///////////////////////////////////////
102 // Declaration of the CDockContainer class
103 // A CDockContainer is a CTab window. A CTab has a view window, and optionally a toolbar control.
104 // A top level CDockContainer can contain other CDockContainers. The view for each container
105 // (including the top level container) along with possibly its toolbar, is displayed
106 // within the container parent's view page.
107 class CDockContainer : public CTab
111 // Nested class. This is the Wnd for the window displayed over the client area
112 // of the tab control. The toolbar and view window are child windows of the
113 // viewpage window. Only the ViewPage of the parent CDockContainer is displayed. It's
114 // contents are updated with the view window of the relevant container whenever
115 // a different tab is selected.
116 class CViewPage : public CWnd
120 CViewPage() : m_pView(NULL), m_pTab(NULL) {}
121 virtual ~CViewPage() {}
122 virtual CToolBar& GetToolBar() const {return (CToolBar&)m_ToolBar;}
123 virtual CWnd* GetView() const {return m_pView;}
124 virtual BOOL OnCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
125 virtual void OnCreate();
126 virtual LRESULT OnNotify(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
127 virtual void PreRegisterClass(WNDCLASS &wc);
128 virtual void RecalcLayout();
129 virtual void SetView(CWnd& wndView);
130 virtual LRESULT WndProcDefault(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
132 CWnd* GetTabCtrl() const { return m_pTab;}
135 CToolBar m_ToolBar;
136 CString m_strTooltip;
143 virtual ~CDockContainer();
144 virtual void AddContainer(CDockContainer* pContainer);
145 virtual void AddToolBarButton(UINT nID, BOOL bEnabled = TRUE);
146 virtual CDockContainer* GetContainerFromIndex(UINT nPage);
147 virtual CDockContainer* GetContainerFromView(CWnd* pView) const;
148 virtual int GetContainerIndex(CDockContainer* pContainer);
149 virtual SIZE GetMaxTabTextSize();
150 virtual CViewPage& GetViewPage() const { return (CViewPage&)m_ViewPage; }
151 virtual void RecalcLayout();
152 virtual void RemoveContainer(CDockContainer* pWnd);
153 virtual void SelectPage(int nPage);
154 virtual void SetTabSize();
155 virtual void SetupToolBar();
158 CDockContainer* GetActiveContainer() const {return GetContainerFromView(GetActiveView());}
159 CWnd* GetActiveView() const;
160 std::vector<ContainerInfo>& GetAllContainers() const {return m_pContainerParent->m_vContainerInfo;}
161 CDockContainer* GetContainerParent() const { return m_pContainerParent; }
162 CString& GetDockCaption() const { return (CString&)m_csCaption; }
163 HICON GetTabIcon() const { return m_hTabIcon; }
164 LPCTSTR GetTabText() const { return m_strTabText; }
165 virtual CToolBar& GetToolBar() const { return GetViewPage().GetToolBar(); }
166 CWnd* GetView() const { return GetViewPage().GetView(); }
167 void SetActiveContainer(CDockContainer* pContainer);
168 void SetDockCaption(LPCTSTR szCaption) { m_csCaption = szCaption; }
169 void SetTabIcon(HICON hTabIcon) { m_hTabIcon = hTabIcon; }
170 void SetTabIcon(UINT nID_Icon);
171 void SetTabIcon(int i, HICON hIcon) { CTab::SetTabIcon(i, hIcon); }
172 void SetTabText(LPCTSTR szText) { m_strTabText = szText; }
173 void SetTabText(UINT nTab, LPCTSTR szText);
174 void SetView(CWnd& Wnd);
177 virtual void OnCreate();
178 virtual void OnLButtonDown(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
179 virtual void OnLButtonUp(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
180 virtual void OnMouseLeave(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
181 virtual LRESULT OnNotifyReflect(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
182 virtual void PreCreate(CREATESTRUCT &cs);
183 virtual LRESULT WndProcDefault(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
186 std::vector<ContainerInfo> m_vContainerInfo;
187 CString m_strTabText;
188 CString m_csCaption;
189 CViewPage m_ViewPage;
190 int m_iCurrentPage;
191 CDockContainer* m_pContainerParent;
197 typedef struct DRAGPOS
205 /////////////////////////////////////////
206 // Declaration of the CDocker class
207 // A CDocker window allows other CDocker windows to be "docked" inside it.
208 // A CDocker can dock on the top, left, right or bottom side of a parent CDocker.
209 // There is no theoretical limit to the number of CDockers within CDockers.
210 class CDocker : public CWnd
213 // A nested class for the splitter bar that seperates the docked panes.
214 class CDockBar : public CWnd
218 virtual ~CDockBar();
219 virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pDC);
220 virtual void PreCreate(CREATESTRUCT &cs);
221 virtual void PreRegisterClass(WNDCLASS& wc);
222 virtual void SendNotify(UINT nMessageID);
223 virtual void SetColor(COLORREF color);
224 virtual LRESULT WndProcDefault(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
226 CDocker* GetDock() {return m_pDock;}
227 int GetWidth() {return m_DockBarWidth;}
228 void SetDock(CDocker* pDock) {m_pDock = pDock;}
229 void SetWidth(int nWidth) {m_DockBarWidth = nWidth;}
232 CDockBar(const CDockBar&); // Disable copy construction
233 CDockBar& operator = (const CDockBar&); // Disable assignment operator
237 CBrush m_brBackground;
238 int m_DockBarWidth;
241 // A nested class for the window inside a CDocker which includes all of this docked client.
242 // It's the remaining part of the CDocker that doesn't belong to the CDocker's children.
243 // The Docker's view window is a child window of CDockClient.
244 class CDockClient : public CWnd
248 virtual ~CDockClient() {}
249 virtual void Draw3DBorder(RECT& Rect);
250 virtual void DrawCaption(WPARAM wParam);
251 virtual void DrawCloseButton(CDC& DrawDC, BOOL bFocus);
252 virtual CRect GetCloseRect();
253 virtual void SendNotify(UINT nMessageID);
255 CString& GetCaption() const { return (CString&)m_csCaption; }
256 CWnd* GetView() const { return m_pView; }
257 void SetDock(CDocker* pDock) { m_pDock = pDock;}
258 void SetCaption(LPCTSTR szCaption) { m_csCaption = szCaption; }
259 void SetCaptionColors(COLORREF Foregnd1, COLORREF Backgnd1, COLORREF ForeGnd2, COLORREF BackGnd2);
260 void SetClosePressed() { m_IsClosePressed = TRUE; }
261 void SetView(CWnd& Wnd) { m_pView = &Wnd; }
264 virtual void OnLButtonDown(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
265 virtual void OnLButtonUp(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
266 virtual void OnMouseActivate(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
267 virtual void OnMouseMove(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
268 virtual void OnNCCalcSize(WPARAM& wParam, LPARAM& lParam);
269 virtual LRESULT OnNCHitTest(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
270 virtual LRESULT OnNCLButtonDown(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
271 virtual void OnNCMouseLeave(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
272 virtual LRESULT OnNCMouseMove(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
273 virtual LRESULT OnNCPaint(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
274 virtual void OnWindowPosChanged(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
275 virtual void PreRegisterClass(WNDCLASS& wc);
276 virtual void PreCreate(CREATESTRUCT& cs);
277 virtual LRESULT WndProcDefault(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
280 CDockClient(const CDockClient&); // Disable copy construction
281 CDockClient& operator = (const CDockClient&); // Disable assignment operator
283 CString m_csCaption;
287 BOOL m_IsClosePressed;
289 BOOL m_bCaptionPressed;
291 COLORREF m_Foregnd1;
292 COLORREF m_Backgnd1;
293 COLORREF m_Foregnd2;
294 COLORREF m_Backgnd2;
297 // This nested class is used to indicate where a window could dock by
298 // displaying a blue tinted window.
299 class CDockHint : public CWnd
303 virtual ~CDockHint();
304 virtual RECT CalcHintRectContainer(CDocker* pDockTarget);
305 virtual RECT CalcHintRectInner(CDocker* pDockTarget, CDocker* pDockDrag, UINT uDockSide);
306 virtual RECT CalcHintRectOuter(CDocker* pDockDrag, UINT uDockSide);
307 virtual void DisplayHint(CDocker* pDockTarget, CDocker* pDockDrag, UINT uDockSide);
308 virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pDC);
309 virtual void PreCreate(CREATESTRUCT &cs);
310 virtual void ShowHintWindow(CDocker* pDockTarget, CRect rcHint);
313 CDockHint(const CDockHint&); // Disable copy construction
314 CDockHint& operator = (const CDockHint&); // Disable assignment operator
316 CBitmap m_bmBlueTint;
317 UINT m_uDockSideOld;
320 class CTarget : public CWnd
324 virtual ~CTarget();
325 virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pDC);
326 virtual void PreCreate(CREATESTRUCT &cs);
332 CTarget(const CTarget&); // Disable copy construction
333 CTarget& operator = (const CTarget&); // Disable assignment operator
336 class CTargetCentre : public CTarget
340 virtual ~CTargetCentre();
341 virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pDC);
342 virtual void OnCreate();
343 virtual BOOL CheckTarget(LPDRAGPOS pDragPos);
344 BOOL IsOverContainer() { return m_bIsOverContainer; }
347 CTargetCentre(const CTargetCentre&); // Disable copy construction
348 CTargetCentre& operator = (const CTargetCentre&); // Disable assignment operator
350 BOOL m_bIsOverContainer;
351 CDocker* m_pOldDockTarget;
354 class CTargetLeft : public CTarget
357 CTargetLeft() {m_bmImage.LoadImage(IDW_SDLEFT,0,0,0);}
358 virtual BOOL CheckTarget(LPDRAGPOS pDragPos);
361 CTargetLeft(const CTargetLeft&); // Disable copy construction
362 CTargetLeft& operator = (const CTargetLeft&); // Disable assignment operator
365 class CTargetTop : public CTarget
368 CTargetTop() {m_bmImage.LoadImage(IDW_SDTOP,0,0,0);}
369 virtual BOOL CheckTarget(LPDRAGPOS pDragPos);
371 CTargetTop(const CTargetTop&); // Disable copy construction
372 CTargetTop& operator = (const CTargetTop&); // Disable assignment operator
375 class CTargetRight : public CTarget
378 CTargetRight() {m_bmImage.LoadImage(IDW_SDRIGHT,0,0,0);}
379 virtual BOOL CheckTarget(LPDRAGPOS pDragPos);
382 CTargetRight(const CTargetRight&); // Disable copy construction
383 CTargetRight& operator = (const CTargetRight&); // Disable assignment operator
386 class CTargetBottom : public CTarget
389 CTargetBottom() {m_bmImage.LoadImage(IDW_SDBOTTOM,0,0,0);}
390 virtual BOOL CheckTarget(LPDRAGPOS pDragPos);
393 friend class CTargetCentre;
394 friend class CTargetLeft;
395 friend class CTargetTop;
396 friend class CTargetRight;
397 friend class CTargetBottom;
398 friend class CDockClient;
399 friend class CDockContainer;
404 virtual ~CDocker();
405 virtual CDocker* AddDockedChild(CDocker* pDocker, DWORD dwDockStyle, int DockSize, int nDockID = 0);
406 virtual CDocker* AddUndockedChild(CDocker* pDocker, DWORD dwDockStyle, int DockSize, RECT rc, int nDockID = 0);
407 virtual void Close();
408 virtual void CloseAllDockers();
409 virtual void Dock(CDocker* pDocker, UINT uDockSide);
410 virtual void DockInContainer(CDocker* pDock, DWORD dwDockStyle);
411 virtual CDockContainer* GetContainer() const;
412 virtual CDocker* GetActiveDocker() const;
413 virtual CDocker* GetDockAncestor() const;
414 virtual CDocker* GetDockFromID(int n_DockID) const;
415 virtual CDocker* GetDockFromPoint(POINT pt) const;
416 virtual CDocker* GetDockFromView(CWnd* pView) const;
417 virtual CDocker* GetTopmostDocker() const;
418 virtual int GetDockSize() const;
419 virtual CTabbedMDI* GetTabbedMDI() const;
420 virtual int GetTextHeight();
421 virtual void Hide();
422 virtual BOOL LoadRegistrySettings(LPCTSTR szRegistryKeyName);
423 virtual void RecalcDockLayout();
424 virtual BOOL SaveRegistrySettings(LPCTSTR szRegistryKeyName);
425 virtual void Undock(CPoint pt, BOOL bShowUndocked = TRUE);
426 virtual void UndockContainer(CDockContainer* pContainer, CPoint pt, BOOL bShowUndocked);
427 virtual BOOL VerifyDockers();
430 virtual CDockBar& GetDockBar() const {return (CDockBar&)m_DockBar;}
431 virtual CDockClient& GetDockClient() const {return (CDockClient&)m_DockClient;}
432 virtual CDockHint& GetDockHint() const {return m_pDockAncestor->m_DockHint;}
435 std::vector <DockPtr> & GetAllDockers() const {return GetDockAncestor()->m_vAllDockers;}
436 int GetBarWidth() const {return GetDockBar().GetWidth();}
437 CString& GetCaption() const {return GetDockClient().GetCaption();}
438 std::vector <CDocker*> & GetDockChildren() const {return (std::vector <CDocker*> &)m_vDockChildren;}
439 int GetDockID() const {return m_nDockID;}
440 CDocker* GetDockParent() const {return m_pDockParent;}
441 DWORD GetDockStyle() const {return m_DockStyle;}
442 CWnd* GetView() const {return GetDockClient().GetView();}
443 BOOL IsChildOfDocker(CWnd* pWnd) const;
444 BOOL IsDocked() const;
445 BOOL IsDragAutoResize();
446 BOOL IsRelated(CWnd* pWnd) const;
447 BOOL IsUndocked() const;
448 void SetBarColor(COLORREF color) {GetDockBar().SetColor(color);}
449 void SetBarWidth(int nWidth) {GetDockBar().SetWidth(nWidth);}
450 void SetCaption(LPCTSTR szCaption);
451 void SetCaptionColors(COLORREF Foregnd1, COLORREF Backgnd1, COLORREF ForeGnd2, COLORREF BackGnd2);
452 void SetCaptionHeight(int nHeight);
453 void SetDockStyle(DWORD dwDockStyle);
454 void SetDockSize(int DockSize);
455 void SetDragAutoResize(BOOL bAutoResize);
456 void SetView(CWnd& wndView);
459 virtual CDocker* NewDockerFromID(int idDock);
460 virtual void OnActivate(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
461 virtual void OnCaptionTimer(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
462 virtual void OnCreate();
463 virtual void OnDestroy(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
464 virtual void OnDockDestroyed(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
465 virtual void OnExitSizeMove(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
466 virtual LRESULT OnNotify(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
467 virtual void OnSetFocus(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
468 virtual void OnSysColorChange(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
469 virtual LRESULT OnSysCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
470 virtual LRESULT OnWindowPosChanging(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
471 virtual void OnWindowPosChanged(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
472 virtual void PreCreate(CREATESTRUCT &cs);
473 virtual void PreRegisterClass(WNDCLASS &wc);
474 virtual LRESULT WndProcDefault(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
477 CDocker(const CDocker&); // Disable copy construction
478 CDocker& operator = (const CDocker&); // Disable assignment operator
479 void CheckAllTargets(LPDRAGPOS pDragPos);
480 void CloseAllTargets();
481 void DockOuter(CDocker* pDocker, DWORD dwDockStyle);
482 void DrawAllCaptions();
483 void DrawHashBar(HWND hBar, POINT Pos);
484 void ConvertToChild(HWND hWndParent);
485 void ConvertToPopup(RECT rc);
486 void MoveDockChildren(CDocker* pDockTarget);
487 void PromoteFirstChild();
488 void RecalcDockChildLayout(CRect rc);
489 void ResizeDockers(LPDRAGPOS pdp);
490 CDocker* SeparateFromDock();
491 void SendNotify(UINT nMessageID);
492 void SetUndockPosition(CPoint pt);
493 std::vector<CDocker*> SortDockers();
495 CDockBar m_DockBar;
496 CDockHint m_DockHint;
497 CDockClient m_DockClient;
498 CTargetCentre m_TargetCentre;
499 CTargetLeft m_TargetLeft;
500 CTargetTop m_TargetTop;
501 CTargetRight m_TargetRight;
503 CTargetBottom m_TargetBottom;
504 CDocker* m_pDockParent;
505 CDocker* m_pDockAncestor;
506 CDocker* m_pDockActive;
508 std::vector <CDocker*> m_vDockChildren;
509 std::vector <DockPtr> m_vAllDockers; // Only used in DockAncestor
517 BOOL m_bIsDragging;
518 BOOL m_bDragAutoResize;
519 int m_DockStartSize;
523 DWORD m_dwDockZone;
524 double m_DockSizeRatio;
528 }; // class CDocker
541 //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
546 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
547 // Definitions for the CDockBar class nested within CDocker
549 inline CDocker::CDockBar::CDockBar() : m_pDock(NULL), m_DockBarWidth(4)
551 m_brBackground.CreateSolidBrush(RGB(192,192,192));
554 inline CDocker::CDockBar::~CDockBar()
558 inline void CDocker::CDockBar::OnDraw(CDC* pDC)
560 CRect rcClient = GetClientRect();
561 ::SelectObject(*pDC, m_brBackground);
562 pDC->PatBlt(0, 0, rcClient.Width(), rcClient.Height(), PATCOPY);
565 inline void CDocker::CDockBar::PreCreate(CREATESTRUCT &cs)
567 // Create a child window, initially hidden
568 cs.style = WS_CHILD;
571 inline void CDocker::CDockBar::PreRegisterClass(WNDCLASS& wc)
573 wc.lpszClassName = _T("Win32++ Bar");
574 wc.hbrBackground = m_brBackground;
577 inline void CDocker::CDockBar::SendNotify(UINT nMessageID)
579 // Send a splitter bar notification to the parent
580 m_DragPos.hdr.code = nMessageID;
581 m_DragPos.hdr.hwndFrom = m_hWnd;
582 m_DragPos.ptPos = GetCursorPos();
583 m_DragPos.ptPos.x += 1;
584 GetParent()->SendMessage(WM_NOTIFY, 0L, (LPARAM)&m_DragPos);
587 inline void CDocker::CDockBar::SetColor(COLORREF color)
590 // GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE) // Default Grey
591 // RGB(196, 215, 250) // Default Blue
593 m_brBackground.CreateSolidBrush(color);
596 inline LRESULT CDocker::CDockBar::WndProcDefault(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
603 if (!(m_pDock->GetDockStyle() & DS_NO_RESIZE))
606 DWORD dwSide = GetDock()->GetDockStyle() & 0xF;
607 if ((dwSide == DS_DOCKED_LEFT) || (dwSide == DS_DOCKED_RIGHT))
608 hCursor = LoadCursor(GetApp()->GetResourceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDW_SPLITH));
610 hCursor = LoadCursor(GetApp()->GetResourceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDW_SPLITV));
612 if (hCursor) SetCursor(hCursor);
613 else TRACE(_T("**WARNING** Missing cursor resource for slider bar\n"));
618 SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW));
627 if (!(m_pDock->GetDockStyle() & DS_NO_RESIZE))
629 SendNotify(UWM_BAR_START);
636 if (!(m_pDock->GetDockStyle() & DS_NO_RESIZE) && (GetCapture() == this))
638 SendNotify(UWM_BAR_END);
644 if (!(m_pDock->GetDockStyle() & DS_NO_RESIZE) && (GetCapture() == this))
646 SendNotify(UWM_BAR_MOVE);
652 // pass unhandled messages on for default processing
653 return CWnd::WndProcDefault(uMsg, wParam, lParam);
657 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
658 // Definitions for the CDockClient class nested within CDocker
660 inline CDocker::CDockClient::CDockClient() : m_pView(0), m_IsClosePressed(FALSE),
661 m_bOldFocus(FALSE), m_bCaptionPressed(FALSE), m_IsTracking(FALSE)
663 m_Foregnd1 = RGB(32,32,32);
664 m_Backgnd1 = RGB(190,207,227);
665 m_Foregnd2 = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT);
666 m_Backgnd2 = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE);
669 inline void CDocker::CDockClient::Draw3DBorder(RECT& Rect)
671 // Imitates the drawing of the WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE extended style
672 // This draws a 2 pixel border around the specified Rect
673 CWindowDC dc(this);
675 dc.CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, GetSysColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW));
676 dc.MoveTo(0, rcw.Height());
678 dc.LineTo(rcw.Width(), 0);
679 dc.CreatePen(PS_SOLID,1, GetSysColor(COLOR_3DDKSHADOW));
680 dc.MoveTo(1, rcw.Height()-2);
682 dc.LineTo(rcw.Width()-2, 1);
683 dc.CreatePen(PS_SOLID,1, GetSysColor(COLOR_3DHILIGHT));
684 dc.MoveTo(rcw.Width()-1, 0);
685 dc.LineTo(rcw.Width()-1, rcw.Height()-1);
686 dc.LineTo(0, rcw.Height()-1);
687 dc.CreatePen(PS_SOLID,1, GetSysColor(COLOR_3DLIGHT));
688 dc.MoveTo(rcw.Width()-2, 1);
689 dc.LineTo(rcw.Width()-2, rcw.Height()-2);
690 dc.LineTo(1, rcw.Height()-2);
693 inline CRect CDocker::CDockClient::GetCloseRect()
695 // Calculate the close rect position in screen co-ordinates
699 CRect rc = GetWindowRect();
700 int cx = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON);
701 int cy = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON);
703 rcClose.top = 2 + rc.top + m_pDock->m_NCHeight/2 - cy/2;
704 rcClose.bottom = 2 + rc.top + m_pDock->m_NCHeight/2 + cy/2;
705 rcClose.right = rc.right - gap;
706 rcClose.left = rcClose.right - cx;
708 #if defined(WINVER) && defined (WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL) && (WINVER >= 0x0500)
709 if (GetWindowLongPtr(GWL_EXSTYLE) & WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL)
711 rcClose.left = rc.left + gap;
712 rcClose.right = rcClose.left + cx;
720 inline void CDocker::CDockClient::DrawCaption(WPARAM wParam)
722 if (IsWindow() && m_pDock->IsDocked() && !(m_pDock->GetDockStyle() & DS_NO_CAPTION))
724 BOOL bFocus = m_pDock->IsChildOfDocker(GetFocus());
725 m_bOldFocus = FALSE;
727 // Acquire the DC for our NonClient painting
729 if ((wParam != 1) && (bFocus == m_bOldFocus))
732 pDC = GetWindowDC();
734 // Create and set up our memory DC
735 CRect rc = GetWindowRect();
737 int rcAdjust = (GetWindowLongPtr(GWL_EXSTYLE) & WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE)? 2 : 0;
738 int Width = MAX(rc.Width() -rcAdjust, 0);
739 int Height = m_pDock->m_NCHeight + rcAdjust;
740 dcMem.CreateCompatibleBitmap(pDC, Width, Height);
741 m_bOldFocus = bFocus;
743 // Set the font for the title
744 NONCLIENTMETRICS info = {0};
745 info.cbSize = GetSizeofNonClientMetrics();
746 SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, sizeof(info), &info, 0);
747 dcMem.CreateFontIndirect(&info.lfStatusFont);
752 dcMem.SetTextColor(m_Foregnd1);
753 dcMem.CreateSolidBrush(m_Backgnd1);
754 dcMem.SetBkColor(m_Backgnd1);
758 dcMem.SetTextColor(m_Foregnd2);
759 dcMem.CreateSolidBrush(m_Backgnd2);
760 dcMem.SetBkColor(m_Backgnd2);
763 // Draw the rectangle
764 dcMem.CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(160, 150, 140));
765 dcMem.Rectangle(rcAdjust, rcAdjust, rc.Width() -rcAdjust, m_pDock->m_NCHeight +rcAdjust);
767 // Display the caption
768 int cx = (m_pDock->GetDockStyle() & DS_NO_CLOSE)? 0 : GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON);
769 CRect rcText(4 +rcAdjust, rcAdjust, rc.Width() -4 - cx -rcAdjust, m_pDock->m_NCHeight +rcAdjust);
770 dcMem.DrawText(m_csCaption, m_csCaption.GetLength(), rcText, DT_LEFT|DT_VCENTER|DT_SINGLELINE|DT_END_ELLIPSIS);
772 // Draw the close button
773 if ((0 != m_pDock) && !(m_pDock->GetDockStyle() & DS_NO_CLOSE))
774 DrawCloseButton(dcMem, bFocus);
776 // Draw the 3D border
777 if (GetWindowLongPtr(GWL_EXSTYLE) & WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE)
780 // Copy the Memory DC to the window's DC
781 pDC->BitBlt(rcAdjust, rcAdjust, Width, Height, &dcMem, rcAdjust, rcAdjust, SRCCOPY);
783 // Required for Win98/WinME
788 inline void CDocker::CDockClient::DrawCloseButton(CDC& DrawDC, BOOL bFocus)
790 // The close button isn't displayed on Win95
791 if (GetWinVersion() == 1400) return;
793 if (m_pDock->IsDocked() && !(m_pDock->GetDockStyle() & DS_NO_CAPTION))
795 // Determine the close button's drawing position relative to the window
796 CRect rcClose = GetCloseRect();
797 UINT uState = GetCloseRect().PtInRect(GetCursorPos())? m_IsClosePressed && IsLeftButtonDown()? 2 : 1 : 0;
798 ScreenToClient(rcClose);
800 if (GetWindowLongPtr(GWL_EXSTYLE) & WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE)
802 rcClose.OffsetRect(2, m_pDock->m_NCHeight+2);
803 if (GetWindowRect().Height() < (m_pDock->m_NCHeight+4))
804 rcClose.OffsetRect(-2, -2);
807 rcClose.OffsetRect(0, m_pDock->m_NCHeight-2);
809 // Draw the outer highlight for the close button
810 if (!IsRectEmpty(&rcClose))
817 DrawDC.CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(232, 228, 220));
818 DrawDC.MoveTo(rcClose.left, rcClose.bottom);
819 DrawDC.LineTo(rcClose.right, rcClose.bottom);
820 DrawDC.LineTo(rcClose.right, rcClose.top);
821 DrawDC.LineTo(rcClose.left, rcClose.top);
822 DrawDC.LineTo(rcClose.left, rcClose.bottom);
828 // Popped up button
829 // Draw outline, white at top, black on bottom
830 DrawDC.CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(0, 0, 0));
831 DrawDC.MoveTo(rcClose.left, rcClose.bottom);
832 DrawDC.LineTo(rcClose.right, rcClose.bottom);
833 DrawDC.LineTo(rcClose.right, rcClose.top);
834 DrawDC.CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(255, 255, 255));
835 DrawDC.LineTo(rcClose.left, rcClose.top);
836 DrawDC.LineTo(rcClose.left, rcClose.bottom);
843 // Draw outline, black on top, white on bottom
844 DrawDC.CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(255, 255, 255));
845 DrawDC.MoveTo(rcClose.left, rcClose.bottom);
846 DrawDC.LineTo(rcClose.right, rcClose.bottom);
847 DrawDC.LineTo(rcClose.right, rcClose.top);
848 DrawDC.CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(0, 0, 0));
849 DrawDC.LineTo(rcClose.left, rcClose.top);
850 DrawDC.LineTo(rcClose.left, rcClose.bottom);
855 // Manually Draw Close Button
857 DrawDC.CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, m_Foregnd1);
859 DrawDC.CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, m_Foregnd2);
861 DrawDC.MoveTo(rcClose.left + 3, rcClose.top +3);
862 DrawDC.LineTo(rcClose.right - 2, rcClose.bottom -2);
864 DrawDC.MoveTo(rcClose.left + 4, rcClose.top +3);
865 DrawDC.LineTo(rcClose.right - 2, rcClose.bottom -3);
867 DrawDC.MoveTo(rcClose.left + 3, rcClose.top +4);
868 DrawDC.LineTo(rcClose.right - 3, rcClose.bottom -2);
870 DrawDC.MoveTo(rcClose.right -3, rcClose.top +3);
871 DrawDC.LineTo(rcClose.left + 2, rcClose.bottom -2);
873 DrawDC.MoveTo(rcClose.right -3, rcClose.top +4);
874 DrawDC.LineTo(rcClose.left + 3, rcClose.bottom -2);
876 DrawDC.MoveTo(rcClose.right -4, rcClose.top +3);
877 DrawDC.LineTo(rcClose.left + 2, rcClose.bottom -3);
882 inline void CDocker::CDockClient::OnNCCalcSize(WPARAM& wParam, LPARAM& lParam)
884 // Sets the non-client area (and hence sets the client area)
885 // This function modifies lParam
889 if ((0 != m_pDock) && !(m_pDock->GetDockStyle() & DS_NO_CAPTION))
891 if (m_pDock->IsDocked())
893 LPRECT rc = (LPRECT)lParam;
894 rc->top += m_pDock->m_NCHeight;
899 inline LRESULT CDocker::CDockClient::OnNCHitTest(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
901 // Identify which part of the non-client area the cursor is over
902 if ((0 != m_pDock) && !(m_pDock->GetDockStyle() & DS_NO_CAPTION))
904 if (m_pDock->IsDocked())
906 CPoint pt(GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam));
908 // Indicate if the point is in the close button (except for Win95)
909 if ((GetWinVersion() > 1400) && (GetCloseRect().PtInRect(pt)))
912 ScreenToClient(pt);
914 // Indicate if the point is in the caption
919 return CWnd::WndProcDefault(WM_NCHITTEST, wParam, lParam);
922 inline LRESULT CDocker::CDockClient::OnNCLButtonDown(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
924 if ((0 != m_pDock) && !(m_pDock->GetDockStyle() & DS_NO_CAPTION))
926 if ((HTCLOSE == wParam) && !(m_pDock->GetDockStyle() & DS_NO_CLOSE))
928 m_IsClosePressed = TRUE;
932 m_bCaptionPressed = TRUE;
933 m_Oldpt.x = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam);
934 m_Oldpt.y = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam);
935 if (m_pDock->IsDocked())
937 CPoint pt(GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam));
938 ScreenToClient(pt);
939 m_pView->SetFocus();
941 // Update the close button
942 if ((0 != m_pDock) && !(m_pDock->GetDockStyle() & DS_NO_CLOSE))
944 CWindowDC dc(this);
945 DrawCloseButton(dc, m_bOldFocus);
951 return CWnd::WndProcDefault(WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, wParam, lParam);
954 inline void CDocker::CDockClient::OnLButtonUp(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
959 if ((0 != m_pDock) && !(m_pDock->GetDockStyle() & (DS_NO_CAPTION|DS_NO_CLOSE)))
961 m_bCaptionPressed = FALSE;
962 if (m_IsClosePressed && GetCloseRect().PtInRect(GetCursorPos()))
964 // Destroy the docker
965 if (dynamic_cast<CDockContainer*>(m_pDock->GetView()))
967 CDockContainer* pContainer = ((CDockContainer*)m_pDock->GetView())->GetActiveContainer();
968 CDocker* pDock = m_pDock->GetDockFromView(pContainer);
969 pDock->GetDockClient().SetClosePressed();
970 m_pDock->UndockContainer(pContainer, GetCursorPos(), FALSE);
976 m_pDock->Destroy();
982 inline void CDocker::CDockClient::OnLButtonDown(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
987 m_IsClosePressed = FALSE;
989 CWindowDC dc(this);
990 DrawCloseButton(dc, m_bOldFocus);
993 inline void CDocker::CDockClient::OnMouseActivate(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
994 // Focus changed, so redraw the captions
999 if ((0 != m_pDock) && !(m_pDock->GetDockStyle() & DS_NO_CAPTION))
1001 m_pDock->GetDockAncestor()->PostMessage(UWM_DOCK_ACTIVATED, 0, 0);
1005 inline void CDocker::CDockClient::OnMouseMove(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
1007 OnNCMouseMove(wParam, lParam);
1010 inline void CDocker::CDockClient::OnNCMouseLeave(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
1015 m_IsTracking = FALSE;
1016 CWindowDC dc(this);
1017 if ((0 != m_pDock) && !(m_pDock->GetDockStyle() & (DS_NO_CAPTION|DS_NO_CLOSE)) && m_pDock->IsDocked())
1018 DrawCloseButton(dc, m_bOldFocus);
1020 m_IsTracking = FALSE;
1023 inline LRESULT CDocker::CDockClient::OnNCMouseMove(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
1025 if (!m_IsTracking)
1027 TRACKMOUSEEVENT TrackMouseEventStruct = {0};
1028 TrackMouseEventStruct.cbSize = sizeof(TrackMouseEventStruct);
1029 TrackMouseEventStruct.dwFlags = TME_LEAVE|TME_NONCLIENT;
1030 TrackMouseEventStruct.hwndTrack = m_hWnd;
1031 _TrackMouseEvent(&TrackMouseEventStruct);
1032 m_IsTracking = TRUE;
1035 if ((0 != m_pDock) && !(m_pDock->GetDockStyle() & DS_NO_CAPTION))
1037 if (m_pDock->IsDocked())
1039 // Discard phantom mouse move messages
1040 if ( (m_Oldpt.x == GET_X_LPARAM(lParam) ) && (m_Oldpt.y == GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam)))
1043 if (IsLeftButtonDown() && (wParam == HTCAPTION) && (m_bCaptionPressed))
1045 CDocker* pDock = (CDocker*)GetParent();
1047 pDock->Undock(GetCursorPos());
1050 // Update the close button
1051 if ((0 != m_pDock) && !(m_pDock->GetDockStyle() & DS_NO_CLOSE))
1053 CWindowDC dc(this);
1054 DrawCloseButton(dc, m_bOldFocus);
1058 m_bCaptionPressed = FALSE;
1060 return CWnd::WndProcDefault(WM_MOUSEMOVE, wParam, lParam);
1063 inline LRESULT CDocker::CDockClient::OnNCPaint(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
1065 if ((0 != m_pDock) && !(m_pDock->GetDockStyle() & DS_NO_CAPTION))
1067 if (m_pDock->IsDocked())
1069 DefWindowProc(WM_NCPAINT, wParam, lParam);
1070 DrawCaption(wParam);
1074 return CWnd::WndProcDefault(WM_NCPAINT, wParam, lParam);
1077 inline void CDocker::CDockClient::OnWindowPosChanged(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
1082 // Reposition the View window to cover the DockClient's client area
1083 CRect rc = GetClientRect();
1084 m_pView->SetWindowPos(NULL, rc, SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
1087 inline void CDocker::CDockClient::PreRegisterClass(WNDCLASS& wc)
1089 wc.lpszClassName = _T("Win32++ DockClient");
1090 wc.hCursor = ::LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
1093 inline void CDocker::CDockClient::PreCreate(CREATESTRUCT& cs)
1095 DWORD dwStyle = m_pDock->GetDockStyle();
1096 if (dwStyle & DS_CLIENTEDGE)
1097 cs.dwExStyle = WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE;
1099 #if defined(WINVER) && defined (WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL) && (WINVER >= 0x0500)
1100 if (m_pDock->GetWindowLongPtr(GWL_EXSTYLE) & WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL)
1101 cs.dwExStyle |= WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL;
1106 inline void CDocker::CDockClient::SendNotify(UINT nMessageID)
1108 // Fill the DragPos structure with data
1110 DragPos.hdr.code = nMessageID;
1111 DragPos.hdr.hwndFrom = m_hWnd;
1112 DragPos.ptPos = GetCursorPos();
1114 // Send a DragPos notification to the docker
1115 GetParent()->SendMessage(WM_NOTIFY, 0L, (LPARAM)&DragPos);
1118 inline void CDocker::CDockClient::SetCaptionColors(COLORREF Foregnd1, COLORREF Backgnd1, COLORREF Foregnd2, COLORREF Backgnd2)
1120 // Set the colors used when drawing the caption
1121 // m_Foregnd1 Foreground colour (focused). m_Backgnd1 Background colour (focused)
1122 // m_Foregnd2 Foreground colour (not focused). m_Backgnd2 Foreground colour (not focused)
1123 m_Foregnd1 = Foregnd1;
1124 m_Backgnd1 = Backgnd1;
1125 m_Foregnd2 = Foregnd2;
1126 m_Backgnd2 = Backgnd2;
1129 inline LRESULT CDocker::CDockClient::WndProcDefault(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
1133 case WM_LBUTTONUP:
1136 if ((0 != m_pDock) && !(m_pDock->GetDockStyle() & DS_NO_CLOSE))
1138 CWindowDC dc(this);
1139 DrawCloseButton(dc, m_bOldFocus);
1140 OnLButtonUp(wParam, lParam);
1146 OnMouseActivate(wParam, lParam);
1149 case WM_MOUSEMOVE:
1150 OnMouseMove(wParam, lParam);
1153 case WM_NCCALCSIZE:
1154 OnNCCalcSize(wParam, lParam);
1157 case WM_NCHITTEST:
1158 return OnNCHitTest(wParam, lParam);
1161 return OnNCLButtonDown(wParam, lParam);
1164 return OnNCMouseMove(wParam, lParam);
1167 return OnNCPaint(wParam, lParam);
1170 OnNCMouseLeave(wParam, lParam);
1174 OnWindowPosChanged(wParam, lParam);
1178 return CWnd::WndProcDefault(uMsg, wParam, lParam);
1182 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1183 // Definitions for the CDockHint class nested within CDocker
1185 inline CDocker::CDockHint::CDockHint() : m_uDockSideOld(0)
1189 inline CDocker::CDockHint::~CDockHint()
1193 inline RECT CDocker::CDockHint::CalcHintRectContainer(CDocker* pDockTarget)
1195 // Calculate the hint window's position for container docking
1196 CRect rcHint = pDockTarget->GetDockClient().GetWindowRect();
1197 if (pDockTarget->GetDockClient().GetWindowLongPtr(GWL_EXSTYLE) & WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE)
1198 rcHint.InflateRect(-2, -2);
1199 pDockTarget->ScreenToClient(rcHint);
1204 inline RECT CDocker::CDockHint::CalcHintRectInner(CDocker* pDockTarget, CDocker* pDockDrag, UINT uDockSide)
1206 // Calculate the hint window's position for inner docking
1207 CRect rcHint = pDockTarget->GetDockClient().GetWindowRect();
1208 if (pDockTarget->GetDockClient().GetWindowLongPtr(GWL_EXSTYLE) & WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE)
1209 rcHint.InflateRect(-2, -2);
1210 pDockTarget->ScreenToClient(rcHint);
1213 CRect rcDockDrag = pDockDrag->GetWindowRect();
1214 CRect rcDockTarget = pDockTarget->GetDockClient().GetWindowRect();
1215 if ((uDockSide == DS_DOCKED_LEFT) || (uDockSide == DS_DOCKED_RIGHT))
1217 Width = rcDockDrag.Width();
1218 if (Width >= (rcDockTarget.Width() - pDockDrag->GetBarWidth()))
1219 Width = MAX(rcDockTarget.Width()/2 - pDockDrag->GetBarWidth(), pDockDrag->GetBarWidth());
1223 Width = rcDockDrag.Height();
1224 if (Width >= (rcDockTarget.Height() - pDockDrag->GetBarWidth()))
1225 Width = MAX(rcDockTarget.Height()/2 - pDockDrag->GetBarWidth(), pDockDrag->GetBarWidth());
1227 switch (uDockSide)
1229 case DS_DOCKED_LEFT:
1230 rcHint.right = rcHint.left + Width;
1232 case DS_DOCKED_RIGHT:
1233 rcHint.left = rcHint.right - Width;
1235 case DS_DOCKED_TOP:
1236 rcHint.bottom = rcHint.top + Width;
1239 rcHint.top = rcHint.bottom - Width;
1246 inline RECT CDocker::CDockHint::CalcHintRectOuter(CDocker* pDockDrag, UINT uDockSide)
1248 // Calculate the hint window's position for outer docking
1249 CDocker* pDockTarget = pDockDrag->GetDockAncestor();
1250 CRect rcHint = pDockTarget->GetClientRect();
1251 if (pDockTarget->GetDockClient().GetWindowLongPtr(GWL_EXSTYLE) & WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE)
1252 rcHint.InflateRect(-2, -2);
1255 CRect rcDockDrag = pDockDrag->GetWindowRect();
1256 CRect rcDockTarget = pDockTarget->GetDockClient().GetWindowRect();
1258 // Limit the docked size to half the parent's size if it won't fit inside parent
1259 if ((uDockSide == DS_DOCKED_LEFTMOST) || (uDockSide == DS_DOCKED_RIGHTMOST))
1261 Width = rcDockDrag.Width();
1262 int BarWidth = pDockDrag->GetBarWidth();
1263 if (Width >= pDockTarget->GetDockClient().GetClientRect().Width() - pDockDrag->GetBarWidth())
1264 Width = MAX(pDockTarget->GetDockClient().GetClientRect().Width()/2 - BarWidth, BarWidth);
1268 Width = rcDockDrag.Height();
1269 int BarWidth = pDockDrag->GetBarWidth();
1270 if (Width >= pDockTarget->GetDockClient().GetClientRect().Height() - pDockDrag->GetBarWidth())
1271 Width = MAX(pDockTarget->GetDockClient().GetClientRect().Height()/2 - BarWidth, BarWidth);
1273 switch (uDockSide)
1276 rcHint.right = rcHint.left + Width;
1279 rcHint.left = rcHint.right - Width;
1282 rcHint.bottom = rcHint.top + Width;
1285 rcHint.top = rcHint.bottom - Width;
1292 inline void CDocker::CDockHint::DisplayHint(CDocker* pDockTarget, CDocker* pDockDrag, UINT uDockSide)
1294 // Ensure a new hint window is created if dock side changes
1295 if (uDockSide != m_uDockSideOld)
1298 pDockTarget->RedrawWindow( NULL, NULL, RDW_NOERASE | RDW_UPDATENOW );
1299 pDockDrag->RedrawWindow();
1301 m_uDockSideOld = uDockSide;
1307 if (uDockSide & 0xF)
1308 rcHint = CalcHintRectInner(pDockTarget, pDockDrag, uDockSide);
1309 else if (uDockSide & 0xF0000)
1310 rcHint = CalcHintRectOuter(pDockDrag, uDockSide);
1311 else if (uDockSide & DS_DOCKED_CONTAINER)
1312 rcHint = CalcHintRectContainer(pDockTarget);
1316 ShowHintWindow(pDockTarget, rcHint);
1320 inline void CDocker::CDockHint::OnDraw(CDC* pDC)
1322 // Display the blue tinted bitmap
1323 CRect rc = GetClientRect();
1324 CMemDC MemDC(pDC);
1325 MemDC.SelectObject(&m_bmBlueTint);
1326 pDC->BitBlt(0, 0, rc.Width(), rc.Height(), &MemDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
1329 inline void CDocker::CDockHint::PreCreate(CREATESTRUCT &cs)
1331 cs.style = WS_POPUP;
1333 // WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW prevents the window being displayed on the taskbar
1334 cs.dwExStyle = WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW;
1336 cs.lpszClass = _T("Win32++ DockHint");
1339 inline void CDocker::CDockHint::ShowHintWindow(CDocker* pDockTarget, CRect rcHint)
1341 // Save the Dock window's blue tinted bitmap
1342 CClientDC dcDesktop(NULL);
1343 CMemDC dcMem(&dcDesktop);
1344 CRect rcBitmap = rcHint;
1345 CRect rcTarget = rcHint;
1346 pDockTarget->ClientToScreen(rcTarget);
1348 m_bmBlueTint.CreateCompatibleBitmap(&dcDesktop, rcBitmap.Width(), rcBitmap.Height());
1349 CBitmap* pOldBitmap = dcMem.SelectObject(&m_bmBlueTint);
1350 dcMem.BitBlt(0, 0, rcBitmap.Width(), rcBitmap.Height(), &dcDesktop, rcTarget.left, rcTarget.top, SRCCOPY);
1351 dcMem.SelectObject(pOldBitmap);
1352 TintBitmap(&m_bmBlueTint, -64, -24, +128);
1354 // Create the Hint window
1357 Create(pDockTarget);
1360 pDockTarget->ClientToScreen(rcHint);
1365 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1366 // Definitions for the CTargetCentre class nested within CDocker
1368 inline CDocker::CTargetCentre::CTargetCentre() : m_bIsOverContainer(FALSE), m_pOldDockTarget(0)
1372 inline CDocker::CTargetCentre::~CTargetCentre()
1376 inline void CDocker::CTargetCentre::OnDraw(CDC* pDC)
1378 CBitmap bmCentre(IDW_SDCENTER);
1379 CBitmap bmLeft(IDW_SDLEFT);
1380 CBitmap bmRight(IDW_SDRIGHT);
1381 CBitmap bmTop(IDW_SDTOP);
1382 CBitmap bmBottom(IDW_SDBOTTOM);
1384 if (bmCentre.GetHandle()) pDC->DrawBitmap(0, 0, 88, 88, bmCentre, RGB(255,0,255));
1385 else TRACE(_T("Missing docking resource: Target Centre\n"));
1387 if (bmLeft.GetHandle()) pDC->DrawBitmap(0, 29, 31, 29, bmLeft, RGB(255,0,255));
1388 else TRACE(_T("Missing docking resource: Target Left\n"));
1390 if (bmTop.GetHandle()) pDC->DrawBitmap(29, 0, 29, 31, bmTop, RGB(255,0,255));
1391 else TRACE(_T("Missing docking resource: Target Top\n"));
1393 if (bmRight.GetHandle()) pDC->DrawBitmap(55, 29, 31, 29, bmRight, RGB(255,0,255));
1394 else TRACE(_T("Missing docking resource: Target Right\n"));
1396 if (bmBottom.GetHandle()) pDC->DrawBitmap(29, 55, 29, 31, bmBottom, RGB(255,0,255));
1397 else TRACE(_T("Missing docking resource: Target Bottom\n"));
1399 if (IsOverContainer())
1401 CBitmap bmMiddle(IDW_SDMIDDLE);
1402 pDC->DrawBitmap(31, 31, 25, 26, bmMiddle, RGB(255,0,255));
1406 inline void CDocker::CTargetCentre::OnCreate()
1408 // Use a region to create an irregularly shapped window
1409 POINT ptArray[16] = { {0,29}, {22, 29}, {29, 22}, {29, 0},
1410 {58, 0}, {58, 22}, {64, 29}, {87, 29},
1411 {87, 58}, {64, 58}, {58, 64}, {58, 87},
1412 {29, 87}, {29, 64}, {23, 58}, {0, 58} };
1415 rgnPoly.CreatePolygonRgn(ptArray, 16, WINDING);
1416 SetWindowRgn(&rgnPoly, FALSE);
1419 inline BOOL CDocker::CTargetCentre::CheckTarget(LPDRAGPOS pDragPos)
1421 CDocker* pDockDrag = (CDocker*)FromHandle(pDragPos->hdr.hwndFrom);
1422 if (NULL == pDockDrag) return FALSE;
1424 CDocker* pDockTarget = pDockDrag->GetDockFromPoint(pDragPos->ptPos);
1425 if (NULL == pDockTarget) return FALSE;
1427 if (!IsWindow()) Create();
1428 m_bIsOverContainer = (dynamic_cast<CDockContainer*>(pDockTarget->GetView()) != NULL);
1430 // Redraw the target if the dock target changes
1431 if (m_pOldDockTarget != pDockTarget) Invalidate();
1432 m_pOldDockTarget = pDockTarget;
1437 CRect rcTarget = pDockTarget->GetDockClient().GetWindowRect();
1438 int xMid = rcTarget.left + (rcTarget.Width() - cxImage)/2;
1439 int yMid = rcTarget.top + (rcTarget.Height() - cyImage)/2;
1440 SetWindowPos(&wndTopMost, xMid, yMid, cxImage, cyImage, SWP_NOACTIVATE|SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
1442 // Create the docking zone rectangles
1443 CPoint pt = pDragPos->ptPos;
1444 ScreenToClient(pt);
1445 CRect rcLeft(0, 29, 31, 58);
1446 CRect rcTop(29, 0, 58, 31);
1447 CRect rcRight(55, 29, 87, 58);
1448 CRect rcBottom(29, 55, 58, 87);
1449 CRect rcMiddle(31, 31, 56, 57);
1451 // Test if our cursor is in one of the docking zones
1452 if ((rcLeft.PtInRect(pt)) && !(pDockTarget->GetDockStyle() & DS_NO_DOCKCHILD_LEFT))
1454 pDockDrag->m_BlockMove = TRUE;
1455 pDockTarget->GetDockHint().DisplayHint(pDockTarget, pDockDrag, DS_DOCKED_LEFT);
1456 pDockDrag->m_dwDockZone = DS_DOCKED_LEFT;
1459 else if ((rcTop.PtInRect(pt)) && !(pDockTarget->GetDockStyle() & DS_NO_DOCKCHILD_TOP))
1461 pDockDrag->m_BlockMove = TRUE;
1462 pDockTarget->GetDockHint().DisplayHint(pDockTarget, pDockDrag, DS_DOCKED_TOP);
1463 pDockDrag->m_dwDockZone = DS_DOCKED_TOP;
1466 else if ((rcRight.PtInRect(pt)) && !(pDockTarget->GetDockStyle() & DS_NO_DOCKCHILD_RIGHT))
1468 pDockDrag->m_BlockMove = TRUE;
1469 pDockTarget->GetDockHint().DisplayHint(pDockTarget, pDockDrag, DS_DOCKED_RIGHT);
1470 pDockDrag->m_dwDockZone = DS_DOCKED_RIGHT;
1473 else if ((rcBottom.PtInRect(pt)) && !(pDockTarget->GetDockStyle() & DS_NO_DOCKCHILD_BOTTOM))
1475 pDockDrag->m_BlockMove = TRUE;
1476 pDockTarget->GetDockHint().DisplayHint(pDockTarget, pDockDrag, DS_DOCKED_BOTTOM);
1477 pDockDrag->m_dwDockZone = DS_DOCKED_BOTTOM;
1480 else if ((rcMiddle.PtInRect(pt)) && (IsOverContainer()))
1482 pDockDrag->m_BlockMove = TRUE;
1483 pDockTarget->GetDockHint().DisplayHint(pDockTarget, pDockDrag, DS_DOCKED_CONTAINER);
1484 pDockDrag->m_dwDockZone = DS_DOCKED_CONTAINER;
1491 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1492 // Definitions for the CTarget class nested within CDocker
1493 // CTarget is the base class for a number of CTargetXXX classes
1494 inline CDocker::CTarget::~CTarget()
1498 inline void CDocker::CTarget::OnDraw(CDC* pDC)
1500 BITMAP bm = m_bmImage.GetBitmapData();
1501 int cxImage = bm.bmWidth;
1502 int cyImage = bm.bmHeight;
1505 pDC->DrawBitmap(0, 0, cxImage, cyImage, m_bmImage, RGB(255,0,255));
1507 TRACE(_T("Missing docking resource\n"));
1510 inline void CDocker::CTarget::PreCreate(CREATESTRUCT &cs)
1512 cs.style = WS_POPUP;
1514 cs.lpszClass = _T("Win32++ DockTargeting");
1518 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1519 // Definitions for the CTargetLeft class nested within CDocker
1521 inline BOOL CDocker::CTargetLeft::CheckTarget(LPDRAGPOS pDragPos)
1523 CDocker* pDockDrag = (CDocker*)FromHandle(pDragPos->hdr.hwndFrom);
1524 if (NULL == pDockDrag) return FALSE;
1526 CPoint pt = pDragPos->ptPos;
1527 CDocker* pDockTarget = pDockDrag->GetDockFromPoint(pt)->GetTopmostDocker();
1528 if (pDockTarget != pDockDrag->GetDockAncestor())
1534 BITMAP bm = m_bmImage.GetBitmapData();
1535 int cxImage = bm.bmWidth;
1536 int cyImage = bm.bmHeight;
1541 CRect rc = pDockTarget->GetWindowRect();
1542 int yMid = rc.top + (rc.Height() - cyImage)/2;
1543 SetWindowPos(&wndTopMost, rc.left + 10, yMid, cxImage, cyImage, SWP_NOACTIVATE|SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
1546 CRect rcLeft(0, 0, cxImage, cyImage);
1547 ScreenToClient(pt);
1549 // Test if our cursor is in one of the docking zones
1550 if ((rcLeft.PtInRect(pt)) && !(pDockTarget->GetDockStyle() & DS_NO_DOCKCHILD_LEFT))
1552 pDockDrag->m_BlockMove = TRUE;
1553 pDockTarget->GetDockHint().DisplayHint(pDockTarget, pDockDrag, DS_DOCKED_LEFTMOST);
1554 pDockDrag->m_dwDockZone = DS_DOCKED_LEFTMOST;
1562 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1563 // Definitions for the CTargetTop class nested within CDocker
1565 inline BOOL CDocker::CTargetTop::CheckTarget(LPDRAGPOS pDragPos)
1567 CDocker* pDockDrag = (CDocker*)FromHandle(pDragPos->hdr.hwndFrom);
1568 if (NULL == pDockDrag) return FALSE;
1570 CPoint pt = pDragPos->ptPos;
1571 CDocker* pDockTarget = pDockDrag->GetDockFromPoint(pt)->GetTopmostDocker();
1572 if (pDockTarget != pDockDrag->GetDockAncestor())
1578 BITMAP bm = m_bmImage.GetBitmapData();
1579 int cxImage = bm.bmWidth;
1580 int cyImage = bm.bmHeight;
1585 CRect rc = pDockTarget->GetWindowRect();
1586 int xMid = rc.left + (rc.Width() - cxImage)/2;
1587 SetWindowPos(&wndTopMost, xMid, rc.top + 10, cxImage, cyImage, SWP_NOACTIVATE|SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
1590 CRect rcTop(0, 0, cxImage, cyImage);
1591 ScreenToClient(pt);
1593 // Test if our cursor is in one of the docking zones
1594 if ((rcTop.PtInRect(pt)) && !(pDockTarget->GetDockStyle() & DS_NO_DOCKCHILD_TOP))
1596 pDockDrag->m_BlockMove = TRUE;
1597 pDockTarget->GetDockHint().DisplayHint(pDockTarget, pDockDrag, DS_DOCKED_TOPMOST);
1598 pDockDrag->m_dwDockZone = DS_DOCKED_TOPMOST;
1606 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1607 // Definitions for the CTargetRight class nested within CDocker
1609 inline BOOL CDocker::CTargetRight::CheckTarget(LPDRAGPOS pDragPos)
1611 CDocker* pDockDrag = (CDocker*)FromHandle(pDragPos->hdr.hwndFrom);
1612 if (NULL == pDockDrag) return FALSE;
1614 CPoint pt = pDragPos->ptPos;
1615 CDocker* pDockTarget = pDockDrag->GetDockFromPoint(pt)->GetTopmostDocker();
1616 if (pDockTarget != pDockDrag->GetDockAncestor())
1622 BITMAP bm = m_bmImage.GetBitmapData();
1623 int cxImage = bm.bmWidth;
1624 int cyImage = bm.bmHeight;
1629 CRect rc = pDockTarget->GetWindowRect();
1630 int yMid = rc.top + (rc.Height() - cyImage)/2;
1631 SetWindowPos(&wndTopMost, rc.right - 10 - cxImage, yMid, cxImage, cyImage, SWP_NOACTIVATE|SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
1634 CRect rcRight(0, 0, cxImage, cyImage);
1635 ScreenToClient(pt);
1637 // Test if our cursor is in one of the docking zones
1638 if ((rcRight.PtInRect(pt)) && !(pDockTarget->GetDockStyle() & DS_NO_DOCKCHILD_RIGHT))
1640 pDockDrag->m_BlockMove = TRUE;
1641 pDockTarget->GetDockHint().DisplayHint(pDockTarget, pDockDrag, DS_DOCKED_RIGHTMOST);
1642 pDockDrag->m_dwDockZone = DS_DOCKED_RIGHTMOST;
1650 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1651 // Definitions for the CTargetBottom class nested within CDocker
1653 inline BOOL CDocker::CTargetBottom::CheckTarget(LPDRAGPOS pDragPos)
1655 CDocker* pDockDrag = (CDocker*)FromHandle(pDragPos->hdr.hwndFrom);
1656 if (NULL == pDockDrag) return FALSE;
1658 CPoint pt = pDragPos->ptPos;
1659 CDocker* pDockTarget = pDockDrag->GetDockFromPoint(pt)->GetTopmostDocker();
1660 if (pDockTarget != pDockDrag->GetDockAncestor())
1666 BITMAP bm = m_bmImage.GetBitmapData();
1667 int cxImage = bm.bmWidth;
1668 int cyImage = bm.bmHeight;
1673 CRect rc = pDockTarget->GetWindowRect();
1674 int xMid = rc.left + (rc.Width() - cxImage)/2;
1675 SetWindowPos(&wndTopMost, xMid, rc.bottom - 10 - cyImage, cxImage, cyImage, SWP_NOACTIVATE|SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
1677 CRect rcBottom(0, 0, cxImage, cyImage);
1678 ScreenToClient(pt);
1680 // Test if our cursor is in one of the docking zones
1681 if ((rcBottom.PtInRect(pt)) && !(pDockTarget->GetDockStyle() & DS_NO_DOCKCHILD_BOTTOM))
1683 pDockDrag->m_BlockMove = TRUE;
1684 pDockTarget->GetDockHint().DisplayHint(pDockTarget, pDockDrag, DS_DOCKED_BOTTOMMOST);
1685 pDockDrag->m_dwDockZone = DS_DOCKED_BOTTOMMOST;
1693 /////////////////////////////////////////
1694 // Definitions for the CDocker class
1696 inline CDocker::CDocker() : m_pDockParent(NULL), m_pDockActive(NULL), m_BlockMove(FALSE), m_Undocking(FALSE),
1697 m_bIsClosing(FALSE), m_bIsDragging(FALSE), m_bDragAutoResize(TRUE), m_DockStartSize(0), m_nDockID(0),
1698 m_nTimerCount(0), m_NCHeight(0), m_dwDockZone(0), m_DockSizeRatio(1.0), m_DockStyle(0), m_hOldFocus(0)
1700 // Assume this docker is the DockAncestor for now.
1701 m_pDockAncestor = this;
1704 inline CDocker::~CDocker()
1706 GetDockBar().Destroy();
1708 std::vector <DockPtr>::iterator iter;
1709 if (GetDockAncestor() == this)
1711 // Destroy all dock descendants of this dock ancestor
1712 for (iter = GetAllDockers().begin(); iter < GetAllDockers().end(); ++iter)
1714 (*iter)->Destroy();
1719 inline CDocker* CDocker::AddDockedChild(CDocker* pDocker, DWORD dwDockStyle, int DockSize, int nDockID /* = 0*/)
1720 // This function creates the docker, and adds it to the docker heirachy as docked
1722 // Create the docker window as a child of the frame window.
1723 // This pernamently sets the frame window as the docker window's owner,
1724 // even when its parent is subsequently changed.
1728 // Store the Docker's pointer in the DockAncestor's vector for later deletion
1729 GetDockAncestor()->m_vAllDockers.push_back(DockPtr(pDocker));
1731 pDocker->SetDockStyle(dwDockStyle);
1732 pDocker->m_nDockID = nDockID;
1733 pDocker->m_pDockAncestor = GetDockAncestor();
1734 pDocker->m_pDockParent = this;
1735 pDocker->SetDockSize(DockSize);
1736 CWnd* pFrame = GetDockAncestor()->GetAncestor();
1737 pDocker->Create(pFrame);
1738 pDocker->SetParent(this);
1740 // Dock the docker window
1741 if (dwDockStyle & DS_DOCKED_CONTAINER)
1742 DockInContainer(pDocker, dwDockStyle);
1744 Dock(pDocker, dwDockStyle);
1746 // Issue TRACE warnings for any missing resources
1747 HMODULE hMod= GetApp()->GetResourceHandle();
1749 if (!(dwDockStyle & DS_NO_RESIZE))
1752 TRACE(_T("**WARNING** Horizontal cursor resource missing\n"));
1754 TRACE(_T("**WARNING** Vertical cursor resource missing\n"));
1757 if (!(dwDockStyle & DS_NO_UNDOCK))
1760 TRACE(_T("**WARNING** Docking center bitmap resource missing\n"));
1762 TRACE(_T("**WARNING** Docking left bitmap resource missing\n"));
1764 TRACE(_T("**WARNING** Docking right bitmap resource missing\n"));
1765 if (!FindResource(hMod, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDW_SDTOP), RT_BITMAP))
1766 TRACE(_T("**WARNING** Docking top bitmap resource missing\n"));
1768 TRACE(_T("**WARNING** Docking center bottom resource missing\n"));
1771 if (dwDockStyle & DS_DOCKED_CONTAINER)
1774 TRACE(_T("**WARNING** Docking container bitmap resource missing\n"));
1780 inline CDocker* CDocker::AddUndockedChild(CDocker* pDocker, DWORD dwDockStyle, int DockSize, RECT rc, int nDockID /* = 0*/)
1781 // This function creates the docker, and adds it to the docker heirachy as undocked
1785 // Store the Docker's pointer in the DockAncestor's vector for later deletion
1786 GetDockAncestor()->m_vAllDockers.push_back(DockPtr(pDocker));
1788 pDocker->SetDockSize(DockSize);
1789 pDocker->SetDockStyle(dwDockStyle & 0XFFFFFF0);
1790 pDocker->m_nDockID = nDockID;
1791 pDocker->m_pDockAncestor = GetDockAncestor();
1793 // Initially create the as a child window of the frame
1794 // This makes the frame window the owner of our docker
1795 CWnd* pFrame = GetDockAncestor()->GetAncestor();
1796 pDocker->Create(pFrame);
1797 pDocker->SetParent(this);
1799 // Change the Docker to a POPUP window
1801 pDocker->SetWindowLongPtr(GWL_STYLE, dwStyle);
1802 pDocker->SetRedraw(FALSE);
1803 pDocker->SetParent(0);
1804 pDocker->SetWindowPos(0, rc, SWP_SHOWWINDOW|SWP_FRAMECHANGED);
1805 pDocker->SetRedraw(TRUE);
1807 pDocker->SetWindowText(pDocker->GetCaption().c_str());
1812 inline void CDocker::CheckAllTargets(LPDRAGPOS pDragPos)
1813 // Calls CheckTarget for each possible target zone
1815 if (!GetDockAncestor()->m_TargetCentre.CheckTarget(pDragPos))
1817 if (!GetDockAncestor()->m_TargetLeft.CheckTarget(pDragPos))
1819 if(!GetDockAncestor()->m_TargetTop.CheckTarget(pDragPos))
1821 if(!GetDockAncestor()->m_TargetRight.CheckTarget(pDragPos))
1823 if(!GetDockAncestor()->m_TargetBottom.CheckTarget(pDragPos))
1825 // Not in a docking zone, so clean up
1826 NMHDR nmhdr = pDragPos->hdr;
1827 CDocker* pDockDrag = (CDocker*)FromHandle(nmhdr.hwndFrom);
1830 if (pDockDrag->m_BlockMove)
1831 pDockDrag->RedrawWindow(0, 0, RDW_FRAME|RDW_INVALIDATE);
1833 GetDockHint().Destroy();
1834 pDockDrag->m_dwDockZone = 0;
1835 pDockDrag->m_BlockMove = FALSE;
1844 inline BOOL CDocker::VerifyDockers()
1845 // A diagnostic routine which verifies the integrity of the docking layout
1847 BOOL bResult = TRUE;
1849 // Check dock ancestor
1850 std::vector<DockPtr>::iterator iter;
1852 for (iter = GetAllDockers().begin(); iter != GetAllDockers().end(); ++iter)
1854 if (GetDockAncestor() != (*iter)->m_pDockAncestor)
1856 TRACE(_T("Invalid Dock Ancestor\n"));
1861 // Check presence of dock parent
1862 for (iter = GetAllDockers().begin(); iter != GetAllDockers().end(); ++iter)
1864 if ((*iter)->IsUndocked() && (*iter)->m_pDockParent != 0)
1866 TRACE(_T("Error: Undocked dockers should not have a dock parent\n"));
1870 if ((*iter)->IsDocked() && (*iter)->m_pDockParent == 0)
1872 TRACE(_T("Error: Docked dockers should have a dock parent\n"));
1877 // Check dock parent/child relationship
1878 for (iter = GetAllDockers().begin(); iter != GetAllDockers().end(); ++iter)
1880 std::vector<CDocker*>::iterator iterChild;
1881 for (iterChild = (*iter)->GetDockChildren().begin(); iterChild != (*iter)->GetDockChildren().end(); ++iterChild)
1883 if ((*iterChild)->m_pDockParent != (*iter).get())
1885 TRACE(_T("Error: Docking parent/Child information mismatch\n"));
1888 if ((*iterChild)->GetParent() != (*iter).get())
1890 TRACE(_T("Error: Incorrect windows child parent relationship\n"));
1896 // Check dock parent chain
1897 for (iter = GetAllDockers().begin(); iter != GetAllDockers().end(); ++iter)
1899 CDocker* pDockTopLevel = (*iter)->GetTopmostDocker();
1900 if (pDockTopLevel->IsDocked())
1901 TRACE(_T("Error: Top level parent should be undocked\n"));
1907 inline void CDocker::Close()
1909 // Destroy the docker
1914 inline void CDocker::CloseAllDockers()
1916 assert(this == GetDockAncestor()); // Must call CloseAllDockers from the DockAncestor
1918 std::vector <DockPtr>::iterator v;
1921 std::vector<DockPtr> AllDockers = GetAllDockers();
1922 for (v = AllDockers.begin(); v != AllDockers.end(); ++v)
1924 // The CDocker is destroyed when the window is destroyed
1925 (*v)->m_bIsClosing = TRUE;
1926 (*v)->Destroy(); // Destroy the window
1929 GetDockChildren().clear();
1932 // Delete any child containers this container might have
1933 if (GetContainer())
1935 std::vector<ContainerInfo> AllContainers = GetContainer()->GetAllContainers();
1936 std::vector<ContainerInfo>::iterator iter;
1937 for (iter = AllContainers.begin(); iter < AllContainers.end(); ++iter)
1939 if (GetContainer() != (*iter).pContainer)
1940 GetContainer()->RemoveContainer((*iter).pContainer);
1944 RecalcDockLayout();
1947 inline void CDocker::CloseAllTargets()
1949 GetDockAncestor()->m_TargetCentre.Destroy();
1950 GetDockAncestor()->m_TargetLeft.Destroy();
1951 GetDockAncestor()->m_TargetTop.Destroy();
1952 GetDockAncestor()->m_TargetRight.Destroy();
1953 GetDockAncestor()->m_TargetBottom.Destroy();
1956 inline void CDocker::Dock(CDocker* pDocker, UINT DockStyle)
1957 // Docks the specified docker inside this docker
1961 pDocker->m_pDockParent = this;
1962 pDocker->m_BlockMove = FALSE;
1963 pDocker->SetDockStyle(DockStyle);
1964 m_vDockChildren.push_back(pDocker);
1965 pDocker->ConvertToChild(m_hWnd);
1967 // Limit the docked size to half the parent's size if it won't fit inside parent
1968 if (((DockStyle & 0xF) == DS_DOCKED_LEFT) || ((DockStyle &0xF) == DS_DOCKED_RIGHT))
1970 int Width = GetDockClient().GetWindowRect().Width();
1971 int BarWidth = pDocker->GetBarWidth();
1972 if (pDocker->m_DockStartSize >= (Width - BarWidth))
1973 pDocker->SetDockSize(MAX(Width/2 - BarWidth, BarWidth));
1975 pDocker->m_DockSizeRatio = ((double)pDocker->m_DockStartSize) / (double)GetWindowRect().Width();
1979 int Height = GetDockClient().GetWindowRect().Height();
1980 int BarWidth = pDocker->GetBarWidth();
1981 if (pDocker->m_DockStartSize >= (Height - BarWidth))
1982 pDocker->SetDockSize(MAX(Height/2 - BarWidth, BarWidth));
1984 pDocker->m_DockSizeRatio = ((double)pDocker->m_DockStartSize) / (double)GetWindowRect().Height();
1987 // Redraw the docked windows
1988 GetAncestor()->SetForegroundWindow();
1989 GetTopmostDocker()->m_hOldFocus = pDocker->GetView()->GetHwnd();
1990 pDocker->GetView()->SetFocus();
1992 GetTopmostDocker()->SetRedraw(FALSE);
1993 RecalcDockLayout();
1994 GetTopmostDocker()->SetRedraw(TRUE);
1995 GetTopmostDocker()->RedrawWindow();
1998 inline void CDocker::DockInContainer(CDocker* pDock, DWORD dwDockStyle)
1999 // Add a container to an existing container
2001 if ((dwDockStyle & DS_DOCKED_CONTAINER) && (dynamic_cast<CDockContainer*>(pDock->GetView())))
2003 // Transfer any dock children to this docker
2004 pDock->MoveDockChildren(this);
2006 // Transfer container children to the target container
2007 CDockContainer* pContainer = (CDockContainer*)GetView();
2008 CDockContainer* pContainerSource = (CDockContainer*)pDock->GetView();
2010 if (pContainerSource->GetAllContainers().size() > 1)
2012 // The container we're about to add has children, so transfer those first
2013 std::vector<ContainerInfo>::reverse_iterator riter;
2014 std::vector<ContainerInfo> AllContainers = pContainerSource->GetAllContainers();
2015 for ( riter = AllContainers.rbegin() ; riter < AllContainers.rend() -1; ++riter )
2017 // Remove child container from pContainerSource
2018 CDockContainer* pContainerChild = (*riter).pContainer;
2019 pContainerChild->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE);
2020 pContainerSource->RemoveContainer(pContainerChild);
2022 // Add child container to this container
2023 pContainer->AddContainer(pContainerChild);
2025 CDocker* pDockChild = GetDockFromView(pContainerChild);
2026 pDockChild->SetParent(this);
2027 pDockChild->m_pDockParent = this;
2031 pContainer->AddContainer((CDockContainer*)pDock->GetView());
2032 pDock->m_pDockParent = this;
2033 pDock->m_BlockMove = FALSE;
2034 pDock->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE);
2035 pDock->SetWindowLongPtr(GWL_STYLE, WS_CHILD);
2036 pDock->SetDockStyle(dwDockStyle);
2037 pDock->SetParent(this);
2041 inline void CDocker::DockOuter(CDocker* pDocker, DWORD dwDockStyle)
2042 // Docks the specified docker inside the dock ancestor
2046 pDocker->m_pDockParent = GetDockAncestor();
2048 DWORD OuterDocking = dwDockStyle & 0xF0000;
2049 DWORD DockSide = OuterDocking / 0x10000;
2050 dwDockStyle &= 0xFFF0FFFF;
2051 dwDockStyle |= DockSide;
2053 // Set the dock styles
2055 pDocker->m_BlockMove = FALSE;
2056 pDocker->SetWindowLongPtr(GWL_STYLE, dwStyle);
2057 pDocker->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE);
2058 pDocker->SetDockStyle(dwDockStyle);
2060 // Set the docking relationships
2061 std::vector<CDocker*>::iterator iter = GetDockAncestor()->m_vDockChildren.begin();
2062 GetDockAncestor()->m_vDockChildren.insert(iter, pDocker);
2063 pDocker->SetParent(GetDockAncestor());
2064 pDocker->GetDockBar().SetParent(GetDockAncestor());
2066 // Limit the docked size to half the parent's size if it won't fit inside parent
2067 if (((dwDockStyle & 0xF) == DS_DOCKED_LEFT) || ((dwDockStyle &0xF) == DS_DOCKED_RIGHT))
2069 int Width = GetDockAncestor()->GetDockClient().GetWindowRect().Width();
2070 int BarWidth = pDocker->GetBarWidth();
2071 if (pDocker->m_DockStartSize >= (Width - BarWidth))
2072 pDocker->SetDockSize(MAX(Width/2 - BarWidth, BarWidth));
2074 pDocker->m_DockSizeRatio = ((double)pDocker->m_DockStartSize) / (double)GetDockAncestor()->GetWindowRect().Width();
2078 int Height = GetDockAncestor()->GetDockClient().GetWindowRect().Height();
2079 int BarWidth = pDocker->GetBarWidth();
2080 if (pDocker->m_DockStartSize >= (Height - BarWidth))
2081 pDocker->SetDockSize(MAX(Height/2 - BarWidth, BarWidth));
2083 pDocker->m_DockSizeRatio = ((double)pDocker->m_DockStartSize) / (double)GetDockAncestor()->GetWindowRect().Height();
2086 // Redraw the docked windows
2087 GetAncestor()->SetFocus();
2088 pDocker->GetView()->SetFocus();
2089 RecalcDockLayout();
2092 inline void CDocker::DrawAllCaptions()
2094 std::vector<DockPtr>::iterator iter;
2095 for (iter = GetAllDockers().begin(); iter != GetAllDockers().end(); iter++)
2097 if ((*iter)->IsDocked())
2098 (*iter)->GetDockClient().DrawCaption((WPARAM)1);
2102 inline void CDocker::DrawHashBar(HWND hBar, POINT Pos)
2103 // Draws a hashed bar while the splitter bar is being dragged
2105 CDocker* pDock = ((CDockBar*)FromHandle(hBar))->GetDock();
2106 if (NULL == pDock) return;
2108 BOOL bVertical = ((pDock->GetDockStyle() & 0xF) == DS_DOCKED_LEFT) || ((pDock->GetDockStyle() & 0xF) == DS_DOCKED_RIGHT);
2110 CClientDC dcBar(this);
2112 WORD HashPattern[] = {0x55,0xAA,0x55,0xAA,0x55,0xAA,0x55,0xAA};
2114 CBrush brDithered;
2115 bmHash.CreateBitmap(8, 8, 1, 1, HashPattern);
2116 brDithered.CreatePatternBrush(&bmHash);
2117 dcBar.SelectObject(&brDithered);
2119 CRect rc = FromHandle(hBar)->GetWindowRect();
2120 ScreenToClient(rc);
2121 int cx = rc.Width();
2122 int cy = rc.Height();
2123 int BarWidth = pDock->GetDockBar().GetWidth();
2126 dcBar.PatBlt(Pos.x - BarWidth/2, rc.top, BarWidth, cy, PATINVERT);
2128 dcBar.PatBlt(rc.left, Pos.y - BarWidth/2, cx, BarWidth, PATINVERT);
2131 inline CDockContainer* CDocker::GetContainer() const
2133 CDockContainer* pContainer = NULL;
2134 if (dynamic_cast<CDockContainer*>(GetView()))
2135 pContainer = (CDockContainer*)GetView();
2137 return pContainer;
2140 inline CDocker* CDocker::GetActiveDocker() const
2141 // Returns the docker whose child window has focus
2143 CWnd* pWnd = GetFocus();
2144 CDocker* pDock= NULL;
2145 while (pWnd && (pDock == NULL))
2147 if (IsRelated(pWnd))
2148 pDock = (CDocker*)pWnd;
2150 pWnd = pWnd->GetParent();
2156 inline CDocker* CDocker::GetDockAncestor() const
2157 // The GetDockAncestor function retrieves the pointer to the
2158 // ancestor (root docker parent) of the Docker.
2160 return m_pDockAncestor;
2163 inline CDocker* CDocker::GetDockFromPoint(POINT pt) const
2164 // Retrieves the Docker whose view window contains the specified point
2166 // Step 1: Find the top level Docker the point is over
2167 CDocker* pDockTop = NULL;
2168 CWnd* pAncestor = GetDockAncestor()->GetAncestor();
2170 // Iterate through all top level windows
2171 CWnd* pWnd = GetWindow(GW_HWNDFIRST);
2174 if (IsRelated(pWnd) || pWnd == pAncestor)
2176 CDocker* pDockTest;
2177 if (pWnd == pAncestor)
2178 pDockTest = GetDockAncestor();
2180 pDockTest = (CDocker*)pWnd;
2182 CRect rc = pDockTest->GetClientRect();
2183 pDockTest->ClientToScreen(rc);
2184 if ((this != pDockTest) && rc.PtInRect(pt))
2186 pDockTop = pDockTest;
2191 pWnd = pWnd->GetWindow(GW_HWNDNEXT);
2194 // Step 2: Find the docker child whose view window has the point
2195 CDocker* pDockTarget = NULL;
2198 CDocker* pDockParent = pDockTop;
2199 CDocker* pDockTest = pDockParent;
2201 while (IsRelated(pDockTest))
2203 pDockParent = pDockTest;
2204 CPoint ptLocal = pt;
2205 pDockParent->ScreenToClient(ptLocal);
2206 pDockTest = (CDocker*)pDockParent->ChildWindowFromPoint(ptLocal);
2207 assert (pDockTest != pDockParent);
2210 CRect rc = pDockParent->GetDockClient().GetWindowRect();
2211 if (rc.PtInRect(pt)) pDockTarget = pDockParent;
2214 return pDockTarget;
2217 inline CDocker* CDocker::GetDockFromID(int n_DockID) const
2219 std::vector <DockPtr>::iterator v;
2221 if (GetDockAncestor())
2223 for (v = GetDockAncestor()->m_vAllDockers.begin(); v != GetDockAncestor()->m_vAllDockers.end(); v++)
2225 if (n_DockID == (*v)->GetDockID())
2226 return (*v).get();
2233 inline CDocker* CDocker::GetDockFromView(CWnd* pView) const
2235 CDocker* pDock = 0;
2236 std::vector<DockPtr>::iterator iter;
2237 std::vector<DockPtr> AllDockers = GetAllDockers();
2238 for (iter = AllDockers.begin(); iter != AllDockers.end(); ++iter)
2240 if ((*iter)->GetView() == pView)
2241 pDock = (*iter).get();
2244 if (GetDockAncestor()->GetView() == pView)
2245 pDock = GetDockAncestor();
2250 inline int CDocker::GetDockSize() const
2252 // Returns the size of the docker to be used if it is redocked
2253 // Note: This function returns 0 if the docker has the DS_DOCKED_CONTAINER style
2256 if (GetDockParent())
2257 rcParent = GetDockParent()->GetWindowRect();
2259 rcParent = GetDockAncestor()->GetWindowRect();
2261 double DockSize = 0;
2262 if ((GetDockStyle() & DS_DOCKED_LEFT) || (GetDockStyle() & DS_DOCKED_RIGHT))
2263 DockSize = (double)(rcParent.Width()*m_DockSizeRatio);
2264 else if ((GetDockStyle() & DS_DOCKED_TOP) || (GetDockStyle() & DS_DOCKED_BOTTOM))
2265 DockSize = (double)(rcParent.Height()*m_DockSizeRatio);
2266 else if ((GetDockStyle() & DS_DOCKED_CONTAINER))
2269 return (int)DockSize;
2272 inline CDocker* CDocker::GetTopmostDocker() const
2273 // Returns the docker's parent at the top of the Z order.
2274 // Could be the dock ancestor or an undocked docker.
2276 CDocker* pDockTopLevel = (CDocker* const)this;
2278 while(pDockTopLevel->GetDockParent())
2280 assert (pDockTopLevel != pDockTopLevel->GetDockParent());
2281 pDockTopLevel = pDockTopLevel->GetDockParent();
2284 return pDockTopLevel;
2287 inline CTabbedMDI* CDocker::GetTabbedMDI() const
2289 CTabbedMDI* pTabbedMDI = NULL;
2290 if (dynamic_cast<CTabbedMDI*>(GetView()))
2291 pTabbedMDI = (CTabbedMDI*)GetView();
2293 return pTabbedMDI;
2296 inline int CDocker::GetTextHeight()
2299 nm.cbSize = GetSizeofNonClientMetrics();
2300 SystemParametersInfo (SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, 0, &nm, 0);
2301 LOGFONT lf = nm.lfStatusFont;
2303 CClientDC dc(this);
2304 dc.CreateFontIndirect(&lf);
2305 CSize szText = dc.GetTextExtentPoint32(_T("Text"), lstrlen(_T("Text")));
2309 inline void CDocker::Hide()
2311 // Undocks a docker (if needed) and hides it.
2312 // Do unhide the docker, dock it.
2316 if (dynamic_cast<CDockContainer*>(GetView()))
2318 CDockContainer* pContainer = GetContainer();
2319 CDocker* pDock = GetDockFromView(pContainer->GetContainerParent());
2320 pDock->UndockContainer(pContainer, GetCursorPos(), FALSE);
2324 CDocker* pDockUndockedFrom = SeparateFromDock();
2325 pDockUndockedFrom->RecalcDockLayout();
2329 ShowWindow(SW_HIDE);
2332 inline BOOL CDocker::IsChildOfDocker(CWnd* pWnd) const
2333 // returns true if the specified window is a child of this docker
2335 while ((pWnd != NULL) && (pWnd != GetDockAncestor()))
2337 if (pWnd == (CWnd*)this) return TRUE;
2338 if (IsRelated(pWnd)) break;
2339 pWnd = pWnd->GetParent();
2345 inline BOOL CDocker::IsDocked() const
2347 return (((m_DockStyle&0xF) || (m_DockStyle & DS_DOCKED_CONTAINER)) && !m_Undocking); // Boolean expression
2350 inline BOOL CDocker::IsDragAutoResize()
2352 return m_bDragAutoResize;
2355 inline BOOL CDocker::IsRelated(CWnd* pWnd) const
2356 // Returns TRUE if the hWnd is a docker within this dock family
2358 if (GetDockAncestor() == pWnd) return TRUE;
2360 std::vector<DockPtr>::iterator iter;
2361 for (iter = GetAllDockers().begin(); iter < GetAllDockers().end(); ++iter)
2363 if ((*iter).get() == pWnd) return TRUE;
2369 inline BOOL CDocker::IsUndocked() const
2371 return (!((m_DockStyle&0xF)|| (m_DockStyle & DS_DOCKED_CONTAINER)) && !m_Undocking); // Boolean expression
2374 inline BOOL CDocker::LoadRegistrySettings(LPCTSTR szRegistryKeyName)
2375 // Recreates the docker layout based on information stored in the registry.
2376 // Assumes the DockAncestor window is already created.
2378 BOOL bResult = FALSE;
2380 if (szRegistryKeyName)
2382 std::vector<DockInfo> vDockList;
2383 std::vector<int> vActiveContainers;
2385 CString strKey = _T("Software\\") + CString(szRegistryKeyName) + _T("\\Dock Windows");
2387 RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, strKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey);
2390 DWORD dwType = REG_BINARY;
2391 DWORD BufferSize = sizeof(DockInfo);
2394 TCHAR szNumber[20];
2395 CString strSubKey = _T("DockChild");
2396 strSubKey += _itot(i, szNumber, 10);
2398 // Fill the DockList vector from the registry
2399 while (0 == RegQueryValueEx(hKey, strSubKey, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&di, &BufferSize))
2401 vDockList.push_back(di);
2403 strSubKey = _T("DockChild");
2404 strSubKey += _itot(i, szNumber, 10);
2407 dwType = REG_DWORD;
2408 BufferSize = sizeof(int);
2411 strSubKey = _T("ActiveContainer");
2412 strSubKey += _itot(i, szNumber, 10);
2414 // Fill the DockList vector from the registry
2415 while (0 == RegQueryValueEx(hKey, strSubKey, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&nID, &BufferSize))
2417 vActiveContainers.push_back(nID);
2419 strSubKey = _T("ActiveContainer");
2420 strSubKey += _itot(i, szNumber, 10);
2423 RegCloseKey(hKey);
2424 if (vDockList.size() > 0) bResult = TRUE;
2427 // Add dockers without parents first
2428 std::vector<DockInfo>::iterator iter;
2429 for (iter = vDockList.begin(); iter < vDockList.end() ; ++iter)
2431 DockInfo di = (*iter);
2432 if (di.DockParentID == 0)
2434 CDocker* pDocker = NewDockerFromID(di.DockID);
2437 if (di.DockStyle & 0xF)
2438 AddDockedChild(pDocker, di.DockStyle, di.DockSize, di.DockID);
2440 AddUndockedChild(pDocker, di.DockStyle, di.DockSize, di.Rect, di.DockID);
2444 TRACE(_T("Failed to add dockers without parents from registry"));
2450 // Remove dockers without parents from vDockList
2451 for (UINT n = (UINT)vDockList.size(); n > 0; --n)
2453 iter = vDockList.begin() + n-1;
2454 if ((*iter).DockParentID == 0)
2455 vDockList.erase(iter);
2458 // Add remaining dockers
2459 while (vDockList.size() > 0)
2461 bool bFound = false;
2462 std::vector<DockInfo>::iterator iter;
2463 for (iter = vDockList.begin(); iter < vDockList.end(); ++iter)
2465 DockInfo di = *iter;
2466 CDocker* pDockParent = GetDockFromID(di.DockParentID);
2468 if (pDockParent != 0)
2470 CDocker* pDock = NewDockerFromID(di.DockID);
2473 pDockParent->AddDockedChild(pDock, di.DockStyle, di.DockSize, di.DockID);
2478 TRACE(_T("Failed to add dockers with parents from registry"));
2482 vDockList.erase(iter);
2489 TRACE(_T("Orphaned dockers stored in registry "));
2495 std::vector<int>::iterator iterID;
2496 for (iterID = vActiveContainers.begin(); iterID < vActiveContainers.end(); ++iterID)
2498 CDocker* pDocker = GetDockFromID(*iterID);
2501 CDockContainer* pContainer = pDocker->GetContainer();
2504 int nPage = pContainer->GetContainerIndex(pContainer);
2506 pContainer->SelectPage(nPage);
2512 if (!bResult) CloseAllDockers();
2516 inline void CDocker::MoveDockChildren(CDocker* pDockTarget)
2517 // Used internally by Dock and Undock
2519 assert(pDockTarget);
2521 // Transfer any dock children from the current docker to the target docker
2522 std::vector<CDocker*>::iterator iter;
2523 for (iter = GetDockChildren().begin(); iter < GetDockChildren().end(); ++iter)
2525 pDockTarget->GetDockChildren().push_back(*iter);
2526 (*iter)->m_pDockParent = pDockTarget;
2527 (*iter)->SetParent(pDockTarget);
2528 (*iter)->GetDockBar().SetParent(pDockTarget);
2530 GetDockChildren().clear();
2533 inline CDocker* CDocker::NewDockerFromID(int nID)
2534 // Used in LoadRegistrySettings. Creates a new Docker from the specified ID
2538 // Override this function to create the Docker objects as shown below
2540 CDocker* pDock = NULL;
2544 pDock = new CDockClasses;
2547 pDock = new CDockFiles;
2550 TRACE(_T("Unknown Dock ID\n"));
2557 inline void CDocker::OnActivate(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
2561 // Only top level undocked dockers get this message
2562 if (LOWORD(wParam) == WA_INACTIVE)
2564 GetTopmostDocker()->m_hOldFocus = ::GetFocus();
2566 // Send a notification of focus lost
2567 int idCtrl = ::GetDlgCtrlID(m_hOldFocus);
2569 nhdr.hwndFrom = m_hOldFocus;
2570 nhdr.idFrom = idCtrl;
2571 nhdr.code = UWM_FRAMELOSTFOCUS;
2572 SendMessage(WM_NOTIFY, (WPARAM)idCtrl, (LPARAM)&nhdr);
2576 inline void CDocker::OnCaptionTimer(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
2580 if (this == GetDockAncestor())
2584 DrawAllCaptions();
2586 if (m_nTimerCount == 10)
2588 KillTimer(wParam);
2589 m_nTimerCount = 0;
2595 inline void CDocker::OnCreate()
2598 #if defined(WINVER) && defined (WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL) && (WINVER >= 0x0500)
2599 if (GetParent()->GetWindowLongPtr(GWL_EXSTYLE) & WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL)
2601 DWORD dwExStyle = (DWORD)GetWindowLongPtr(GWL_EXSTYLE);
2602 SetWindowLongPtr(GWL_EXSTYLE, dwExStyle | WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL);
2606 // Create the various child windows
2607 GetDockClient().SetDock(this);
2608 GetDockClient().Create(this);
2610 assert(GetView()); // Use SetView in CMainFrame's constructor to set the view window
2611 GetView()->Create(&GetDockClient());
2613 // Create the slider bar belonging to this docker
2614 GetDockBar().SetDock(this);
2615 if (GetDockAncestor() != this)
2616 GetDockBar().Create(GetParent());
2618 // Now remove the WS_POPUP style. It was required to allow this window
2619 // to be owned by the frame window.
2620 SetWindowLongPtr(GWL_STYLE, WS_CHILD);
2621 SetParent(GetParent()); // Reinstate the window's parent
2623 // Set the default colour for the splitter bar
2624 COLORREF rgbColour = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE);
2625 CWnd* pFrame = GetDockAncestor()->GetAncestor();
2626 ReBarTheme* pTheme = (ReBarTheme*)pFrame->SendMessage(UWM_GETREBARTHEME, 0, 0);
2628 if (pTheme && pTheme->UseThemes && pTheme->clrBkgnd2 != 0)
2629 rgbColour =pTheme->clrBkgnd2;
2631 SetBarColor(rgbColour);
2633 // Set the caption height based on text height
2634 m_NCHeight = MAX(20, GetTextHeight() + 5);
2637 inline void CDocker::OnDestroy(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
2642 // Destroy any dock children first
2643 std::vector<CDocker*>::iterator iter;
2644 for (iter = GetDockChildren().begin(); iter < GetDockChildren().end(); ++iter)
2646 (*iter)->Destroy();
2649 if (dynamic_cast<CDockContainer*>(GetView()) && IsUndocked())
2651 CDockContainer* pContainer = (CDockContainer*)GetView();
2652 if (pContainer->GetAllContainers().size() > 1)
2654 // This container has children, so destroy them now
2655 std::vector<ContainerInfo> AllContainers = pContainer->GetAllContainers();
2656 std::vector<ContainerInfo>::iterator iter;
2657 for (iter = AllContainers.begin(); iter < AllContainers.end(); ++iter)
2659 if ((*iter).pContainer != pContainer)
2661 // Reset container parent before destroying the dock window
2662 CDocker* pDock = GetDockFromView((*iter).pContainer);
2663 if (pContainer->IsWindow())
2664 pContainer->SetParent(&pDock->GetDockClient());
2672 GetDockBar().Destroy();
2674 // Post a destroy docker message
2675 if ( GetDockAncestor()->IsWindow() )
2676 GetDockAncestor()->PostMessage(UWM_DOCK_DESTROYED, (WPARAM)this, 0L);
2679 inline void CDocker::OnDockDestroyed(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
2683 CDocker* pDock = (CDocker*)wParam;
2685 assert( this == GetDockAncestor() );
2686 std::vector<DockPtr>::iterator iter;
2687 for (iter = GetAllDockers().begin(); iter < GetAllDockers().end(); ++iter)
2689 if ((*iter).get() == pDock)
2691 GetAllDockers().erase(iter);
2697 inline void CDocker::OnExitSizeMove(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
2702 m_BlockMove = FALSE;
2703 m_bIsDragging = FALSE;
2704 SendNotify(UWM_DOCK_END);
2707 inline LRESULT CDocker::OnNotify(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
2710 LPDRAGPOS pdp = (LPDRAGPOS)lParam;
2712 switch (((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code)
2714 case UWM_DOCK_START:
2718 Undock(GetCursorPos());
2719 SendMessage(WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HTCAPTION, MAKELPARAM(pdp->ptPos.x, pdp->ptPos.y));
2724 case UWM_DOCK_MOVE:
2726 CheckAllTargets((LPDRAGPOS)lParam);
2730 case UWM_DOCK_END:
2732 CDocker* pDock = (CDocker*)FromHandle(pdp->hdr.hwndFrom);
2733 if (NULL == pDock) break;
2735 UINT DockZone = pdp->DockZone;
2736 CRect rc = pDock->GetWindowRect();
2740 case DS_DOCKED_LEFT:
2741 case DS_DOCKED_RIGHT:
2742 pDock->SetDockSize(rc.Width());
2743 Dock(pDock, pDock->GetDockStyle() | DockZone);
2745 case DS_DOCKED_TOP:
2747 pDock->SetDockSize(rc.Height());
2748 Dock(pDock, pDock->GetDockStyle() | DockZone);
2752 DockInContainer(pDock, pDock->GetDockStyle() | DockZone);
2753 CDockContainer* pContainer = (CDockContainer*)GetView();
2754 int nPage = pContainer->GetContainerIndex((CDockContainer*)pDock->GetView());
2755 pContainer->SelectPage(nPage);
2760 pDock->SetDockSize(rc.Width());
2761 DockOuter(pDock, pDock->GetDockStyle() | DockZone);
2765 pDock->SetDockSize(rc.Height());
2766 DockOuter(pDock, pDock->GetDockStyle() | DockZone);
2770 GetDockHint().Destroy();
2771 CloseAllTargets();
2775 case UWM_BAR_START:
2777 CPoint pt = pdp->ptPos;
2778 ScreenToClient(pt);
2779 if (!IsDragAutoResize())
2780 DrawHashBar(pdp->hdr.hwndFrom, pt);
2785 case UWM_BAR_MOVE:
2787 CPoint pt = pdp->ptPos;
2788 ScreenToClient(pt);
2790 if (pt != m_OldPoint)
2792 if (IsDragAutoResize())
2793 ResizeDockers(pdp);
2796 DrawHashBar(pdp->hdr.hwndFrom, m_OldPoint);
2797 DrawHashBar(pdp->hdr.hwndFrom, pt);
2807 POINT pt = pdp->ptPos;
2808 ScreenToClient(pt);
2810 if (!IsDragAutoResize())
2811 DrawHashBar(pdp->hdr.hwndFrom, pt);
2813 ResizeDockers(pdp);
2817 if (GetDockAncestor()->IsWindow())
2818 GetDockAncestor()->PostMessage(UWM_DOCK_ACTIVATED, 0, 0);
2821 if (GetDockAncestor()->IsWindow())
2822 GetDockAncestor()->PostMessage(UWM_DOCK_ACTIVATED, 0, 0);
2823 if (GetView()->IsWindow())
2824 GetView()->SendMessage(WM_NOTIFY, wParam, lParam);
2827 if (GetDockAncestor()->IsWindow())
2828 GetDockAncestor()->PostMessage(UWM_DOCK_ACTIVATED, 0, 0);
2829 if (GetView()->IsWindow())
2830 GetView()->SendMessage(WM_NOTIFY, wParam, lParam);
2836 inline void CDocker::ResizeDockers(LPDRAGPOS pdp)
2837 // Called when the docker's splitter bar is dragged
2841 POINT pt = pdp->ptPos;
2842 ScreenToClient(pt);
2844 CDocker* pDock = ((CDockBar*)FromHandle(pdp->hdr.hwndFrom))->GetDock();
2845 if (NULL == pDock) return;
2847 RECT rcDock = pDock->GetWindowRect();
2848 ScreenToClient(rcDock);
2850 double dBarWidth = pDock->GetDockBar().GetWidth();
2851 int iBarWidth = pDock->GetDockBar().GetWidth();
2854 switch (pDock->GetDockStyle() & 0xF)
2856 case DS_DOCKED_LEFT:
2857 DockSize = MAX(pt.x, iBarWidth/2) - rcDock.left - (int)(.5* dBarWidth);
2858 DockSize = MAX(-iBarWidth, DockSize);
2859 pDock->SetDockSize(DockSize);
2860 pDock->m_DockSizeRatio = ((double)pDock->m_DockStartSize)/((double)pDock->m_pDockParent->GetWindowRect().Width());
2862 case DS_DOCKED_RIGHT:
2863 DockSize = rcDock.right - MAX(pt.x, iBarWidth/2) - (int)(.5* dBarWidth);
2864 DockSize = MAX(-iBarWidth, DockSize);
2865 pDock->SetDockSize(DockSize);
2866 pDock->m_DockSizeRatio = ((double)pDock->m_DockStartSize)/((double)pDock->m_pDockParent->GetWindowRect().Width());
2868 case DS_DOCKED_TOP:
2869 DockSize = MAX(pt.y, iBarWidth/2) - rcDock.top - (int)(.5* dBarWidth);
2870 DockSize = MAX(-iBarWidth, DockSize);
2871 pDock->SetDockSize(DockSize);
2872 pDock->m_DockSizeRatio = ((double)pDock->m_DockStartSize)/((double)pDock->m_pDockParent->GetWindowRect().Height());
2875 DockSize = rcDock.bottom - MAX(pt.y, iBarWidth/2) - (int)(.5* dBarWidth);
2876 DockSize = MAX(-iBarWidth, DockSize);
2877 pDock->SetDockSize(DockSize);
2878 pDock->m_DockSizeRatio = ((double)pDock->m_DockStartSize)/((double)pDock->m_pDockParent->GetWindowRect().Height());
2882 RecalcDockLayout();
2885 inline void CDocker::OnSetFocus(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
2890 if (IsUndocked() && m_hOldFocus)
2891 ::SetFocus(m_hOldFocus);
2893 // Pass focus on the the view window
2894 GetView()->SetFocus();
2896 if ((this == GetTopmostDocker()) && (this != GetDockAncestor()))
2898 // Send a notification to top level window
2899 int idCtrl = ::GetDlgCtrlID(m_hOldFocus);
2901 nhdr.hwndFrom = m_hOldFocus;
2902 nhdr.idFrom = idCtrl;
2903 nhdr.code = NM_SETFOCUS;
2904 SendMessage(WM_NOTIFY, (WPARAM)idCtrl, (LPARAM)&nhdr);
2908 inline void CDocker::OnSysColorChange(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
2913 if (this == GetDockAncestor())
2915 COLORREF rgbColour = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE);
2916 CWnd* pFrame = GetDockAncestor()->GetAncestor();
2917 ReBarTheme* pTheme = (ReBarTheme*)pFrame->SendMessage(UWM_GETREBARTHEME, 0, 0);
2919 if (pTheme && pTheme->UseThemes && pTheme->clrBand2 != 0)
2920 rgbColour = pTheme->clrBkgnd2;
2922 rgbColour = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE);
2924 // Set the splitter bar colour for each docker decendant
2925 std::vector<DockPtr>::iterator iter;
2926 for (iter = GetAllDockers().begin(); iter < GetAllDockers().end(); ++iter)
2927 (*iter)->SetBarColor(rgbColour);
2929 // Set the splitter bar colour for the docker ancestor
2930 SetBarColor(rgbColour);
2934 inline LRESULT CDocker::OnSysCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
2936 switch(wParam&0xFFF0)
2939 // An undocked docker is being moved
2941 BOOL bResult = FALSE;
2942 m_bIsDragging = TRUE;
2943 SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW));
2945 if (SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETDRAGFULLWINDOWS, 0, &bResult, 0))
2947 // Turn on DragFullWindows for this move
2948 SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETDRAGFULLWINDOWS, TRUE, 0, 0);
2950 // Process this message
2951 DefWindowProc(WM_SYSCOMMAND, wParam, lParam);
2953 // Return DragFullWindows to its previous state
2954 SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETDRAGFULLWINDOWS, bResult, 0, 0);
2960 // The close button is pressed on an undocked docker
2961 m_bIsClosing = TRUE;
2964 return CWnd::WndProcDefault(WM_SYSCOMMAND, wParam, lParam);
2967 inline LRESULT CDocker::OnWindowPosChanging(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
2969 // Suspend dock drag moving while over dock zone
2977 return CWnd::WndProcDefault(WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING, wParam, lParam);
2980 inline void CDocker::OnWindowPosChanged(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
2984 if (m_bIsDragging)
2986 // Send a Move notification to the parent
2987 if ( IsLeftButtonDown() )
2990 if ((!(wPos->flags & SWP_NOMOVE)) || m_BlockMove)
2991 SendNotify(UWM_DOCK_MOVE);
2995 CloseAllTargets();
2996 m_BlockMove = FALSE;
2999 else if (this == GetTopmostDocker())
3001 // Reposition the dock children
3002 if (IsUndocked() && IsWindowVisible() && !m_bIsClosing) RecalcDockLayout();
3006 inline void CDocker::PreCreate(CREATESTRUCT &cs)
3008 // Specify the WS_POPUP style to have this window owned
3009 if (this != GetDockAncestor())
3010 cs.style = WS_POPUP;
3012 cs.dwExStyle = WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW;
3015 inline void CDocker::PreRegisterClass(WNDCLASS &wc)
3017 wc.lpszClassName = _T("Win32++ Docker");
3018 wc.hCursor = ::LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
3021 inline void CDocker::RecalcDockChildLayout(CRect rc)
3023 // This function positions the Docker's dock children, the Dockers client area
3024 // and draws the dockbar bars.
3027 // 1) This function is called recursively.
3028 // 2) The client area and child dockers are positioned simultaneously with
3029 // DeferWindowPos to avoid drawing errors in complex docker arrangements.
3030 // 3) The docker's client area contains the docker's caption (if any) and the docker's view window.
3032 // Note: All top level dockers are undocked, including the dock ancestor.
3035 rc.OffsetRect(-rc.left, -rc.top);
3038 HDWP hdwp = BeginDeferWindowPos((int)m_vDockChildren.size() +2);
3040 // Step 1: Calculate the position of each Docker child, DockBar, and Client window.
3041 // The Client area = the docker rect minus the area of dock children and the dock bar (splitter bar).
3042 for (UINT u = 0; u < m_vDockChildren.size(); ++u)
3044 CRect rcChild = rc;
3045 double DockSize = m_vDockChildren[u]->m_DockStartSize;;
3047 // Calculate the size of the Docker children
3048 switch (m_vDockChildren[u]->GetDockStyle() & 0xF)
3050 case DS_DOCKED_LEFT:
3051 if (!(GetDockStyle() & DS_FIXED_RESIZE))
3052 DockSize = MIN(m_vDockChildren[u]->m_DockSizeRatio*(GetWindowRect().Width()), rcChild.Width());
3053 rcChild.right = rcChild.left + (int)DockSize;
3055 case DS_DOCKED_RIGHT:
3056 if (!(GetDockStyle() & DS_FIXED_RESIZE))
3057 DockSize = MIN(m_vDockChildren[u]->m_DockSizeRatio*(GetWindowRect().Width()), rcChild.Width());
3058 rcChild.left = rcChild.right - (int)DockSize;
3060 case DS_DOCKED_TOP:
3061 if (!(GetDockStyle() & DS_FIXED_RESIZE))
3062 DockSize = MIN(m_vDockChildren[u]->m_DockSizeRatio*(GetWindowRect().Height()), rcChild.Height());
3063 rcChild.bottom = rcChild.top + (int)DockSize;
3066 if (!(GetDockStyle() & DS_FIXED_RESIZE))
3067 DockSize = MIN(m_vDockChildren[u]->m_DockSizeRatio*(GetWindowRect().Height()), rcChild.Height());
3068 rcChild.top = rcChild.bottom - (int)DockSize;
3072 if (m_vDockChildren[u]->IsDocked())
3074 // Position this docker's children
3075 hdwp = m_vDockChildren[u]->DeferWindowPos(hdwp, NULL, rcChild, SWP_SHOWWINDOW|SWP_FRAMECHANGED);
3076 m_vDockChildren[u]->m_rcChild = rcChild;
3078 rc.SubtractRect(rc, rcChild);
3080 // Calculate the dimensions of the splitter bar
3082 DWORD DockSide = m_vDockChildren[u]->GetDockStyle() & 0xF;
3084 if (DS_DOCKED_LEFT == DockSide) rcBar.right = rcBar.left + m_vDockChildren[u]->GetBarWidth();
3085 if (DS_DOCKED_RIGHT == DockSide) rcBar.left = rcBar.right - m_vDockChildren[u]->GetBarWidth();
3086 if (DS_DOCKED_TOP == DockSide) rcBar.bottom = rcBar.top + m_vDockChildren[u]->GetBarWidth();
3087 if (DS_DOCKED_BOTTOM == DockSide) rcBar.top = rcBar.bottom - m_vDockChildren[u]->GetBarWidth();
3089 // Save the splitter bar position. We will reposition it later.
3090 m_vDockChildren[u]->m_rcBar = rcBar;
3091 rc.SubtractRect(rc, rcBar);
3095 // Step 2: Position the Dock client and dock bar
3096 hdwp = GetDockClient().DeferWindowPos(hdwp, NULL, rc, SWP_SHOWWINDOW |SWP_FRAMECHANGED);
3097 EndDeferWindowPos(hdwp);
3099 // Position the dockbar. Only docked dockers have a dock bar.
3102 // The SWP_NOCOPYBITS forces a redraw of the dock bar.
3106 // Step 3: Now recurse through the docker's children. They might have children of their own.
3107 for (UINT v = 0; v < m_vDockChildren.size(); ++v)
3109 m_vDockChildren[v]->RecalcDockChildLayout(m_vDockChildren[v]->m_rcChild);
3113 inline void CDocker::RecalcDockLayout()
3114 // Repositions the dock children of a top level docker
3116 if (GetDockAncestor()->IsWindow())
3118 CRect rc = GetTopmostDocker()->GetClientRect();
3119 GetTopmostDocker()->RecalcDockChildLayout(rc);
3120 GetTopmostDocker()->UpdateWindow();
3124 inline std::vector<CDocker*> CDocker::SortDockers()
3125 // Returns a vector of sorted dockers, used by SaveRegistrySettings.
3127 std::vector<CDocker*> vSorted;
3128 std::vector<CDocker*>::iterator itSort;
3129 std::vector<DockPtr>::iterator itAll;
3131 // Add undocked top level dockers
3132 for (itAll = GetAllDockers().begin(); itAll < GetAllDockers().end(); ++itAll)
3134 if (!(*itAll)->GetDockParent())
3135 vSorted.push_back((*itAll).get());
3138 // Add dock ancestor's children
3139 vSorted.insert(vSorted.end(), GetDockAncestor()->GetDockChildren().begin(), GetDockAncestor()->GetDockChildren().end());
3141 // Add other dock children
3143 itSort = vSorted.begin();
3144 while (itSort < vSorted.end())
3146 vSorted.insert(vSorted.end(), (*itSort)->GetDockChildren().begin(), (*itSort)->GetDockChildren().end());
3147 itSort = vSorted.begin() + (++index);
3150 // Add dockers docked in containers
3151 std::vector<CDocker*> vDockContainers;
3152 for (itSort = vSorted.begin(); itSort< vSorted.end(); ++itSort)
3154 if ((*itSort)->GetContainer())
3155 vDockContainers.push_back(*itSort);
3158 for (itSort = vDockContainers.begin(); itSort < vDockContainers.end(); ++itSort)
3160 CDockContainer* pContainer = (*itSort)->GetContainer();
3162 for (UINT i = 1; i < pContainer->GetAllContainers().size(); ++i)
3164 CDockContainer* pChild = pContainer->GetContainerFromIndex(i);
3165 CDocker* pDock = GetDockFromView(pChild);
3166 vSorted.push_back(pDock);
3173 inline BOOL CDocker::SaveRegistrySettings(LPCTSTR szRegistryKeyName)
3174 // Stores the docking configuration in the registry
3175 // NOTE: This function assumes that each docker has a unique DockID
3177 assert(VerifyDockers());
3179 std::vector<CDocker*> vSorted = SortDockers();
3180 std::vector<CDocker*>::iterator iter;
3181 std::vector<DockInfo> vDockInfo;
3183 if (szRegistryKeyName)
3185 // Fill the DockInfo vector with the docking information
3186 for (iter = vSorted.begin(); iter < vSorted.end(); ++iter)
3188 DockInfo di = {0};
3189 di.DockID = (*iter)->GetDockID();
3190 di.DockStyle = (*iter)->GetDockStyle();
3191 di.DockSize = (*iter)->GetDockSize();
3192 di.Rect = (*iter)->GetWindowRect();
3193 if ((*iter)->GetDockParent())
3194 di.DockParentID = (*iter)->GetDockParent()->GetDockID();
3196 vDockInfo.push_back(di);
3199 CString strKeyName = _T("Software\\") + CString(szRegistryKeyName);
3201 HKEY hKeyDock = NULL;
3206 throw (CWinException(_T("RegCreateKeyEx Failed")));
3208 RegDeleteKey(hKey, _T("Dock Windows"));
3209 if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegCreateKeyEx(hKey, _T("Dock Windows"), 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hKeyDock, NULL))
3210 throw (CWinException(_T("RegCreateKeyEx Failed")));
3212 // Add the Dock windows information to the registry
3213 for (UINT u = 0; u < vDockInfo.size(); ++u)
3215 DockInfo di = vDockInfo[u];
3216 TCHAR szNumber[16];
3217 CString strSubKey = _T("DockChild");
3218 strSubKey += _itot((int)u, szNumber, 10);
3219 if(ERROR_SUCCESS != RegSetValueEx(hKeyDock, strSubKey, 0, REG_BINARY, (LPBYTE)&di, sizeof(DockInfo)))
3220 throw (CWinException(_T("RegSetValueEx failed")));
3223 // Add Active Container to the registry
3225 for (iter = vSorted.begin(); iter < vSorted.end(); ++iter)
3227 CDockContainer* pContainer = (*iter)->GetContainer();
3229 if (pContainer && (pContainer == pContainer->GetActiveContainer()))
3231 TCHAR szNumber[20];
3232 CString strSubKey = _T("ActiveContainer");
3233 strSubKey += _itot(i++, szNumber, 10);
3234 int nID = GetDockFromView(pContainer)->GetDockID();
3235 if(ERROR_SUCCESS != RegSetValueEx(hKeyDock, strSubKey, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&nID, sizeof(int)))
3236 throw (CWinException(_T("RegSetValueEx failed")));
3240 RegCloseKey(hKeyDock);
3241 RegCloseKey(hKey);
3244 catch (const CWinException& e)
3246 // Roll back the registry changes by deleting the subkeys
3251 RegDeleteKey(hKeyDock, _T("Dock Windows"));
3252 RegCloseKey(hKeyDock);
3255 RegDeleteKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, strKeyName);
3256 RegCloseKey(hKey);
3267 inline void CDocker::SendNotify(UINT nMessageID)
3268 // Sends a docking notification to the docker below the cursor
3271 DragPos.hdr.code = nMessageID;
3272 DragPos.hdr.hwndFrom = m_hWnd;
3273 DragPos.ptPos = GetCursorPos();
3274 DragPos.DockZone = m_dwDockZone;
3277 CDocker* pDock = GetDockFromPoint(DragPos.ptPos);
3280 pDock->SendMessage(WM_NOTIFY, 0L, (LPARAM)&DragPos);
3283 if (GetDockHint().IsWindow()) GetDockHint().Destroy();
3284 CloseAllTargets();
3285 m_BlockMove = FALSE;
3289 inline void CDocker::SetDockStyle(DWORD dwDockStyle)
3293 if ((dwDockStyle & DS_CLIENTEDGE) != (m_DockStyle & DS_CLIENTEDGE))
3295 if (dwDockStyle & DS_CLIENTEDGE)
3297 DWORD dwExStyle = (DWORD)GetDockClient().GetWindowLongPtr(GWL_EXSTYLE)|WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE;
3298 GetDockClient().SetWindowLongPtr(GWL_EXSTYLE, dwExStyle);
3303 DWORD dwExStyle = (DWORD)GetDockClient().GetWindowLongPtr(GWL_EXSTYLE);
3304 dwExStyle &= ~WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE;
3305 GetDockClient().SetWindowLongPtr(GWL_EXSTYLE, dwExStyle);
3310 RecalcDockLayout();
3313 m_DockStyle = dwDockStyle;
3316 inline void CDocker::SetCaption(LPCTSTR szCaption)
3317 // Sets the caption text
3319 GetDockClient().SetCaption(szCaption);
3322 SetWindowText(szCaption);
3325 inline void CDocker::SetCaptionColors(COLORREF Foregnd1, COLORREF Backgnd1, COLORREF ForeGnd2, COLORREF BackGnd2)
3327 GetDockClient().SetCaptionColors(Foregnd1, Backgnd1, ForeGnd2, BackGnd2);
3330 inline void CDocker::SetCaptionHeight(int nHeight)
3331 // Sets the height of the caption
3333 m_NCHeight = nHeight;
3335 RecalcDockLayout();
3338 inline void CDocker::SetDockSize(int DockSize)
3339 // Sets the size of a docked docker
3343 assert (m_pDockParent);
3344 switch (GetDockStyle() & 0xF)
3346 case DS_DOCKED_LEFT:
3347 m_DockStartSize = MIN(DockSize,m_pDockParent->GetWindowRect().Width());
3348 m_DockSizeRatio = ((double)m_DockStartSize)/((double)m_pDockParent->GetWindowRect().Width());
3350 case DS_DOCKED_RIGHT:
3351 m_DockStartSize = MIN(DockSize,m_pDockParent->GetWindowRect().Width());
3352 m_DockSizeRatio = ((double)m_DockStartSize)/((double)m_pDockParent->GetWindowRect().Width());
3354 case DS_DOCKED_TOP:
3355 m_DockStartSize = MIN(DockSize,m_pDockParent->GetWindowRect().Height());
3356 m_DockSizeRatio = ((double)m_DockStartSize)/((double)m_pDockParent->GetWindowRect().Height());
3359 m_DockStartSize = MIN(DockSize,m_pDockParent->GetWindowRect().Height());
3360 m_DockSizeRatio = ((double)m_DockStartSize)/((double)m_pDockParent->GetWindowRect().Height());
3364 RecalcDockLayout();
3368 m_DockStartSize = DockSize;
3369 m_DockSizeRatio = 1.0;
3373 inline void CDocker::SetDragAutoResize(BOOL bAutoResize)
3375 m_bDragAutoResize = bAutoResize;
3378 inline void CDocker::SetView(CWnd& wndView)
3379 // Assigns the view window to the docker
3381 CWnd* pWnd = &wndView;
3382 GetDockClient().SetView(wndView);
3383 if (dynamic_cast<CDockContainer*>(pWnd))
3385 CDockContainer* pContainer = (CDockContainer*)&wndView;
3386 SetCaption(pContainer->GetDockCaption().c_str());
3390 inline void CDocker::PromoteFirstChild()
3391 // One of the steps required for undocking
3393 // Promote our first child to replace ourself
3394 if (m_pDockParent)
3396 for (UINT u = 0 ; u < m_pDockParent->m_vDockChildren.size(); ++u)
3398 if (m_pDockParent->m_vDockChildren[u] == this)
3400 if (m_vDockChildren.size() > 0)
3401 // swap our first child for ourself as a child of the parent
3402 m_pDockParent->m_vDockChildren[u] = m_vDockChildren[0];
3404 // remove ourself as a child of the parent
3405 m_pDockParent->m_vDockChildren.erase(m_pDockParent->m_vDockChildren.begin() + u);
3411 // Transfer styles and data and children to the child docker
3412 CDocker* pDockFirstChild = NULL;
3413 if (m_vDockChildren.size() > 0)
3415 pDockFirstChild = m_vDockChildren[0];
3416 pDockFirstChild->m_DockStyle = (pDockFirstChild->m_DockStyle & 0xFFFFFFF0 ) | (m_DockStyle & 0xF);
3417 pDockFirstChild->m_DockStartSize = m_DockStartSize;
3418 pDockFirstChild->m_DockSizeRatio = m_DockSizeRatio;
3420 if (m_pDockParent)
3422 pDockFirstChild->m_pDockParent = m_pDockParent;
3423 pDockFirstChild->SetParent(m_pDockParent);
3424 pDockFirstChild->GetDockBar().SetParent(m_pDockParent);
3428 std::vector<CDocker*>::iterator iter;
3429 for (iter = GetDockChildren().begin() + 1; iter < GetDockChildren().end(); ++iter)
3430 (*iter)->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE);
3432 pDockFirstChild->ConvertToPopup(GetWindowRect());
3433 pDockFirstChild->GetDockBar().ShowWindow(SW_HIDE);
3436 m_vDockChildren.erase(m_vDockChildren.begin());
3437 MoveDockChildren(pDockFirstChild);
3441 inline void CDocker::ConvertToChild(HWND hWndParent)
3444 SetWindowLongPtr(GWL_STYLE, dwStyle);
3445 SetParent(FromHandle(hWndParent));
3446 GetDockBar().SetParent(FromHandle(hWndParent));
3449 inline void CDocker::ConvertToPopup(RECT rc)
3451 // Change the window to an "undocked" style
3452 ShowWindow(SW_HIDE);
3454 SetWindowLongPtr(GWL_STYLE, dwStyle);
3456 // Change the window's parent and reposition it
3457 GetDockBar().ShowWindow(SW_HIDE);
3459 m_pDockParent = 0;
3462 GetDockClient().SetWindowPos(NULL, GetClientRect(), SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
3464 SetWindowText(GetCaption().c_str());
3467 inline CDocker* CDocker::SeparateFromDock()
3469 // This performs some of the tasks required for undocking.
3470 // It is also used when a docker is hidden.
3471 CDocker* pDockUndockedFrom = GetDockParent();
3472 if (!pDockUndockedFrom && (GetDockChildren().size() > 0))
3473 pDockUndockedFrom = GetDockChildren()[0];
3475 GetTopmostDocker()->m_hOldFocus = 0;
3476 PromoteFirstChild();
3477 m_pDockParent = 0;
3479 GetDockBar().ShowWindow(SW_HIDE);
3480 m_DockStyle = m_DockStyle & 0xFFFFFFF0;
3481 m_DockStyle &= ~DS_DOCKED_CONTAINER;
3483 return pDockUndockedFrom;
3486 inline void CDocker::SetUndockPosition(CPoint pt)
3488 m_Undocking = TRUE;
3490 rc = GetDockClient().GetWindowRect();
3491 CRect rcTest = rc;
3492 rcTest.bottom = MIN(rcTest.bottom, rcTest.top + m_NCHeight);
3493 if ( !rcTest.PtInRect(pt))
3494 rc.SetRect(pt.x - rc.Width()/2, pt.y - m_NCHeight/2, pt.x + rc.Width()/2, pt.y - m_NCHeight/2 + rc.Height());
3496 ConvertToPopup(rc);
3497 m_Undocking = FALSE;
3499 // Send the undock notification to the frame
3500 NMHDR nmhdr = {0};
3501 nmhdr.hwndFrom = m_hWnd;
3502 nmhdr.code = UWM_UNDOCKED;
3503 nmhdr.idFrom = m_nDockID;
3504 CWnd* pFrame = GetDockAncestor()->GetAncestor();
3505 pFrame->SendMessage(WM_NOTIFY, m_nDockID, (LPARAM)&nmhdr);
3507 // Initiate the window move
3508 SetCursorPos(pt.x, pt.y);
3509 ScreenToClient(pt);
3510 PostMessage(WM_SYSCOMMAND, (WPARAM)(SC_MOVE|0x0002), MAKELPARAM(pt.x, pt.y));
3513 inline void CDocker::Undock(CPoint pt, BOOL bShowUndocked)
3515 // Return if we shouldn't undock
3516 if (GetDockStyle() & DS_NO_UNDOCK) return;
3518 // Undocking isn't supported on Win95
3519 if (1400 == GetWinVersion()) return;
3521 CDocker* pDockUndockedFrom = SeparateFromDock();
3523 // Position and draw the undocked window, unless it is about to be closed
3524 if (bShowUndocked)
3526 SetUndockPosition(pt);
3529 RecalcDockLayout();
3530 if ((pDockUndockedFrom) && (pDockUndockedFrom->GetTopmostDocker() != GetTopmostDocker()))
3531 pDockUndockedFrom->RecalcDockLayout();
3534 inline void CDocker::UndockContainer(CDockContainer* pContainer, CPoint pt, BOOL bShowUndocked)
3536 assert(pContainer);
3537 assert(this == GetDockFromView(pContainer->GetContainerParent()));
3539 // Return if we shouldn't undock
3540 if (GetDockFromView(pContainer)->GetDockStyle() & DS_NO_UNDOCK) return;
3542 if (GetDockFromView(pContainer) == GetDockAncestor()) return;
3544 // Undocking isn't supported on Win95
3545 if (1400 == GetWinVersion()) return;
3547 GetTopmostDocker()->m_hOldFocus = 0;
3548 CDocker* pDockUndockedFrom = GetDockFromView(pContainer->GetContainerParent());
3549 pDockUndockedFrom->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE);
3550 if (GetView() == pContainer)
3552 // The parent container is being undocked, so we need
3553 // to transfer our child containers to a different docker
3555 // Choose a new docker from among the dockers for child containers
3556 CDocker* pDockNew = 0;
3557 CDocker* pDockOld = GetDockFromView(pContainer);
3558 std::vector<ContainerInfo> AllContainers = pContainer->GetAllContainers();
3559 std::vector<ContainerInfo>::iterator iter = AllContainers.begin();
3560 while ((0 == pDockNew) && (iter < AllContainers.end()))
3562 if ((*iter).pContainer != pContainer)
3563 pDockNew = (CDocker*)FromHandle(::GetParent((*iter).pContainer->GetParent()->GetHwnd()));
3570 // Move containers from the old docker to the new docker
3571 CDockContainer* pContainerNew = (CDockContainer*)pDockNew->GetView();
3572 for (iter = AllContainers.begin(); iter != AllContainers.end(); ++iter)
3574 if ((*iter).pContainer != pContainer)
3576 CDockContainer* pChildContainer = (CDockContainer*)(*iter).pContainer;
3577 pContainer->RemoveContainer(pChildContainer);
3578 if (pContainerNew != pChildContainer)
3580 pContainerNew->AddContainer(pChildContainer);
3581 CDocker* pDock = GetDockFromView(pChildContainer);
3582 pDock->SetParent(pDockNew);
3583 pDock->m_pDockParent = pDockNew;
3588 // Now transfer the old docker's settings to the new one.
3589 pDockUndockedFrom = pDockNew;
3590 pDockNew->m_DockStyle = pDockOld->m_DockStyle;
3591 pDockNew->m_DockStartSize = pDockOld->m_DockStartSize;
3592 pDockNew->m_DockSizeRatio = pDockOld->m_DockSizeRatio;
3593 if (pDockOld->IsDocked())
3595 pDockNew->m_pDockParent = pDockOld->m_pDockParent;
3596 pDockNew->SetParent(pDockOld->GetParent());
3600 CRect rc = pDockOld->GetWindowRect();
3601 pDockNew->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE);
3603 pDockNew->SetWindowLongPtr(GWL_STYLE, dwStyle);
3604 pDockNew->m_pDockParent = 0;
3605 pDockNew->SetParent(0);
3608 pDockNew->GetDockBar().SetParent(pDockOld->GetParent());
3609 pDockNew->GetView()->SetFocus();
3611 // Transfer the Dock children to the new docker
3612 pDockOld->MoveDockChildren(pDockNew);
3614 // insert pDockNew into its DockParent's DockChildren vector
3615 if (pDockNew->m_pDockParent)
3617 std::vector<CDocker*>::iterator p;
3618 for (p = pDockNew->m_pDockParent->m_vDockChildren.begin(); p != pDockNew->m_pDockParent->m_vDockChildren.end(); ++p)
3622 pDockNew->m_pDockParent->m_vDockChildren.insert(p, pDockNew);
3631 // This is a child container, so simply remove it from the parent
3632 CDockContainer* pContainerParent = (CDockContainer*)GetView();
3633 pContainerParent->RemoveContainer(pContainer);
3634 pContainerParent->SetTabSize();
3635 pContainerParent->SetFocus();
3636 pContainerParent->GetViewPage().SetParent(pContainerParent);
3639 // Finally do the actual undocking
3640 CDocker* pDock = GetDockFromView(pContainer);
3641 CRect rc = GetDockClient().GetWindowRect();
3642 ScreenToClient(rc);
3643 pDock->GetDockClient().SetWindowPos(NULL, rc, SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
3644 pDock->Undock(pt, bShowUndocked);
3645 pDockUndockedFrom->ShowWindow();
3646 pDockUndockedFrom->RecalcDockLayout();
3647 pDock->BringWindowToTop();
3650 inline LRESULT CDocker::WndProcDefault(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
3655 OnActivate(wParam, lParam);
3657 case WM_SYSCOMMAND:
3658 return OnSysCommand(wParam, lParam);
3661 OnExitSizeMove(wParam, lParam);
3664 return OnWindowPosChanging(wParam, lParam);
3667 OnWindowPosChanged(wParam, lParam);
3670 OnDestroy(wParam, lParam);
3673 OnSetFocus(wParam, lParam);
3676 OnCaptionTimer(wParam, lParam);
3679 OnDockDestroyed(wParam, lParam);
3682 DrawAllCaptions();
3683 SetTimer(1, 100, NULL);
3686 OnSysColorChange(wParam, lParam);
3689 m_bIsDragging = FALSE;
3693 return CWnd::WndProcDefault(uMsg, wParam, lParam);
3697 //////////////////////////////////////
3698 // Declaration of the CDockContainer class
3699 inline CDockContainer::CDockContainer() : m_iCurrentPage(0), m_hTabIcon(0), m_nTabPressed(-1)
3701 m_pContainerParent = this;
3704 inline CDockContainer::~CDockContainer()
3707 DestroyIcon(m_hTabIcon);
3710 inline void CDockContainer::AddContainer(CDockContainer* pContainer)
3712 assert(pContainer);
3714 if (this == m_pContainerParent)
3716 ContainerInfo ci = {0};
3717 ci.pContainer = pContainer;
3718 lstrcpy(ci.szTitle, pContainer->GetTabText());
3719 ci.iImage = ImageList_AddIcon(GetImageList(), pContainer->GetTabIcon());
3720 int iNewPage = (int)m_vContainerInfo.size();
3721 m_vContainerInfo.push_back(ci);
3726 tie.mask = TCIF_TEXT | TCIF_IMAGE;
3727 tie.iImage = ci.iImage;
3728 tie.pszText = m_vContainerInfo[iNewPage].szTitle;
3729 TabCtrl_InsertItem(m_hWnd, iNewPage, &tie);
3734 pContainer->m_pContainerParent = this;
3735 if (pContainer->IsWindow())
3737 // Set the parent container relationships
3738 pContainer->GetViewPage().SetParent(this);
3739 pContainer->GetViewPage().ShowWindow(SW_HIDE);
3744 inline void CDockContainer::AddToolBarButton(UINT nID, BOOL bEnabled /* = TRUE */)
3745 // Adds Resource IDs to toolbar buttons.
3746 // A resource ID of 0 is a separator
3748 GetToolBar().AddButton(nID, bEnabled);
3751 inline CDockContainer* CDockContainer::GetContainerFromIndex(UINT nPage)
3753 CDockContainer* pContainer = NULL;
3754 if (nPage < m_vContainerInfo.size())
3755 pContainer = (CDockContainer*)m_vContainerInfo[nPage].pContainer;
3757 return pContainer;
3760 inline CWnd* CDockContainer::GetActiveView() const
3761 // Returns a pointer to the active view window, or NULL if there is no active veiw.
3763 CWnd* pWnd = NULL;
3764 if (m_pContainerParent->m_vContainerInfo.size() > 0)
3766 CDockContainer* pActiveContainer = m_pContainerParent->m_vContainerInfo[m_pContainerParent->m_iCurrentPage].pContainer;
3767 if (pActiveContainer->GetViewPage().GetView()->IsWindow())
3768 pWnd = pActiveContainer->GetViewPage().GetView();
3774 inline CDockContainer* CDockContainer::GetContainerFromView(CWnd* pView) const
3778 std::vector<ContainerInfo>::iterator iter;
3779 CDockContainer* pViewContainer = 0;
3780 for (iter = GetAllContainers().begin(); iter != GetAllContainers().end(); ++iter)
3782 CDockContainer* pContainer = (*iter).pContainer;
3783 if (pContainer->GetView() == pView)
3784 pViewContainer = pContainer;
3787 return pViewContainer;
3790 inline int CDockContainer::GetContainerIndex(CDockContainer* pContainer)
3792 assert(pContainer);
3795 for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_pContainerParent->m_vContainerInfo.size(); ++i)
3797 if (m_pContainerParent->m_vContainerInfo[i].pContainer == pContainer)
3804 inline SIZE CDockContainer::GetMaxTabTextSize()
3808 // Allocate an iterator for the ContainerInfo vector
3809 std::vector<ContainerInfo>::iterator iter;
3811 for (iter = m_vContainerInfo.begin(); iter != m_vContainerInfo.end(); ++iter)
3814 CClientDC dc(this);
3815 NONCLIENTMETRICS info = {0};
3816 info.cbSize = GetSizeofNonClientMetrics();
3817 SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, sizeof(info), &info, 0);
3818 dc.CreateFontIndirect(&info.lfStatusFont);
3819 TempSize = dc.GetTextExtentPoint32(iter->szTitle, lstrlen(iter->szTitle));
3820 if (TempSize.cx > Size.cx)
3827 inline void CDockContainer::SetupToolBar()
3829 // Use this function to set the Resource IDs for the toolbar(s).
3831 /* // Set the Resource IDs for the toolbar buttons
3832 AddToolBarButton( IDM_FILE_NEW );
3833 AddToolBarButton( IDM_FILE_OPEN );
3834 AddToolBarButton( IDM_FILE_SAVE );
3835 AddToolBarButton( 0 ); // Separator
3836 AddToolBarButton( IDM_EDIT_CUT );
3837 AddToolBarButton( IDM_EDIT_COPY );
3838 AddToolBarButton( IDM_EDIT_PASTE );
3839 AddToolBarButton( 0 ); // Separator
3840 AddToolBarButton( IDM_FILE_PRINT );
3841 AddToolBarButton( 0 ); // Separator
3842 AddToolBarButton( IDM_HELP_ABOUT );
3846 inline void CDockContainer::OnCreate()
3848 assert(GetView()); // Use SetView in CMainFrame's constructor to set the view window
3850 ContainerInfo ci = {0};
3851 ci.pContainer = this;
3852 lstrcpy(ci.szTitle, GetTabText());
3853 ci.iImage = ImageList_AddIcon(GetImageList(), GetTabIcon());
3854 m_vContainerInfo.push_back(ci);
3856 // Create the page window
3857 GetViewPage().Create(this);
3859 // Create the toolbar
3860 GetToolBar().Create(&GetViewPage());
3861 DWORD style = (DWORD)GetToolBar().GetWindowLongPtr(GWL_STYLE);
3862 style |= CCS_NODIVIDER ;
3863 GetToolBar().SetWindowLongPtr(GWL_STYLE, style);
3865 if (GetToolBar().GetToolBarData().size() > 0)
3867 // Set the toolbar images
3868 // A mask of 192,192,192 is compatible with AddBitmap (for Win95)
3869 if (!GetToolBar().SendMessage(TB_GETIMAGELIST, 0L, 0L))
3870 GetToolBar().SetImages(RGB(192,192,192), IDW_MAIN, 0, 0);
3872 GetToolBar().SendMessage(TB_AUTOSIZE, 0L, 0L);
3875 GetToolBar().Destroy();
3877 SetFixedWidth(TRUE);
3878 SetOwnerDraw(TRUE);
3880 // Add tabs for each container.
3881 for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_vContainerInfo.size(); ++i)
3883 // Add tabs for each view.
3885 tie.mask = TCIF_TEXT | TCIF_IMAGE;
3887 tie.pszText = m_vContainerInfo[i].szTitle;
3888 TabCtrl_InsertItem(m_hWnd, i, &tie);
3892 inline void CDockContainer::OnLButtonDown(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
3894 // Overrides CTab::OnLButtonDown
3898 CPoint pt((DWORD)lParam);
3899 TCHITTESTINFO info = {0};
3901 m_nTabPressed = HitTest(info);
3904 inline void CDockContainer::OnLButtonUp(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
3906 // Overrides CTab::OnLButtonUp and takes no action
3912 inline void CDockContainer::OnMouseLeave(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
3914 // Overrides CTab::OnMouseLeave
3916 if (IsLeftButtonDown() && (m_nTabPressed >= 0))
3918 CDocker* pDock = (CDocker*)FromHandle(::GetParent(GetParent()->GetHwnd()));
3919 if (dynamic_cast<CDocker*>(pDock))
3921 CDockContainer* pContainer = GetContainerFromIndex(m_iCurrentPage);
3922 pDock->UndockContainer(pContainer, GetCursorPos(), TRUE);
3926 m_nTabPressed = -1;
3927 CTab::OnMouseLeave(wParam, lParam);
3930 inline LRESULT CDockContainer::OnNotifyReflect(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
3934 switch (((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code)
3936 case TCN_SELCHANGE:
3938 // Display the newly selected tab page
3939 int nPage = GetCurSel();
3940 SelectPage(nPage);
3948 inline void CDockContainer::PreCreate(CREATESTRUCT &cs)
3950 // For Tabs on the bottom, add the TCS_BOTTOM style
3951 CTab::PreCreate(cs);
3952 cs.style |= TCS_BOTTOM;
3955 inline void CDockContainer::RecalcLayout()
3957 if (GetContainerParent() == this)
3959 // Set the tab sizes
3962 // Position the View over the tab control's display area
3963 CRect rc = GetClientRect();
3964 AdjustRect(FALSE, &rc);
3965 CDockContainer* pContainer = m_vContainerInfo[m_iCurrentPage].pContainer;
3966 pContainer->GetViewPage().SetWindowPos(0, rc, SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
3970 inline void CDockContainer::RemoveContainer(CDockContainer* pWnd)
3975 int iTab = GetContainerIndex(pWnd);
3978 // DeleteItem(iTab);
3979 TabCtrl_DeleteItem(m_hWnd, iTab);
3982 // Remove the ContainerInfo entry
3983 std::vector<ContainerInfo>::iterator iter;
3985 for (iter = m_vContainerInfo.begin(); iter != m_vContainerInfo.end(); ++iter)
3987 if (iter->pContainer == pWnd)
3989 iImage = (*iter).iImage;
3991 TabCtrl_RemoveImage(m_hWnd, iImage);
3993 m_vContainerInfo.erase(iter);
3998 // Set the parent container relationships
3999 pWnd->GetViewPage().SetParent(pWnd);
4000 pWnd->m_pContainerParent = pWnd;
4002 // Display the first page
4003 m_iCurrentPage = 0;
4008 inline void CDockContainer::SelectPage(int nPage)
4010 if (this != m_pContainerParent)
4011 m_pContainerParent->SelectPage(nPage);
4014 if ((nPage >= 0) && (nPage < (int)m_vContainerInfo.size() ))
4016 if (GetCurSel() != nPage)
4019 // Create the new container window if required
4020 if (!m_vContainerInfo[nPage].pContainer->IsWindow())
4022 CDockContainer* pContainer = m_vContainerInfo[nPage].pContainer;
4023 pContainer->Create(GetParent());
4024 pContainer->GetViewPage().SetParent(this);
4027 // Determine the size of the tab page's view area
4028 CRect rc = GetClientRect();
4029 AdjustRect(FALSE, &rc);
4031 // Swap the pages over
4032 CDockContainer* pOldContainer = m_vContainerInfo[m_iCurrentPage].pContainer;
4033 CDockContainer* pNewContainer = m_vContainerInfo[nPage].pContainer;
4034 pOldContainer->GetViewPage().ShowWindow(SW_HIDE);
4035 pNewContainer->GetViewPage().SetWindowPos(0, rc, SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
4036 pNewContainer->GetViewPage().GetView()->SetFocus();
4038 // Adjust the docking caption
4039 CDocker* pDock = (CDocker*)FromHandle(::GetParent(::GetParent(m_hWnd)));
4040 if (dynamic_cast<CDocker*>(pDock))
4042 pDock->SetCaption(pNewContainer->GetDockCaption().c_str());
4043 pDock->RedrawWindow();
4046 m_iCurrentPage = nPage;
4051 inline void CDockContainer::SetActiveContainer(CDockContainer* pContainer)
4053 int nPage = GetContainerIndex(pContainer);
4054 assert (0 <= nPage);
4055 SelectPage(nPage);
4058 inline void CDockContainer::SetTabIcon(UINT nID_Icon)
4060 HICON hIcon = (HICON)LoadImage(GetApp()->GetResourceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(nID_Icon), IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, LR_SHARED);
4061 SetTabIcon(hIcon);
4064 inline void CDockContainer::SetTabSize()
4066 CRect rc = GetClientRect();
4067 AdjustRect(FALSE, &rc);
4068 if (rc.Width() < 0 )
4069 rc.SetRectEmpty();
4071 int nItemWidth = MIN(25 + GetMaxTabTextSize().cx, (rc.Width()-2)/(int)m_vContainerInfo.size());
4072 int nItemHeight = MAX(20, GetTextHeight() + 5);
4073 SendMessage(TCM_SETITEMSIZE, 0L, MAKELPARAM(nItemWidth, nItemHeight));
4076 inline void CDockContainer::SetTabText(UINT nTab, LPCTSTR szText)
4078 CDockContainer* pContainer = GetContainerParent()->GetContainerFromIndex(nTab);
4079 pContainer->SetTabText(szText);
4081 CTab::SetTabText(nTab, szText);
4084 inline void CDockContainer::SetView(CWnd& Wnd)
4086 GetViewPage().SetView(Wnd);
4089 inline LRESULT CDockContainer::WndProcDefault(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
4097 // The following are called in CTab::WndProcDefault
4098 // case WM_LBUTTONDOWN:
4099 // OnLButtonDown(wParam, lParam);
4101 // case WM_LBUTTONUP:
4102 // OnLButtonUp(wParam, lParam);
4104 // case WM_MOUSELEAVE:
4105 // OnMouseLeave(wParam, lParam);
4110 // Pass focus on to the current view
4111 GetActiveView()->SetFocus();
4116 // pass unhandled messages on to CTab for processing
4117 return CTab::WndProcDefault(uMsg, wParam, lParam);
4121 ///////////////////////////////////////////
4122 // Declaration of the nested CViewPage class
4123 inline BOOL CDockContainer::CViewPage::OnCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
4125 CDockContainer* pContainer = (CDockContainer*)GetParent();
4126 BOOL bResult = FALSE;
4127 if (pContainer && pContainer->GetActiveContainer())
4128 bResult = (BOOL)pContainer->GetActiveContainer()->SendMessage(WM_COMMAND, wParam, lParam);
4133 inline void CDockContainer::CViewPage::OnCreate()
4136 m_pView->Create(this);
4139 inline LRESULT CDockContainer::CViewPage::OnNotify(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
4143 switch (((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code)
4146 // Display tooltips for the toolbar
4149 int iIndex = GetToolBar().HitTest();
4153 int nID = GetToolBar().GetCommandID(iIndex);
4156 m_strTooltip = LoadString(nID);
4157 lpDispInfo->lpszText = (LPTSTR)m_strTooltip.c_str();
4160 m_strTooltip = _T("");
4164 } // switch LPNMHDR
4169 inline void CDockContainer::CViewPage::PreRegisterClass(WNDCLASS &wc)
4171 wc.lpszClassName = _T("Win32++ TabPage");
4172 wc.hCursor = ::LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
4175 inline void CDockContainer::CViewPage::RecalcLayout()
4177 CRect rc = GetClientRect();
4178 if (GetToolBar().IsWindow())
4180 GetToolBar().SendMessage(TB_AUTOSIZE, 0L, 0L);
4181 CRect rcToolBar = m_ToolBar.GetClientRect();
4182 rc.top += rcToolBar.Height();
4185 GetView()->SetWindowPos(NULL, rc, SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
4188 inline void CDockContainer::CViewPage::SetView(CWnd& wndView)
4189 // Sets or changes the View window displayed within the frame
4191 // Assign the view window
4192 m_pView = &wndView;
4196 if (!m_pView->IsWindow())
4198 // The container is already created, so create and position the new view too
4199 GetView()->Create(this);
4206 inline LRESULT CDockContainer::CViewPage::WndProcDefault(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
4214 switch (((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code)
4216 // Send the focus change notifications to the grandparent
4217 case NM_KILLFOCUS:
4220 ::SendMessage(::GetParent(::GetParent(m_hWnd)), WM_NOTIFY, wParam, lParam);
4227 // pass unhandled messages on for default processing
4228 return CWnd::WndProcDefault(uMsg, wParam, lParam);
4231 } // namespace Win32xx
4233 #endif // _WIN32XX_DOCKING_H_