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[matches/honours.git] / research / transmission_spectroscopy / TOF / Win32++ / include / info.txt
1 Generic Information about Win32++ Projects\r
2 ==========================================\r
3 The various directories may contain the following types of files:\r
4 \r
5 Extension | Description\r
6 ----------+------------\r
7 cbp       | A project file used by CodeBlocks\r
8 dsp       | A project file used by Visual Studio 6\r
9 dsw       | A project file used by Visual Studio 6\r
10 sln       | A project file used by Visual Studio 2003, VS2005 or VS2008\r
11 vcproj    | A project file used by Visual Studio 2003, VS2005 or VS2008\r
12 vcxproj   | A project file used by Visual Studio 2010\r
13 filters   | A supplementary project file used by Visual Studio 2010\r
14 bdsproj   | A project file used by Borland Developer Studio 2006 \r
15 bpf       | A project file used by Borland Developer Studio 2006 \r
16 vcp       | A project file used by eMbedded Visual C++\r
17 vcw       | A project file used by eMbedded Visual C++\r
18 dev       | A project file used by Dev-C++\r
19 cpp       | A C++ source file \r
20 h         | A C++ header file\r
21 rc        | A C++ resouce script file\r
22 jpg       | A jpeg resource file\r
23 ico       | An icon resource file\r
24 bmp       | A bitmap resource file\r
25 cur       | A cursor resource file\r
26 manifest  | A manifest resource file\r
27 txt       | A text file\r
28 xml       | An Extensible Markup Language file (defines the ribbon UI) \r
29 \r
30 Supported Compilers and Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)\r
31 ==================================================================\r
32 Win32++ supports the following:\r
33 * Borland Compiler Version 5.5\r
34 * Borland Developer Studio 2006\r
35 * Borland Turbo C++ 2006\r
36 * CodeBlocks\r
37 * Dev-C++\r
38 * MinGW GCC Compiler\r
39 * Visual Studio 6\r
40 * Visual 2003\r
41 * Visual C++ Toolkit 2003\r
42 * Visual 2005\r
43 * Visual 2005 Express\r
44 * Visual 2008\r
45 * Visual 2008 Express\r
46 * Visual 2010\r
47 \r
48 CodeBlocks is an IDE. The project files are configured for the following \r
49 compilers:\r
50 * Borland Compiler Version 5.5\r
51 * MinGW GNU compiler\r
52 * Visual C++ Toolkit 2003\r
53 \r
54 Dev-C++ is an IDE which supports the MinGW GNU compiler\r
55 \r
56 Supported Operating Systems\r
57 ===========================\r
58 The programs compiled with Win32++ can run on the following operating systems:\r
59 * Win95 (all versions, with or without Internet Explorer 4 installed)\r
60 * Win98 (both versions)\r
61 * WinME\r
62 * Windows NT 4\r
63 * Windows 2000\r
64 * Windows XP\r
65 * Windows XP x64\r
66 * Windows Vista\r
67 * Windows Vista x64\r
68 * Windows 7\r
69 * Windows 7 x64\r
70 * Windows Server 2003\r
71 * Windows Server 2003 x64\r
72 * Windows Server 2008\r
73 * Windows Server 2008 x64\r
74 * Windows CE\r
75 \r
76 Note: Programs compiled with Visual 2008 and Visual 2008 \r
77 Express will not run on Win32 operating systems earlier than Windows 2000.\r
78 \r
79 Win32++ automatically detects if the operating system is capable of using\r
80 rebars. If rebars are not supported by the OS, Win32++ produces a frame without \r
81 rebars.\r
82 \r
83 Win32++ is Unicode compliant and can therefore be used to develop Unicode\r
84 applications. Users are advised that older operating systems (namely Win95, \r
85 Win98 and WinME) don't support Unicode applications.\r
86 \r
87 Win32++ supports 64bit compilers, and can be used to develop 64bit code.\r
88 \r
89 Directory Structure\r
90 ===================\r
91 When extracting the files from the zip archive, be sure to preserve the \r
92 directory structure. The directory structure will typically look like this:\r
93 \r
94 .\include\r
95 .\new projects\r
96 .\output\r
97 .\samples\r
98 .\tools\r
99 .\tutorials\r
100 .\WCE samples\r
101 \r
102 The files which form the Win32++ library are contained in the include\r
103 subdirectory. \r
104 \r
105 Components of Win32++\r
106 =====================\r
107 \r
108  Files            |  Classes         | Operating Systems | Description\r
109 ==================+==================+===================+=====================\r
110 controls.h        | CAnimation       | Win32, Win64      | Adds support for the\r
111                   | CComboBox        | and WinCE         | following controls:\r
112                                   |     CComboBoxEx      |                   | Animation, ComboBox, \r
113                                   |     CProgressBar     |                   | ComboBoxEx, Progress\r
114                                   | CScrollBar       |                   | bar, Scroll bar,\r
115                                   |     CSlider          |                   | Slider, Spin button.\r
116                                   |     CSpinButton      |                   |\r
117 ------------------+------------------+-------------------+---------------------                           \r
118 dialog.h          | CDialog          | Win32, Win64      | Adds dialog support.\r
119                   | CResizer         | WinCE for CDialog |\r
120 ------------------+------------------+-------------------+---------------------\r
121 docking.h         | CDocker          | Win32, Win64      | Adds support for\r
122                   | CDockContainer   |                   | docking windows and\r
123                   |                  |                   | splitter windows. \r
124 ------------------+------------------+-------------------+---------------------                   \r
125 frame.h           | CMenubar         | Win32, Win64      | Adds support for\r
126                   | CFrame           |                   | frames. Frames use a\r
127                   |                  |                   | toolbar and menubar\r
128                   |                  |                   | inside a rebar, and \r
129                   |                  |                   | a statusbar.  \r
130 ------------------+------------------+-------------------+---------------------\r
131 gdi.h             | CDC              | Win32, Win64      | A helper class for \r
132                   | CBitmap          | and WinCE         | GDI graphics.\r
133                   | CBrush           |                   |\r
134                   | CFont            |                   |\r
135                   | CPalette         |                   |\r
136                   | CPen             |                   |\r
137                   | CRgn                     |                   |\r
138 ------------------+------------------+-------------------+---------------------\r
139 listView.h        | CListView        | Win32, Win64      | Adds support for a\r
140                   |                  | and WinCE         | ListView control.                  \r
141 ------------------+------------------+-------------------+---------------------  \r
142 mdi.h             | CMDIFrame        | Win32, Win64      | Adds support for MDI\r
143                   | CMDIChild        |                   | frames.                  \r
144 ------------------+------------------+-------------------+---------------------\r
145 propertysheet.h   | CPropertySheet   | Win32, Win64      | Adds property sheet\r
146                   | CPropertyPage    | and WinCE         | support.\r
147 ------------------+------------------+-------------------+---------------------\r
148 rebar.h           | CRebar           | Win32, Win64      | Adds support for a \r
149                   |                  | and WinCE         | Rebar control.                  \r
150 ------------------+------------------+-------------------+---------------------\r
151 ribbon.h          | CRibbon          | Win32, Win64      | Adds support for the \r
152                   | CRibbonFrame     |                   | Windows 7 ribbon.                  \r
153 ------------------+------------------+-------------------+---------------------\r
154 shared_ptr.h      | Shared_Ptr       | Win32, Win64,     | Add a smart pointer\r
155                   |                  | and WinCE         | for use in vectors.\r
156 ------------------+------------------+-------------------+---------------------\r
157 socket.h          | CSocket          | Win32, Win64      | Adds network  \r
158                   |                  | and WinCE         | support.\r
159 ------------------+------------------+-------------------+---------------------\r
160 splitter.h        | CSplitter        | Win32, Win64      | Adds splitter support\r
161                   |                  |                   | (depreciated)\r
162 ------------------+------------------+-------------------+----------------------             \r
163 statusbar.h       | CStatusbar       | Win32, Win64      | Adds support for a\r
164                   |                  | and WinCE         | Status bar control.\r
165 ------------------+------------------+-------------------+---------------------\r
166 stdcontrols.h     | CButton          | Win32, Win64      | Adds support for\r
167                   | CEdit            | and WinCE         | Button, Edit, \r
168                   | CListBox         |                   | ListBox and Static    \r
169                   | CStatic          |                   | controls.                                       \r
170 ------------------+------------------+-------------------+---------------------\r
171 tab.h             | CTab             | Win32, Win64      | Adds support for tab\r
172                   | CMDITab          |                   | controls, and MDI\r
173                   |                  |                   | tab windows.                   \r
174 ------------------+------------------+-------------------+---------------------\r
175 taskdialog.h      | CTaskDialog      | Win32, Win64      | Adds support for tab\r
176                   |                  |                   | task dialogs.                   \r
177 ------------------+------------------+-------------------+---------------------\r
178 thread.h          | CThread          | Win32, Win64      | Adds support for\r
179                   |                  | and WinCE         | threads.\r
180 ------------------+------------------+-------------------+---------------------\r
181 toolbar.h         | CToolbar         | Win32, Win64      | Adds support for a\r
182                   |                  | and WinCE         | Toolbar control.\r
183 ------------------+------------------+-------------------+---------------------\r
184 treeview.h        | CTreeView        | Win32, Win64      | Adds support for a\r
185                   |                  | and WinCE         | TreeView control.\r
186 ------------------+------------------+-------------------+---------------------\r
187 wceframe.h        | CWceFrame        | WinCE only        | Adds support for\r
188                   | CCmdbar          |                   | frames in WinCE.\r
189 ------------------+------------------+-------------------+---------------------\r
190 webbrowser.h      | CAXWindow        | Win32, Win64      | Adds support for a\r
191                   | CWebBrowser      | and WinCE         | ActiveX container and\r
192                   |                  |                   | a WebBrowser window.\r
193 ------------------+------------------+-------------------+---------------------\r
194 wincore.h         | CCriticalSection | Win32, Win64,     | The core set of \r
195                   | CWinApp          | and WinCE         | classes required for\r
196                   | CWinException    |                   | all Win32++ \r
197                   | CWnd             |                   | applications. \r
198 ------------------+------------------+-------------------+---------------------\r
199 winutils.h        | CPoint           | Win32, Win64,     | Additional utility\r
200                   | CRect            | and WinCE         | classes.\r
201                   | CSize            |                   |  \r
202 ------------------+------------------+-------------------+---------------------  \r
203 \r
204 Refer to the help documentation that ships with Win32++ for more information on\r
205 using Win32++.

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